《Bakusquad Oneshots》Sessions
★彡 May contain hard topics and incorrect info.. and definitely spelling errors. ★彡
This was requested!
Hope ya enjoy!
It's been a while since Katsuki and his friends had seen their friend, Remy.. they have been so busy with studies and school to go hang out with their bestie and drink and dance like always. Shoot up some and other shit... but they heard that they are going training at Remy's bar and they we're excited... Katsuki can finally show off his dancing and prove to Mina that he dances better than her.
Why were the teachers bringing them to a bar..? Simple! It was because they wanted to show the dangers of drinking on the job by showing pathetic drunk middle aged guys... and they also wanted to show how to deal with guys who are drunk. Considering many.. Many people drink to get rid of the sorrows or anger which could be dangerous if not done and taken care of properly.
Or whatever... Katsuki wasn't really listening.. he was very excited to see his bestie. Some thought they were dating, some just said they were very close friends... and at the end of the day Katsuki didn't care what they thought because... it didn't matter.
While the class got ready, Katsuki and his group decided to sneak off and go get ready for a fun night... If they were going to Remy's bar they 're not gonna wear anything basic.
He was sure the sleep deprived and possibly drunk teacher wouldn't notice a few students missing.
You know it's funny.. a teacher with a possibility of having a drinking problem teaching the issues with unsafe drinking. The irony.
Now Katsuki and his friends... including Remy.. they did not have a drinking problem... just depressed teens living their years out... well.. Kaminari and Mina had their moments but besides that it's usually good from them. Who hasn't broken a rule or law once or twice?
Isn't drinking better than slitting your wrists? Right. None are good... go speak your feelings out to a random stranger... yeah... whatever. They don't care.. At the end of the day... alcohol is the only thing saving their asses.
But besides that everything is fine... they will be there before the class shows up so technically they showed up for the training session... and well the rest.. Let's see how it goes.
Katsuki slipping one his boots.. cause boots go with everything and he felt wearing them soo boots it was.
He was waiting for the rest of his idiots to hurry the fuck up so they can be there before the class left.
Not even a minute later as he laced up his boots the door flung open.
"Hurry your bitch ass up!" Mina yelled with a giggle.
"I will kill you. I will lace your drink with the most toxic and deathly liquid I can find if you ever disrespect me again. I was waiting for your bitch ass, sis.. so don't try me." Katsuki snarled and he walked out of his dorm with his friend.
"I wouldn't doubt it." Mina laughed as they walked to meet up with their other friends who were outside.
They walked as always.. It was nice just walking the streets... it is never really quiet and peaceful but the rare moments it is... it feels amazing.
But not as much as the fun that happens after the walk...
Sometimes they would race as well... running, having run and tripping over each other multiple times... the faster to get to their beloved bestie.
Katsuki was of course the first to reach the bar... being the fastest and because he always wanted to win.. and even if wasn't the fastest.. his friends would always let him win... because that's what friends do.
Not long after his friends were right behind as he knocked on the back door of the bar.
"Ello my princess and comrades! Nice to see ya!" Remy said with a smile and he let his friends into the bar.
Katsuki jumped into Remy's arms and the rest of the group said their hello's to their green haired friend.
"Whaddup bro?" Kirishima asked and he fist bumped Remy.
"Nothing much! Bars practically empty due to yall class training. The old man said I gotta be one of the fake drunks... so y'all in it with me?" Remy asked with a sly smirk.
"Oh hell yeah!" Katsuki said happily and he jumped out of his bestie's arms and jumped into his usual bean bag chair, choosing the music as always.
"Bakubabe~ I wanna pick a song!" Mina whined as she ran over to where Katsuki was sitting.
"Fuck no! It's my fuckin thing!"
"That isn't a thing! You're just Remy's favorite! Which isn't fair at all!" Mina complained.
"Sucks to know I'm a god? Fuck you!" Katsuki snarled and went through the songs.
"Remy! I wanna play a song!" Mina complained to Remy who was walking over with two beers in his hands.
"Okay? What do you want me to do about it?" Remy replied with a shrug and he handed Katsuki and beer before sitting down next to him.
