《Hatake Pride》Part XXVII



"Oh no..."

"Huh? The class rep?"

"So, that means... the one he likes is..."

"Huh!? Ohohohohoho,"

I watched Maguire blush like mad and turn away, Boruto sit on the floor sprawled out as if this was the norm, and Sumire turn and squeak and squeal out of embarrassment as we realized Maguire was following the girls because he had a crush on our purple-haired classmate.

"Haaaaa," I sighed folding my arms and turning my head to the side boredly.

"Hoo man, I'm so relieved," I then turned my gaze to ChoCho as she began talking, watching her sigh and try to remove herself from the awkward position she was in.

After all, we thought Maguire liked ChoCho, aaaaaaaand now that we know he doesn't, and ChoCho gave him that whole speech about being "too good for him", she now had to recover from a very brutal rejection.

"Well, great... seems my plan to get him to confess was a complete and total success." The ginger-haired kunoichi folded her arms not looking toward our group at all.

"Yeah right!" Boruto huffed at her knowing she was embarrassed and just saying crap.

"So what do we do now? You took things way too far buddy," Shikadai asks as he grabs a drink from the vending machine.

"But what else was I supposed to do? I~ I just wanted to breathe the same air as Sumire!" Maguire exclaimed, clenching his eyes shut.

Sumire shivered, placing her hands on my shoulder and hiding behind me. I flinched slightly at the contact but didn't shove her off, she needed the protection from this creep.

"You could just try talking to her you know... it's not that hard..." Boruto commented.

"So uh~ are we all done here? I'll just be going then~" Maguire stammered, lowering his head and turning to walk away.


"Not a chance!" Boruto jumped on him, locking him in place.

"Wait... Now may be your big chance," ChoCho cut in, stepping beside Sumire and I.

"Huh?" Both Maguire and Boruto paused.

"Now you can tell her how you feel, if you do it right now, I'll forgive you for following us all the time, and who knows, maybe you'll even get lucky" ChoCho gave Maguire a thumbs up, placing a hand on Sumire's shoulders.

Maguire's eyes lit up and his face flushed pink. Boruto stared at him as he let go, everyone holding their breath to see what would happen. I felt Sumire's fist clench tighter on my shirt, so I snuck a look back at her over my shoulder. She was also blushing but shivering slightly as well. Maguire took a deep breath with shut eyes before taking a step toward Sumire... who was standing behind me.

"Kashin, come on, move," I turned my gaze to ChoCho as the young Akimichi waved me over to her and Sarada.

"Is he really gonna do it~???" Boruto whispered, with a shocked expression.

I locked my eyes with hers for a few seconds, not moving a muscle or even unfolding my arms. Taking a shallow breath, I unfolded my arms before stepping to the side and walking over to stand next to Sarada. Sumire stood waiting in front of Maguire, gripping the strap of her bag nervously.

"Oh my gosh... he's gonna do it~" Boruto exclaimed, his face as red as Maguire as he hugged Mitsuki's shoulders.

Maguire then stepped forward toward Sumire, taking a deep breath before bending forward 90 degrees with his right hand held out in front of him.

"Umm... I've had a crush on you~ for a very long time~! Please~ Will you go out with me!?" Maguire exclaimed, his voice quivering as he confessed.


"Ooooh, he actually did it~!" Boruto breathed out with wide eyes and a red face.

"I'm sorry~!" Sumire squeaked, bowing so her posture mirrored Maguire's.

"And he got rejected..." Shikadai muttered with his eyes wide yet furrowed eyebrows in an 'Ouch' expression, feeling embarrassed for the poor boy.

I heard Maguire gasp before he fell to his knees with his hair hanging in his face.

"No way... What the hell!" He exclaimed with a raspy voice.

"I only did it cause you told me to~! I should have just stayed hidden- I would have been better off~!" He yelled out, shaking his head as he panted.

"Yeah, I thought this would be the cause," ChoCho sighed, walking toward Maguire.

"Are you serious?" I narrowed my eyes at the young Kunoichi.

"I really can't believe she could be so cruel..." Shikadai groaned as my classmates and I all watched the scene unfold.

"Here, have one of these," ChoCho offered Maguire one of the potato chips from her packet.

"Cheer up ok... You never really know what's gonna happen until you step up to the challenge right... so now, you'll know just what to do the next time... You understand?" ChoCho explained with a soft smile as she handed Maguire the green potato chip.

Maguire shivered on the floor, my ears catching his teeth grinding together as he scoffed. He then raised his hand and smacked ChoCho's, knocking the chip out of her fingers.

"ARE YOU MESSING WITH ME~ WHAT THE HELL!?" Maguire cried out, jumping to his feet and running off down the street.

"Well that went well," I commented, bringing my left hand up to place on my hip.

"Talk about rubbing salt in a wound." Sarada sighed as well, copying my stance, placing her hand on her hip.

"Oh well... If he can't understand that, then he's a loser," ChoCho muttered, jumping up and beginning to walk down the alley we were standing in to get back to the main street.

"Damn... That is gonna be pretty hard for him to accept." Shikadai breathed with a worried expression.

"Do you, think he'll be ok?" Boruto asked, staring at the street Maguire had run into.

"Only time will tell... But for now, I think it's best we give him some space..." I answered, also holding my eyes on the street Maguire disappeared down before taking a breath and turning to face Sumire.

"Are you ok? Sumire," I asked, tilting my head at our peer.

She jumped ever so slightly, locking her wide eyes with me before closing her agape mouth and nodding.

"Mm... yes," She mumbled.

"Come on, let's go," ChoCho called over our group.

So we all exited the alleyway, heading home.

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