《Bakusquad Oneshots》Kings
This was requested.
★彡 May contain hard topics and incorrect info.. and definitely spelling errors. ★彡
"Okay class... Today we are observing the last group on the list which is, "I love bakutitties" group which consist of Mina, Kamanari, Kirishima, Sero and Bakutitties. W-why is his name Bakutitties? And why is that y'all's group name..?" Aizawa spoke calmly.
"He lost a bet... and well everyone loves Bakutitties... looke at 'em!" Mina said with a smirk.
"Don't actually look at them ya freaks! He's a minor!" Mina snapped as the Bakusquad guarded their friends.
Katsuki rolled his eyes, and continued to draw his paper... it was their turn to be observed... which wasn't bad... he loved the attention. Yet.. these types of people... weren't the best when it came to fun. Yet he had a protective squad ready to rip anyone's head off who dared look at him in a funny way. It felt great to be a god... to be treated like a king. It.. felt amazing!
"Whatever... anyway... split back into your groups, each taking turns observing how... their group acts, what they do, how they care for each other, and most importantly, how heroic they act or how helpful they are." Aizawa explained before randomly walking towards the door.
"Where are you going, sir?" Iida asked.
"After hearing their group name.. I honestly hope I get hit by a bus. I don't need to watch Bakugou's friends kiss the floor he walks on... I've already seen it. Just follow them around and mark down on your papers."
Katsuki shrugged, "Makes sense. I am so much better than everyone else."
"He is." Katsuki's group agreed.
Aizawa rolled his eyes and walked out the room, not really giving a shit. Yes, Katsuki was his favorite.. Yet sometimes his bullshit was too much for the sleepy teacher.
"I don't understand why y'all like Bakugou so much.. he's so distasteful." Momo mumbled, as if she knew everything.
The Bakusquad growled...
"Hm... I don't like that... it pains me that you think you know everything... In reality it's me that knows everything. Don't forget it." Katsuki stated proudly as he watched Mina stomp towards Momo.
The class didn't think much.. when they watched Mina stomp towards Momo.. she was a hero in training.. she wouldn't hit her, right?
Mina punched Momo right in the nose, blood began gushing from Momo's face.
"Say something again. Can't be either, you started this." Mina spoke calmly beofre walking back to her friends.
High fives all round the Bakusquad... a proud smile on Katsuki's face.
"You hit her!" Ochako shouted.
"Shut your poor ass up." Sero snaped.
"This is highly inappropriate.. please just calm down... no more hitting and no more swearing... we are here to observe.. Momo what was wrong, and very uncalled for and Mina, there was no need to hit."
"But there was, she insulted Katsuki! Kirishima shouted.
"Yeah! Make her say sorry or another punch is coming!" Mina growled.
Iida sighed.. knowing the only way this project would get started is if Momo apologized and Bakusquad were calm... he knew they were protective.. and he could understand why they chose to punch Momo but... still shouldn't have done it.
"Say sorry Momo.. then we can get your nose fixed... Then we can start the project."
"S-sorry.." Momo said quickly, blood pouring from her nose.
A nice hit indeed.
The Bakusquad looked for Katsuki's approval, Katsuki rolled his eyes but nodded anyway. The only reason he approved of the apology was fear in Momo's voice... was beautiful. Music to his ears.
The broke bitch brought the rich bitch to get her nose fixed, their groups would have their papers done... Momo needed to see recovery girl.
Katsuki stood up, the Bakusquad surrounding him in their protective circle. If the class wanted to watch what they do on a daily basis... well then they can see... don't blame them if things... get a little shaken.
Normally... in this assignment each group that is not being watched will follow a certain group mate that is being observed... yet the Bakusquad never left each other's sides... so it was kinda awkward having everyone follow around the Bakusquad. But they made it work... somehow anyway.
"Where are we going?" Izuku asked.
"Shut up, Deku! Mind ya got damn business bitch! It's all about me today, not you." Katsuki snarled as they walked out the building.
"I-uh okay.." Izuku mumbled.
"Ya, you better shut up!" Katsuki snapped, his squad glaring at the green haired boy.
The Bakusquad minus Katsuki were usually nice.. that was until someone provoked Katsuki... and doing that silly makes him pissed off and rarely but not never sad... which causes the Bakusquad to go in crazy mode. Which may not be safest... normally it isn't too much violence.. they get in trouble either... They talk their way out of it and it works very well for their system.
The Bakusquad were joking and playing around with each other as the group were slowly walking behind... not quite sure if the Bakusquad were going to be anything interesting.
...Oh boy they were wrong...
They have been walking for a while... the streets had less people... the streets were still clean and the building around them looked amazing. Where we're they?
