《The red one | Sam U'ley》Chapter nineteen


It's been a week. A week since I've seen him. A week since Bella came back from Italy. A week since Victoria.

When I got out of the hospital I told Charlie to take me to Sam's house. He didn't even question it. And I've been here since.

I'm not in much pain anymore. The wounds are very large. It looks like I was mauled by a bear. At least, that's what I've been telling people. They had healed a bit, but not much. I still had to keep the bandage on it. They went from the right side of my neck, over my chest and part of my stomach and onto my left arm.

I looked terrifying.

I didn't blame Sam whatsoever. He didn't mean it. I know he didn't. I know he would never hurt me. He was trying to save, protect me from Victoria.

So that's what I've been doing for the past week. Sitting in Sam's bed or walking around his house, wearing his clothes so I could feel closer to him. Calling him and leaving voicemails in hopes he'd answer me and come back.

Kim and Emily have tried to get me to come out, but I can't. What if he comes back even for a moment when I'm gone and then leaves again. I can't risk it.

I can't.

I got up from his couch and walked over to his room. I did have some clothes that I had Charlie bring me. I put on one of Sam's big shirts and put on a pair of shorts of my own. I walked back out to the living room and sat on the couch with my head faced to the windows where I could see into the woods.


"Oh my," I said with realization. I got up from the couch and bolted to my shoes and put them on.

Sam had told me after he phased he stayed in the woods for weeks. How could I not have figured it out sooner. He had to be in the woods.


I ran out and started yelling out his name. He didn't tell me exactly where he stayed so I just ran out in hopes of finding him.

I'd been running for about 5 minutes when I stopped yelling and slowly my run down to a walk. I was looking everywhere. I got to a large river it looked like. It almost looked like a land separator.

I walked down the large rocks and walked into the river to the other side. I got out and climbed up the rocks again. I made my way threw the woods, looking everywhere. I heard a stick crack from behind me. I gasped and out my hand over my heart and turned around.

It was a girl.

She had pixie like hair and was about my height. She was pale white and had bright, almost gold looking eyes. She walked up to me with a large smile.

"Hi! I'm Alice," she beamed as she pulled me into a hug. I was a little; a lot take back at this. I awkwardly patted her back and she backed up and looked at me.

"Your Bella's cousin, right," she asked. I slowly nodded.

"Oh, don't be scared. I'm Edward's sister. And I've been waiting to meet you for a long time," she said brightly. I gave an akward laugh.

"Nice, um. If you don't mind me asking. Why are you in the woods," I said quietly as I picked at the bandage on my arm. She looked down at it and her smile falted a bit. She looked back at me with with the smile returned.

"Oh, my family's house is about a mile away from here,"

"That cool. It was nice meeting you," I said as I turned around. After about 5 seconds I felt an ice cold hand on my own. I turned about and looked at Alice again. She gave me a small smile.


"He's at the waterfall," she said quietly before running off. Waterfall....


I sucked in a breath before running off again. How could she possibly know that. Maybe she was playing with me. I ran off, threw the river again, threw the trees. Once I got closer to the waterfall I stopped running. I walked closer and looked around. I walked around it and looked into the small cave behind the water.

I carefully walked in and looked around. My eyes widened at what I saw.

It was Sam's wolf.

He was laying down with his eyes closed. A large smile came to my face. I slowly walked over to him. As I got closer his eyes opened and he stood up and growled.

"Sam, it's me," I whispered. He stopped growling and looked down. His face when he saw me stopped. I saw his wolf eyes go from my head to my neck where the bandage was and followed it all the way down to my arm. He whimpered and back up, tripping over his leg. I walked closer, but he kept waking back until he was as far as he could get away, away from me.

"Sam. Please. It's okay. I'm fine. I just need you, please," I whispered the last word as I got closer. He looked down at me and left his head fall. I saw tears in his eyes.

I walked even closer and slowly out my hand out. I slowly let my hand touch his face. His eyes shut and I let my hand onto him. I walked even closer and hugged his head.

I pulled back after a minute and held his wolf head in my hands. He opened his eyes for a minute and looked at me.

"Please come back," I whispered. He looked at me for a minute before moving his head out of my hands and walked out of the cave. It took me a second before I started walking out. Before I got fully it of the cave I saw a shadow. It was a mans shadow. It got closer until he came into the cave.

I ran to him and launched myself into his arms. He grabbed my back if my thighs while I had my arms wrapped around his neck tightly. I put my hand into his neck as he held me.

We said not word, just stayed in each others arms. I pulled my head from his neck and looked at him.

He looked bad.

He had dark circles under his eyes. His hair has dirt all over it as well as his face. His eyes looked so dead. I saw his eyes go from my face and back down to my neck. His face fell even more.

One of his hands left my thighs and went up to my neck. His finger lingered on top of the bandage before pulling away like it burned him. He let his head fall into my chest as he left me even tighter.

"I'm so sorry river," he whispered. I shook my head and pulled his head away from my chest and into my hands.

"I'm fine. See, I'm okay. Please don't blame yourself, okay. You saved me. You, Sam. You saved me. If you didn't I would be dead right now so don't. Don't blame yourself,"

He gave me a almost invisible smile and put his head into the left side of my neck.

"Let's get you home," I whispered.


A/N: yes I know Alice can't see the wolves in her visions, but this is my story so I altered a few things from the saga. :)

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