《TL TD》I let the Devil in


Ava's POV

"You didn't tell me Aliyah was coming over" my mom said as I stood up to get the door

"Yeah sorry Mom, short notice"

I opened the door revealing a distressed Aliyah. She looked so tired

"Hi" she said, smiling weakly

"Don't just stand there, Invite her in Ava" my mom beamed. I rolled my eyes.

"I was going to do that Mom. Come in"

I opened the door widely for her to enter. It was already dark outside

"Dinner would be served in 15min" mom sang

She looks too happy for my liking. I'm sure it has something to do with Aliyah's presence.

"Thank you Mrs Davis" she said smiling

"But can I skip dinner? I'm not so hungry right now?"

Mom simply smiled

"sure thing dear"

I stood by the door still studying her.

I heard her sniffle a tear when she called me. I think something happened. She could have just called any of her friends. I sighed. My peaceful evening is gone

"Lets go to my room" I said taking the lead upstairs as she followed.

We got in and I shot the door.

"So you want.."

I couldn't finish that sentence cause she pulled me in for a hug. This was so unexpected so I tried to break free

She held me tightly

"Please" she sobbed and I stopped moving

"Please" she said again "Five minutes


I remained still, listening to her silent sobs.

She held me tightly like I was going to run away anytime

We remained like that even till she stopped crying. I didn't have the heart to pull away.

She finally released me

Weirdly I missed it

She kept drying her face with her hood sleeve.

I sighed

"Come here" I said taking her hand as i pulled her to my wardrobe. I took out a navy blue top and shorts and then I led her to my bathroom.


"Here, take this. There's a spare tooth brush in the bathroom"

She took the cloths and simply nodded.

"Freshing up. I'll be waiting" with that I shot the bathroom door.

I got in bed, deciding that Clinton Kane 'hopeless' was the best song to listen to. Thank God it's Friday

I heard the shower turn on, so I listened. But my anticipation to wait for her till she got out was not greater than my need to sleep so i dozed off

I've always been feeling fatigued so I doze off the moment I get a chance to.


I woke up to somebody spooning me.

I could have panicked but I remembered I had Aliyah in my room.

I lay there quietly and did nothing to shake off the huge teddy bear resting gently on me.

My music was still playing softly in the background. I couldn't go back to sleep so I laid there watching her. She looked beautiful under the moon light.

Hey I'm not a creep. She just look really beautiful and peaceful as she slept.

There's no point to it though. So I sighed

"Hey wake up" I pinched her cheek

"Wake up" I repeated the same action

"What" she moaned out

This made me feel all tingling inside so I pushed her off me.

She rolled off the bed landing on her butt


"What was that for?" She said holding her butt.

I shrugged.

It was still 4:15am, so she tried to get back in bed, but I pushed her out again.

This time she glared at me

"What?" I asked innocently

"Are you ticklish" she asked out of the blue

"Yeah why"

She smiled

I'll recognize that evil look anywhere

"Come here" she shouted before pouncing on me. I let the Devil in.

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