《Septicego Oneshots》Henrik x Reader: Eins, Zwei, Drei...


"You ready to go?" You hear a voice call from downstairs.

You bolt up still in your pajamas, smudging the ink you were using to write. "Yeah! I'll be right down!" You shout. You were so not ready, you grab the nearest set of jeans and a t-shirt and throw them on. "Shoes! Shoes. Shoes.." you mumble kicking around your room. There! You slip them on and trip to the hall.

"Can I have one of zese cookies?"

"Yeah! Grab me one too." You skid into the bathroom, yanking a brush through your hair while swishing mouthwash. You spit it out, narrowly missing your hair, and thunder down the stairs. "Okay, lets go." You huff, grabbing your jacket.

"You veren't ready, vere you?" He grins at you cheekily from the drivers seat.

"What tipped you off?" You grumble, biting into your cookie.

"Zuh fact sat it sounded like sere vas elephants upstairs?"

"Oh no! Those were supposed to be a surprise.." your sarcasm doesn't go unnoticed.

"How about ve stop und get you somesing real to eat, ja?

"Fiiine" you smile.

It was a quick drive through visit and you happily find yourself munching in to your sudden breakfast.

"So, you excited to go shopping today?" Henrik asks, taking a bite of his parfait.

"I little, it's not usually my forte..." you half shrug, fidgeting slightly "but hey! Anything for my friends, right?"

You're friend was one of those freelancers. They ran a self owned business in partnership with a clothing company. You'd managed to win a gift certificate from them and they just insisted you come soon. No time like the present, right?

"Don't vorry too much, it'll just be zuh sree of us, remember zat," he pokes your cheek playfully with his spoon.

"Hey, watch it! You're driving, remember??" You combat his teasing.

"Ja, ja, I know. It's fiiine, see? Still in my lane..."

You pull up to the house and take a deep breath before getting out.


"I sink ve're a bit early mine Schatzichen..." Henrik mumbles, checking his watch.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" You hear a small voice shout from above you. Your head shoots up to the house window before you smile. It was one of your friends kids, squished against the window screen.

"We're here to visit!" You call back up to the little boy. You start heading for the door

"Oh! Are you gonna see our parents?" Another of the kids shouts from behind him.

"Yeah, if you'll let us get inside first, silly." You tease, finally reaching the door. You only need to knock twice before it's opened

"My goodness, I'm sorry about the boys. How are you two??" They ask, pulling you into a hug.

"Pretty good, thanks." You answer, returning their hug.

"Well come inside, come inside!" They step away from the door to allow you two to come in. "Everything's just down stairs, hun." They lead you and Henrik down some stairs. He glances over his shoulder, catching the munchkins from earlier watching.

"Boo!" He lurches smiling

They shriek in surprise before scrambling away, giggling. He laughs to himself before joining you and your friend in the basement.

"Now this one I'm sure you'll love." They hand you a shirt to try. You step into the little bathroom-fitting room to put it on. It's colors match your skin tone, and you find it fits very nicely.

You step out "Well, what do you think?"

"Hm... the style is good on you, but not the color....try this one instead!"

You tried a couple of shirts, a dress or two, and honestly, you loved them! They matched you so well and fit quite nicely. Not too loose, and not too snug.

"Oh~ I like that one." Your friend grins when you come out in a spring time dress

"Yup, zats my favorite." He states "ve'll take sis vun, please und sank you." He gestures you grinning.


"Oh hush, you.." you hug yourself, not used to the attention. Your friend and Henrik start rifling through some other dresses for you to try.

You turn to into the full body mirror. They're right, it does look very nice on you. This is so odd and different, it's kind of awkward playing adult dress up... You look over your profile view in the mirror, turning every now and again. Your arms slowly snake themselves around your torso the longer you look. Something seemed off and just didn't add up, but what is it? You furrow your brow in thought as you pass your eyes over your body again. That's odd, and so's that...you're shoulders are so slouched, have you always been shaped like this? What's that-

"Hey! What about this one?" Your friend goes to hand you another dress before they stop. "My goodness." They put it down and walk right past you "Boys, get back upstairs, they can't play right now..." they head upstairs after the boys.

Henrik watches the two of you, waiting for your friend to clear the floor.

"Sussë, are you okay?" He immediately asks.

"What? Yeah, why?"

"Vell, I know it's a lot of new..." He hesitates, rubbing his beard "und I know your calculating face."

You sigh "it's nothing big..."

"If it's got chu puzzling sat hard, I want to know."

You hesitate a moment, the words sit like a lead ball in your mouth. Do you dare ask? "what do...what do you see in me?"

He sits there shocked for a moment. "Vell I uh...I see a strong girl, somevun how puts themselves before osers. Whose beautiful in ev-"

"Yeah but, you see? That there. That. I don't buy it.." you run your hand through your hair in stressed, nervous irritation.

"You don't believe sat- oh...Hasen-"

"Don't- I know. It's stupid, it's irrational. I've got nothing to worry about, I should be happy with how I look but what if-" you choke "what if it's not enough..What if I'm not enough?"

"Come here.." he steps to you and pulls you in close. He doesn't say anything, just rocks you lightly before pulling away. He puts his hands on your hips "vun..." then pokes at your sides "vun, two, sree.."

"Henrik, what are you doing?"

"Hush, I'm counting." He keeps poking your sides, working hard not to tickle you "zen, elf, zwölf." He holds your face "vun, two eyes...a nose...two ears.."

He steps back and takes your hands "you have exactly 24 ribs sat surround und hold the softest, warmest heart. You have two crystalline eyes that learn so much. Two ears sat hear me out, even on mine vorst days. You have a nose that scrunches so wonderfully, my Hafsen-" He takes a moment to boop your nose. "Und a pair of beautiful lips sat sing songs, make poems, and trust me." He holds the lower half of your back, drawing you close as he intwines his fingers with yours "You have all you need. Your big heart, your loving self. You are enough, alvays and forever." He presses his forehead to yours "if you start doubting that, please tell me..." He hesitates "because you also have vun pair of hips Liebling and I do not vant to lose sose."

"Oh my gosh, Henrik, you ruined it!" You push him away laughing.

"But it's true! Zey don't lie!" He defends himself. "Seriously sough, if it's starting to get to you, ve can stop."

"Sorry you guys, I had to put on a movie for the kids, it took them ages to pick one..." Your friend sighs, coming back downstairs

"Hey...I think I'll actually take this one." You smile, brushing out the fabric.

"You got it boss."

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