《Pranking The Bad Boy》Chapter 2.
I knew that this was just Mr. Stevens way of 'revenge' for smart mouthing him.
Ashlin's jaw dropped to the ground. She turned to me and glared at me.
Most people would be intimidated. But me? Not so much. I mean, why would I be scared of a life sized barbie doll?
I rolled my eyes at her and then I glared at Mr. Stevens. He pretended not to notice and kept on reading the list.
This sucked. Not only did I have to do a group project, but it's with the "bad boy" of the school. I could tell that's him because I can put two and two together. Coming late to class...amazing looks...has girls chasing after him...has got that whole 'bad boy' look...
Yeah. Definitely the bad boy.
I get pulled out of my thoughts when Mr. Stevens speaks.
"Now, I will be handing out the book you're presenting. Keep in mind, every group has a different book so it won't make any sense copying someone's work. And don't even try to switch books with someone. I wrote down who has which book"
The class groaned, probably sad that they couldn't copy other people's work. What a bunch of assholes.
I noticed that the only other person besides me that wasn't reacting was Ryder.
He was completely still, paying attention but not responding. He wasn't showing the slightest sign of emotion.
Was that a good sign or a bad one?
"Ashlin and Kristy, you will be reading and presenting The Great Gatsby."
What?! Unfair. That was a really good book.
They won't even appreciate it.
"Omg! Seriously?! That's like the most boring book ever," Ashlin whispered to her friend, but it was loud enough for the whole class to hear.
Told you.
"Kennedy and Ryder. You have the book Romeo and Juliet."
Huh. That wasn't such a bad book either.
Ryder still didn't react. I had no idea if he was satisfied with the book we got. Or if he was okay with us being partners.
After Mr. Stevens told the rest of the class what their books are, he passed them out. As he gave me the last book he had to hand out, the bell rang.
All the students packed their stuff and left as quickly as possible. Almost everyone was talking to their partners about the project.
Except Ryder and I.
I was about to ask him when he wanted us to meet up but he was already walking through the door.
I threw my stuff in my backpack and raced after him.
No way was I going to fail this project because he was to lazy to get started on it. Believe it or not, I take my grades seriously.
He was with four other guys a few feet away from where I was standing. One of them being Blake.
I made my way over to him.
I don't know if he didn't hear me or was ignoring me on purpose but he didn't turn around.
I walked closer and called a bit louder. "Ryder!"
He still didn't turn around so I walked up to him. The other guys noticed me before he did and one spoke up.
"Well what do we have here? Haven't seen you around. Need a tour?"
I internally rolled my eyes. Nice pick up line. Note the sarcasm.
"Yeah, hi. Not interested," I said, not giving him any attention.
I turned to Ryder who was watching me.
"And how may I help you?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. His words came out a little bit rude but I didn't expect anything else.
"Well, you could tell me when and where you want to do the project," I said with fake cheeriness. "Because I don't really have any interests in Mr. Stevens being up my ass," I finished, losing the cheeriness.
"I don't care. I guess I'll find you when I feel like it," he told me and turned back to the guys.
I scoffed.
He did not just say that.
The guys laughed, probably thinking that I was going to walk away mortified.
Well guess what? Not today.
"Okay, listen here," I said and grabbed his shoulder to turn him towards me. "Unlike you, I need the grades to get into college, because I don't have mommy and daddy paying for everything I want."
It was mostly true. My parents did have enough money for us to have a great life. They even had enough to pay for my college. But if they did, they would have to save again for a few years and I wanted Nathan to have a good childhood.
So I decided that I would try and find a way for me to go to a good college, without spending thousands of dollars.
Ryder kept a cool facade and stepped closer to me so that we were a few inches apart.
"You wouldn't know, because it's none of your business, but my parents don't exactly care enough to send me to college with loads of money," he said.
"Well then I guess it's time you shape up and start caring about your grades," I fired back.
I looked into his eyes deeply one more time before turning around and walking away.
I heard a bunch of 'Ooooh's coming from the guys before I walked around the corner. Idiots.
So anyway, where and what was my next class by the way?
I dug through my bag and looked for my schedule. Once I found it, I zipped up my backpack again and looked at it.
Chemistry, room 214.
Alright, just have to find the stairs.
I kept walking, not looking up from my schedule.
Then, I walked into someone. Good job Kennedy.
I looked up. The guy's back was facing to me so I didn't see his face. He was taller than me so probably a senior.
"I'm sorry. I should have wat--"
The person turned around to face me.
"Hey sis. How's your day so far? I heard you already smart mouthed a teacher."
"How do you know that?! I literally just got out of class!"
Dylan laughed. "A little something called social networks and texting."
