《Danvers Secret Sister》Ch24
A couple of weeks later
Carol Wanda and Jordan stuck together after they were broken out
Wanda: have you heard from Natasha?
Jordan: no I haven't
Carol: when I snuck back into the compound to get some of our things I brought this from you
She gives jordan a box
In the box are a couple of Natasha's hoodies and gifts she had gotten from her
As well as the photo book maria and fury gave her and one she made that had photos with the avengers
Jordan: thanks carol
She hugs her
Wanda: Otis is in our bedroom so you know
Jordan: Thanks for letting me stay
Carol: you're my little sister I'm going to help you no matter what
Jordan; thanks carol
She sits there in silence looking through the box
Jordan: no no no no
Wanda: what's wrong?
Jordan: my ring... I left it at the compound I thought I put it in this book but it's not here
Jordan starts to cry
Jordan: that's the most important thing I have that nat gave me
Wanda hugs her
Wanda: we will get it I promise you
A couple of hours later
Jordan: I'm going to go on a walk
Carol: that's not a good idea
Jordan: I know but I need to clear my mind. I'll be careful
Jordan walks out and walks to her and Natasha's favorite spot which was at a park
Jordan: miss you, babe
She looks down at the fountain and she starts to cry
A person speaks up
??: I miss you too princess
Jordan looks up and to her right
Jordan: n-nat
Nat: sorry I can't hug or kiss you right now. I don't want to bring attention to us
Jordan: I understand
Nat: I'm sorry about a couple of weeks ago princess
Jordan: so am I
Nat: Can you meet me here tonight?
She passes a note to Jordan
Jordan: I will
Nat: I have to go now. Bye princess
Jordan: bye babe
She walks away
Jordan: I should go back
She walks back home
Carol: hey how was your walk?
Jordan: I saw nat
Wanda: really?
Jordan: Yeah we are going to meet up later tonight
Carol: okay just be careful
A couple of hours later Jordan meets up with Natasha at the location she said
Nat: princess
She hugs and kisses Jordan
Jordan: babe
They start to cry
Nat: it's so nice to see you again princess... I'm so sorry about a couple of weeks ago in Germany
Jordan: I'm sorry as well
She pauses for a moment
Jordan: what happened with tony after you let steve and bucky go?
Nat: I did what you and the rest of the group did...I ran away once tony talked to me
Jordan: where are you living right now?
Nat: I'm crashing at a past friend's house
Jordan: nat-
Nat: it's okay
Nat looks down
Nat: where is your ring
Jordan;....... It's at the compound... i-i left it there because I didn't want to ruin it or break it when we were fighting. I'm so sorry i-
Nat: Hey hey hey calm down
She pulls something out from her pocket
Nat: maria grabbed it for me once I ran away as well
Natasha opens it
Jordan: my ring!
Natasha puts the ring on jordans finger
Nat: now we match again
Jordan: Come by the house. Carol and Wanda would want to see you
Nat: Are you sure?
Jordan: yeah
Nat: I don't know
Jordan: we've all been worried...and Otis is there as well
Nat: Sure I'll go
20 minutes later they arrive at Carol and Wanda's house
Jordan: I'm back
Carol: oh my god we were getting worried. nat?
She hugs Natasha
Wanda walks into the room from her and carol's shared bedroom
Wanda: hey bubs d- Natasha
She hugs Natasha
They talk for a bit and Natasha spends the night
Nat: Thanks for letting me stay
Carol: it's no problem nat
A week later
Nat: so what do you think?
Jordan runs her fingers through Natasha's now short and bleached hair
Jordan: I prefer you with your long and red hair instead of this short and bleached hair
Nat: I know but I had to change my appearance since we are now on the run from the government. And I can't just shapeshift another look for myself unlike you
Jordan: jokes on you I still don't know how to use that power
They both laugh
Jordan: I have to admit though it's weird seeing your hair short and bleached Wanda's a red-orange similar to your old color and then my sister an almost chocolate looking brown
Nat: yup... that's going to take some time to get used to
They both laugh
Nat: what did you think of the vest I got yesterday?
