《Nothing Is The Same (6th book in Winchester Girl)》I Hate This
We were at the Campbell Compound looking for something. "It's here, somewhere. I know it. Help me move this." Sam said, Bobby helped Sam move a desk to show a trapdoor. "I'll be damned." Bobby said, we all headed down the ladder. "Welcome to the Campbell family library." Sam said. "So, Samuel collected all this stuff, huh?" Kara said looking around impressed. "Apparently." Sam said. "Wow. All right, well, what are we looking for?" Ricky asked. "Well, anything that'll put a run in the Octomom's stockings. Pick a row." Pa said. We were looking and I found one. "Any of you ever heard anything about a Phoenix?" I asked. "River, Joaquin, or the giant flaming bird?" Ma asked. "It says here that the ashes of a Phoenix can burn the mother." Bobby said looking over my shoulder. "The mother?" Sam asked. "Great. Where do we get one?" Dean asked. "You got me. I thought it was a myth." Bobby said. "All dead." Pa and Ma said. "All right, great. Well, let's see if we can find something out about a Phoenix." Kara said. "Guys. Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, check this out. March 5, 1861. Sunrise, Wyoming. Gun killed a Phoenix today. Left a pile of smoldering ash." Dean read. "Really? Whose gun?" I asked. "Colt's." Dean said. "Colt? Colt like the Colt?" Ricky asked. "Well it says, Samuel Colt's Journal." I said showing the journel. "What?! That's his?" Sam asked. "Yeah." Dean said. "So apparently you three are related to the man who made the all killing gun." Ricky said. "Well, what else did he say about the Phoenix? What does it look like? Has it got feathers?" Bobby said. "It just says Phoenix." I said grabbing the journal. "Did he say where he tracked it?" Pa asked. "No." I said. "All right, so I guess we got to find one of our own, whatever it is." Sam said rolling his eyes. "I know where we can find one. March 5, 1861. Sunrise, Wyoming." Dean said. "We'll Star Trek IV this bitch." Ricky said. "I only watched Deep Space Nine." Bobby said. "It's like I don't even know you guys anymore. Star Trek IV. Save the whales." Ricky said. "We hop back in time, we join up with Samuel Colt, we hunt the Phoenix, and then we haul the ashes back home with us." Ricky said shrugging. "Time travel?" Bobby asked. "Again?" Kara asked. "Yeah." Ricky said. "That's a reasonable plan?" Bobby said. "More reasonable than other plans." I said shrugging. "We got a guys who can swing it." Dean said. "Castiel. The, uh, fate of the world is in the balance. So, come on down here. Come on, Cas, I Dream of Jeannie your ass down here pronto. Please." Ricky said a blonde woman appeared. "Jeannie?" Dean asked. "Rachel. I understand you need some assistance? How can I help you?" Rachel said. "Well, uh, we kind of need to talk to the Big Kahuna." Ricky said. "I'm here on Castiel and Marina's behalf." Rachel said. "Where are they?" Sam asked. "Busy." Rachel said. "Busy?" Kara asked. "Yes." Rachel said. "Well, we've got a line on the mother of freaking everything, so..." I trailed off. "I'm sure your issue's very important. But Castiel and Marina are currently commanding an army, so..." Rachel retorted. "So we get stuck with Miss Moneypenny." Ricky said. "So you need to learn your place." Rachel said. "Look, I don't know who you think you are." Ricky said. "I'm their friend." Rachel said. "What, you think we're not?" Kara asked. "I think you call them when you need something. We're fighting a war." Rachel said. "We get that." Sam said. "Clearly you don't, or you wouldn't call him every time you stub your toe, you petty, entitled little humans." Rachel said. "Rachel. That's enough." Marina said. "I told you I'd take care of this." Rachel said. "And you obviously upset our mates." Castiel practically growled. "You're staying?" Rachel asked. "Go. We'll come when we can." Marina said. "I don't like her." Ricky whispered to Castiel who kissed him hello. "Wow. Friend of yours?" Dean asked. "Yes. She's, uh, my lieutenant. She's... committed to the cause. Now, what do you need?" Marina said. We told them and we were now at Bobby's place. "Where the hell's Dean?" Bobby asked. "Supply run, he said. I don't know." I said shrugging. "Um, about your plan. You'll only have 24 hours." Castiel said. "Wait, what? Why?" Sam asked confused: "Well, the answer to your question can best be expressed as a series of partial differential equations." Marina said. "Yeah, aim lower." Ma said to the angel. "The further back we send you, the harder it becomes to retrieve you. 24 hours is all we can risk. If we don't pull you home within that time, you'll be lost to us." Marina explained. Dean and Kara walked in. "Well, then we better get you a watch." Dean said. "What the hell's all that?" Pa asked. "We are going native. Got to blend in." Dean said tossing us bags. "Uh, no, thanks. I'm fine." Sam said. "Well Mae and Kara need to change." Dean said. I shrugged and went in the bathroom and changed in the outfit.