"Screw modern day electronics," I said, scowling at him.
"Oh come on! Everyone, including myself, found it extremely entertaining."
He threw an arm around my shoulder and started walking. "What do you have now?" he asked me.
"You're great in chemistry! That won't be so bad."
"I guess," I mumbled.
I was pretty good in things like numbers and formulas and combining substances and those things.
"Did you get enrolled in AP chemistry?" Dylan asked.
"They have AP chemistry here?" I asked, not believing him.
"Yeah, apparently the school is like one of the best high schools in subjects like chemistry and physics class."
"Oh. Well, I have no idea. All I do know is that I have it in room 214."
"That's where I have chemistry in right now, too! So you're basically just with the seniors in chemistry. Hey, we'll have class together!"
"So they just put the smart juniors with the seniors?"
"Pretty much."
"Well then, you happen to know where the room is?"
"Just follow me," he answered and smiled at me.
He took my hand and slipped through the mass of people to the stairs. We walked up to the next floor.
"So, anything interesting happen with you?" I asked.
"Not really. Although I have gotten four girl's numbers already."
I rolled my eyes at the comment. Of course he had. I'm not gonna lie, he was a pretty nice looking guy.
And when you add good looks plus being the new guy, BOOM. Instant fame and admiration.
"Aaand, here it is."
We stopped in front of an opened door. Students were talking and waiting for the teacher. A few senior guys were throwing crumbled paper balls into the trash can while girls were whispering about the guy's 'good looks' and 'stunning bodies'.
"Hey, guys!" Dylan called and walks over to the guys throwing paper.
He did that bro hug thing with them and started talking with them.
Thanks big brother.
I pushed my way through the students and found a desk in the very last row again that's still empty.
Since we were in chemistry, the desks were in pairs of two instead of being a single desk like in every other class.
I placed my backpack on the floor and took a seat. Luckily, I was once again sitting next to the window.
I watched the class and noticed that there were probably three juniors in here, including me. The others were all seniors. There was one other girl and one other guy.
The guy was sitting in the front, with his nose in a comic book. I leaned forward to see the title. 'Star Wars. The Clone Wars'.
I leaned back in my seat and directed my attention to the girl.
She was standing against the back wall. Her dirty blond, wavy hair was covering half of her face and she had her gaze down.
She was cute. With her blond hair, and from what I could see, baby blue eyes and full pink lips. She was wearing some light wash jeans with a soft peach colored off the shoulder top.
She looked up and looked over to the girls that were ogling the guys.
The girls looked at her and then turned to each other again and snickered. She immediately lowered her gaze again.
What a bunch of bitches.
I got up and walked over to her.
"Hey, I'm Kennedy," I said and held out my hand.
She looked up and looked at me warily. She probably thought this was some sort of prank and I was going to spill something on her.
"Don't worry. I'm nothing like those snotty wannabe barbies. I'm not gonna do anything to you."
She slowly picked up her hand and shook mine.
"I'm Isla."
"That's a really pretty name!"
She looked down and tucked some hair behind her ear. "Thanks," she whispered.
"So I was wondering if you wanted to sit with me," I said and nodded my head at the desk I was sitting at.
She eyed me carefully, still not fully trusting me. I didn't blame her. If I was always made fun of I wouldn't trust people so easily either. But I wasn't going to hurt or embarrass her.
"No need to worry. I'm not going to do anything. Come on."
I walked over the desk and took my original seat.
Isla hesitated shortly but followed me.
She sat down and placed her bag on the ground next to mine. She kept her gaze locked on the table top and hid her face with her hair. She fumbled with her hands.
Obviously she was nervous.
I turned in my seat to face her and put my elbow on the desk, leaning my head against my hand.
"So, tell me something about yourself," I said, trying to start a conversation.
She looked up and also turned to face me. She licked her lips and looked around the room, incase someone was filming and ready for her to say something embarrassing.
After she came up empty she turned back to me.
"Umm, well my name is Isla, as you already know. I have a younger sister and I don't really have that many friends," she whispered the last part and looked at her lap as if she was ashamed.
I laughed.
She looked at me as if I'm crazy. She probably didn't know why I was laughing.
"You said you didn't have that many friends? I have, wait let me count," I pretended as if I'm counting in my head.
She looked at me astounded. "How? Someone as pretty and confident as you should have many friends?"
I laughed again and shook my head. "Yeah, not really. Most people at my old school were kind of scared of me."
"Well, instead of going shopping and getting my nails and hair done, I would rather ride my motorcycle or egg somebody's house."
"Oh, yeah. I could see why they would be just a little afraid." For the first time, she smiled at me.
"So, you are a junior right?" I asked her.
"Have you lived here all your life?"
