《Winter Wonderland》The Usurper from the wilds: part 8
"Housewarden Leona!"
"These students are trespassing on our territory!"
"Let's teach 'em a little lesson! Heh heh heh."
"What a bunch of snitches" Y/n mumbled, shaking her head in a displeased fashion.
A particular hyena recognized the group, landing his eyes on the two females and raccoon. "Ah, I believe we met earlier, at the cafeteria," he said.
"And that botanical garden as well..." Y/n whispered in Yuuna's ears to remind her. "ah!" Yuu yelled, remembering Ruggie.
Grim seemed to have remembered as well since he instantly glared at the Hyena beastmen. "Hey! It's the Grilled Cheeseburglar!" he shouts, pointing at Ruggie with anger.
"Hey no, friend. Let's not get carried away with such delicious-sounding nicknames." Ruggie spoke, putting his hands up in defense. "I have a proper name befitting my manly stature. It's Ruggie Bucchi. Don't wear it out." he introduced himself, turning towards the frost queen, smirking. "It's a pleasure to meet her majesty, the Frost Empress, herself. Shihihi" he bowed.
Y/n just huffed, looking up towards her magic cloud, blowing cold air to make it snow more, like a yuki-onna.
Leona then noticed Yuuna, glaring at her. "Hey...I know you."
"Y-you do...?" Yuuna stuttered.
Leona nodded. "You're that herbivore who stepped on my tail at the botanical gardens," he said, taking a step closer towards the girl who flinched. Y/n stood her ground, making a protective growl towards the lion, showing her sharp fangs. Leona smirked, intrigued by her fearless attitude.
"You...You stepped on the housewarden's tail?" a Savanaclaw student asked, freaking out upon hearing the news. "Now you're really gonna pay!"
Yuuna shivered from fear, "I-I'm sorry...I really didn't mean to" oh boy, she was scared. Like she was being cornered by Predators, and she was its prey.
Y/n harden her glare, if she was like a certain ENIGMA, then her glare could possibly kill...
"'Sorry' is not good enough!"
"Well, Kitty shouldn't have put his lion out in the open" Y/n growled, causing the Savanaclaw students' ears to drop.
"H-her glare and tone are exactly what the rumors had said..."
"The true Ice Empress"
"Oh, that's right" Ruggie's ears twitched a bit. "I thought I'd seen you somewhere other than the cafeteria. It was in the gardens, huh?"
"C'mon, Leona, Ruggie-let's beat 'em up!"
Leona let out a tired sigh. "Stop yappin' like a pack of wild dogs. You really wanna risk starting a fight before the tournament? What if you get disqualified." he pointed out. "Plus, that pesky frost queen has that red-haired brat and Malleus under her wing, it will get annoying if they found out that we hurt their oh-so-precious mate" he spoke in a mocking tone.
"Ara?~" Y/n cooed
"What, so you're just gonna let 'em walk away? Not even nibble on 'em a little?!"
"No one's letting anyone walk away" Leona looked towards Y/n and smirked. "We're gonna resolve this with a 'friendly' game of Spelldrive."
"Spelldrive?" both the Savanclaw students and Y/n spoke in unison.
"After all, it doesn't violate any school rules to cast spells during a game of Spelldrive" Leona stated.
" Alright then, kitty. But, I hope your don't underestmate me~" Y/n agreed, cracking her fingers.
Ruggie laughed. "I doupt your teammates could endure so much as a single game" he teased. Y/n smirked as her aura aura begin to glow a frost blue with ice particles around her, she was masking her anger with a smirk, like Shinobu-
Yuuna was about to protest, since she just wanted to leave. Plus, she doesn't even know how to play Spelldrive just yet. A hand was placed on each other her shoulders, hands belonging to Deuce and Ace who gave her a reassuring smile.
Grim glared at the Hyena. "Welp, I'm not takin' THAT lyin' down. Now we got no choice but to fight"
"You say that like we had a choice to begin with." Deuce sighed.
"All right, fine! Your're on." Ace let out a smirk as well, clearly hyped up about getting to play Spelldrive. He turned to Cater, shouting his name. "Remember this when you pick the official team!"
"Are you kidding me here...?" Cater spoke in disbelief. "Hashtag lame. All right, let's do this..." Cater sighed, turning to Yuuna. "Yuu, you watch from the sidelines. Try to read their movements and convey it to us, okay?"
