《Danvers Secret Sister》Ch 25
Five years later
Everyone went their separate ways
Carol moved back to her and Wanda's old house while Natasha stayed at the compound
Rocket: yeah we boarded that highly suspect warship Danvers pinged
Nebula: it was an infectious garbage scow
Rocket: so thanks for the hot tip
Carol: well you were closer
Rocket: yeah and now we smell like garbage
Nat: got any readings on those tremors?
Okoye: t'was a mild subduction under the African plate
Nat: do we have a visual, how are we handling it?
They continue to talk
Nat: carol are we going to see you next month
Carol: not likely
Rocket: what are you going to get a new haircut?
Carol: listen fur face I have other stuff to deal with that is important
Nat: alright um well this channel is always active so if anything goes sideways anyone's making trouble where they shouldn't comes through me
Everyone leaves
An hour later
Steve: you know i'd offer to cook you dinner but you seem really miserable already
Nat: are you here to do your laundry?
Steve: and to see a friend
Nat: clearly your friend is fine
Steve starts to talk
Nat: you know if you're about to tell me to look on the bright side umm I'm about to hit you on the head with a peanut butter sandwich
Steve: sorry, force of habit
Steve sits down across from Natasha
Steve: what are you doing?
Nat: deciding if I am going to bleach my hair again
Steve: Well I think you should, it really fits you
Natasha stares at the box
Jordan: I prefer you with your long and red hair instead of this short and bleached hair. The red suits you way better and I am into redheads, not blondes
she laughs
Nat: yeah I think I'm going to just leave it like this
She throws the box of dye away and sits across from Steve
Steve: how are you doing?
Nat: next week will be 8 years since I proposed to her... 8 years
She pulls out jordans ring which she attached to a small and thin chain necklace from under her shirt
Steve: I know it's been hard without her
Nat: carol was right... it seems like the universe doesn't want us to be together
Steve: don't go to that again
Nat: it's true though
She holds a photo of her, Jordan, and Otis in her hands
Nat: I would do anything to get my princess back
Nat: I use to have nothing... then I got this...this job... this family...and I met the love of my life... And I was better because of it... I just want to hold her in my arms one more time and tell her i love her. Tell her one last time she's my princess
Steve and nat go quiet
An alert projects in the air
Natasha opens it
Steve: Is this an old message?
Nat: it's the front gate
Scott explains everything about the quantum physics and time travel and everything
They all meet with tony at his cabin but tony doesn't want to take any part in it. They meet up with bruce to talk about it
He agrees to help
Banner: Scott fire up the- the uh van thing
Steve: breakers are set emergency generators on stand by
Bruce: good because if we blow the grid, I don't want to lose tiny over here in the 1950s
Scoot: excuse me?
Nat: he's kidding you can't say things like that
Bruce: it was a bad joke
Nat: you were kidding right
Bruce: I have no idea we are talking about time travel right here. Either it's all a joke or none of it is. Were all good
Bruce: I'm going to send you back a week let you walk around for about an hour then bring you back in 10 seconds
Bruce: on the count of three. Three two one
Scott: uh guys this doesn't feel right
Steve: what is this
Bruce: what's going on
Nat: who is that? is that Scott
Scott: yes it's Scott
Scott travels back in time multiple times
Bruce: When I say kill the power kill the power
Nat: oh god
Bruce: and kill it
Scott: somebody peed my pants
Nat: oh thank god
Bruce: time travel
Nat: god
About an hour later
Steve walks into the room with Tony
Everyone gets the old group together again or what was left of the old group
Bruce and rocket go to new Asgard to find thor
They convince thor to come to the compound and he agrees after bribing him with beer
Natasha goes to Tokyo to find clint
After some more convincing he agrees to come back to the compound
He had very little hope it would work but wanted to do anything to get his family back
Scott: hey hey hey easy easy
Bruce: I'm being very careful
Scott: no you're being very hulky
Bruce: I'm being careful
Scott: these are Pym particles all right and ever since hank Pym got snapped out of existence this is it this is what we have we aren't making any more
Rhodey: Scott calm down
Scott: sorry
Scott: sorry. we've got enough for one roundtrip each that's it. No, do-overs... plus two test runs
He places the Pym particles in the suit but isn't careful
Scott: one test run... all right I'm not ready for this
Someone speaks up
??: I'll do it
Rhodey: carol your back. I thought you couldn't come until next month
Carol: I had to take care of some stuff... but I'm finished with that so I came... I know you all need help
Natasha walks in
Nat: so who is doing the test run
Carol: I am
Nat: carol when did you get back
Carol: about an hour ago...