I walked out and grabbed my gun and blade. "They come with me." I said. "Nice dress." Ricky said. "I hate this." I said. "Dean, I can -- I can wear this." Ricky said referring to his current outfit. "And look like a spaceman?" Dean asked. "Look, just because you're obsessed with all that Wild West stuff." Sam said. "No, I'm not." Dean said. "You have a fetish." Kara said. "Shut up. I like old movies." Dean defended. "You can recite every Clint Eastwood movie ever made, line for line." I pointed out. "Even the monkey movies?" Pa asked. "Yeah. Especially the monkey movies." I said. "His name is Clyde. At least wear the damn shirt." Dean said. The others changed and Ma did my hair in pigtails. "Just so you look more approachable." She said. The others walked in and I laughed seeing Dean. "Dean, this is stupid. I look stupid." Ricky said. "You going to a hoedown?" Bobby asked. "Now, is it -- is it customary to wear a blanket?" Marina and Castiel said. "It's a sarape. And, yes. It's, uh... Never mind. Let's just go." Dean said. "What's this?" Ricky asked seeing a duffel bag of gold. "Where you're goin', they don't take plastic." Pa said. "I'll send you back to March 4th. That should give you time to find the Colt... and this Phoenix creature." Castiel said. "All right, well, see ya at High Noon tomorrow." Dean said. We were in Sunrise, Wyoming. "Oh, now we're talking." Dean said. "All right. Let's go find Samuel Colt." I said and Sam set his watch for 24 hours. We were walking. "Hey, we should try the Saloon first, uh, see what we get from the locals." Dean suggested. "Sure. Whatever, Sundance. Think we'll have time to hit on saloon guys?" Ricky daid. "Really?" We asked him. "I'm kidding. Come on." Ricky said we walked and Sam stepped in something. "Oh, damn it. Come on." Sam said. "You know what that is?" Dean asked us. "Yeah, it's horse shit." Kara said. "No, authenticity!" Dean said. We got to the middle of town where a public hanging was taking place. "We stand here today -- March 4th, 1861 -- to execute justice upon Elias Finch for the murder of his own wife." The judge said. "Wow. Talk about authenticity." I said to my brother. "Sentence handed down by myself, Tye Mortimer, duly appointed judge of the Wyoming circuit. You will be hung by your neck until you die." Judge Mortimer said. "You got anything to say?" The sheriff asked. "You're gonna burn for this. Every one of you." Elias said and was hanged and the crowd gasped. "Good times. So where do we find Sammy Colt?" Ricky said. "No idea." Kara said. "I think I know who to ask, though." Sam said. A man turned around and looked at Dean's outfit. "Nice blanket." The man said and I laughed, Dean yanked off the thing. We walked in the jail and found the Sheriff. "Sheriff? Can we have a word?" Dean asked the man nicely. "Depends who's askin'." The Sheriff said looking at us. "Marshal Eastwood. Clint Eastwood. This here is, uh, Walker. He's a Texas Ranger. Annie Oakley and Calamity Jane the greatest sharp shooters in the West, and the boy is Sheriff Butch Cassidy." Dean said. "Never heard of girl shooters?" He said. "Trust is we can shoot." Kara said. "Got it. So, what can I do for you folks?" The Sheriff asked us. "Uh, we're looking for a man." I said. "I'll bet. Nice shirt, there." Judge Mortimer said eyeing Dean's shirt. "What's wrong with my shirt?" Dean asked. "You're very clean." Judge Mortimer said to him. "It's dirtier than it looks." Dean said. "We need to find Samuel Colt. Do you know him?" I said. "The gun