《The Hybrid》10. Russell


"What the hell Aubrey" I hear Russell stomping towards me. The girl on top of me, Aubrey, is crushing my ribs.

"She tried to run!" Aubrey grumbles out, "so I caught her," she sounds a little too proud of herself.

Russell walks around and his eyes stare into mine for a moment. After quickly pulling his gaze away, he looks back at Audrey with a cold expression.

"Okay, get off her." He says sternly. Is he going to let me go? I feel the girl's weight lift off me, allowing me to breathe again.

I sit up and brush dirt and leaves off my now ruined shirt.

"I was just trying to do this job quickly." She grunts at Russell.

He lets out a deep sigh as he bends down to my eye level. He ignores Aubrey as she continues to blabber in his ear. My heart panics as I see pity flash through his eyes.

What job is Aubrey talking about?

"Are you alright?" He asks gently, his hand touching my elbow.

If I punch him in the jaw right now, I can probably get a head start running. He is a good foot taller than me, but I am willing to bet that I am faster. The only problem is Aubrey. She is already alert and ready for me to run.

"Russell. Let's go!" Aubrey says impatiently, pulling me away from my thoughts. I hear her groan as she turns around and starts rustling through the forest floor looking for something.

"Do you know where you're going?" Russell asks, rubbing the back of his neck, slight worry lacing his voice.

"Russell, don't you dare back out now." I hear Audrey's threatening words.

"Who are you?" I say as I pull myself back to my feet. My ankles are sore and swollen, but I take a few steps away from Russell.

"I didn't know you were a girl." He puts both of his hands in the air. "I was just told to capture the hybrid."

A chill runs down my spine. I glance behind me to see a clear path out of here. Now is my chance.

I nod my head towards Aubrey, a distraction, "What is she looking for over there?"

Just as Russell turns his head to look back at Aubrey I swivel my body around and make a mad dash away from the pair.

My feet slam into the ground as I pray for traction. My heart pounds in my chest as I run for my life through the woods. The brush has thinned and I carefully watch the ground for fallen limbs.

I throw my head behind me to see Aubrey closely following my trail. She is gaining on me quickly. I look back towards where I am going and beg my legs to go faster.

Aubrey's manicured hand reaches out and wraps around my hair, yanking me to the ground. I grunt on impact and open my eyes just in time to see her slide Tyler's sharp blade through my stomach.

I wail as the wound immediately begins to pour warm, red blood into the soil. Russell catches up in seconds and his eyes go big.

"What the hell Aubrey." He breathes out, his jaw dropped to the floor.


"Mission accomplished. You have the girl." She grits out, crossing her arms.

"That was not the deal. We were to bring the hybrid to him unharmed." Russell's tone rises as he takes a step towards her.

Did Liam send them to kidnap me?

"He is going to kill us now."

"Bullshit. I want my payment." She screeches.

They argue some more until my eyes begin to water. I lay on the chilly leaves in agony. My arms come to clutch my side in an attempt to stop the bleeding. But somehow I have not begun to heal. The blood continues to spill and the area heats up with a fiery warmth. What was on that knife?

"If we run now, we can get a head start before he finds out what happened."

"Or we can stay, and I can tell him what you did. I had no part in this."

"Do you think he would believe the whole blame-game?"

"Don't be an idiot Russell. Leave the girl here."




I open my eyes and feel a warmth around me. There is a soft plush blanket draped over my stomach. My thoughts are calm for a brief moment as I am fooled into believing that I am back in my own bed.

At home. In my own pack.

As I come to more consciousness, I realize that I am somewhere I don't recognize. I slide over and fall into the ground. I let out an attractive groan as I bring both hands up to steady myself.

I am in a living room. I look back up to the deep leather couch that held my sleeping body moments ago. The rug beneath me is a bloody maroon with golden patterns stitched into it. I left my body up and stare into cold, evil eyes.

He sits on a red leather armchair with one leg draped over the other. He wears black slacks and a white collared shirt. The first button is undone. His dark locks are brushed out of his face, showing his smug eyebrows. His pale blue eyes look into mine, unblinking, as a smirk slides its way onto his face.

"Looks like someone has decided to rejoin the land of the living." His melodic voice speaks first.

I sit up straight on the rug. "Liam." I address him formally as I brush the hair out of my face.

"I found you bleeding out in the woods." He tilts an eyebrow into the air, uncrossing his legs.

"I guess it was the ones you sent to kidnap me." My gaze hardens

"Yes, about that, the female is being dealt with as we speak." He says a little too confidently.

"Dealt with?" It is my turn to raise a brow.

Surely he isn't going to... kill her?

"Why don't you let me worry about that?" He gives me a small wink, finally standing from his throne. He makes a step towards me, his eyes never leaving mine.