"Are we getting the usual, Boss?" Kaminari asked.
"Mmm, surprise me." Katsuki said with a smirk.
The class was confused, they at random they never heard of... and what they were getting. They took the clipboards out and began to get ready for this interaction. They watched as Kaminari and Kirishima walked into place as Mina, Seri and Katsuki stayed out.
Half of the group split up, some staying with Katsuki and the others going to Kirishima and Kaminari.
"Are you going to want something ordered, boss?" Sero asked softly.
"Mmm.. yes." Katsuki spoke calmly.
"The same?" Sero asked softly.
Katsuki nodded, then Sero walked off causing the large group of kids to slip again and follow Sero.
It also wasn't rare for Katsuki's friends to call him boss... it made Katsuki feel amazing.. and he was the leader of the group.. he needed to be treated correctly... and with most care.
The remaining group watched with sharp eyes.. What was going on..? Why did it always seem like they were doing something sketchy?
"My legs hurt Mina~!" Katsuki whined out with a stomp of a foot.
"Would you like me to carry you boss?"
"Mmm.. why yes of course." Katsuki spoke confidently.
Mina smiled and picked up her friend.. the group smiled, points for how sweet that interaction was.
Soon Kirishima and Kamanari came out of the building holding... drinks.. They were drinks they have never seen before. Not even five minutes later Sero came back holding a bag with what seemed to be prepared food. Now the Bakusquad were complete and so was the class that was observeing them.
The Bakusquad talked to each softly, walking to a weirdly large pathway.
The pathway began to get smaller... Each step seemed to take forever but was it worth it? The pretty building soon turned to rumble and worn down houses and roads came into view.
"T-this is... scary.." Izuku mumbled as he looked at the worn down buildings.
Everyone else besides the Bakusquad nodded.
"Oh shut the fuck up. Don't disrespect me again or I'll get someone to rip your dick off." Katsuki said calmly but his crazed smirk gave off a different vibe.
Izuku nodded quickly... his mouth closed... Iida would have said something... but he was too curious to speak... and plus.. nobody wanted to talk back to Katsuki when the Bakusquad were around.
They walked to one of the largest buildings.. Sero kicked the door in, a somewhat clean yet still terrifying home.
"Y'all wanted to see what we do.. well... sit there and watch as the fun begins." Katsuki said proudly as he jumped out of Mina's arms.
The classmates scattered around the open floor and found a seat, Iida uncertain if it was clean or not stressed his worries.
"I-is it-?" Iida tried to ask but was cut off.
"Yup! I wouldn't like the place if it wasn't cleaned... duh! How dare you insult my hang out and fine details?! Well... I guess you can be excused... only because I know the pain of the fear of germs. That's my I like you Iida! You're a good chap!" Katsuki said sharply, his smile wide.
Iida smiled, "Thank you.."
Katsuki didn't get along with most of the class.. there it feels like Iida and Tokoyami... and few more... he still got mad at them sometimes but not as much as Izuku whom he hated.
Suddenly music started playing... where? They didn't know... but they stayed quiet and watched.
"Grab me a beer, won't ya?"
"Got it, boss!"
The music was loud, and the beers were open...
Mina lit up a cigarette, she took a puff then passed it to Kaminari who took his time taking a wig... Sero'a turn at cigarette was always short but his deep inhales made up for it... Kirishima always took a quick puff so he could give it to Katsuki who finished the cigarette.
Izuku gasped, "K-Kachaan?! Why are you smoking! D-does auntie know?!"
"What the old hag doesn't know won't kill her... now if you tell her... it'll kill you." Katsuki said sweet smile yet his voice was laced with venom.
"Is that alcohol..?" Shoto asked.
Katsuki smiled, "Yup!"
"C-can I have... some..?"
"Todoroki-kun! No!" Izuku shouted
"Hell yeah! You're cool as well I guess! You came damn and get in this shit!" Katsuki explained as he pointed towards the soba on the table.
Shoto smiled, "Soba and... alcohol... and my father said I would fail at life."
Katsuki laughed as he dragged Shoto into their dancing circle.
After tins beer and food later... The Bakusquad had enough dancing... Katsuki was bored and he wanted to do better things than just dancing and getting drunk.
"Is your dad at work?" Katsuki asked Sero.
"Good.. let's cause trouble! Grab the empty bottle and let's go." Katsuki siad with a sly smirk.
"Ah shit... here we go again..." Jirou mumbled.
The walk to Sero's dad's work wasn't very far...
Reaching the building you could see the excitement in Katsuki's eyes.
"To the top!" Katsuki cheered.
"I-I don't foo heights.." Mineta mumbled in fear...
A few others nodded as well.
