《Pranking The Bad Boy》Chapter 1.
"Kennedy! Get your ass up or I'm eating your breakfast!" my older brother called.
I rolled over onto my stomach and snuggled my head into my soft pillow.
"Just a few more minutes," I muttered into my pillow with all the strength I had.
Suddenly, my door slammed open and someone jumped on top of me, knocking the air out of me. I let out an 'umph'.
"Hurry Kenny! He's eating your pancakes!" my younger brother frantically informed me.
He was always on my side, no matter what. He was almost more protective than my older brother, Dylan.
I pushed my brother off of me and sat up.
"Then you have to protect them from him!" I told him and he excitedly jumped off my bed and ran out the door, making sure I still had breakfast for later.
I yawned and stretched my arms, before standing up and walking into my bathroom.
Let me introduce myself. I'm Kennedy Andrews. 17 years old and I'm starting my junior year. Daughter of Isabelle and Micheal Andrews. I have two brothers. One was a year older than me. His name is Dylan. My younger brother's name is Nathan. He is 6. I know, it's quiet an age difference.
My family and I moved to Florida two weeks ago because of a job offer that my dad got. It wasn't really a problem for me to move since nothing was keeping me there. I didn't really have any close friends.
I was't a social outcast or anything but some people were just afraid me. Maybe it was the fact that I didn't smile at everyone I saw or that I kept to myself.
The girls at my old school were just to...girly. Everything revolved around clothes, make-up and boys for them.
Sure, I like to wear clothes, maybe put on some mascara and look at a boy, but I wasn't obsessed like they were. I would much rather ride on my motorcycle or toilet paper someone's house. Yes, I was that girl.
I could have hung out with the guys but they were just plain douchebags, so I kept to myself.
Maybe all that was going to change this year. Who knows? Maybe I would meet some people that had similar interests as me. And if I didn't, that wouldn't bother me either.
I finished with my shower, brushing my teeth and hair and all that stuff.
I walked over to my closet and put on some black ripped jeans and a maroon shirt. I pondered if I should take my jacket but then decided against it because it was already quite warm outside. I let my light brown hair fall down in its soft waves and put on some make up.
I grabbed my phone and backpack before running down the stairs and into the kitchen. Nathan did a good job of defending my breakfast because my stack of pancakes was sitting safely behind him on the counter.
Him and Dylan were having a staring contest, probably about who would get my breakfast.
I walked past them and pat Nathan on the shoulder.
"Good job, soldier," I said and started to eat my breakfast.
Being pleased with himself and his great job, he sat down next to me and stuck his tongue out at Dylan.
Dylan stuck his tongue out in return and then looked at me. "Next time I won't be so nice."
After putting my empty plate in the dishwasher I walked up to him and cupped his face with my hands. I had to look up a little bit since he was taller than me.
"Is someone mad they didn't get enough special first-day-of-school-breakfast? I can always tell mommy to write you a note for lunch to make you feel better," I teased.
He rolled his eyes and walked towards the door. He opened it and turned to me. "Better hurry up or I'm leaving without you!" he called and ran out the door.
I raced after him and quickly put on my black converse. I knew from past experience that he really would leave without me.
Usually I would ride on my bike but since it was the first day, our parents wanted us to go together.
I called 'bye' to my parents and hugged Nathan before running outside and slamming the door shut.
I got into the car and closed the door, panting slightly.
"You're a bit out of shape, sis," Dylan said and pats my stomach as if I was gaining weight.
I swatted his hand away. I was in perfect shape.
"It's just to early for this type of activity," I told him and buckled my seatbelt.
He just chuckled and started driving to our new school.
We pulled up to our school and Dylan parked in a free spot.
He turned off the car and we unbuckled.
I stared out of the window and looked at all the people walking around. They were laughing and hugging each other. Everyone seemed like they knew each other.
I felt Dylan grab my hand reassuringly. He knew that I didn't really have anybody at our old school.
"It'll be fine. I'm always right here if you need me," he said and squeezed my hand softly.
I looked at him and nodded. I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car.
Immediately all eyes turned to us and conversations stopped. Dylan came around the car and we started to walk towards the building.
I could hear the other kids whispering to each other.
