《•CreepyPasta X Reader Parody•》Clean Room.


I sat up from the side bed, looking around the room. Clothes everywhere, blood on some and other shi I don't even know on pants and sweatshirts.

It was pretty obvious he liked "rock" music like ICP which they're pretty fire, Posters of "The pixies" we also hung up on the wall with a few knifes sticking out of the paper.

And I also found a photo of JUICE WRLD on the wall, with a thumbtack and BENs name.

Emo gremlin.

I walked across the room to his closet, bro better not have some bodies hanging on hangers as it smelled. I pulled it open expecting the worst but just shirts, pants normal clothing. Some on the ground so I picked them up and put them back on the hangers.

I figured I would try to get on his good side and decided to clean. So I went to my phone and put on my playlist. (Cavetown, Lil peep, JW along with ICP... if yours I different then you do u).

"Beamer Boy" started playing loud which was a vibe. I started with rounding up his dirty and clean clothes and put them in seprated baskets. Then putting them by the door so I wouldn't forget, I soon went to his bed and yanked his blanket and pillows off. Who tf sleeps with no sheet? (Me some times lol.)

I shook off his blanket and neatly layed it back on his bed. Then did the same with his pillows. So far his clothes were separated and his bed was made, Now I just had to move onto his desk. He had different sized knifes and dried red blood now brown. I used his handkerchief that was sitting on the ground to wipe the substance off and went to organizing his knifes. And he also had a laptop in the middle of the desk. Being the snoop I am. I logged on expecting a password but none.


I decided to go through his gallery first.

Images of... bodies. Brutally dismembered.

I thought I was going to throw up but kept it in. I quickly moved on to another file. But then I was shocked.

Images of a h/c girl with s/c skin tone.

That was me. In my bedroom. Some pictures were of me on my phone, reading. Thank God there was none of me changing otherwise I would've flipped shit.

I decided that was enough and logged off laying my head down on the desk. I need my pills. The memories were coming back again.

The little girl in the corner was Sally, ever sense I met her again here the dreams are getting worse. I need my pills.

I soon sensed someone else in the room with me, then a little voice spoke.

"Are you okay Ms. Y/n?" It was Sally.

I turned around in the chair to face her, "Do you remember me Sally." I asked her seriously.

She looked at me as if I was a big math problem. "I...your the little girl." She whispered. "Yes, I am." I smiled.

She quickly ran up to me and hugged me, I could feel my face wet rubbing up against the humanoid ghosts skin. "I'm sorry y/n."

She said kissing my four head and fading away.

I just sat there with tears streaming down my face. Staring into nothingness. Until a deep voice spoke in my head. He spoke to me for the first time in a calm voice.

He was right.

I looked to the other side of the desk to see my prescription. Had he brought them for me? I don't give a shit I just need them. I quickly stood up and reached them shoving two down my throat again dry.


Backing up and plopping down on Jeff's bed waiting for the tablets to kick in.

"Finally" I whispered.

"Hurry tf up we don't have all night" I said floating above Jeff's head, after the kill it takes him awhile to find the money stash.

"Here, see midget? Do the code with your weird ghost shit." He whispered. He can still manage to be a douche while whispering.

I went down and hijacked the case causing the door to unlock and swing open. Jeff quickly grabbed the stacks of cash and headed to the large T.V in the living room. Doing my thing I hopped through with Jeff following behind me.

Stepping onto the living room rug no one was there. Most likely because it was one in the morning and all the other creeps were either hunting or arnt nocturnal. "Bro that T.V shit hurts" Jeff mumbled while stepping out. "Well once you get used to it, it doesn't really bother you." A assured him only to be responded with a cocky insult.

I then flipped him off and telaprtated to my room, logging on and seeing what I can catch.

Opening my door I heard music playing, and a clean room. "Is this my fucking room?" I muttered to myself. I walked to my closet and plopped the cash in there for now. I saw y/n laying on my bed curled up holding her head... weird. I walked over to her phone and paused the music.

Finally fucking quite, I thought to myself.

Walking to my bed I took off my sweatshirt and slipped off my Jeans. Leaving me in my black t shirt and boxers. This should be fine. I then walked over to my bed and curled up next to her. Glad to have some kind of affection in my life.

I am so close to happiness, I almost feel it.

I woke up feeling something warm around me, Maybe Smile slipt in and thought I was Jeff? But he's not that long. I pulled back the blanket over my head to see someone with a sleeping mask on with... black hair. Damn kinda wishing it to be Jane but whatever.

I lay there watching his chest rising and falling every breathe he took. I came to realize he was only in his shirt and... haha boxers fuckfuckfuck!!!!

I became very uncomfortable. I was expecting this to trigger the flashbacks, but it didn't.

I then rolled over and reached my hand as far as I could successfully reaching my phone and pulled it back to me. I logged onto the groupchat and took a picture of Jeff with his princess mask on, assuming he got it from dollar general lol.

"four stooges"


Wait a second...

Hold up-

Oh look at sleeping beauty lmao

Y/n put him to sleep rn.

I shut off my phone and put it back on the desk. It had been so long sense I had even been this close to someone. A man. I like Jeff as friend, but definitely not as a lover.

But I might get killed if I don't like him like that.


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