《Hatake Pride》Part VI



~Thump thump, Thump thump, Thump thump~

They say if your heart races in excitement for battle and death that you are a monster, that the only purpose you've given yourself is one of destruction...

~Thump thump, Thump thump~

But without destruction, there can be no creation, no changes in the world, good as well as bad, there will be no new beginning...

~Thump thump~

~"I'm sorry, I didn't want to... I, I wanted to keep you, as my own... you, were the only thing... I had done right in my life, t-take, care of yourself, ok... Thank you..."~

I screamed in rage, bursting through the facility's last doors as the last words my mentor spoke played in my head. The outside sun shone brightly, much brighter than the lights in the corridors. The air was clean and cool, cooling my hot flesh, and giving me a moment of peace. But that peace was short-lived, the security ninja, the last line of defense for the research facility raced toward me, weapons drawn and at the ready.

Taking them down was as easy as it was with the ninja inside, only our fight drew unwanted attention, and I was now surrounded by dead bodies and new ninja, ones with the same attire and headbands that looked to have some sort of spiral-like snail leaf on it.

"Hold your positions, and wait for Lord Sixth!" One of the ninja yelled.

I hissed, thrusting my four tails into the ground and raising to stand on them instead of my feet. I watched them ready themselves for a fight, I already had plenty of injuries from the fights beforehand, I was not going to be able to take these guys in this condition! I growled at them, moving back and running right but suddenly multiple kunai were thrown in front of me, blocking the way as wires were pulled to form a gate. I tried left but the ninja did the same, forming a cage around me.


'I have nothing against these guys, but if they want a fight, I will fight,' I think dropping back to my feet.

I shot one of my tails out and grabbed a ninja, bringing him toward me before biting at his neck and killing him.

"GAHH!" He cried out, dying.

"Attack!" Another ninja pointed and yelled.

"YAAAAA!" They all came running at me.

I roared at them, impaling a few with my tails before fighting off the others.

"Earth Style: Mud Wall!" Multiple ninja yelled before huge walls were formed around me.

I growled, thrusting each of my tails into a wall and climbing to the top, standing over the now in shock ninja. I hissed, bringing my hands up and forming signs.

"Wind Style: Vaccum Wave," I hiss, pushing off the wall and spinning in the air as I took a breath, blowing the attack down at att the ninja around me.

"He knows Ninjutsu!?" I heard one of the ninja cries before he was blown away.

My attack had caused some serious damage to some of the closer ninja, leaving them unconscious or unable to fight anymore.

"Lord Sixth!" I watched a ninja run up to another ninja, he had white hair like mine, the same ninja attire as the others with a mask covering half his face.

I landed on the four walls again, crouching as I listened to what was being said.

"What is the situation?" This new 'Lord Sixth' ninja asked.

"We don't know much, but we were on patrol when we found him fighting other shinobi, he killed all of them and attacked us when we tried to intervene!" The ninja rushed.

The new ninja looked at me, our eyes locking. I growled, looking over him, he had much more chakra flowing through him than any of the other ninja and he just stared at me, he didn't seem scared at all.


"I see," He said before walking forward.

"Lord Sixth! Please be careful!" The ninja called after him.

"Why don't you come down from there?" He said up to me.

I hissed at him, flaring my tails as I held the walls.

"Ok then," He nodded to the ninja behind him.

The walls I was sitting on slowly began to lower, I stared at them before jumping back and glaring at the new ninja.

"He's just a kid," One of the ninja gasped, now seeing my proper height.

"No older than 10 I'd presume," 'Lord Sixth' spoke before crouching where he was standing.

"Hey, what's your name?" He asked.

~"XN..." "XN!" "XN?" "I'm sorry XN..."~

My mentor's voice echoed in my head. I shut my eyes, my throat and chest tightening before I growled and jumped at the ninja. He stepped out of the way, watching me as I skid to a stop, and turned back to him, growling and hissing.

"Lord Sixth!"

"Stay back, I will take care of this," He said calmly.

I growled, running at the 'Lord' again, going to grab him but he dodged, bringing his hand forward and knocking the back of my neck. My body went numb, which resulted in me skidding across the ground again before losing my footing and rolling to a stop. I closed my eyes, groaning in pain as I felt warm, fresh blood run down my back and arms. I panted, opening my eyes to see the 'Lord' walk toward me. I growled lowly, my tails flaring back to life as I lay still.

"I'm not going to hurt you," He put his hands up, standing still in his tracks.

I attempted to push myself up and stand but the cuts on my body denied me any movement. I groaned, panting before looking up at him.

"You are hurt," He kneels next to me, slowly moving his hand to my shirt.

I hiss at him and he stops. I look him over, his movements calm and non-threatening, I stare into his eyes as I listen to his heartbeat. Stable and rhythmic, no sign of fear or hostile intent.

"It's going to be ok, I just want to help you, I am not going to hurt you..." He added.

I pant, closing my eyes and letting my head fall to the floor. I could hear his breath and I followed the sounds his movements made as he lifted my shirt slightly.

"I need a medical kit," The 'Lord' said.

I heard more footsteps and opened my eyes, seeing one of the other ninja walks up to us. I hissed and growled at him making him stop walking and look down at me.

"It's ok, give me the kit," The 'Lord' says calmly.

"This is going to hurt, I'm sorry," He whisperers to me.

He poured something cold yet hot onto the cut along with my other wounds and I grunted.

"Can we try this again? What's your name kid?" He asked.

"K, AX...9N," I pant.

"KAN... what?" He asked, placing something on my wounds and pushing down.

"HSS! KAX9N!" I say through clenched teeth.

"That's your name?" The 'Lord' asked.

I nod my head, sighing when the pressure and pain in my side went away.

"KAXN huh? Kashin, I'm going to call you Kashin ok." The 'Lord' said.

I looked up at him, seeing him already looking down at me. I panted as I listened to both his heart and mine before relaxing my tails so they disappeared before my eye changed back and I lost consciousness.

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