maker?" The Sheriff asked. "Yeah. Is he in town?" Ricky asked. "Not that I know of. Might try asking Elkins over at the Saloon. Been here longer than God." The Sheriff said. "Thanks sirs." I said and we left and walked in the saloon and looked around it. "This is not awesome." Dean decided. We all sat down. "Hi." We all said. "What'll you have?" The man asked. "Oh, uh, okay. Great. I'll have your top-shelf whiskey." Dean said. "Only have the one shelf." The man said. "That'll do just fine. And the rest will have sarsaparillas." Dean said. "You Elkins?" I asked finally. "One and only." Elkins said. "You know a man named Samuel Colt?" Kara asked. "He passed through here about four years ago." Elkins said. "He still around?" Sam asked. "Rumor is, he's building a railroad stop 20 miles out of town, just by the Postal road. Middle of nowhere." Elkins said. "The Devil's Gate?" Ricky whispered to me. "Location fits." I whispered shrugging. "Howdy, boys." A woman said looking at us. "Darla's my best girl." Elkins said. "Try me. You want a kiss?" Darla asked Ricky. "No, I'm good." Ricky said. "Darla!" Judge Mortimer yelled at her. "Ah. Judge. Nice to see you." Darla said. "I thought we had a date." Judge Mortimer said leading Darla away. "Wow, that was a close one." Ricky said looking at us. "I guess it's good to be judge." Sam said. "Okay well Ricky and I will find Samuel." I said and dragged my friend out of the saloon. We found a house and saw demons. I grabbed my blade and they turned and my eyes flared purple. "A demigod get her." The one said and came at me. I stabbed him and Samuel shot the one. "Samuel Colt?" Ricky and I asked. He looked and threw holy water at us. "Okay, not demons! Not demons! Just -- just hunters." Ricky said. "You're what?" Samu asked. "I'm your descendant Mary Winchester and this is my friend Ricky Harvelle we're from the year 2011." I said to him. "Prove it." Samuel said. "Here." Ricky said handing Samuel his phone. "All right." Samuel said putting the phone in his desk. "A-all right? That's -- uh, that's it?" I asked. "Well, when you've done this job as long as I have... a teen girl and her friend from the future with some magic brick doesn't exactly give you the vapors." Samuel said. "You're nicer than some of the other Samuel's I've met." I said. "We need your help killing a Phoenix." Ricky said. "A Phoenix? They exist?" Samuel asked. "Well, you shoot one in about three hours." I said. "If you say so." Samuel said. "I don't. You do." I said handing him his future journel. "That's...I'm either too drunk or not drunk enough. So what is it I'm about to exactly do?" Samuel asked us. "Well, the Phoenix is in Sunrise, so, uh, if we leave now, you can..." Ricky trailed off. "I appreciate your situation, but I'm not gonna be of any help to you. I'm booked." Samuel said. "Right, but -- but you say right here..." Ricky trailed off again. "Don't believe everything that you read." Samuel said. "But you're a hunter." I said to the man. "Retired." Samuel said. "There's no such thing." Ricky said. "I'm out." Samuel said. "There is no getting out. Look, for what it's worth, in my time, you're a hero." I said. "Me?" Samuel asked. "Yes, sir." Ricky said. "Now, look, we -- we need to kill this Phoenix. Its ashes are the only thing that can kill the monster I'm hunting. So stow your crap for a few hours, and let's go. We got to go now. So, either you're coming with me, or I need the gun." I said to him. "What gun?" Samuel asked with a good poker face. "The