Nat: how are you... we haven't talked face to face in over 2 years
Carol: I'm fine,... Just sad... it would have been Wanda's birthday last week then our anniversary in a couple of weeks. Then Jordan's birthday is next week.
Nat: hey we are going to get everyone back soon
She hugs carol
A little bit later
Bruce: carol you're gonna feel a little discombobulated from the chronoshift don't worry about that
Rhodey: wait a second let me ask you something. If we can do this you know go back in time. Why don't we just find baby Thanos you know and
Bruce: first of all that's horrible
Rhodey: it's Thanos
Carol: guys let's just focus. We already have a plan so we should stick to it
About a half-hour later when they are going to test the machine tony made
Bruce: all right carol, going in three two
Carol: God I hope this work and doesn't fail
Bruce: one
Carol gets sucked into the time portal and ends up in a garage
Carol: what the where the hell am i
She walks out of the garage and sees a house
Carol walks over to the house and looks through a window
In the house, she sees Jordan fury and maria
There are balloons and streamers everywhere and a happy birthday banner on the wall
Past maria: happy birthday jor. Your growing up so fast
Past fury: I can't believe my niece turned 15 years old. Soon you're going to be old enough to run shield
Everyone laughs
Past Jordan: I hope I can work with you and aunt Maria when I get older. It's my dream job to work at shield or with it. Especially something to do with stark industries
Past Maria: I'm sure you will
Past fury: we are going to pick up the food. We will be right back and carol will be here any minute. be safe while we are gone
Past Jordan: I will
They walk away
Carol: Jordan
The time travel watch that tony invented started to beep
Carol runs over to the door and opens it
Carol: JOR JOR
She disappears back to the present before she could see or say anything to Jordan
Past Jordan: Carol? carol?
Carol is on the floor back at the compound
Carol is out of breath, Natasha Tony Scott, and rocket run to her
Natasha kneels next to carol
Nat: Hey hey look at me. Are you okay
Carol: y-yeah yeah
Carol: it worked
She smiles
Carol: it worked
Everyone starts talking about the mission to find the stones
( clip of them talking about time heist)
Nat: that time stone guy
Bruce: doctor strange
Nat: yeah what kind of doctor was he
Tony: ear nose throat meets rabbit from hat
Bruce: nice place in the village though
Tony: yeah on Sullivan street
Bruce: mm bleaker street
Nat: wait he lived in new york
Tony: no he lived in Toronto
Bruce: uh yeah on Bleecker and Sullivan
Tony: have you been listening to anything
Nat: guys if you pick the right year there are three stones in new york
Bruce: shut the front door
Steve: all right we have a plan 6 stones 3 teams one shot
Natasha is outside the compound holding jordans ring
Clint: you okay nat
Nat: I hope this works... I need her back... I miss her every day and every day it causes me more pain knowing I can't hold her anymore...
She starts to tear up
Clint: but everything is soon going to change
Carol walks over to then
Carol: nat can we talk before you go
Nat: sure but what do you mean before I go
Carol: I can't come. I got a message from somewhere on a different planet they need my help.
Nat: don't you want to help?