"It's your bar!" Mina insisted.
Remy smiled. "It's my dad's bar, silly."
"Dude Mina! Either way you're screwed. Katsuki is the favorite of Remy and his father so just drink your sorrows away cause you can't listen to a shitty song." Sero snickered as he took a shot of vodka.
Mina stomped off, grabbing the larger sized bottle of any alcohol causing the rest to burst out laughing.
About five minutes of drinking and joking around Remy's father walked in.
"Ahh hello Katsuki." Mr. Foster said with a smile.
"Hello!" Katsuki giggled.
"We are here too Mr. Foster! If you were wondering." Kamanari spoke with a giggle.
"I wasn't but thanks for telling." Mr. Foster said with a roll of his eyes.
Everyone laughing and giggling in response
"So..? Whatcha need, old man?" Remy asked.
"Go get ready, the class is coming soon," Mr. Foster spoke calmly. "It was nice seeing you again, Katsuki. And the others I guess." Mr. Foster spoke again before walking off.
"Damn. He really does us dirty." Kirishima said fake pout.
Remy laughed and sat up... grabbing a few more beers, the other besides grabbing their preferred alcoholic beverages. Remy always grabbed Katsuki's drinks, Katsuki saying his hands were too delicate for doing hard work.
Remy and the others set up the training area while Katsuki lounges back in his chair, drinking his drink slowly.
"Are we allowed to listen to music in the main area?" Katsuki asked sweetly.
"Of course, doll. We wouldn't want our sweet cheeks to be sad without his music." Remy spoke with a quick laugh and ducked underneath the pillow that was thrown at him.
Katsuki giggled and flipped Remy off, picking the music once again in the different room...
Not even five more minutes the group heard talking in the sign in the area... that must be the class... What fun was gonna happen.
Katsuki turned the music up louder and grabbed another beer, sitting in Remy's lap... waiting for their guests.
"Well babes.. let's get this party started." Remy chuckled and he watched the class walk into the bar area.
"I-Kachaan?!" Izuku gasped and he walked in.
"Whaddup nerd!"
Remy smacked Katsuki on the back of his head, "Be nice! We are here to have fun but be rude, silly."
"Whatever." Katsuki groaned and he took a sip of his beer.
"I-Is that alcohol?! Does auntie know about this?!" Izuku continued.
"And you want me to be nice to that?!" Katsuki scoffed.
"You have a point... but yes. We are here to have fun and help your classmates.. not to start fights." Remy chuckled as he pushed Katsuki off his lap to greet the rest of class.
"Hello! My name is Foster, Remy Foster! I assume you already know my friends considering they are in your class and today we will be part of the 5 different sessions of training you shall be undergoing today."
"Hmm. Problem children." Aizawa groaned and he sat down on a soar chair.
"Hey, Mr. Aizawa!" Kamanari said excitedly.
"Hello..." Aizawa mumbled.
"Uh! Mr. Aizawa! Do you not have a problem with this?!" Tenya shouted, his stupid arms movements as always.
"No. I am not sure why you thought they would be doing anything other than trouble... and it would be very hypocritical considering I am drunk all day everyday. How else would I deal with stuck up brats like you." Aizawa groaned, rubbing his head slightly.
Tenya stayed quiet..
"Damn... that was cool. Anyway as I was saying. We are five stages... the first four being the most important and the fifth... well that's gonna be fun.. " Remy giggled and he began to explain more into detail what was happening.
The first one; How to deal with black out, shitface drunks. Mainly drunks who were so ducking drunk they honestly can't function or look like they're dead.
The second one; How to deal with creeps and creepy drunks.. the creeps who don't know how to act right and need to be punched in the nose and kicked in the stomach.
The third one; How to deal with angry drunks. The ones who can't deal with anger ans happen to get drunk try to mask it but it gets worse as the drunk touches their lips and can get very violent.
The fourth one; How to deal with suicidal and sad drunks. Then ones who want to drink their sorrows away and possibly take their life.
Then the fifth one.. well Katsuki is in charge in that department. That was a mystery... only the Bakusquad plus Remy knew what was gonna happen in their... and they definitely were gonna make it fun.
