《silent love { Dutch Van Der Linde x Reader } / rdr2》5. anastasia



It had been a few day since the shopping trip, and everything seemed calm around camp. Arthur, Bill, Javier, and Charles ended up getting in a fight at the saloon in Valentine one night, you weren't surprised. Arthur also brought back Reverend Swanson from wherever he was laying getting drunk. Besides that, not much had been happening with the gang.

You were sitting on your bed, reading a book Mary-Beth let you borrow when you looked up to see Dutch approaching you. Something about the man made you very nervous whenever you had an interaction. You didn't know why, maybe it was just the way he went about himself, or the way his eye contact lingered longer with you than anyone else in camp.

"Miss l/n, what are you reading?" Dutch asked leaning up against a tree.

"Some romance Mary-Beth let me borrow. I don't know anything about romance, but it seems silly to me." You responded closing the book.

"Why's that?" He asked.

"Well, I guess I don't understand how you could have such strong feelings for someone that they became your thoughts all day and all night. I've seen some very handsome men, but none I haven't forgotten about after a few nights." You explained.

"It can happen Miss l/n" Dutch chuckled. "I'm sure one day you'll get to experience it."

"Maybe, if the right person comes along." You said. You looked up to see Dutch looking at you intensely. He quickly looked away and you smirked.

"I came over to ask if you would take a ride with me, maybe you could show me how well you can shoot?" Dutch asked.

"Yeah that would be great." You said with a smile. You looked around for the moment. "Does anyone have a horse I can borrow? Mine died up in the mountains and I haven't managed to get a new one." You said.

"Ride with me, we can stop at the stable on our way." He said.

You stood up and followed him over to his horse. He was a beautiful white Arabian named "the count". Dutch got on and held his hand down to help you on. You slowly wrapped your arms around Dutch. You were glad he couldn't see you blushing.


"Ready to go?" He asked.

You responded with a simple "yep."

With that, you were riding out of camp. It felt nice to finally be on a horse rather than a wagon. The cool breeze hit your face and you shut your eyes, taking in the spring air. You were quickly brought out of your trance when you felt Dutch lightly place on of his hands over yours, which were wrapped around him. His other had stayed on the reigns to guide The Count. A big smile grew on your face.

"So Dutch.." you started. "If you want to see me shoot, does that mean your thinking about taking me out on big jobs?" You asked. You would much rather help the guys with robbing than stay at camp and do chores.

"I think having you around would lower the boys egos." Dutch laughed.

"Well I hope I can prove myself. I never did anything big, just robbing small groups of people to get by, but I know I could be a big help." You said.

"You still haven't told me about what got you up in the mountains in the first place Miss l/n." Dutch said.

"You still haven't told me about you being in love Mr. Van Der Linde." You respond with a slight cockiness in your voice.

He let out a big laugh. "Well I guess that's a conversation we can have once we have a few drinks in us."

You arrived at the stables and Dutch helped you down off his horse. "Go in and pick which horse you want. It's on me." He said.

"No Dutch-" you started before he cut you off. "It would make me happy if you let me pay Miss l/n"

You walking into the stable and told the man you were looking for a horse. He lead you to the available ones. You found a beautiful American Paint horse. You let the man know you choice and he went to talk to Dutch about payment. You walked out of the stable with your new horse, and made your way to Dutch.


"Beautiful." Dutch started. He made it seem like he was talking about the horse, but you weren't sure he was. "What's her name?" Dutch asked.

"Anastasia, it was my mother's name." You answered.

"Well it's very pretty. Let's go find a place you can show off your skills." Dutch said with a smile. You got on your new horse and patted her. You and Dutch rode out of Valentine and found a spot in the Heartlands to shoot around.

"Let's make this into a little competition." Dutch said. "First to shoot down five birds wins."

"Your on." You responded.

Dutch shot off his gun to get the birds up in the air. A whole flock started to fly out from the high grass. You took out your gun, one of the only possession you still had, and started to shoot at the birds. You quickly started to hit them.



You thought you had a good chance of winning.



"Done!" Dutch yelled as he hit his last bird.

You put your gun in your holster looking defeated. "Damn i was so close." You said.

"I'm impressed, you didn't miss a shot, and you kept up with me, that's pretty good." Dutch said walking over to you. He stood close to you, looking down to meet your eyes. "You want to know something I've noticed about you Miss l/n?" He said.

You swallowed. "What's that Mr. Van Der Linde?"

You saw a slight smirk on his face, he liked when you called him that. "Miss l/n, every time we talk, your face gets very red, are you nervous around me?" He asked. You didn't say anything. He stepped a bit closer, his chest almost touching you. "Do you like it when I'm close to you?"

You only nodded.

"Tell me." He said. His eyes were hungry.

You swallowed again. "I like when you get close to me." You responded.

"How does it make you feel?" He asked.

"Um... I don't know how to explain the feeling.. but it's good." You said.

"Good." He said with a smirk. He turned to walk back to his horse, his smell lingering a few moments. You were completely flustered. You slowly made your way to Anastasia and mounted up.

"Ready to head back?" Dutch asked. He acted like the encounter you just had never happened. You nodded.

The ride back was silent, not an uncomfortable silent, but silent. You watched Dutch as he rode on The Count. Just by the way he rode his horse, you could tell how confident he was. He was proud of himself and the family he built.

You arrived at camp as the sun was setting. You hitched Anastasia and walked to Dutch. You both began to walk into camp, his hand rested on your lower back. As soon as Arthur walked out of his tent to make his way over to you both, Dutch quickly removed his hand.

"Micah got arrested Dutch, Lenny barley made it out." Arthur said as he approached Dutch. He sighed.

"We will get him out tomorrow, why don't you take the boy into town to get a drink, to calm him down." Dutch told Arthur. Arthur nodded and walked off to find Lenny. Once alone, Dutch turned to face you once he was gone.

"I had a lovely day Miss l/n, we should do it again sometime." He said before walking off. You smiled at walked back to you bed. You sat down, the events from the day fresh in your mind. You bit your lip thinking about Dutch's gaze, you hoped you would have another moment like that soon.

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