"But I want to help..." Yuuna spoke. Y/n turned to Yuuna, patting her head. "It's alright Yuu-chan. I can tell that you're quite fatigue, since it is best to follow Cater's suggestion."
"What about you, [nickname]?" Yuuna asked, worried for her friend. "Don't worry about me. I've been playing Spelldrive for 200 years" Y/n grinned.
Cater paused for a bit. 'That's how long Camelius has been playing...nah, anyone could be playing that long'
Yuuna let out a defeated sigh. "Alright..."
"That's good. Thank you, Yuu-chan" Y/n thanked. Everyone walked to the rocky stepps that lead to the stadium inside of Spelldrive Stadium. Ruggie guided Yuuna to a bench where she can watch and ran back to Leona.
Everyone got to their positions, with Y/n ready to lead her team. Deuce, Ace, and Grim stood ground, materializing their magic as Y/n summoned her frost staff. Cater was above them, flying on a broom.
"I'm about to tear you guys apart!" Grim shouts.
"Oh Grim.." Y/n sighed.
"Keep that talk up while you still can! Shihihihihi" RUggie laughed.
"Fine by me. There's no fun in prey that doesn't bite back. Let's go, herbivores. Do your worst." Leona smriked, getting ready to play.
The game has started, but before anyone could even blink, the 1st year team plus Cater minus Yuuna, scored a point, with Y/n stood, smirking towards the Housewarden of Savanaclaw.
"I'm surprise you didn't see that, Kitty~" she teased as the Leona let out a low growl
Grim scored a point for the team. "That's how it's done! Keep up the pressure and stay on offense!"
"I'm not liking the smirks they've got plastered on their faces one bit..." Ace groaned.
"Good eye, Acey. I think your read's dead on" Cater spoke.
"Heh, don't worry too much, Ace. After all, cockiness will get them nowhere" Y/n grinned.
Meanwhile on the other side of the field.
"They're better than expected, huh, Leona? Especially Y/n, she plays as well as Camelius-senpai" Ruggie chuckled.
"We were so close! We could have reached the goal if he hasn't swiped the disc!" Deuce exclaimed.
"Not the sharpest claws in the plains, huh? We've just been toyin' with our prey. Rraaah!" Leona used his magic to launch the disc towards the goal. It was about to go inside of the goal but it was stopped when Y/n caught it. "Hahaha, nice try~"
"Dude! What was THAT?! That long was insane, but it was caught by Y/n?!" Ace yelped in surprise.
"You guys should be trained more. Changing a long shot is child's play after all" Y/n smirked as she did a long shot as well, which made it to the goal, giving the team another point.
"Tch...I'm far from through with you....hehehe" Leona spoke, getting ready to win
Everyone, except for Savanaclaw and Y/n was panting for exhaustion.
"No way...we actually won!" Ace panted.
"It's thanks to Y/n...her defense and offense have no weak links" Deuce panted as well.
"Listen, Leona, sweetheart...everyone knows you're a Spelldrive legend. But we all know you we can't compete against Y/n. She's been playing for 200 years..." Cater spoke
"Are you guys giving up already?" Y/n asked, completely unbothered by the exhaustion. After all, she has a lot of stamina.
"Shihihihihi! Where'd all that swagger go?" Ruggie asked the group, chuckling.
"On your feet, Herbivores. We're having a rematch!" Leona growled, not accepting defeat from the fiance of his rival.
"Enough already. Stop this!" Yuuna shouts, running in between the teams, having her arms up in to stop Savanaclaw from doing anything.
"What's goin' on here?"
Everyone turned to the source of the voice to see Jack Howl.
"Huh? We're just having a little fun with some trespassers" Leona says.
"What's fun about tormenting amateur players? Especially women?" Jack asked, eyebrows furrowed as he looked at his seniors.
'Wow, he drinks 'respect women' juice' Y/n thought, drifting away from what's happening. She was dosing off, in deep thought.
"What's thiiis? Look at you, Jack! Heroically standing up for the downtrodden! How woefully admirable. Shihihihihi" Ruggie laughed.
Jack let out a low growl. "I'm just saying this is a disgusting spectacle and I don't wanna have to see it."
"....well, thanks. Now you've ruined all our fun." Leona complains, sighing in frustration.
