《Rowan: Queen of Chav's》Raining (Three)


Rowan PoV

I was walking home from school alone, since Mikey was at football practice with his mates and Soph went to one of her guy friends house to 'study' (*cough cough she was actually doing him cough cough*).

It started raining heavily, most people would start complaining about how shitty the timing of the weather change was, but I am not most people, I started dancing and laughing in said rain because I've always loved the rain for as long as I can remember.

Eventually when I got home, Dad was watching some action movie that had a lot of blood and guts everywhere, but he paused it when he saw that I was drenched from the rain, because Gay Dad instincts were kicked into high gear bitch (since I was drenched from the rain).

"What the hell happened to you?"

"It started raining heavily, (laughs), and I jumped in the puddles since I was drenched anyway"

"You are such a bloody kid"

"Well, sorry to burst your bubble there Daddyo, but I am a kid, an older kid, yes, I'll grant you that one, but a kid nevertheless so I'm gonna act like one until I absolutely have to grow up"

"(Snorts), I wasn't complaining, merely just pointing it out, now go have a shower"



"I'm fine-"

"If I have to drag you to the shower myself, I will do so Rowan"

"Please don't do that"

"Then go for a shower"


"Towels are in the cupboard above the sink Kiddo!"

"Ok Dad"

So I went for a shower, because after dancing in the rain and shit, you have to shower in order to not get a cold, ya know.

20 minutes later I had finished my shower, gotten into my pyjamas and wrapped the towel around my hair into a headdress thing.


"Does wrapping the towel like that not give you a headache?"

"It does sometimes Dad but it's better than having wet pyjamas after a shower, I would plait it but I can't plait my own hair to save my life"

"Do you want me to plait your hair?"

"If that's ok?"

"I wouldn't have offered if it wasn't ok Bambina"

"Yes please"

Dad then started plaiting my hair, which was actually quite therapeutic.


"Yes Ro?"

"Where did you learn how to plait hair?"

"My Aunt Delia taught me when I was 8 because I wanted to impress a girl"

"(Snorts), that's quite fitting for you"

"You might laugh at me but many a lady was swooned by my plaiting skills"

"Ok, so before you went out with Papa, when was the last time your plaiting skills actually helped you get a girl"

"Your Mother, unless you count drunken encounters as swooning, then it was the girl before"


"Yes, why are you so fucking shocked?"

"Because it sounds so bloody ridiculous"

Dad just laughed at me, I couldn't tell you why, but he did.

"You know Sweetheart, while I wanted to plait for getting girls, I don't think I would've survived brushing your hair when you were younger had I not learned how to plait hair"

"Thanks Dad, I'm totally feeling the love here"

"I didn't mean it that way Kiddo, what I meant is that I don't know how to do a bun and you hated sitting for ponytails-"

"Wait, I'd sit for plaits but I wouldn't sit for a ponytail?"

"Don't ask me why that was because I never got to the bottom of that one"

"So what was I like when I was younger?"

Dad kissed my head and then continued to plait my hair while answering my question, as he's a bloody multitasker.


"Well you were a sweet little girl, you also were very cuddly when you were younger, you were curious too"

"I mean you give the best hugs so it wouldn't be that hard for me to be very cuddly Dad"

"(Chuckles), well I didn't really give hugs until you were born Sweetheart"

"What, are you pulling my leg?"

"No Baby, I wasn't really a hugging kind of person, but then I wasn't really given hugs as a child"

"But that's so sad Dad"

"A lot of things from my childhood are kind of sad"

When I heard that come out of Dad's mouth, I just wanna to punch his parents, (but I couldn't because they weren't there, plus Dad's father lived in Cardiff and cut ties with Dad because Dad was gay), so instead I just continued the conversation.

"Dad, do you think that I have changed?"

"In what way Sweetheart?"

"I mean have I changed at all?"

"(Sighs), I guess you have a little bit, but I think everyone does change a little bit while they're growing up Baby"

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