Jordan: the color scheme is nice, but I think there are way too many pockets
Nat: what! That's the best part and the reason I got the vest
Jordan: well I don't like it and that's my opinion
Fast forward 2 years
Natasha carol Jordan and Wanda moved into a bigger home farther away from the compound
Nat: hey princess
Jordan: good morning baby
Nat; I made breakfast for us and the lovebirds next to us
She points to a wall that their bedroom shares with carol and Wanda's bedroom
Jordan: it smells good
They walk into the kitchen where Wanda and carol were eating
Jordan: Good morning. Happy 5 year anniversary you two
Carol: thanks sis
Wanda: I can't believe it has been that long
carol: neither can i
They talk for a bit
Jordan: do you think... the team will ever get back together?
Nat: no idea
Wanda: I want to add something as well... do you think life is better without us being avengers
Nat: I kind of think it is better. We get to spend more time together
Carol: I agree with Natasha the only things that suck is us having to hide our identities when we go out in public
Wanda; yeah
Jordan: I miss going places. I kind of wish everything went back to normal. I also miss seeing the others
Carol: yeah
A couple of days later
Natasha is in the backyard looking out into the sky
Jordan walks out
Jordan: baby
Nat: yes princess
Jordan: can we talk about something
Nat: sure come sit next to me princess
Jordan sits next to Natasha
Nat: what did you want to talk about?
Jordan: I have been wanting to talk about this with you for the past 2 weeks but I've been really really nervous
Nat: what is it, princess?
Jordan: i-i-
Natasha's phone rings
Nat: I'm so sorry princess let me just message them to call me later
Jordan: no go ahead and answer it
Natasha gets up and takes the phone call
She talks on the phone then hangs up and walks back to Jordan
Jordan: what's wrong babe? you look worried
Nat: It was steve. He said he picked up a big energy signal in Scotland. we are going to check it out
Jordan: I'm coming
Nat: Are you sure?
Jordan: yes. Yes I am
They walk back inside
Wanda: did you get the call from steve?
Nat: yes I did. are you going?
Wanda: yes I am what about you two
Jordan: yes we are as well
Nat: what about carol?
Wanda: carol isn't feeling well. So she is going to stay
Jordan: that's the best decision if she's not feeling well
They suit up and meet with steve and sam they get onto a quin jet he's been hiding
Once they were on the quinjet
Nat: princess what did you want to talk about before steve called?
Jordan: what umm it can wait until we get back
Natasha holds Jordan's hand
Nat: you sure?
Jordan: I'm sure
Natasha kisses Jordan
Steve: we are here
they find vision and rescue him from aliens
Sam: can you stand?
Vision: thank you, captain
Steve: let's get you on the jet
on the quinjet
Nat: I thought we had a deal. Stay close. check-in. don't take chances
Vision: I'm sorry
Jordan: vision let me heal your wounds
Sam: where to, cap
Steve: home
Back at the compound
Secretary Ross: still no word from vision?
Rhodey: satellites lost him somewhere over Edinburgh
Secretary Ross: on a stolen quinjet with 5 of the world's most wanted criminals
Rhodey: you know they are only criminals because you've chosen to call them that right sir
Secretary Ross: my god Rhodes your talent is horseshit rivals my own
Rhodey: if it wasn't for the accords vision would be right here
They continue to talk
Vision Natasha steve sam Wanda and Jordan walk-in
Steve: Mr secretary
Secretary Ross: you've got some nerve I'll give you that
Nat: you could use some of that right now
Secretary ross: the world's on fire and you think all is forgiven
Steve: I'm not looking for forgiveness and I'm way past asking for permission. Earth just lost her best defender so we are here to fight and if you want to stand in our way we will fight you too
Secretary Ross: arrest them
Rhodey: all over it... it's great to see your cap
Steve: you too rhodey
Rhodey: wow you guys really look like crap must've been a rough couple of years
They continue to talk about the mind stone and why they want it
Steve: but how would we get the stone without destroying vision
Jordan: what about Shuri... she helped me when i was brainwashed all those years ago
Nat: she's right, Shuri can help. She helped bucky as well
Sam: so then it's settled
They all make their way to Wakanda
Okoye: When you said we were going to open Wakanda to the rest of the world this is not what I imagined
T'challa; and what did you imagine?