"Whoa, Jack. You DO realize who you're talking to, right?" a Savanaclaw resident asked.
"If you're gonna play the upperclassman card, you oughta act the part." Jack huffed, crossing his arms.
"Whaaaaat did you say to me?! You want a piece of this too?!" another resident asked, lifting his fist, getting ready to fight, only to be stopped by Y/n, who used the famous dark magic to control the shadow of the resident who was about to jump Jack.
"W-what is this?!"
"You better not make a single step towards us. I wouldn't want to put you through Blood's refrain, do I?~" Y/n spoke in a cold tone. The resident who was paralyzed shook his head in fright. Y/n released him immediately after confirming that he wouldn't try anything sneaky.
Leona smirked at the girl. "Pretty bold, frosh. I guess I can respect that. All right now. Getting beaten by you chumps ain't accomplishin' a thing." Leona walked over to Y/n, who stood her ground.
He leaned towards her ear, taking another sniff of her scent. 'I can't help but be familiar with her scent...' he thought.
"Feel free to visit, Prefect Y/n~ You're more than welcome to visit anytime you want. After all, you are also part of my dorm" Leona spoke, remembering how the dark mirror said that Y/n was qualified to be in all dormitories, meaning, she was a member of all the dorms and being Amaryllis Housewarden.
Those who heard Leona looked at him in confusion. Leona could only chuckle at how red Y/n has gotten. After all, he was teasing her a little. He backed away, turning to Ruggie. "Let's go, Ruggie." he said while walking off back to the Dorm.
"Toodles." Ruggie waved, following after Leona.
"You lot better think twice about invading out territory again!" A resident spoke, mainly towards Yuuna, Ace, Deuce, Grim, and Cater.
"Is everyone ok?" Y/n asked.
"Huh. Well, I can't say that was my finest moment on the field." Cater sighed.
"Thank you for the help, Jack" Deuce thanked.
"Mhm! Thank you so much" Yuuna bowed in a thankful manner, making Jack blush.
"S-save it. I ain't in the business of charity work" Jack stuttered.
Y/n and Yuuna turned to look at each other, and then back at Jack, making a sheepish grin. "Tsun-Tsun~" "Tsundere-kun~," they both said at the same time.
Jack blushed even more. "Be quiet!"
"I'm drenched in mud over here!" Ace complained. "Let's just call it a day and go home" he sighed.
"Yeah, I'm getting pretty hungry over here," Grim said as Yuuna chuckled, picking up the raccoon.
"All right, Jack, we're taking off. Don't get in any accidents, you hear?" Cater advised the wolf.
"You've got a whole lotta nerve to be worrying about me. Now scram already." Jack huffed.
"Alright. Stay safe, Jack" Yuuna waved goodbye as the group walked off to their dorms to get some sleep.
Grim was snoring. "Mmmm. Didja sees that....*snore* Totally wrecked 'em with my power shot..." he kept on snoring. He looked all dusty and worn out.
Yuuna sighed. "Grim's sleep talk has me wide awake..." she spoke, sitting up from her bed. "Taking a stroll outside won't be too bad" she shrugged, grabbing a comfy haori, and placing it over her shoulders.
She walked outside of her room to bump into Y/n. "Huh? What are you doing awake?" Y/n asked. She was wearing a kimono robe, which showed a lot of her bust. (Like Uzui's wife's top)
Yuuna blushed a bit, before answering Y/n. "I was gonna get some fresh air."
Y/n seemed to nod. "Alright." she looked at the clock on the wall. "Don't stay up too late. You do need to wake up"
"Alright. Thanks" Yuuna excused herself as she walked outside to the front garden lawn of Amaryllis.
Yuuna shivered a bit. "Wow, it's gotten really cold..." she had her hair wrapped around higher for warmth.
"Hm? Who are you?" a voice asked, making Yuuna shrieked.
"Eek! A ghost?!" she jumped in fear, like a certain always crying demon slayer.
Yuuna turned around to see a tall guy with black colors horns sitting on top. "Well, this is a surprise. A child of man, are you?" the boy with horns observed the shivering human girl.
'This guy's got horns on his head...like Y/n.' Yuuna thought and took noticed the armband the boy's wearing. 'A green armband...Which house is that again?'
"U-uh. Are you a trespasser?!" Yuuna didn't know what to do and just grabbed the cloest thing near her, which was...
