《Hatake Pride》Part XIX



The next morning my class was outside for a physical lesson. Shino-sensei had brought in Konohamaru-sensei to demonstrate summoning techniques to us. Said sensei then summoned his contracted animal, a frog.

"Wow! Amazing!" Were a few of the praises that my classmates gave the Jounin as they stared up at him from his perch on the frog's head.

"Leave it to Konohamaru. That's a perfect Summoning Jutsu." Shino-sensei clapped walking toward him.

My class and I clapped afterward, continuing to listen to Shino-sensei explain that Konohamaru-sensei was the Third Hokage's Grandson and the pride of the Hidden Leaf. I don't know if that was supposed to be a compliment or an insult, especially when he said that was the reason he was so good at Jutsu.

'Does the Jutsu you do really matter depending on who's kid you are?' I furrowed my eyebrows slightly.

'How idiotic...' But I brushed it off, folding my arms.

"This is a great chance to ask questions so line up~" Shino-sensei was cut off by a bunch of the girls ran up to Konohamaru-Sensei and asking a million questions at once.

"Doesn't anyone ever listen to Shino-Sensei?" I ask looking at Shikadai out of the corner of my eyes.

"Nah, not really, he tries to be assertive but it always backfires... what a drag." The Nara answered me.

I then watched Boruto run at Konohamaru-sensei and grab the summoning scroll of his back.

"Umm, Boruto, that's not~"

"Summoning Jutsu!" Boruto yelled and cut me off, not even paying attention to what I was trying to say.

"Going... to... work..."I finish my sentence as we all watch nothing happen.

"Haha, it's funny how you still try and stop him Kashin," Inojin walked up next to us and smiled at me.


"For someone supposedly quite smart... he can be quiet the idiot..." I lower my head and sigh, bringing my head back up once Konohamaru-sensei began to speak again.

"You can't use the Summoning Jutsu till you've made a contract with a Summoning animal... a contract that must be signed in blood." He said.

"Once you have done that, you can call upon the animal wherever and whenever you need to," Shino-sensei added.

"However, seeing as you are nowhere near ready to use the summoning Jutsu, we'll start with summoning ninja tools," Shino-sensei added before unrolling the scroll in his hands and summoning a sword.

"Woahhhhh," Is summoning such a big thing for these kids?

We were all given a scroll, filled with seals that held different tools waiting to be summoned.

"So if I write my name in that scroll thing, I can summon a frog too?" I lifted my head to Boruto as he asked Konohamaru-sensei the question.

"There is a little more to it than that Boruto," I tell the blonde, twisting the scroll in my hand between my fingers.

"Kashin is right," Konohamaru-sensei agreed.

"Huh?" Boruto and I looked over to him.

"The hard part is getting a summoning animal to appear, to heed your call, they must be able to trust you as you do them," Our Sensei finished.

"Aww, I don't wanna summon a frog, yuck." One of the girls in my class told her friend.

"Aren't all summoning animals slimy and seriously creepy?" Chocho piped in.

"No, Frogs, slugs, and snakes aren't the only summoning animals one can contract. There are monkeys like Lord Thirds or dogs like Lord Sixths." Konohamaru-sensei pointed out.

"Speaking of, do you have your summoning yet Kashin? I know your father wanted to teach you the technique." The older shinobi turned to me and asked.


"Ah~" I started.

"Woah, dude your dad's teaching you the Summoning Technique!? Awesome!" Boruto grinned at me with sparkles in his eyes.

"Ah, yeah, but... no I, haven't managed to summon my own pack yet," I answered, casting my eyes down.

"Pack? So you'll have dogs like Lord Sixth?" Shikadai asked me.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"That's cool Kashin," Inojin smiled.

"Do any of you have your summoning yet?" I turned to my classmates and asked.

"No way, like we're anywhere near that level yet," Inojin laughed.

"Right," Shikadai chuckled.

"I'm pretty sure I'd be able to summon my animal now! If my stupid old man had any time to teach me." Boruto scowled.

'That... is his relationship with his dad really that bad?' I blinked at the young Uzumaki, shocked.

"But anyway! We should all totally try and summon one giant animal together sometime!" Boruto then turned to the rest of the boys in our class.

"You just don't know when to stop do you?" Sarada's voice rang in my ears.

"Huh?" All the boys turned to her.

"Don't go doing anything stupid ok! Cause then we get roped in with you and have to deal with the aftermath." She scowled and scolded.

"And we always end up having to clean up the mess you make!" Another girl complained.

"Don't pretend you girls are all innocent! The way you skulk around in groups gossiping amongst yourselves." A random boy stepped forward and snipped.

"Please! Our girl talk is nothing like the vulgar things you boys talk about," ChoCho sassed.

"How do you know what we talk about!?" Another boy hissed.

"Come on you boys are so predictable!"

"Yeah look who's talking!"

"Oh please!"


I watched Konohamaru-sensei and Shino-sensei try to get the fighting teens' attention, though none of them seemed to care. #Problem class.

"Students!" Shino-sensei tried again.

I looked between my fighting peers and the two sensei, sighing before taking a deep breath and turning to my class and clenching my fists.

"Knock it off!" I call rather loudly, feeling the statement rattle through my body, mixing with my heart rate.

All the other kids paused and turned to me, Boruto, Inojin, and Shikadai looking the most shocked at the volume of my voice before the two sensei cleared their throat.

"Thank you, Kashin. Now we are still in class! You do not fight like this, in class." Konohamaru-sensei stood next to me and lectured my peers.

"So how about Shino-sensei and I arrange a battle for you huh? Somewhere where you can finally settle your differences..." Konohamaru-sensei folded his arms and smirked.

'Umm... is this a good idea?' I scratch the back of my head and look over the sensei worried.

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