Carol: I do but I know my emotions are going to get in the middle of this and going to cause problems for us. Besides, there aren't enough particles so I shouldn't go
Natasha sighs
Nat: that's fine carol just be ready just in case we need you
Carol: I will
They hug
Carol: be safe Natasha... that's what my sister would want
Nat: I promise I will
Carol: And I swear to god I'll kill you if you die I'll find a way to bring you back than kill you myself
Natasha laughs
Nat: I promise I'll be back safely
The next morning everyone is getting ready to start the mission
Steve: five years ago we lost all of us we lost friends we lost family we lost our lovers we lost a part of ourselves. Today we have a chance to take it all back. You know your teams you know your missions. Get the stones get them back one round trip each no mistakes no do overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know. That doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives and we are going to win. Whatever it takes. Good luck
Rocket: he's pretty good at that
Scott: right
Tony: all right you heard the man
Bruce: tractors engaged
Rocket: you promise to bring that back in one piece right
Clint: yeah yeah yeah okay I'll do my best
Rocket: as promises go that was pretty lame
Nat: see ya in a minute
They all get sucked into a time portal and to their time locations
In Vormir with clint and Natasha
At the top of the mountain
Red skull: what you seek lies in front of you as does what you fear
Nat: the stones down there
Red skull: for one of you For the other on order to take the stone you must lose that which you love an everlasting exchange a soul for a soul
Client: how's it going. Jesus, maybe he's making this sh*t up
Nat: no i don't think so
Clint: what cause he knows your daddy's name
Nat: I didn't. Thanos left here with the stone without his daughter... that's not a coincidence
Clint: yeah
Nat: whatever it takes
Clint: whatever it takes
Nat: if we don't get that stone billions of people stay dead
Clint: yeah
Natasha hold Jordan's ring that is attached to her necklace
Nat: and she stays dead... I can't live on knowing she won't see anyone again especially not seeing carol
There is a silent pause
Clint: then I guess we both know who it's going to be
Nat: I guess we do
There is a long pause
Clint: I'm starting to think we mean different people here, Natasha
Nat: for the last five years I've been trying to get to right here. To get the people I love back. That's all its been about bringing everybody back
Clint: now don't you get all decent on me now
Nat: What, you think I want to do it. I'm trying to save your life, you idiot
Clint: well I don't want you to. hows that. Natasha, you know what I've done. You know what I've become
Nat: oh I don't judge people on their worst mistakes
Clint: maybe you should
Nat: you didn't
Clint: you're a pain in my ass you know that...okay you win
They start to fight
Clint: tell my family I love them
Nat: you tell them yourself
Clint: no. you need to get the stones to bring back Jordan. You two had your whole lives still ahead. You proposed but never got to marry her. You need to bring her back and be with her again. To get the chance to live the rest of your lives together
Nat: I can't let you jump
Clint: I'm sorry natasha
He runs to the edge of the cliff and jumps from there
Natasha grabs clint and they nag from the edge of Vormir
Nat: let me go
Clint: no please no
Nat: it's okay
Clint: no, please
Nat: tell Jordan I love her
She slips something into his hand
Natasha lets go of clint and falls
clint gets the soul stone and goes back home
Bruce: did we get them all?