"All pussies at the bottom!" Katsuki yelled and he climbed up the fire escape.
The Bakusquad followed Katsuki... along with most of the others...
When they reached the top, Katsuki happily grabbed a bottle from Mina then walked over to the ledge...
"How much money?" Katsuki asked Kaminari.
Katsuki took the empty bottle and dropped it... it fell quickly yet slowly... It was beautiful to watch and what was even better? It hit Mineta perfectly in the head...
Katsuki smirked, "I take cash."
Kaminari smiled and handed Katsuki the money as he looked down to see the confused faces of the people in the ground... panic in Iida's eyes and most everyone else... pretty sure Izuku almost passed out.
Katsuki dropped another bottle, hitting a random person this time... a joyful smile on Katsuki's face.
Each group of the Bakusquad took turns dropping the rest of the bottles.. seeing how many people they could hit.
"Seems like everyone finished their assignments... yet they all have similar things written on it... all good things though... I knew Katsuki would do great... His group has the highest scores... Good job! We will talk about what you get later okay? Class dismissed." Aizawa spoke softly before slaking out.
Katsuki smirked as he looked at his classmates... Some looked terrified and some knew that Katsuki would only hurt someone if needed...
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The White Rabbit
In the Urillian Empire, the Empress Xandra rules three-quarters of the planet Xren from her home in the capital of the Earth Continent. Both the fire and water peoples have fallen under her might after a series of wars stretching back three centuries. Earth elves, under Xandra's rule, have spread throughout the planet and established colonies, and are, by all accounts, enjoying what seems to be a prosperous and happy existence. But not everyone in Uril is happy. The holy books speak of elves as the Chosen People of Thesis, tasked with guiding and protecting the lower races. For some people, this scripture has been interpreted to designate their life as one on the lowest rungs of society. Humans have been reduced to a slave class, and serve their elven masters under Xandra's rule, kept at bay by the constant fear of the dreaded Emerald Knight, and their own perceived weakness. Humans do not lead long lives, nor do they possess the wisdom, power, or magical acumen of their elven masters. But there is hope. A group of people have banded together to fight against Xandra, her Knight, and her empire. They call themselves the "Knights of Order" united under the principle idea that Xandra's reign has brought chaos unto Xren, and they wish to restore order. These Knights are led by a man named Xaxac Brigaddon, spoken of as a legend. They say that when the moons are full, some humans transform into powerful beasts. They say that Xaxac is the most powerful warrior on Xren, that in his youth he was enslaved and forced to fight other humans to the death in a bloodsport called "cage fighting", that he could not be touched and held the world championship title for three years running until he faked his own death and escaped his master to join the resistance. They say that he has friends in high places- noblemen, pirates, and the devil himself. They say that if you can find him, he can ferry you to freedom in places where the Earth Elves fear to tread. They say that he is immune to magical attack, and his eyes shine like the silver moon. They say that he is descended from Quizlivian Brigaddon, one of the humans who helped the demon Magnus escape a god. They say that if you want to walk the Path of Order, you should follow the White Rabbit.Come and watch the transformation from human boy to Knight of Order: The life and times of Xaxac OfAgalon OfLangil Brigaddon. Content Warning: This work is based on the real experiences of human trafficing survivors. Xaxac's origins are based on true events, and they are presented realisitcally; this includes but is not limited to: isolation, gaslighting, emotional and sexual abuse, and grooming tactics. This work is meant to hold a mirror up to society; it is based on the real of experiences of people who have experienced slavery and/or abuse. It is an adult work and probably should not be read by anyone under the age of 18. If you are a survivor of human trafficing and/or abuse, your feedback is welcome, but please do not read this if you think it may trigger your trauma. I did not write this with the intention of harming anyone, but rather to provide accurate representation for a group that does not normally get it in the hopes of changing the zeitgeist. I would like to see a world where more people understand what these experiences are like, so that real survivors do not have to deal with microagressions from an ignorant public. Reader discretion is highly advised.
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He took off my glassses and gasped.Taehyung: "You know if I had a heart, I would've definitely fallen head over heels for your eyes."I tried my best to control the smirk that was creeping at the end of my lips. "Stop slouching and enjoy yourself. You don't get to live twice, Okay? " he said giving me his signature box smile. ************************************"I can't accept the fact that you love him. If I can't have you, Miss Y/n, neither will that good for nothing freak. And believe me on that, b'coz I always get what I want" he said in a deep voice and a psychotic smirking glare"Mr.Jo- I mean Jungkook, stop joking. You are really scaring me"************************************"I love you-" he said, barely a whisper as he passed out. And I froze as the world around me stoped.************************************Guys this is gonna be my first book so plz do notify me on any mistakes
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