"I didn't know we were getting new students."
"What grade are they in?"
"Who are they?"
We walked past a group of guys and I got a few wolf whistles.
"Hot damn!"
"Looking good there!"
"Fuck, I'd hit that."
I could see that Dylan was about to punch in their faces but I held onto his arm and stopped him from doing anything he would regret.
"Don't. It's the first day. Don't be stupid," I whispered to him so that only he could hear me.
He relaxed a little but put a protective arm around my shoulders.
That of course received even more whispers.
"Are they dating?"
"They look so good together."
"I would so want to be under him right now."
The last comment almost made me gag. Dylan laughed at the comment and my reaction but kept on walking.
We finally made it into the school and looked for the office. Luckily it was right in the front and easy to find.
Dylan held the door open for me and I walked in. I saw the secretary behind her desk, texting someone.
I walked up to the desk and Dylan walked behind me. The lady, about mid-thirties, ignored us and kept on texting.
After a couple minutes I tapped my nails on the desk impatiently. She still didn't look up. I cleared my throat loudly. Finally, she decided to look up at us.
"Can I help you?" she asked. Very rudely, I might add.
"Yes! Hi! We're Kennedy and Dylan Andrews. We're new and we would like to pick up our schedules," I told her with fake cheeriness.
She grabbed some papers out of a drawer and placed them on the desk. "Here. Get to class on time and don't do anything against the rules," she said and went back to texting.
God, would it kill you to have some manners?
We grabbed our schedules and walked out of the office.
"What a bitch," I muttered under my breath, already making plans in my head of how to teach her a lesson.
Dylan slightly shoved me with his hip. "Hey, forget it. She's unimportant."
"Why would you think that I would do something?" I asked him.
"Because I know you," he answered.
"Whatever, I'll see you soon," I said as the bell rings.
"Alright. Be good!" he called after me.
"I can't promise anything!" I called back as the halls flooded with students.
We walked down separate hallways, trying to find our classrooms.
Alright, first lesson is english. That's not too bad. I just need to get to room 118.
As I kept on walking, the halls started clearing up. Pretty soon, I was the only one left. The bell rang again, meaning everyone should be in class by now. Whatever, I'll just play the 'I'm new and I got lost' card.
Okay. Room 116...117...there it is! Room 118!
I took a deep breath before opening the door and walking in.
All eyes turned to me and I gathered everyone's attention.
"And what is your excuse for being late, miss?" the teacher asked me. He was almost fifty and had a beer belly. He had a mustache that matched his gray hair.
He raised an eyebrow, waiting for me to speak.
"Well, even though I was so excited to get to english class, I saw a unicorn in the hallway and decided to chase after it," I said.
I heard snickers come from the class and the teacher silenced them with a look. He frowned at me once they got quiet.
"Relax, I'm new and didn't find the classroom. And besides, I'd only chase after it if it was something like a great teacher. You know, something even more rare than a unicorn," I said and inspected my nails.
The class erupted in laughter and the teacher shot them another look.
"What's your name, miss?" he asked me. You could see that he was trying not to rip off my head.
"Kennedy Andrews, how about you?" I say and extended my hand.
"I'm Mr. Stevens," he reached up his hand but I puledl mine away before we could shake hands and turned to face the classroom.
"So where should I sit?"
The class laughed again. By now, Mr. Stevens had given up on quieting them down.
"Wherever there's an empty seat," he sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"Hey, princess. Come sit with me," a guy said. He was from the group that Dylan wanted to punch earlier this morning. There was an empty seat next to him but I didn't feel like putting up with him.
I looked around and saw two empty chairs in a back corner. I walked to them and sat in the one next to the window.
Those were my favorite seats. Because you could look outside and remember that soon you'll be out of here and can do whatever you want outside.
"Alright," Mr. Stevens clapped his hands together to get our attention. "This year we will be working on a book project in partners of two, since there are 24 people in this class."
I quickly counted the students and noticed that there were only 23 kids in here. One wasn't in class yet. Oh how I envied them.
Immediately, the class started talking about who would pair up with who.
I sat quietly in the corner and watched as people picked their partners. This was not off to a great start, considering I knew literally no one.
