
I stared calmly with my alms crossed as Aliyah narrated what happened between her and Carson.

Is it right to say I want to kill him?

I kept my thoughts to myself

She shrugged when she was done.

"I don't know what I saw in him to be honest" she stated as a matter of facts

She chuckled

"You look calm but you have this death stare. Like you're thinking of a million ways to commit murder" she stated, laughing to her own joke.

If only she knew.

"Stay away from him" was all I said

She laughed again

"Yes Mom" she smiled like the idiot she is

I rolled my eyes.

"What's for breakfast, I'm starving"

I shrugged

"Go check"

As she left I heard a knock on my door

"Come in"

Ben walked in

I rolled my eyes

"She's not here, she just left"

He scoffed.

"I didn't come for that"

I stared at him bored

"So what do you want then?"

He kept quiet like he wanted to say something important. It was written all over his face.

He opened his mouth to speak but kept quiet

"Why. Cat got your tongue?" I said sarcastically

He glared at me

"I'll see you when I get back" he said storming out.

I rolled my eyes.

"Ava get your butt down here" I rolled my eyes. There goes my peace of mind


Monday came so fast. I spent my Sunday at the hospital. All I know is everything is getting worse.

I walked through the hall ignoring everything and everyone around me. I needed this day to be over quickly

"Leave me alone Carson!"

The noise got my attention immediately. I looked up seeing Aliyah by my locker glaring at Carson.

I got closer hearing their conversation


"What happened was a mistake ok"

"I don't care Carson, we're over and that's final"

"You're such a hypocrite Aliyah you're acting like you haven't fucked half the boys in this school"

Aliyah's POV

I didn't even see Ava but the moment Carson finished his sentence, she took his hand and twisted it to the back

"What the fuck" he cried out, obviously in pain

I was too shock to say anything.

"Apologize" she said coolly

I stared wide eyes

"Let go of me you bitch"

She twisted it more

"I really hate to repeat myself" she sighed "APO-LO-GIZE" she broke the word, still sounding calm

Carson finally gave in, cause apparently he was going to loose that arm if he didn't

"I'm sorry ok,

I'm sorry so let go of me"

Immediately she let go, he turned around grabbing her by the shirt and forcefully slamming her into the locker

"You bitch" he spat

"Let go of her Carson" I protested

As if what he did wasn't even, now this?

"Carson let go of.." before I could finish my sentence, Ben pulled off Carson and with one swift move he slammed him to the floor.

Sitting on him, with every punch he passed his warning

"Don't you ever" punch

"Go near" punch

"My sister" punch

The hall was now crowed.


I went to her immediately. She stared bored at the display in front of her. She looked unaffected.

"Are you ok Ava" I asked her worried

She simply nodded, never taking her eyes off Ben

"Lets get out of here" I took her hands and dragged her off. Heading to the car park

She stopped walking

"Are you suggesting we skip school" she asked with a raised brow

I really wanted to be no where near this school

"Yeah?" I was worried she would say no

She smirked

"Fuck it"

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