gun." I said. "Oh, that gun. I lost it in a game of Stud." Samuel said. "You're lying." I said looking at him dead in the eye. "Am I? Now, that doesn't sound like me." Samuel said. "You shot a couple of demons with it less than an hour ago." I said. "How do you figure?" Samuel asked. "We heard also sulfur smell." Ricky said. "Not bad. You don't want it. It's a curse. Believe me." Samuel said showing us the gun. "Great. Then let me take it off your hands." I said. "You go put on a few more miles and come back, and we'll talk." Samuel said. "Trust me, I've got plenty of mileage." I said. "I'm doing you a favor. Believe me." Samuel said. "So, what? You can really just sit there?" I asked. "I've given my whole life to this. I'm done." Samuel said. "So it doesn't matter what happens." Ricky said. "No, it doesn't." Samuel said. "So everything you did, it all means nothing? Give me the gun." I said. "Have fun kids, oh and Mary?" Samuel asked I turned. "Don't think the pig tails fool anyone." He said. Ricky and I got back to the place around sunrise when apparently someone has to shoot the Phoenix. "Guys." Kara said. "Hey Kara." We said. "Hey, where's Colt?" Kara asked. "He's not coming." I said. "What?!" Kara asked. "But he sent this." I said. "We'll get it to Dean so he can kill the Phoenix." Kara said. "All right." I said. "Get out here, Finch!" Dean said. "Come on! Let's do this!" Sam yelled. "So, this is how you want to die. Fine." Elias said. "Shit." Ricky said and grabbed the Colt and Elias turned to ashes. "Guys! The ashes!" Sam yelled as it was noon we ran to get the ashes but we ended up at Bobby's place and no ashes. "You all look horrible." Sammi said. "You try going to the Wild West." Ricky said. I changed in my normal clothes and we were sitting around. "You gotta send us back Dean said to the angels. "Dean, look at them. They're fried." Sam said kissing Marina on the cheek. "I never want to do that again." Castiel mumbled in Ricky's hair. "Bobby, you good?" I asked. "I'm still kickin', Goldilocks. Be back good as new in... A decade or two." Bobby said. "And we screwed the pooch. Bobby, I'm sorry." Kara said. There was a knock. "I'll get it." I said, I answered the door and saw a delivery man. "Is there a Mary Winchester here?" He asked. "Who's asking?" I asked. "Look, this is nuts -- me and a couple guys made a bet. So... this thing's been laying around the office since... ever!? Uh, with a note on it saying to bring it here today. It's from a-a Samuel Colt?" The delivery man said. "Yeah. Yeah, yeah, that's -- that's mine. Great. Thanks." I said taking the package. "You're welcome." The man said as I closed the door I opened the package and read the letter out loud. "Dear Mary, I got this address and date off your thingamajig, and I thought the enclosed might come in handy. Regards, Samuel Colt." I read. "Is that what I think it is?" Ma asked. "Ashes of a Phoenix. You know what this means?" Dean asked. "Yeah, I didn't get a soulonoscopy for nothing." Bobby said. "Hey you said you'd do it." Sammi said. "Yes. And... it means we take the fight to her." Ricky said. "Yes." We all said. "Hey so what did Reece and I miss?" Evelyn asked walking with her girlfriend. "Long story." I said.
All I Need is Power
Kira, in her previous life, was a fan of reading adventure and fantasy books. Never in her wildest dreams could she have thought she would be reborn in a time where monarchy exists, along with dragons and magic.
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