Okoye: The Olympics maybe even a Starbucks
T'challa greets the avengers and they all walk to shuri's lab
T'challa: the avengers are here are. Are you ready?
Shuri: always
The avengers walk-in
Jordan spots Shuri
Jordan: Shuri
Shuri: Jordan it's nice to see you in person again
They hug
Steve: Sorry to break up this friend reunion but we have work
Shuri: right
She scans vision with her beads
Shuri: the structure is polymorphic
Bruce: right we had to attach each non sequentially
Shuri: why didn't you just reprogram the synapses to work collectively
Bruce: because we didn't think of that
Shuri: I'm sure you did your best
Wanda: can you do it?
Shuri: yes but there are more than two trillion neurons here. One misalignment could cause a cascade of circuit failures it will take time
Steve: how long
Shuri: as long as you can give me
Okoye kimoyo beads buzz
Okoye: somethings entered the atmosphere
Sam: hey cap we got a situation out here
something lands on the forcefield and but the thing explodes as it makes contact
Bucky: god i love this place
Rhodey: yeah don't start celebrating yet guys we got more incoming outside the dome
Vision: it's too late we need to destroy the stone now
Nat: vision get your ass back on the table
T'challa: we will hold them off
Steve: wanda as soon as that stones out of visions head you blow it to hell
Wanda: I will
T'challa: evacuate the city engage all the defenses
Jordan: this doesn't sound like it's going to end well
T'challa: and get this man a shield
Jordan: I have a bad feeling about this baby
Nat: everything will be okay, princess
She kisses Jordan's right hand
Natasha t'challa and steve walk up to the aliens, separate sides of the barriers
Nat: where is your other friend?
Pm: you will pay for his life with yours. Thanos will have that stone
Steve: that's not going to happen
T'challa: you are in Wakanda now. Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood
PM: we have blood to spare
the two avengers and king walk back to the others
Bucky: they surrender?
Steve: not exactly
aliens try to claw their way through the barrier
Bucky: what the hell
Nat: looks like we pissed her off
Okoye: they're killing themselves
20 minutes pass
some aliens have made their way through the barrier as the others start making their way around
Bruce: cap if these things circle the perimeter and get behind us there's nothing between them and vision
Steve: then we better keep them in front of us
Jordan; how?
T'challa; we open the barrier. On my signal open the northwest section seventeen
Mbaku: this will be the end of Wakanda
Okoye: then it will be the noblest ending in history
Everyone runs towards the barrier and fights
As everyone is fighting, Okoye, Natasha, and Jordan get stuck in an area together
Jordan: that thing is coming close to use!
Wanda lands in front of them and uses her magic to stop it
Okoye: why was she up there all this time
Jordan: good save
PM: she's on the field take it
In the lab
One of the children of Thanos got into the lab trying to find vision
Jordan: wait Wanda if you're down here who's with vision?
Sam: we've got a vision situation
Wanda: on my way
She gets hit and falls to the ground
PM: he'll die alone as will you
Nat: shes not alone
Natasha Okoye and Jordan start fighting the child of Thanos
The child of Thanos pushes Natasha to the floor and holds a blade near her neck
Jordan: NAT!
Wanda uses her powers to pick up the child of Thanos and throw her up in the air as one of the saws was passing by
Nat: that was really gross
Jordan: nat
She hugs Natasha
Nat: I'm fine princess but we need to continue to fight
Wanda finds vision
Wanda: are you alright?
