《Hatake Pride》Part V



~Thump thump~

Loneliness is dangerous, it's addictive once you see how peaceful it is, and once you do, you never want to deal with people again...

~Thump thump, Thump thump~

It's the worst feeling in the world, knowing you were used and lied to by someone you trusted for someone else's gain...

~Thump Thump, Thump thump, Thump thump~

Some people aren't loyal to you... they are loyal to their need of you... but once their needs change, so does their loyalty...

~Thump thump, Thump thump, Thump thump, Thump thump~

"I'm sorry XN..."

'Mmm, sensei?' I open my eyes slowly to see my mentor standing next to my bed, hovering over me with a kunai raised above his head.

My eyes widened and I quickly pushed at the wall behind me, sending myself sliding along my bed to the other side of the room just as my mentor thrust the kunai down, right where my heart would have been.

"W~What are you doing sensei!?" I question as I jump out of the way of yet another attack.

My mentor didn't answer me, just pull a giant shuriken from his back and hurl it at me.

I scrambled to my feet, running for my door before the shuriken embedded itself in the steel slab, centimeters from my face. I snapped my head to face my mentor as he looked at me. I was already panting heavily while he breathed calmly, his face was stern but his heart was beating out of rhythm and at a painfully fast pace.

"Hold still, you're just making this harder for yourself." He sheathed beginning to weave hand signs.

I pulled the shuriken from my door, spinning it in front of me to try and create some form of wind barrier as my mentor blew a fireball at me.

"AHH!" I cried out as the blast hit the shuriken and push me back, the force breaking the steel door from its frame and sending both of us crashing into the wall opposite us.


I groaned, pushing the piping hot tool off me and brushing rubble from my body. My mentor slowly walked into view, a murderous look surrounding him. I rushed to my feet, skidding and slipping as I ran down the corridor.

"Plan A failed, fall to B" I heard my mentor say before he came running after me.

I ran the familiar corridors, turning every which way to try and get away from the bloodthirsty ninja behind me. I tried heading for an exit but skidded to a stop as more ninja appeared in the corridors, all throwing kunai, and shuriken my way.

'Damn it!' I think to myself as I end up in the training room.

I look around at the walls and water before turning back to the entrance, dozens of ninja flowing in, followed by my mentor.

"Resistance is futile KAX9N." He spoke.

I watched him weave more hand signs before jumped back onto the section of water and did the same.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!/Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!" We yelled in unison.

His fireball flew toward me while the water dragon surrounded me and took the blast for me, dissipating into steam and leaving me sitting there breathless.

"Take him!" My mentor tells the ninja around him.

They all ran toward me, grabbing wire and rope to tie me down. I dropped my head so my bangs covered my face before taking a breath. The first ninja grabbed my arm and I pushed off the water, grabbing his arm instead and hopping onto his shoulders.

"Watch him!"

I pushed off, backflipping onto the next ninja's shoulders, landing roughly and using my foot to push his head into the water. Looking around at the other ninja as they raced forward to execute their attacks. I growled at them, my eyes scanning all of them before they fell to my mentor. He was once again stood still, staring me down with a cold neutral face, hand on his hip, absolutely no remorse. I clenched my teeth, feeling my arms get grabbed and pulled.


"HAAA!" I pulled the ninja who had the best hold of me forward, spinning around and knocking the other ninja away before throwing him into the wall.

I hissed, panting with a slight growl in my throat, waiting to see what they did next.

"XN..." I snapped my head to my mentor.

"You understand we have to do this right?" He slowly walked forward.

I took a step back, watching the fallen ninja around us slowly stand back up.

"You are a failed experiment, damaged goods, you are of no use anymore." He stated, walking closer.

I stared at him, my mouth hanging slightly open as I listened to everything he said.

"I know you tried, you tried so hard, and you've come so far, but in the end, it doesn't matter," He continued, walking closer and closer.

I gritted my teeth, tears stinging my eyes as my mentor placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I am... sorry about this... XN," He whispered.

"How could you..." I whispered.

My mentor took his hand from my shoulder, pausing as I spoke.

"I don't care that I'm not good enough for your boss, for Torune, or that stupid scientist..." I sheathe looking up at his eyes.

"I don't care you don't think I'm good enough," I add making his eyes widen.

"But I trusted you, you pushed me to my limits, pushed my body to its limits, all for the hope that some guy would find me worthy, all these years, and you didn't give a damn about me!" I rage.

"You were just using me! My strength! All to get the favor of that guy!" I roar making him step back.

"Well, now I don't care! Not about this place, not about its ninja... and not about you..." I add straightening my stance so I looked bigger.

"You are all dead to me now, but I refuse to die here, this will not be my end!" I run at my mentor, knocking him in the stomach and backward to the other side of the training room.


Multiple ninja ran at me again, some using tools while others used ninjutsu. I knocked some off their feet, knocking others back into their comrades while dodging wind, water, and earth attacks. Going into a joust with one of the ninja, two more ran at me, throwing chains at me that locked around my wrists and ankles. They yanked the chains, causing me to fall forward onto my stomach. I cried out as my chin met the concrete floor before ninja began to jump on me, trying to hold me down and tie me up.

'If they get those sealing sheets around me it's over!' I shut my eyes, gathering all the strength I had left before going still.

My eye burnt and my back shifted uncomfortably. I could hear bubbling/molding noises before a sharp pain thrust throughout my lower back and all the ninja that were on top of me were thrown off. I opened my eyes, raising to my feet and looking around with my new eye. All the ninja backed away, looking to my mentor for instructions. I smirked, roaring an ear-shattering cry before jumping over all of them in front of the door, so no one could leave.

"I am... sorry about this everyone," I taunt them before jumping at them.

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