《The red one | Sam U'ley》Chapter eighteen


I woke up with a small groan. I slowly opened my eyes , but closed them at the sight of a very bright light. I slowly opened my eyes again, blinking rapidly to rid the tears from the light. I moved my head slight and looked around with hooded eyes.

I was in a hospital room. I moved my head to the other side, but groaned out in pain. My hands flew to my neck where the pain was. There were large bandages on my neck. I moved my hand down; following the bandages. They went from the right side of my neck to my left arm.

What happened?

I moved my eyes around again. My eyes landed on a person. It was Dylan. I went to move my arm, forgetting that there was a bandage on it for some reason and groaned; louding out in pain. Dylan shot up from his seat and saw I was awake. He moved over to me and grabbed my arm gently and moved it back down. I looked at him with my eyes wide. He looked at me and gave me a sad smile.

"How are you," He asked softly.

"What happened," I asked as my voice cracked a bit. He looked over at me and sighed. He moved his seat closer and grabbed my right hand gently.

"Do you remember what happened?" He asked. I slowly nodded. I remember the red head and then sam and then it was all black.

"Some," I said not wanting to talk because it hurt to do so. He sighed again.

"When Victoria; the red head. She uh, had you by the neck and right before you passed out she went to bite you. Sam went crazy and phazed right there, but he was close, too close to you when he did," He said with a pained look. My mouth fell open a bit.


"He feels horrible river, you should have seen him after she got away again. He wouldn't let anyone near you. He ran you to the hospital himself. After that. well, we haven't seen or heard from him since. You've been asleep for 2 days," He said. A small tear fell from my eye.

"No, no, no, no," I repeated over and over in a whisper. "Im okay, please Dylan. Tell him I'm okay. Please I have to see him. Please tell me he doesn't hate me," I cried in a whisper. He instantly shut that down, shaking his head.

"No, god river. He doesn't hate you he hates himself for hurting you. The same I felt when I hurt emily. It took me month to come back. I felt terrible, I still do," He said with sigh. I looked up at him as my bottom lip trembled.

"If you hear from him. Tell him i'm okay. I just really need to see him," I whispered. He nodded and got up and walked out. Once he was out I let my cry out.

Why me. why me. why me. why me.

What if he hates me. What if he never talks to me again. No, he wouldn't do that, he couldn't, right?

I brought my hand on my none injured arm up and wiped the tears and shook my head away of those thought. I need to think positive, right? Yes. I looked over to the side to see my phone was there. I grabbed it as quick as i could and click Sams contact.

It rang and rang and rang, but no answer. I looked back down at my phone and went to bellas contact. After 10 seconds she picked up. She sounded really frantic.

"What river," She snapped. I was stunned a bit before replying.


"I um, i'm in the hospital. Where are you," I said quietly. I heard her say something to a person named alice before she replied.

"What? Your in the hospital for what," She said confused.

"That doesn't matter. Bella, where are you," I asked. I really needed somebody I knew. I needed to not feel alone.

"Italy," She replied. My eyes almost popped out of my head.

"ITALY?" I yelled into the phone. "Bella, what the hell are you doing in italy," I said quieter. I was asleep for only two days and she ended up going to the other side of the world.

"I'll tell you everything when I come back. I have to go," She said as she hung up. I held my phone by my ear in shock.

Why was I always the second choice. With my parents. With my old friends. Now with my own cousin. I need her and she's not here.

Whatever. I'm used to it I guess. Always being alone. I just wanted Sam. God. I want him so bad. I need him to know im not mad and i'm okay.

I called him again and let it go to voicemail before talking.

"Hey, Sam," I started off trying to sound okay, but the voice crack said otherwise. "I'm okay Sam. Please. I need you, I need someone I trust to be here with me. Place come back to me. I don't want to be alone again. I can't handle being alone again," I cried quietly into the phone. I took a deep breath in before continuing.

"Please, just. Come back. Come back to me," I whispered before handing up. I needed to be strong. I needed him to know I was okay so he'd come back. I took a deep breath in before clicking the button that I used to call the nurse. A dark skinned guy walked in with a small smile on his face.

"Hello, River. Im your doctor. My name is Irving. How are you feeling," He asked gently as he looked at the montar I was hooked up too. I gave him a small nod with a small smile.

"Yeah, Im fine," I said quietly. He nodded and wrote something down before looking back at me.

"Well, your vitals look alright so i'd say you should be good to go tomorrow if nothing goes wrong tonight," He said. I gave him a small nod. He grabbed a chair and pulled it so he was sitting next to me.

"You boyfriend brought you in. He didn't tell us what happened. He just demened we help you and left. There was a lot of blood. Can you tell me what happened," He said softly.

"It um. Was a bear," I stumbled over the words a bit. "Yeah, a bear," I said more confident. He gave me a small nod before getting up.

"Well, I'll let you get some sleep, okay. Click the button if you need anything," He said as he walked out. I sighed and closed my eyes and almost fell asleep instantly.

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