He extends a pale hand to me to help me to my feet. I let out a small breath and help myself up. I don't need his help.

I stand to my feet using the soft side of the couch. As soon as my body bends, I feel a throbbing pain from the knife. I suck in a quick breath and jerk to hold the tender area. Liam's arms immediately come to my elbow to steady me.


"Don't touch me, Liam." I bark out, shrinking away from his touch.

"Oh don't sound so happy to see me, love" he says sarcastically as he lets out another musical chuckle.

"Where's Addison?" I demand as I take a step away from him.

"Somebody is eager today." He smiles from ear to ear.

"That is the reason I came." My mouth forms into a thin line.

"All in good time, little wolf," the evil smile returns, "first come, let me give you a tour." He grabs my hand and hooks it into his arm. I fight the urge to rip it away. The vampire then leads me out of the room into a hallway.

The building is outdated. Tall ceilings with medieval arches line the hallways. There is crown molding lining the ceiling making the place look a little more royal than I was anticipating. There are small windows lining the left side of the hallway as we walk unreasonably slow.

"My parents built this place in the early 1800s when they first moved here." He breathes out, following my gaze to the ceilings.

There is a long velvet rug that runs a trail down the hallway. Underneath the rug is smooth grey stone. The hallway is lined with small end tables and statues that look hundreds of years old. One statue in particular catches my eye. It is of a mermaid reaching for the sky. Her eyes are so sad.

We walk through one of the archways at the end of the hallway that leads into a large dining room. A long hardwood table stretches for a good fifteen feet. The detailing on the legs of the table is unspeakably refined. The table is lined with a long red cloth that also has small golden details on it. Above the table is a large metal chandelier that holds half-melted candles.

Liam stops for a second to admire the dim room.

"I used to eat dinner here every evening." He breathes out a little quieter.

I turn my head to look at him. He looks back at me and his lips curl back into a smile.

"Now to show you to your bedroom."

Wait, does he expect me to stay? Here? He is crazy if he thinks I am moving in or something. What about Tyler?

We continue to walk through the beautiful dark mansion. Each room is prettier than the last, and the tour drags on for a good half hour.

"You'll like it here." He finally breathes out.

"I'm not staying." I pull my arm from his. His smile quickly fades into a deep frown and his brows furrow together.

"I'm sorry, love, did I say you had a choice?" He says growing slightly irritated.

My heart beats faster as my eyes search the room for a quick escape. There is a wooden door about six feet away from me. I can make it. Fear seeps into my veins as I jump towards the door. I throw the door open and lurch into the hallway.

"Not so fast" He breathes out as a cold hand wraps around by bicep. He pulls me back towards him until I knock into a wall.

His face lands inches away from mine. Those cold blue eyes bleed into mine with... excitement?

"You forget, I am much faster than you." He purrs out as a long finger brushes a piece of hair out of my face.

He then backs away from me and flashes me a devilish grin.

"You wont leave." the grin grows, "You wouldn't abandon your precious Addison, would you?" He gives off a fake pout.

"Where is she?" I growl out as my fists ball up at my sides.

"What is that?" He cups his hand to his ear, "You wouldn't like to leave after all?" The smile never leaves his lips.

"Show her to me. I need to know that she is safe."

"All in good time, little wolf." He extends his hand to me once again.

I pause, my eyes flickering down to his open palm. If I take his hand, I am signing myself away to him. Agreeing to stay here.

But I have to if I ever want to see Addison alive again.

Tyler will find me. He will save me from Liam. He will save us both.

I bring my eyes back up to meet his. Liam raises a brow. I take a shallow breath and place my hand in his. He nods and then begins to lead me away from the door to the hallway.

Tyler will find me. He will save me from Liam.

He will save us both. I know it.

Once we reach my new room, Liam opens the door for me. I take a step into the dim room and then turn back to face Liam.

"I hope you like it," Liam breathes out as his eyes scan the room, "I will have a guard posted outside of your room. So do not even think about trying to escape." He warns lowly. With that, he turns around and leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

I turn away from the door. This room is different from the others. It is the most modern room in the entire house. The white plush rug on the floor squishes between my toes when I kick off my boots.

The queen-sized bed has a puffy grey comforter laying freshly on top of it. There were small framed portraits of different landscaping from the human world hung all around the walls.

I let out a sigh as I walk over to the honey-wooden dresser on the far side of the room. I pull one of the empty drawers open and peel my jacket off to place inside.

My mind spins from everything that just happened. I finally made it to Liam's house but I still have no idea where he is keeping Addison.

If I really am some hybrid trophy, why is Liam keeping me in a bedroom and not a glass case?

I need a plan to get out of here. I need to find Addison, break her out of whatever cell she is in, and we need to escape this dungeon.


Updated chapter*

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