To make it easier the class was split up into four groups.. so each could switch around and do the different parts.
The fifth was a whole group experience... something Katsuki wanted to do for fun... and see if any of his classmates weren't as much a loser as he thought they were.
And he just wanted to dance... he couldn't do that while the others were doing the dumb training shit.
Thought Katsuki could have sworn Tenya shit his pants when he saw Katsuki down a bottle of vodka and make a dick joke to Kaminari who spit out his beer laughing.
Though Shoto did seem.. interested... his confused dull face constantly looking over to Katsuki and the rest of the idiots.
That always made Katsuki happy... Although he did not like the fact that Izuku was constantly mumbling that drinking is bad... and worse when teens do it.
Rolling his eyes, Katsuki began to set up his plan... time to get a bunch of idiots on his side so they could treat him like a king...
Anyone to kiss the ground he walks on and disagrees with Izuku and Tenya.
And Shoto might just be the start of an awesome adventure.
Katsuki stood against the wall... watching as each group finished up their last part of the training session..
The first to finish first being Shoto's group... which sadly had Izuku and Tenya as well in the mix.
Tenya kept glaring at Katsuki while Izuku tried to stop mumbling about the dangers... thought Shoto still had curious glances.
Katsuki already explained to Remy and the rest of his idiots what he wanted to do and of course they were on board.
Mina, Kaminari, Sero and Kirishima we're gonna find the people Katsuki wasn't too focused on while Remy and Katsuki we're gonna piss off Tenya and Izuku while they got Shoto on their team.
Remy and Katsuki both on either side of Shoto...
"Ello my doll's classmate. How are you?" Remy asked sweetly.
Shoto blushed in embarrassment, "G-good..?"
"I see you have been staring at me and my good friends... drinking and having fun.... When was the last time you had fun..? It's been a hot minute, hasn't it?" Katsuki spoke up and he held onto one of Shoto's arms.
"Don't answer that Todoroki! He is trying to trick you!" Tenya shouted.
Remy gasped dramatically and he held onto Shoto's other arm, "Oh dear! Why would we trick him? He seems quite capable of making his own decisions.. What makes you think he can't?"
"I-I didn't say that!" Tenya insisted.
"It sounded like that, didn't it?" Katsuki smirked as he twisted Shoto around.
Remy nodded, "Indeed. It's a shame.. really."
"I-I can make decisions for myself!" Shoto insisted and he made Debye contact with Katsuki.
"We know you can! That's why we want you to come with us... have fun for once..?" Katsuki said with a sweet smile.
"Todoroki-kun! Y-you probably shouldn't l-listen to them.." Izuku mumbled..
"Oh geez... another person trying to stop ya... what a shame... bad friends.. bad friends indeed." Remy mumbled sadly.
"I agree with Remy... they are holding you back... we don't want to be held back now do we?"
"I-I.. I wouldn't know what to do though..."
"Don't worry... we'll help ya, won't we, Remy?" Katsuki said with a sickly sweet smile..
Remy nodded, "Of course!"
"I-I okay.. y'all can help me..." Shoto mumbled.. a small smile on his face.
Tenya growled, "You are wrong!"
"Am I? I believe you are the wrong one for trying to take happiness away from him." Katsuki explained and he held onto Shoto tighter.
"Yeah! Why are you trying to take fun away?" Shoto agreed, causing Katsuki and his friends to smile.
"N-no! T-that's not what I was saying.."
Shoto turned away... Katsuki and Remy brining him to a small couch where they sat down..
"Remy will get ya drink while we pick a song?"
The class was confused.. what was happening between the groups..?"
The music was picked and the song was loud, Katsuki and his friends joking and laughing around with Shoto... they didn't know where the teacher was.. they we're just stuck watching..
Soon the class split... ones who were against what Katsuki was doing... and the ones who were one his side...
Katsuki smirked as he watched classmates fight... he was gonna tear the class apart until he had a fully functional kingdom where he was the king and treated like royalty...
It was even more funny when beer was poured into the people who were against it... Tenya and Izuku.. the main victims... Katsuki giggled in glee.. and continued to explain to Shoto why he made the right choice... Remy right behind him.
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