Y/n's flip flop
'What is her flip flop doing out here' Yuuna thought, it was the best way to at least protect herself with. "D-don't come any closer....o-or I'll call for [nickname]!" she stuttered in fear.
The boy with horn's eyes slightly widened at the sight of her threatening him with...his darling's flip flop. "What are you trying to do...?" he asked.
"W-WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE?!" Yuuna shouts a bit, waving the flip flop in front of her.
The boy with horns looked at the Ice palace and then back at Yuuna. "Do you also live here? I was under the impression that his dorm had only one resident for a bit" he slightly frowned a bit, making Yuuna raise the chance higher.
"Who are you?" Yuuna asked. Her question seemed to make the boy go in a state of shock for a bit, staring at her with slight disbelief. "Who am I...? You really don't who I am? Interesting." he lips turned into a small smile, remembering how his dear love, Y/n, and how they met 400 years ago. Y/n from 400 years ago also didn't know how the boy was when she was visiting the Valley of Thorns with her mother. It was when they realize that they were soulmates and 10 days later, they were engaged, but couldn't merry just yet until Y/n has found the rest of her soulmates. But that was fine, after all, he got to be by his fated lover's side, and even got to know her 400 years earlier than the rest of the soulmates, after all, most of them weren't even born just yet.
"What is your name?" the boy asked.
"I'm a member of the Amaryllis dorm, Yuuna Enma..." Yuuna introduced.
"Yuuna...I see, so your the child of man Y/n talks about." he chuckled. "I am...No, never mind I'd rather you remain unaware" he decided, as Yuuna gave a 'are you serious' look, making the boy chuckled at her expression.
"It's for your own benefit, I assure you. Instead, I will permit you to call me by a name of your choosing. Although, you may one day regret it..." He said with a mischievous smirk.
"But alas..." he sighed, decided to make up a little lie on why he was here. "If this place is already taken, then this old, abandoned dorm is no longer 'abandoned.' Pity" He frowned. He was good at acting. After all, he learned from the best. "I shall find some other ruins for my next nocturnal constitutional. Farewell." he excused himself as he teleports away, leaving some fireflies behind.
"He's gone...?" Yuuna mumbled. "And Ruins? Was he some kind of archaeologist?"
- In Serial8 Chapters
Rogue Dungeon: A LitRPG Adventure
From James A. Hunter, author of Viridian Gate Online and War God's Mantle! Check out my first attempt at a Dungeon litRPG Novel! Roark von Graf—hedge mage and lesser noble of Traisbin—is one of only a handful of Freedom fighters left, and he knows the Resistance’s days are numbered. Unless they do something drastic … But when a daring plan to unseat the Tyrant King goes awry, Roark finds himself on the run through an interdimensional portal, which strands him in a very unexpected location: an ultra-immersive, fantasy video game called Hearthworld. He can’t log out, his magic is on the fritz, and worst of all, he’s not even human. Now, he’s a low-class, run-of-the-mil Dungeon monster. Some disgusting, blue-skinned creature called a Troll. At least there’s one small silver lining—Roark managed the grab a powerful magic artifact on his way through the portal, and with it he might just be able to save the world after all. Unless, of course, the Tyrant King gets to him first …Hey everyone, so as most of you know, I write books for a living, and I just put this title up on Amazon (and enrolled it in KU). Because KU requires exclusivity as part of their terms of service, I have had to pull the majority of the content from this site. I left the full novel up for as long as possible, so I hope everyone got a chance to read it. If you haven't had a chance to read it in its entirety (sorry!) you can pick it up on Amazon. Thanks again for coming on this journey with me, and I so hope you enjoyed it. The book will be out on Tuesday July 24th. Best, James Hunter
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Tanjirou x Reader One-Shots (commissions open)
You read the title. Commissions or suggestions in comments. Anything will do. Have fun!If you want more just check out the full story on my main page.(Sanmiittai_Katudo #Reminders)~Slow updates~author-chan out~!
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Black Cat » The Vampire Diaries
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Central Cee X Reader {Playing No Game with U}
Okay so I'm a French user, and I'm not THAT good at English, but I'm going to try to make a super cool story for y'all bc I don't see a lot of central cee x reader, and it's really make me sad like guys we need some of them😩🤌. Hope you're going to enjoy, and I don't forget to continue the story !(^○^)!
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