《Hatake Pride》Part XXVI



"Aaaand there! The shadow I saw kinda looked like this!" Boruto exclaimed and held up a napkin he had drawn on to show me.

I tilted my head and opened my mouth to question what the hell I was looking at, but just closed my mouth and turned back to my burger again. If I hadn't seen the dark chakra for myself I might just think he's crazy.

"Well... that is... something," I offer a statement and sip my drink.

"It looks like fire... I don't know what he's seeing but, it's bad," Shikadai sighed, propping his arm on the table as he thought.

"Yeah, when it happened to Shino-Sensei he said it felt like he was being controlled the whole time right,"

"Uh ha," Shikadai agreed.

"But that means there must be somebody behind this, pulling the strings you know," Boruto continued.

"Uh ha," Shikadai agreed again.

"But don't people control other people for specific reasons?" I jump back into the conversation.

"Like, they wouldn't just do it for kicks right?" I ask confused.

"Yeah that's true, that's why I was wondering if this wasn't just some bug or sickness floating around, but that didn't make sense when we didn't catch it, and the fact that Boruto can see it, my theory fell through," Shikadai sighed again, placing his head on his hand.

Boruto also sighed, folding his arms and turning his head to the ceiling. I continued to sip my soda with a confused look. We were obviously missing something, but... what was it? I turned my attention to the window, watching as Sarada, Chocho and Sumire walked past. Sarada was in one of her moods because Boruto, Mitsuki, and Shikadai weren't at the Academy today to help clean, though they did have a good reason for it.

A week had gone by since then, and my friends and I were currently sitting on the grass 'in our classroom' during recess talking about random things, though most of the class was paying attention to the girls to our right because they were talking about their recent run-in with a local stalker.


"Another attack?"

"Isn't this getting out of hand?"

"Do you think... this is another incident?" Mitsuki asked.

"Come on, no way this is one of those rampages... it's too subtle," Shikadai shook off.

"Yeah, you're right,"

So after school, I jogged down the corridor toward the three girls as they were leaving the grounds.

"Hey Sarada," I called out, watching the young Uchiha turn to face me.

"Kashin? What's up?" She questioned.

"Oh nothing I was just~"

"Sarada come oooooon! I'm hungry!" Chocho called.

"In a minute okay," Sarada called back, turning to face me again.


"Oh, I was just going to ask if I could come along with, you to the store? I also need something," I told her, shifting my eyes to the ground before back up at her again.

"Oh, sure, come on," She nodded, beginning to walk back toward Chocho and Sumire with me in tow.

So we walked down toward the closest Cosco to the Academy,- with Chocho jogging upfront of course,- and entered the store while the potato chip lover ran off to find her snacks. I wandered around, grabbing a water and a small packet of crackers before heading back to Sarada and Sumire who were looking at magazines. Once Chocho had gotten herself a rather funny flavor of chips, we headed out, I wasn't sure where we were going next, but it was nice to just walk around without worrying about someone wanting to pick a fight with Boruto. I kinda hung behind the girls, mindlessly scanning the alley we were walking through. A cool shiver run up my spine, my skin heating as the hairs on my neck stood up. I turned around to face the threat only to see nothing and no one behind us. When I turned back to face the girls I saw Sumire turned to look around behind her as well.

"Are you alright Sumire?" I ask walking to stand close beside her.


"O~Oh yes... I'm fine," She whispered.

I nodded, gesturing for her to keep walking while I followed behind.

Not a moment later, when the girls and I passed a nearby vending machine, my senses acted up again and my ears caught ragged breaths.

"Chocho!" I called out to the potato chip lover as she passed the machine.

"Found you!" She hollered, enlarging her fist and punching the snack machine, sending it into the wall, though not before hitting the young male hiding behind it.

"AAAAAAAAAAH~," Said male cried out in pain as he was made into a human pancake.

He scrambled to crawl out from behind the pice of technology, reaching for anything to grab onto as if he were reaching for something to save his life. Chocho grabbed him with her enlarged fist, pinning him back against the vending machine while Sarada, Sumire, and I watched from behind her.

"Woah ok easy... you could hurt him Chocho," I step forward and tell my classmate off as she glares and growls at her captive.

"Chocho! What are you doing!? There's no need to be so violent!" I looked to the side with the girls as Boruto, Shikadai, and Mitsuki appeared.

"HA!?" Chocho hissed.

But in the end, she put him down so he was seated on his knees in front of me and my classmates.

"So... this is the guy that's been following you?" Boruto questioned in a very judgmental voice.

I mean sure this kid wasn't much to look at, he was thin, lanky with long brown hair, pale skin, and a shy puppy deminer, but I recognized him from the halls at the academy, he's in the same year we are if I'm not mistaken, the next class up. ChoCho seemed to recognize him as well, telling us his name and the fact that he did attend the academy with us.

"I can't believe he was following you," Sumire muttered in a soft voice, her hand in front of her face in shock.

I folded my arms as my peers and I watched this boy, my ears picking up Shikadai's question to Boruto, asking if he was another rampage case. However, Boruto said he couldn't have been, he didn't see anything around him nor sense any malicious intent.

"Even so we can't just give him a slap on the wrist and send him home," I comment looking toward the young Uzumaki.

"What are we going to do?"

Boruto pulled his lips together and closed his eyes, scratching the bag of his head before entering in front of Maguire, the stalker boy.

"Hey man, so why'd you do this huh? Why were you stalking ChoCho!?" Boruto asked firmly.

Maguire spazzed, his eyes wide before he huffed and turned his head to the side, looking over at the girls.

"Hey... why don't you say anything?" Boruto questioned, narrowing his eyes.

Maguire said nothing once again, turning his head to the other side and casting his eyes down.

"Aaaah, silent treatment huh?"

"But come on, what are you doing following ChoCho around? You have really strange taste." Shikadai commented, folding his arms.

ChoCho laughed, amused. She then proceeded to pose in a "cute" pose, with her eyes sparkling as she told Maguire they were too different to be together.

"No!" Maguire stood quickly, denying the statement.

I was taken back at first. He was yelling no because he didn't think he and ChoCho were too different? He wanted... to be, with her... So while my peers and I stared at him in shock, he gained some confidence and corrected us that ChoCho wasn't his love interest and the person he was following... it was Sumire...

Our class rep...


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