《Maybe tomorrow》Chapter 16



To my surprise the fridge was fully stocked with food and even though I didn’t want to eat it because I knew Damien had been the one, who had had it filled.

But I couldn’t keep ignoring my rumbling stomach forever, and it would have been a waste of food anyway.

I took out a bottle of orange juice and some eggs and milk to make scrambled eggs. It took me a few minutes to figure out how the stove worked but after a while I got it working properly and I started mixing the milk and eggs while the pan was heating up.

I also found some salt and pepper and after a few minutes the food was ready. I put some on my plate and sat down at the kitchen counter while I checked my phone.

2 missed calls from Celia and a message from Clary.

I wanted to open Clary’s message first but at that moment the doorbell rang.

I remembered that Damien had told me he would have someone drop Charlie off at my apartment. I jumped off the chair and rushed towards the entrance to open the door but when I saw who was with Charlie I was more than surprised.

It was Mr Black.

He was smiling when he saw me and let go off Charlie’s hand. Charlie hugged my legs, as he always did.

“Hi, mommy.”, he said, and I bend down to kiss the top of his head.

“Hi, honey, did you sleep well?”, I asked, and he nodded.

“Daddy read a book to me. About the police. I want to be a police officer now!” I smiled a little.

“I thought you wanted to be a pilot? Or an astronaut?”

Charlie shrugged and let go off me.


“I am just going to be all of them.”, he stated and then leaned to the side to see the apartment.

“Can I see my room? I want to show Oscar everything.”

I nodded. “Yes, go ahead, sweetheart. It is just down the hallway to the right; you will find it. I will be right with you.”

Charlie was already gone when I looked back up to face Mr Black.

“Mr Black, how nice to see you. I am sorry for my sudden departure yesterday, I was just-”

He interrupted me.

“You know I told you to call me Ethan, Ally. And you are not the one who needs to apologize, I am.”

My jaw dropped a little in surprise.

“For what do you want to apologize? I owe you everything!”, I said in disbelief and he frowned a little.

His gaze seemed earnest.

“I want to apologize for my son. I know you would have never just left, especially without Charlie. Clary told me he hasn’t been very…”

He was obviously looking for a word to describe his behavior, but I shook my head and flushed.

Clary had promised me not to tell anyone!

“There is nothing you or Damien would need to apologize for. If Damien doesn’t want me around that is his good right after everything I did.

You all have been so generous, not just to Charlie, but me too! You paid for this apartment, the hospitals bills, the flight here and you let me stay at your house. All of that was already much more than I deserved.”, I tried to convince him but now he was the one to shake his head.

“I am afraid Damien’s behavior is my fault. This isn’t easy for him, yes, but you are the last person he wanted to get hurt because of it. I am not in any place to give you his reasons, but I am here to make you an offer.”


He looked at me, waiting for an answer and I bit my lip.

“What kind of offer? I told you, you have already done so much for me.”

He sighed but then smiled at me.

“Well, can I come in, then I can explain the technicalities to you.”

I stepped out of the doorway.

“Of course.”, I responded nervously, and could only hardly suppress the words Mr Black coming out of my mouth too.

I offered him a seat, but he shook his head again.

“Unfortunately, I won’t be able to stay for very long. Work is busy right now. And that is also the reason why I am here. I want to offer you a job at our company.”

My gaze shot in his direction.

“What?”, I asked in disbelief and he smiled a little.

“Well, I know that you have been applying for a bunch of different jobs in Pittsburgh and even though we are happy to provide you everything you need, I understand that you would rather make money on your own and I respect that. I think you are a very competent and hard-working young woman and we would be happy to have you, only if you want of course.”

I was speechless for a few seconds but when I found my voice again I nodded and said: “That would be amazing, but you really don’t have to. This is New York, I am sure I will find a job somewhere and I don’t want to be preferred over any other candidates out of pity.”

“Pity?”, he asked surprised and I flushed again.

“I have to admit when you first told us what happened I was quite shocked but none of us help you because of pity. That we have only gotten to meet you now is a shame but from what I can tell you have had your reasons for everything you did. You have been a great mother to Charlie, and everyone makes mistakes.

You can’t blame yourself for everything that happened. But now, what do you say, will you take the offer?”

After Mr Black had said goodbye to me and his grandson, he left, but not before making sure I had all the information needed.

I couldn’t believe my luck.

I had insisted on starting next Monday already even though it had taken me a while to convince Mr Black that I was feeling well enough to start that early.

I would only work part-time, and Charlie would be staying with Mr and Mrs Black until around 2 or 3 p.m. from Monday through Thursday.

I wouldn’t have to work on Friday.

It was perfect.

The rest of the day Charlie and I spent together.

In the afternoon we went to a little café down the street and while he got some apple juice a chocolate chip cupcake, I got a coffee and a piece of apple crumble.

It was delicious. I had totally forgotten how good the food was here.

After we had finished, we had gone back to our new apartment and watched his favorite movie, Disney’s Aladdin, and for a short moment everything was how it used to be.

It was crazy how your life could change entirely in only a couple of days.

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