"No, my family and I moved her when I was five."
She was opening up to me and looked a little bit more at ease than before.
"Umm, what do you like to do for fun?" I asked her.
"This is probably really nerdy but I like to read," she answered and laughed lightly.
"Not at all. You might not believe this, but I also enjoy a good book," I said and also laughed. "Anything else you like to do? Shopping? Scouting out boys?"
"Shopping yes. But not to often or too long."
I approved.
"And scouting out boys? No. It wouldn't have no use anyway. They wouldn't notice me back."
"Do you want them to notice you?"
"Maybe a little," she mumbled and looked back down to where her hands were laying on her lap.
"Then I'll make it my mission to improve your confidence and self-esteem this year," I said.
"Not make me hot and popular?" she asked me as if she was happy with what I said.
"No way. If anyone were to fall in love with you it should be because of you, not your looks," I confidently said.
She released a deep breath. "Oh thank god, I thought you would want to..."
Her talking drowned out when I directed my gaze to the door and saw a certain 'bad boy' walk through the door.
I turned to Isla. "Ryder is in this class?" I whispered to her, both confused and impressed.
"Oh yeah," she said as if it was no big deal. "From what I observed, even though he has this whole 'laid back not really caring' look to him, he actually does care about his grades. I think it has something to do with his parents not supporting him about his college choice and refusing to pay for it. So I think he's trying to get a scholarship but I have no idea for what."
I stared at her, amazed.
"What?" she asked.
"You found out all of that by just 'observing'?"
"Well yeah. When you don't really have any friends to do something with, you get bored easily. So to pass time, I try to understand different people here. But don't worry, I never tell anybody what I find out. I don't like gossip and rumours," she quickly rushed the last sentences to what she was saying, incase I was going to leave her for thinking she starts rumours.
"That's impressive. Anybody else know about your hidden talent?"
She thought quickly before answering. "No, not really."
"That's great! We could use that as like a secret weapon!" I excitedly told her.
"Like for what?"
"We'll see when the time comes." I said and smiled mischievously at her.
She laughed and nodded her head.
Then, I heard one of the girls who were watching the guys whisper. "Why is the new girl with Island?"
"Island?" I mouthed to Isla.
She just shrugged as if it's nothing new.
"Maybe she has to do like community service or something," another one whispered.
I rolled my eyes. Were all the girls like this?
"Or maybe she has to do like a charity type of thing."
That's it!
I stood up and slammed my hands on the table.
Every single person stopped talking and looked at me, shocked. Except Isla. She probably knew I was going to explode like that. Damn her and her talent of reading people.
She just watched me calmly, as she was finally glad someone stood up for her.
And oh, was I going to stand up for her.
"Alright," I said and walked to the girls.
Everyone was watching me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Dylan smiling. He knew what I was going to do.
I notice dRyder watching too. He was watching intently and smirking.
I didn't let my gaze waver from the group of girls. There were four of them and they all looked like summer and barbie had a baby with their faces caked with make up and their little clothes.
I stood in front of them and leaned against the desk in front of them.
"Look here...Britanny. Yeah, you look like a Brittany," I said and nodded my head.
She was almost an exact replica of Ashlin. With her bleached hair and nails and all that stuff. But you could tell they weren't related.
"Didn't your parents ever tell you, that talking behind someone's back is rude? But then again, you weren't really talking behind any body's back, considering the class at the end of the hall could hear your screeching."
The whole class chuckled while she scoffed and glared at me.
"Listen up, new girl. Just because you have a hot brother," she winked at Dylan and I pretended to gag. The whole class laughed again.
"Doesn't mean you can do or say whatever you want," she finished.
"Oh, but you can? Because, I don't see any signs saying you're the only privileged one here. We're in America. A free country. Where you can say whatever you want. Educate yourself," I told her as if I was speaking to a child.
I flicked her forehead lightly, finishing my speech. She yelped and reached up to her forehead, massaging the place that I flicked.
"Don't rub too hard or your fake tan will come off," I said over my shoulder as I walked back to my seat.
"Thanks," I heard Isla whisper quietly.
I smiled at her in return.
'Brittany' was about to say something but the teacher walked in.
"Everyone take your seats, so we can begin the lesson."
Everybody scattered and sat in their seat.
"Good morning class, my name is Mr. Olivares."
Isla leaned close to me. "By the way, her name really is Brittany," she whispered and laughed quietly.
I also laughed.
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Noob Player
Tribe Online, a VRMMORPG created by joint companies Sky Corporation, making it the only VRMMORPG in the world. Sky had a big ambition, they wanted to create a second world by creating Tribe Online. A world where people could build a new country, kingdom, or people could be an adventurer to explore the vast world within Tribe Online.
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