《Septicego Oneshots》Marvin x Reader: A New Discovery


The man falls to the ground with a hard 'fwump' before he forces himself back up and into action. He wipes at his bloodied nose that he sustained from the fall. To the left, under the tree, into the hole- hide. Hold still...don't even breathe, if he breathes he'll be caught. Slowly, like a rabbit in its den, he pokes his head out to see if it's safe. His head is followed by his shoulders, his torso, just when he thought it was safe the ground beneath him trembles and begins to split. They've found him. No, no it can't be. He reaches out for anything, only to be met with-

"aaurgh-" Your arm seizes, forcing your pen out of your grasp. The tendons under your skin scream as you flex and shift your fingers. You struggle to give your forearm a good stretch. "Of all times for you to be acting up-" you stand up from your desk and head for the kitchen. Inside the medicine cupboard sits some heating bags, you reach up and carefully pull one down, trying not to let the others fall.

"You doin okay?"

You jump, almost dropping the bag. "oh, hey Marv. I'll be fine." You hadn't heard him come in. Had he been there the whole time? You don't think so..

"What's wrong?"

"Just my wrist.." you hold up the traitorous joint. Before you protest, he scoops up your sore arm, cradling your wrist, and running his thumb along the sore . "Don't worry, it's fine, really." You wrap your free arm around yourself and shift your feet. Marvin stares at your wrist, almost calculating.

"I have an idea." He looks up to you with a glimmer in his eye "do you trust me?"

You nod deftly "yeah.."


"Excellent, now," he begins a small and quiet chant, it almost sounds like a song. As he sings he taps around the skin of your wrist, coming around full circle. Within the invisible ring you feel your muscles force themselves relaxed.

"What on earth-"

"Ssh" He shushes you, quickly returning to his work. Marvin taps a few more shapes before finally lifting your hand to his soft lips and planting a gentle kiss to your wrist. The action catches you off guard, sending a jolt of electricity to your brain leaving you feeling so confused...

You jerk your hand back hard and fast, almost smacking him in the face "dude, what the heck! You can't just do that without warning!"

"Look! Look, it's working!" He points wildly at your hand, ignoring your protests. Where he tapped and drew seems to connect itself into soft shapes. Warmth pulsates and inches under your skin as the ache begins to ebb and the burning is slowly extinguished.

"The heck was that?!" You look over your old injury in confusion and shocked wonder.

"You know how when kids get hurt their parents will kiss them better?"

"Yeah, like a placebo kind of deal." You raise your brow, curious to know where he's going with this.

"Well, there's some truth to that. I found a spell in one of my tomes and it worked! It really worked..." He clasps your hand, excitedly watching the spell go about it's work "I didn't think it would, it's interesting to see how the folklore has changed over time and thus lost its original power." His expression is so soft and full of wonder, it warms your heart to see him happy. The colors are gentle, casting a low blue and green tint to his face. His hands are so big and warm. They almost swallow yours in their hold. You can just barely hear him mumbling theories and ideas. You can feel his breath on your skin. It's...nice.


"Hey Marvin?"

"Hm?" His eyes never leave the pattern.

"Thank you.."

He looks up to you in wide eyed surprise "of course! Any time." He continues to hold your hand, as the colors flow.

"Can I uh... have my hand back?" The spell slowly dissipates as it came to an end, taking with it some much needed warmth.

"Oh!" His eyes widen "Yeah, right-" he releases your hand as though it seared him "Sorry, I got a bit carried away.." he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, ears tinting pink. He wrings his hands together in nervous embarrassment.

"It's fine." You grin, reaching up to fix part of your hair. Your hands find their way to his in an attempt to calm them. "You were-It was pretty cool."

"You think so?" His ears still maintain their pink. "I've been trying to find some new spells to put in my show."

"What all have you found?" You slowly let go of his hands when you think his confidence is alright.

"Oh a ton! I haven't been able to test them yet, but they've got promise." He puffs up his chest in pride. "I'm thinking about trying a teleportation or transfiguration spell next."

"I won't be your guinea pig for those ones, will I?"

"What? Ah! Of course not! I would never-"

"I know, I know, just playing." You stifle a laugh with your hand. "Well, I have a project due tonight that I gotta finish. Thanks again for fixing me up." You flex your hand, demonstrating its renewed mobility.

"No problem uh- yeah.. any time." He smiles lopsidedly and takes the heating bag from you to tuck it away. As he does so, you take your leave, heading down the hall. You almost turn the knob to your room when-

"Hey uh, (y/n)?." You turn back around in front of your door to see Marvin with his head sticking out the kitchen door way.

"Yes, Marvin?"

His eyes look side to side, slowly in thought. He opens his mouth to speak before closing it again. His ears only turn redder as he looks back at your confused face. "Never mind. It's nothing." He slips back into the kitchen. "Good luck and good night!" He waves with his arm

"Good...night?" You stare after him.

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