《Always There || Greta Van Fleet》Chapter 25: My Turn


I loved the way he looked at me.

All of the flowers and pretty dresses in the world could never compare to how beautiful I felt when he looked at me. I had gone my entire life feeling invisible, and for the most part, I was okay with that. But when he looked at me, for the first time, I truly felt seen.

I reached over, gently grabbing onto his shirt and pulled him into a gentle kiss. He didn't hesitate to move in closer, lightly caressing my face as he kissed me back.

I still couldn't believe how easy this was. Time and time again I had seen the demise of even the strongest friendships just by pushing it too far, but it always felt like him and I were destined for more; our souls longing for each other before our bodies were brave enough to act on the love we've always known was there.

Finally he backed away, flashing me a wide grin.

"I thought.. we had to wait for after the date for that." He giggled, his face now bright red.

"I think we've waited long enough." I sighed, pulling him into one more kiss before getting into the car. He stood there for a moment, holding his stare on me before carefully shutting the door behind me and making his way over to the driver's side.

"So where are we going?" I asked, turning to face him, not wanting to take my eyes off of him for a second out of fear of missing a single detail. I'm sure most people would think I was crazy, but I've had this feeling in my gut my entire life, and I wanted to remember everything when I retold the story of my first date with my husband.

He peeked over at me, his smile growing.

"Well, it is a big night, so I got us a reservation at Amanti's."

"That's my favorite." I said softly, reaching over for his hand.

"Oh, I know."

Sometimes I couldn't believe just how much he paid attention to me over the years.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you've gone on plenty of dates." I joked, intertwining our fingers. "You're a little too good at this." He shook his head, peeking back over at me.


"Jaime, I've had.. a while to think about this. I have been wanting to do this for you.. for a long time."

As we pulled up to the restaurant, he came around, opening my door.

"You're gonna spoil me." I laughed. He nodded.

"That's the point." Taking my hand, he lead us inside, wrapping his arm around me as we were brought over to our table.

"Where do you wanna sit?" He asked, motioning over. I slid into the booth side as he took the chair.

"This isn't weird yet, right?" I asked, picking up one of the menus. He shook his head, giggling to himself.

"Not even a little bit." He sighed. "We should definitely get some wine though." I nodded, smirking back over at him, remembering how the night went last time we drank too much. How badly I wished I could relive that night over and over.

Maybe.. it would happen again tonight.

And maybe.. with a little more.

Happiness was effortless with him; any lingering nerves melted away with every emptied glass. Wine stained lips pressed into permanent smiles as we reminisced of days when we were both too young to understand what this could ever be, despite how badly we both wanted it.

"So, every time Jake and Sam had their girlfriends over-"

"Why do you think I would always come to see you?" He asked, taking another big sip. I shrugged, feeling my cheeks burn. I had always hoped, but never knew for sure.

"I don't know, you always told me how you never felt like you were missing your other half."

"Because I always had you, Jaime." I held my stare on him, trying to contain my smile. I then scooted over, patting the spot next to me. He didn't hesitate to come over, sliding into the booth and wrapping his arm around me.

We shared the chocolate ice cream, taking turns with one spoon that I insisted we share. I was never really much of a dessert person, but he was, so suddenly dessert was now my favorite meal.

"So what about-"

"Nope." I said, taking another bite. "Just friends."


"But didn't you-" I shook my head, giggling to myself.

"I told you, I never dated anyone." He nodded, taking the spoon from me.

"So all these years.. I was jealous for nothing."

"You could've just asked." I laughed, peeking back up at him. His smile grew as he held the ice cream filled spoon up to my mouth. I hesitated for a moment, holding my stare on him before taking a bite.

"Yeah, cause that wouldn't have been obvious at all."

To think, all these years I thought he couldn't care less about any of the guys who had tried their luck with me, only to find out he was jealous of all of them. I would never admit it, but I loved it.

"If it helps.. I hated when girls would talk to you too." I said softly. He nodded, keeping his eyes on the bowl, slowly stirring what was left.

"That does help, thank you." He laughed. "But.. I've never.. I mean.. Jaime, I.. it's always been you." My heart jumped, another huge grin escaping my lips.

"It's always been you, too." I whispered. He was quiet for a moment, but it felt like a lifetime. Finally, I felt his finger on my chin, gently tilting my head back up to face him. He stared back at me with those beautiful eyes, making me melt right into the floor. I leaned in, gently leaning my forehead against his, hoping this time he would make the move.

And he did.

He reached up, holding my face in his hand, pulling me into a gentle kiss. I moved in closer, gently grabbing onto his leg as I kissed him back harder; the lingering chocolate on his lips making them sweeter than ever. I knew I would never taste ice cream the same again.

He then sighed, finally backing away.

"Do you.. wanna get out of here?" He asked. My heart started beating faster, wondering what else he had in mind.


On our way out, I started walking towards his car when I felt him start to tug me in the opposite direction. I looked over to see him motioning towards the park across the street.

Every summer the town brought in different vendors, decorating the streets with lights, filling the sidewalks with music. It truly felt like a movie walking through it at night. I had spent many summers venturing through alone, dreaming of what it would be like to finally get to share a night here with someone else.

A very specific someone.

We silently walked hand in hand through the illuminated archways until we finally reached the end. Off in the distance, I could see the faint glow of the old gazebo down by the water. I had spent so many days and nights down here alone until I was inevitably interrupted by couples who wanted their own "alone time."

Was I finally going to have my turn?

He carefully lead us down the wooded path, sitting down close to me on the bench. The light just barely left the shore, leaving us surrounded by the darkness of the woods and water that so lightly crashed up against its wooded walls.

"Jaime.." He said, turning to me. I moved in closer to him, getting lost in his eyes again as he reached out for me, gently running his fingers through my hair.

"Yeah?" I asked eagerly. He hesitated for a moment, biting down on his lip.

"Jaime, I've never done this before because.. I.. I've been waiting.. for you. And I want to do this right, even though I'm not entirely sure what right is.. but I really want to figure all of this out with you. I am never happier than I am when I'm with you. Every day I'm lucky enough to spend with you is a day I'll never take for granted. And.. I love what we have now but.. I think.. if you want, I think we could be.. so much more. So.." He trailed off, nervously grabbing my hand.

"Jaime, will you be my girlfriend?"

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