《A Guide To The Egos: Jacksepticeye》Dr. Schneeplestein (Part 3)


Only if you frequent hospitals, as that's where he's most likely to be.

Although we have plenty of sitings of him outside of hospitals, he is a doctor, even if he's not certified, and the majority of his work regards medical attention and emergencies. Some way, somehow, he will have found his way into a hospital, possibly an emergency room, and have found work for himself.

Otherwise, if you're not injured and thus aren't at a hospital, the odds of meeting this ego are rather slim.

More than likely, the two of you will meet in the hospital he works at. While most of the other doctors will be busy with other patients, if not in surgery operating on them, Dr. Schneeplestein will be free and go around to the patients who aren't being attended to.

When he gets to you, the first thing you'll notice is how different he acts from the other doctors. While they have even, rational tones of voice and a calm demeanor about them, you can tell that this doctor is different. His emotions are more turbulent than doctor's should allow and the very way he holds himself is more so energetic, and maybe slightly chaotic? No matter what it is, you can tell he's different.

What you can't tell is whether or not that's a bad thing.

You'll also notice his accent—it sounds german, but slightly off, and if you ask him about it he won't give you a straight answer. So it would be smart to drop it.

As long as you're not in life-threatening danger, you shouldn't feel too concerned or on edge while he's looking over your injuries. Surgery is where it really gets dicey with Schneeplestein, giving how many times viewers have seen him fail to save someone in videos compared to how many people he's saved.


And let's not forget that comment about him visiting his patients in the graveyard. Not a good sign.

If you're in need of surgery, and Schneeplestein is the one who's gonna perform it on you, be concerned. Worried. Scared, even. Because your life isn't the most reliable of hands. Try to stall him as much as you can and send him away if possible. Very often there's preparation time before surgery and the doctor will leave the patient's room. Wait until then, and then notify the next nurse that comes to see you that you're in need of a new doctor.

Do not, repeat, DO NOT tell Dr. Schneeplestein directly that you need a new doctor. Remember, he's much more turbulent than other doctors and becomes irritable when he doesn't do a good job healing people. He's threatened multiple patients, directly to their faces, with comas or death.

While there's no real saying how he would take the news that another doctor has been reassigned to perform your surgery, you won't be in the room when he hears the news. So you should physically be safe from his reaction.

Whenever you can, find our number and contact us. Let us know what hospital he's at and avoid him for the rest of your stay.

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