《Hatake Pride》Part VII



~Beep... Beep...~

Noises can be deceiving, new noises especially, not knowing what it is, or what's making it, can leave you uneasy and afraid...

~Beep... Beep...~

New faces are the same, you can never really tell what someone else is thinking, especially when they are strangers giving you a cheerful smile...

~Beep... Beep...~

'What is that annoying noise?' I think regaining consciousness.

I groan as I slowly open my eyes, there is a clean white roof above me, thin yet strong white lights planted on it. I slowly sit up, a barely bearable pain shooting through my body. Hissing, I grab my side, noticing my shirt was gone and I had bandages going around my whole stomach and chest, over my left shoulder and down my arms. I then took notice of the small tube running from the inside of my arm to a nearby IV, before the small tubes in my nose and around my face. I also had bandages around my head and legs. I slowly lay back down, panting at the amount of energy it took before closing my eyes.

"It's heartbreaking, I have never seen a child in such a state," A new high-pitched voice rang through the air.

"Can we see him?" The 'Lord's voice sounded.

"He's resting now but sure," The high-pitched voice sounded again.

I heard the door to the room I was in open and multiple footsteps echo.

"What happened to him?" A new male voice, much gruffer than others sounded.

"The patrol ninja said they found a research facility nearby, everyone inside was dead but we assume that's where he came from." The 'Lord' said.

"Genetic mutations," The gruff voice concluded.

"I'm afraid so,"

"He's nothing like what I've ever seen though, and he was the sole survivor of that facility, so either he's was the only one to escape..." The 'Lord' began.

"Or he killed everyone as he fought his way out," Gruff finished.

"Poor kid," The high-pitched whispered.

I shot my eyes open, staring at the three grown-ups in front of me, catching all their attention as they all stared back at me.

"Oh, you're awake." The high-pitched voice came from the lady with pink hair.


She walked over and I sat up speedily. I hissed and she took my wrist but I grabbed her arm, twisting it so she was flipped around and held her arm behind her back. She cried out, clenching her fist as I held her there.

"Woah! Hey easy there!" Gruff voice belonged to the second male grown-up with short blonde hair and an orange shirt.

He tried to grab my hand to pry it loose but I let go of the lady and pushed her into him, jumping out of the bed I was in and backing into the corner next to the window.

"Hey, relax," The 'Lord' held his hands up.

I hissed again, grabbing my side once more, looking down at the now red bandages.

"He's pulled the stitches," The lady said as she stood behind the second male.

"Kashin, they are not going to hurt you, they want to help you," The 'Lord' told me.

"Kashin?" The second male asked.

"W-what is this?" I ask pulling the IV needle from my arm.

"It's fluids, you lost a lot of blood yesterday," The 'Lord' added.

"And if I don't tend to that wound you'll lose even more." The lady steps forward.

"You're a scientist," I narrow my eyes at her.

"I'm a doctor," She corrected.

"Stay away from me," I growl at her backing into the corner.

"Kashin, she won't hurt you~" I cut the 'Lord' off.


All three adults paused.

"They all... tried to kill me!..." I panted, beginning to shake.

"I know," The 'Lord' began.

"But we won't, we are not going to hurt you Kashin, we just want to help, ok?" The 'Lord' asked.

"Trust us," The second male added.

I looked over the three grown-ups, staring into each other their eyes before I doubled over in pain.

"HGG," I groaned, falling to my knees and holding my side.

"Hey, Kashin, was it?" I lifted my head to the lady as she walked toward me.

I nodded, my eyes momentarily shifting to the 'Lord' before back to the lady.

"Please, your body is weak, you are badly hurt, please let me help you," She knelt in front of me, holding her hand out.


I looked into her eyes, her face determined and her heart calm, she gave off very protective vibes, motherly vibes. I looked up at the 'Lord', panting as my blood now soaked through my bandages. He nodded, showing me he approved of her and that if I trusted him, I could trust her, so I looked back at the pink-haired woman.

"O-Ok," I whispered and she was instantly at my side, helping me back onto the bed.

She grabbed a few things from around the room before walking over and taking a hold of my bandages.

"This is going to hurt slightly," She said.

"That's ok, I'll get used to it," I nodded.

She gave me a sad look before unwrapping my wounds. I hissed and clenched my fists but didn't say anything. She kept going, not stopping till all the wrappings were off and my torso, fresh wounds and old on full display.

"Kakashi-sensei," I heard the second male whisper to the 'Lord'.

"I know," 'Kakashi' whispered back.

A bright green glow then caught my attention and I looked down to see the lady holding her hands over my wound, healing it with the green light.

"What is that?" I ask.

"Medical ninjutsu, I'm channeling my chakra to heal you," The lady answered.

"That's incredible," I say.

"Thank you, Kakashi-sensei tells me your also quite skilled in ninjutsu for your age," She smiles up at me.

"I should have been..."

"Why is that?" She asked.

"Because it was what I was made for... or supposed to be anyway," I finish.

The lady's face dropped and she didn't say anything. Both the males in the room looking down.

"Kashin huh? That's a cool name, did you name yourself?" The blonde male asked me.

"No, he gave it to me," I motion my head toward the 'Lord'.

"Really?" The blonde asked.

"My first name was..." I trailed off.

"You don't have to tell them if you're not ready." The 'Lord' placed a hand on my shoulder.

"It was KAX9N, XN for short..." I finished.

"Oh well, I see where Kashin came from," The blonde sighed.

"Are you going to send me back there? I mean, there's nothing left there anymore but," I look up at the two males.

"We won't send you back," The lady said.


"Look at him, he's just a kid, why would we ever send him somewhere this could happen again?" She motioned to my wounds.

"Maybe we should take this outside," The 'Lord' said.

The three grown-ups left the room, standing outside and speaking in hushed tones, but I could still hear them.

"Even if he did stay in the village what would we do with him?"

"Put him through the Academy, he's shown promise as Kakashi-sensei said, we make him a ninja, and we give him someone to lean on."

"Like who? Who would take him?"

"I will..."

"Are you sure Kakashi-sensei?"

"I found him, and he trusts me, I will take responsibility for him."

"And be Hokage?"

"I retire and hand the village over to you soon, I will manage till then,"


"He will need to stay a few more days, to make sure he is properly healed."


I then watched the lady and blonde walk away, the 'Lord' reentering my room.

"I understand your hesitation at guarding me, I'm not stable," I say looking out the window.

"How did you hear that?" He asked.

I tapped my ear, looking back up at him.

"I was made that way," I say.

"I'm not afraid of you if that's what you're afraid of," He sat next to me.

"You're the first," I mumble.

"Kashin, I offered to be your guardian, your father if you will because I would like too, you have gone through quiet an ordeal and I want to give you someone to lean on, but only if that's ok with you..." He looked at the floor.

"So do I call you 'Father' now or 'Lord Sixth'?" I ask him.

"Anything but Lord Sixth," He ruffled my hair.

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