Vision screams in pain
Vision: he's here
Steve: everyone on my position we have incoming
Nat: what the hell
Thanos appears
Steve: eyes up stay sharp
Everyone tries to fight him but he uses the stones
Vision: Wanda we need to break the stone,
Wanda: vision I can't, I can't
Vision: no one can stop him but we can
Wanda: I'm sorry
She starts to destroy the stone
Back with everyone else
Thanos is beating everyone with the stones
Bucky runs towards him, shooting at him but Thanos uses the power stone to throw him to the ground
Jordan tries to fight him but Thanos uses the same stone and throws her about 10 ft away next to Wanda and vision
Okoye tries to get him with the spear but he stops the spear and throws her as well
Before nat could reach him he trappers her under a rock formation
Wanda is still destroying the stone \she holds back Thanos and then the stone breaks
Thanos uses the time stone to bring vision back
Wanda: NOO
Thanos hits Wanda and sends her flying
He rips out the mind stone from vision. He now had all the stones
Thor tried stopping him, stabbing him with stormbreaker
Thanos: you should have gone you should have- you should have gone for the head
He snaps his fingers
Thanos teleports away
Steve: where did he go?
Bucky: steve
Bucky walks towards steve and thor but he turns to dust
It stats to happen to many of the Wakandan soldiers
T'challa: up general up this is no place to die
Tchalla holds his hand out to help Okoye get up but he dusts away
Groot then dusts away
Then Wanda, Sam
They all dust away
Nat runs around trying to find Jordan
She continues to run around looking for jordan
Rhodey: what is this what the hell is happening
Natasha stops and sees jordans ring on the floor
Nat: no no no
She picks it up from the floor
Nat falls to her knees and starts to cry
Nat: no princess
Steve: nat
Steve sees Natasha sitting near a pile of stuff just like when bucky dusted away
He also sees her holding jordans ring
Nat: shes gone....just like the others
A couple of hours later Natasha arrives back home
Carol: Natasha you're back. Where are Wanda and Jordan and what the hell is going on? Have you seen the news
Natasha starts to cry
Nat: they are gone
Carol: what do you mean?
Nat: they -they dusted away like the others
Carol: no no no
She sits on the couch
Carol: no no no no j-jordan and wanda
Natasha nods
Carol cries more
A couple of hours later carol is in her room
She sits there in silence then picks up her phone
She scrolls through her contacts and calls fury
She waits for someone to answer the phone
Eventually, someone does
??: hello
Carol: hello. Umm is my uncle fury around
??: no he's not
Carol: who are you then and why do you have his phone?
??: my name is Phil Coulson. We've met before carol
Carol: I remember... What happened to my uncle?
Coulson: I'm sorry carol... he was one of the many who dusted away
Carol: what about my aunt maria?
Coulson: her as well... I'm very sorry carol.
Carol: t-thanks Coulson. I have to go
She hangs up and starts to cry
Nat: hey...
Carol wipes her tears away
Nat: I'm going to move back into the compound for a bit... I want you to come so you won't be alone
Carol: that, that's fine
About two weeks later
Carol: I'm going to fly around I need to I need to clear my head
She decides to fly around in space because that usually clears her mind when she needs to
She flies a bit farther than normal and sees something in the distance
It was a ship. Carol flew towards it and inside she saw tony
She flew the ship back to earth and to the compound
Once they arrived steve helped tony
Tony: I couldn't stop him
Steve: neither could i
Tony: I lost peter
Steve: we lost
Pepper runs over to them
Pepper: oh my god
Tony: oh good
Pepper and Tony hug
Everyone went back inside and talked
Rhodey: it's been 23 days since Thanos came to earth
Nat: world governments are in pieces. The ones that are still working are trying a census and it looks like he did. He did exactly what he said he was going to do. Thanos wiped 50% of all living creatures
Tony: where is he now where
Steve: we don't know. He just opened a portal and walked through it
Tony: what's wrong with him?
He points to thor
Rocket: he's pissed he thinks he's failed
After talking for a while
Tony ends up passing out
Rhodey: bruce gave him a sedative. He's gonna probably be out for the rest of the day
Carol: I have to go
Steve: where are you going?
Carol: somewhere I don't know okay just leave me alone, please
Nat: carol
Carol: no Natasha just leave me alone
Steve: c-
Carol: Everyone please stop talking okay.
Steve: look we know you lost your sister but we all lost someone close to us
Nat: steve-
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