《The Hybrid》11. Addison


My leg bounces up and down as I sit on the grey bed. Nobody has been here to let me out of this cage in hours. Does Liam expect me to just rot in a single bedroom for the rest of my life?

In order for me to properly escape, I need to find out where Liam is holding Addison. Then I need to retrieve her and navigate myself out of this maze.

The sun is setting outside of the small window in my room. Vibrant colors paint the sky as I continue to huff in frustration.

The door to the room suddenly cracks open. A man with curly orange hair pulls the door wide open. This must be the guard that was posted outside of my door.

The guard straightens his posture and then clears his throat.

"Dinner is being served in the dining hall and your presence is requested."

I let out a hefty laugh.

"I'm good."

"Your presence is mandatory, ma'am." He breathes out through his nose, clearly annoyed that he got assigned to watch the hybrid in the first place.

I wonder to myself if he is also a vampire. His skin is slightly too pale. The freckles that dot his nose are dull. His eyes are a lifeless grey.

"Tell Liam that I do not wish to join him." I snort out, crossing my arms like a child.

The guard does not take no for an answer. Instead he moves into my room and roughly grabs me by the elbow. He drags me out of the room as I try to kick and scratch him. He does not look at me again until we reach the unused dining room. He chunks me into a wooden chair and then walks away.

"Well that was quite a show." I hear a familiar voice from across the table, causing me to jump.

I press my lips firmly together before turning to face him. Liam sits directly across from me holding a metal fork between his fingers. At the end of the fork is a small sliver of chicken.

Separating us is an array of ivory candles that burn brightly. A plate of food is set in front of me, drawing my attention away from Liam.

I refuse to look at him right now. I want to forget his stupid face. And no, I didn't notice that he changed into a black shirt. I didn't notice the disarray that his hair has become since we last spoke. The silver chain that dangles from his neck.

I just stare at my food.

On the white plate is chicken, chopped potatoes, fresh green beans, and a steaming roll of bread. Next to the plate is a small glass of wine I think.

I don't touch the fork next to the plate. I don't want to eat. Not when Addison is suffering alone. I wonder if she is getting to eat like me. I refuse to believe that Liam is truly keeping her in a cell like in my dream. If he can create a fake forest, he can create a fake cell.

He isn't that cruel. Is he?

"Is your bedroom to your liking?" He speaks again to break the silence.

I drag my eyes up to meet his. He grabs his glass and takes a slow sip of the red liquid.

"I will need a change of clothes." I stare at him blankly.

He nods. "Someone is filling the dresser with clothes as we speak."

My lips part.

I look back down at my food. The chicken smells really good, causing my stomach to rumble as I think of the apple I ate years ago.


"Are you going to eat?" His tone drops. I snap my eyes back up to him.

Is this a challenge? If it is, my hunger strike will surely last past one meal.

"How come you're eating?" I tilt my head to the side.

"Because I have a good chef." He narrows his gaze.

"But aren't you dead or something?"

He smirks, "Yes and no."

"That's awfully vague."

"Eat something."

"Tell me why a pureblooded vampire needs to eat."

He sighs, "Technically I don't need to eat." He places his fork gently on the table and then leans back into his chair. "As long as I consume a healthy amount of blood, I am free to consume anything else that I please." He folds his hands on the table.

I look back down at my food. So he is fully functioning. He is dead, but he is immortal.

"Now eat." He speaks again.

I purse my lips together, "I am not hungry."

"Yes you are. I can hear your insides screaming from over here." he counters.

My cheeks heat up as my heart increases its pounding.

He leans forward, his eyes meeting mine with a higher intensity.

"Now eat."

I don't know how to explain it. It was mind control. My body moved involuntarily as I picked up the metal fork and stabbed it into the chicken. My jaw chews on the meat as I continue to stare at him.

"That's much better." He picks his fork up again. "Now tomorrow, we will have a few visitors. I am hosting a soiree and I expect you to be on your best behaviour." He points the metal object in my direction.

I mentally laugh. Yeah, if I'm still here tomorrow.

What kind of party does a vampire need to throw? I shiver as I think of myself in the middle of a room full of vampires.





The sun has finally set behind the trees after a violent show of color. Now only a small chill makes its way through the dim bedroom.

Now is the time.

I slide off of the bed and reach my hands into my waistband. I pull out a small steak knife that I had swiped from the dinner table. It isn't very sharp, but it will have to suffice.

I need to distract the guard so that I can get past the door.

I walk over to the snow white dresser across the room and pull one of the drawers open. Liam was not lying when he said that somebody filled it. Each drawer is organized. There are plenty of long sleeved shirts, athletic shorts, and joggers filling the drawers. I sift through the drawers until I find a brand new pair of black leggings and a maroon sleeved top. I slip the clothes on. They smell brand new, fresh out of the store.

I slide my feet into my black boots and secure the knife where it is accessible, but hidden.

Now to distract the guard. I need to be smart about this. He is most likely a vampire, meaning he is faster than me. I will need to knock him out cold to ensure that I will have enough time to escape and find Addison.