Rhodey: are you telling me this actually worked
clint falls to his knees
Steve: clint where is nat
he doesn't say anything
A couple of hours later
The team puts together the new gauntlet
Bruce is the one who is going to saps his fingers
Before he snaps the old nebula opens the time portal
Bruce snaps his finger
clint: did it work
Steve: i don't know
Scott: guys I think it worked
All of a sudden missiles get launched at the compound
Rhodey: does anyone copy
Scott: I'm hear
clint: steve
he gets up and finds the gauntlet
clint: okay this is great
he grabs the gauntlet and starts running
Tony steve and thor makes their way outside except nat
They start to fight Thanos
Clint is running away while alien creatures follow
clint: oh god
he uses a wire and gets away from them
he lays on the floor from exhaustion
clint: h-hey. Take this to the others
clint says out of breath
Nebula hold the gauntlet in her hand
Nebula: father
clint perks up
Nebula: I have the stones
clint; what
Nebula points a gun at clint
clint: shit of course things go even more wrong when I say things can't get worse
A voice echoes throughout the area
Gamora: stop
Nebula: you're betraying us
Nebula: you don't have to do this
Past nebula: I am this
They continue to talk about the two nebulas and gamora
clint picks up the gauntlet
Outside the tony steve and thor are still fighting Thanos
Thanos has hit steve to the ground
Thanos: in all my years of conquest violence slaughter it was never personal but i'll tell you know what I'm going to do to your stubborn and annoying planet. You're going to enjoy it very much
Sam: hey cap can you read me. Cap its sam can you hear me... on your left
Portals start to open
Out one comes Okoye Shuri t'challa and sam and Jordan along with wakandan troops
Another one dr strange mantis drax starlord and peter
Many others open up with others to help fight Thanos
Stve: avengers assemble
They all race towards Thanos and his army
clint made it out of the destroyed compound and was being chased by a huge alien
clint: guys a little help
Sam: I've got you
He fights the thing that was chasing him
clint: steve what do you want me to do with this
Steve:: get them out of here
They continue to fights
clint is running with the gauntlet
he falls as he is running
Nat: sh*t
T'challa; clint give it to me
he gives the gauntlet to tchalla
He drops it and Jordan grabs it
She runs but then gets hit
And she falls to the ground
Jordan: oh no this isn't good
She struggles to get up but wands lands in front of her
Wanda: you took everything from me
Jordan: oh he fucked up he fucked up bad
Thanos: i don't even know who you are
Wanda: you will
They start to fight
Jordan get the gauntlet again but is getting crushed by rocks
Jordan: PETER
Peter: I got it
He grabs it with his webs
Everyone continuous to fight
Wanda is close to killing Thanos but Thanos has his ships fire at the ground
One sends Wanda flying
Peter still has the gauntlet and catches a ride with valkyrie
One of the blasts nearly hits them and sends peter flying to the ground
All of a sudden the shotting stops and starts again but shoots at the air
A glowing ball crashes and breaks the ship causing it to fall apart
That ball of energy was carol
Steve: carol we need your help
Peter: how are you going to get through that
He hands the gauntlet to carol
Wanda lands behind carol
Wanda: don't worry
Okoye: shes got help
Carol smiles once she hears and sees Wanda
All the women on the team start to go after the army
Carol flies to hope and Scott
Jordan: guys Thanos hes-
Carol just makes it to the van to put the stones back but Thanos throws his sword and explodes the van causing her to go flying
Carol drops the gauntlet
Tony and thor and steve try stopping him but they cant
Carol starts to fight him and
He sents her flying and then places the gauntlet back on
Carol grabs the gauntlet just before he snaps his fingers
Carol: you've messed with the wrong family
He grabs the power stone and hits her with it which sends her flying
Thanos and tony start fighting for the gauntlet
Thanos wins and snaps his fingers
Nothing happened
Tony ends up grabbing the stones at the last second
Tony: And I am iron man
He snaps
Causing Thanos and his army to dust away
Tony collapses to the floor
Steve: guys we need to help tony now
Jordan: where are you steve
Steve: west side
Jordan: on my way
Jordan arrives
Steve: Jordan what are you going to do?
Jordan: just trust me
Her hands start to glow
She places her hands on tony's head
Thor: what is lady Jordan doing
Steve: no idea
Jordan's hands stop glowing and tony starts glowing only for a second
Steve: Jordan what did you do
Jordan: I-I
Jordan faints
Steve: Jordan
He rushes over to her
Tony: we did it
Thor: stark how do you feel
Tony: better I don't know what Jordan did but it worked
Steve: Jordan Jordan. wake up
She opens her eyes slowly
Jordan: s-steve
All the others gather around
thor: Jordan what did you do to tony
Jordan: h-healed him
tony: how
Jordan: power d-duplication... I learned I had it a couple of weeks before Wakanda. I know someone who had healing powers. That's how I was able to help tony
Tony gets up and walks towards Jordan
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