《TL TD》Blue eyed beauty


"So tell us, what's Ava like in school" my Dad asked with his deep voice.

I rolled my eyes. I understand their concern

According to Ben I'm antisocial

Aliyah giggled

"Although I've only known her for a while now, I can say she's quite the personality" she giggled again

What's that supposed to mean. What am I even saying, why should I care. I went back to playing with my food

"Not hungry?" My mom asked.

I looked down my plate.

I shruged

"I seem to have lost my appetite" I stopped, moving my gaze from my Dad to Aliyah irritated "I wonder why" I said coldly

"Can I be excused?" I asked and my mom simply nodded.

I stood quickly but I as passed Ben he brought out his leg and I tripped landing straight on my face.

That hurt but I don't care. My vision is weird

Mom rushed to my side while Aliyah ran to get ice.

"I'm fine" I said slapping Aliyah's hand from my face.

I stood up noticing blood dripping from my nose.

"We need to get that checked" my mom said still holding me

I nodded.

They should do whatever.

"Ben help your sister to the car" my Dad said

"She has legs Dad, I'm sure she can walk on her own"

"Ben" my mom said in her scolding voice.

"Whatever" he said standing to help me. But as soon as he tried to touch me I shrugged him off forcefully

"I can walk on my own"

I noticed Aliyah about to get in the car with us so I said coldly

"Go home Aliyah. Nobody wants you here" and then I got in shutting the door.

I know i shouldn't have said that but i don't know how else to say it nicely



Aliyah's POV

"Go home Aliyah. Nobody wants you here"

I was so defeated after she said that. Why does she hate me so much. I know I should be mad at what she said but, I laid in bed worried about her. I hope she doesn't have any fracture from that impact.

I saw what Ben did, and he sat there like he didn't know what was happening.

I groaned

I can't seem to get her off my mind. Those cold blue eyes.

Hunting me

I knew there was something behind those blank stare.

I just want her to look at me, so I can stare at those eyes for as long as I could.

I rolled in bed.

I couldn't sleep.

My phone beeped. I looked at my screen

"Hey babe, I miss you"

The text read, from my boyfriend Carson.

I rolled my eyes. All he talks about lately is sex.

"Are you asleep"

Another text came through.

I decided to reply

"Not really. I can't sleep"

"Want me to call you?"


My phone rang instantly

"Hey babe" I picked

He chuckled

"I can't get over your sexy voice" he said sounding aroused

"What are you wearing" he ask almost out of breath

Is he doing this now?

"gray top and black panties" I responded

"Fuck, I'm hard for you love"

Normally this would have gotten me turned on but I was so out of it. I didn't even understand myself anymore.

"Sorry babe...but I got to go"

'What babe don't leave me like this' was all I heard before I hanged up.

A certain blue eyed beauty has clouded my mind

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