A small smirk graces my lips as I fix my hair in the mirror. I will play the ultimate card of: girl in distress. I walk back over to the dresser and secure my grip on its edges.

This is going to hurt.

I yank the dresser on top of my body. The dresser and I both go falling for the ground with a loud smash. It is heavier than I was anticipating. Upon impact the sharp edge digs into my side.


A few moments pass as I lay dramatically on the cold hardwood floor. The door to the bedroom bursts open and the red-haired guard looks down at me with a mild shock.

There is a second of hesitation.

The guard walks towards me and grabs onto the dresser. He easily pulls the wood off of my body then stands it back on its legs. He bends down to my aid.

"Miss, are you okay?" He reaches his hand to grab onto mine.

"What happened?" I let out a small cough and squint my eyes.

"The dresser must've fallen on you. Can you stand?" He wraps his cold fingers around my hand and pulls me to my feet. I dramatically stumble into his arms then can't help but let out a small girly giggle.

"You rescued me." I say tracing my finger on his broad shoulder. His eyes watch my touch.


The man then helps me sit onto the bed. He lets go of his grip and then turns to leave. Shit.

"Wait!" I call after him. He swiftly turns to face me, awaiting my reply.

My brain fumbles for something to say.

I give him my best sultry look as I point my finger towards it. I curl it back towards me and watch as a smirk slides onto his lips. He slowly approaches where I am seated on the bed. I love being a girl.

"Don't leave me all alone," I pout and give him my best doe-eyes. I feel the bed dip down as he takes a seat next to me on the bed. His eyes peer into mine.

Next, I carefully calculate the perfect escape. I mentally laugh an evil laugh.


I lean in closer to him until our faces are only inches apart. His eyes flicker down to my lips. I then slowly move my hands to rest on his shoulders. I curl my fingers around his head.

I lean in closer and watch his eyes close as he lifts up his chin.

I swiftly yank his head into the night table beside the bed. He whacks into it and falls to the ground limp.

I leap off of the bed and let out a dramatic gasp. I raise my hand to my mouth.

"Oh no! Whatever will I do without a guard to keep me locked in this room." I coo sarcastically.

Phase 1 complete.

I close the door behind me as quietly as I can. Then I turn around to face the dark hallway ahead. I walk carefully past the dining area, past the garage of cars, until I come to a hallway that leads down a small black staircase.

This is the one place Liam did not show me during the house tour. I will bet a million dollars that he is keeping Addison down there.

A small wave of fear rushes over me as I walk down the stairs. I hope she's okay.

The stairway opens up to a dark cobblestone hallway lit with torches.

Very medieval, I mentally note.

With each step I take into the dungeon I can feel my heart beating faster. It smells like wet limestone down here. There are several metal doors lining the hallway. It is going to take forever to find her down here.

I look through the small windows and see that most of the cells are empty. The rooms are small and only hold a bed and a small toilet.

I reach an opening and there is a large glass case in the middle of the room. Inside the case is a small green bed with someone sleeping on it.

"Addi!" I whisper-scream at the blob on the bed. There is a shift under the ragged bland covers and then I see her long blonde hair. I run to the cage and press my hands on the glass.

Addison sits up and yawns. As soon as we make eye contact her expression morphs into surprise. She jumps out of the bed and rushes towards me.

"Alex!" She yells out, touching my hand with hers through the glass. "How did you get here? Liam is going to find you!" She looks around the room with wide eyes.

"I came for you!" I cry out happily. My best friend is alive! I can feel my eyes begin to water.

"After that vampire bit me, I fell unconscious but then I woke up here and met Liam. He healed me with his blood and brought me here. He saved my life." She explains.

"Did he hurt you? I saw a dream where you were surrounded by a pack of vampires." My breath is shaky.

She shakes her head, "He locked me in here and I haven't seen much of him sense."

"I missed you so much, Addison! I-I thought you were dead." I begin to sob.

"She will be dead soon." A dark voice booms from behind me. The hair on the back of my neck immediately becomes erect as my blood runs cold.

I slowly turn around and I am face to face with the vampire Liam.

"Liam." I whisper out before I am roughly slammed into a wall.

"Do you want to be locked in a cage too? Like your friend?" He yells at my terrified face. My heart pounds against my chest as I try to catch my breath.

"I told you, Alexandra. I told you to behave and what do you do? You had to come see Addison." He is very angry.

"I'm sorry," I whisper out. My mind races and a small tear streak down my face from the built up emotions.

His eyes soften for just a second before returning to the same cold look.

"You will be punished." He breathes out through gritted teeth. "I warned you Alexandra!"

I swallow.

He eases off of me, giving me space to breathe the stale air. He turns away for a second then pushes me back against the wall and points a long finger towards my chest.

"You're so lucky our guests aren't here yet." He growls. Something about these visitors shook him up. Is he anxious?

He wraps his cold fingers around my shoulders and then uses a speed faster than I have ever seen to rush me to my room.

In seconds I am seated back on the bed. His arms are on both of the sides of my hips and his face is close to mine. His eyes burn into mine.

"Don't leave this room until I say," His eyes glisten and my heart clenches.

Mind control.


Updated chapter*

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