"Settle down people. Don't bother discussing partners because I will be picking for you," Mr. Stevens spoke up.
This got him nothing but groans from the class. I decided that I didn't like Mr. Stevens.
"You will be doing a presentation on your assigned book and presenting it to the class near the end of the school year. This grade will be 50% of you final grade."
This time, I groaned with the class.
50%?! Was he crazy?!
"I'll be assigning yo--,"
He got interrupted by the door of the classroom opening.
A guy with light brown hair and deep green eyes walked into the room. Not gonna lie, he was pretty hot. He had a built body and this 'laid back' kind of vibe.
"Mr. Cole. How nice of you to join us," Mr. Stevens said without any emotion.
"Nice to see you too," he said, waving at him but not looking at him.
He must be the 24th person in the class.
He started to walk in my direction and stopped infront of me. I realised that the whole class was watching him. Mr. Stevens was looking for something by his desk, completely ignoring what was happening.
"You're in my seat," he said in a low tone and leaned towards me.
I tilted my head up to look at him since I was sitting down.
I also leaned forward so that our faces were mere inches apart.
"So? What are you gonna do about it?" I challenged him.
I heard the whole class gasp.
No way in hell was I sitting somewhere else just because some kid decided to come late and claim that this was his seat. Sure, he was a hot kid but that didn't change anything.
He gives me a surprised look as if he couldn't fully believe that I stood up to him but he quickly covered it with a smirk.
"You don't want to find out," he said and sat in the empty spot next to me.
He directed his attention to the front of the classroom and I watched him out of the corner of my eye. Who in the world was this? Oh, I know! An arrogant asshole.
The class started whispering quietly amongst themselves, probably about how the new girl stood up to whatever his name is.
"Ah! Here it is!" Mr. Stevens said and held up a piece of paper, completely oblivious as to what had happened in his classroom.
"Alright, everyone quiet down. I have the list with your partners here. I just need to make some adjustments and I'll let you know who you'll be working with."
The class started to chatter amongst another again.
Some girl walked in my direction but stopped infront of the guy's desk that told me to move. She put her hands on his desk and leaned on her arms, giving him a full view of her boobs. It wasn't helping that she was wearing a very low cut top.
*Cough* Slut *Cough*
She flipped her bleached hair over her shoulder and batted her fake eyelashes at him.
"I really hope we're partners, Ryder," she said and smiled sweetly at him.
So his name was Ryder.
Fuck, that was my ultimate favorite guy name ever. Now he ruined it.
The girl ran a long acrylic nail from his shoulder to his elbow.
"Sure, Ashlin," he said and shook her hand off. He wasn't even looking at her or her boobs. Which was kind of hard considering they were right in front of him.
She scowled when he ignored her and went back to her spot.
Then, the guy that told me to sit with him walked up to me. Why can't people just stay in their seats?
"Hey, I'm Blake. I don't think I've got to properly introduce myself," he said and held out his hand for me to shake.
I put my elbow on my desk and placed my cheek in my hand.
I stared at his hand before looking up at him. He was looking down and smirking at me as if he knew I would immediately fall on my knees for him.
Two words. Think again.
I raised one eyebrow. "It's not that surprising, considering the only times you talked to me was when you were hitting on me. And by the way, you were doing a weak job," I said and turned my head to look out the window.
I could see his astonished face out of the corner of my eye and heard Ryder chuckle quietly, meaning that he was listening to our conversation.
"You're fiery," he said and leaned down so that our eyes were on the same level. "I like that in a girl," he whispered and walked back to his seat.
I rolled my eyes.
The guys here aren't any better than the ones at my old school.
"Everyone be quiet and listen. I'll be announcing your partners now," Mr. Stevens called out.
The class quieted down and paid attention to him.
"Blake and Carter."
"Hell yeah!" Blake called out and fist bumped the guy sitting next to him.
"Mr. Richards! Language!"
He sighed and went back to the list.
"Ashlin and Kristy."
"OMG! Yay!" They both called out and hugged each other.
Oh my fucking god. The girls here weren't any better either.
"Kennedy and..."
Please be someone good. Pleeeeease be someone good.
I promise I'll always eat my vegetables and make my bed in the morning.
Oh fuck.
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