《Cinched Darkness》Chapter 10


Everything was a game to him, from beginning to end.


I was strong at first and tried so hard to keep myself from falling for it. He wormed his way in simply by turning me on outside the fricking diner and I let him past my armor by the pool at the party. Of course, that was where he revealed his true colors.

What I don't know, is if he and Cassie have been working together this whole time or playing two separate games. I'm not sure I can handle two games. They seem to be in cahoots at the moment, so there's that. Right now, I can tell this is only about humiliating me. Simply because they can. They don't need a reason.

"Bailey, what did you say about her yesterday?"

"Hmm?" He actually sounds confused.

"I showed you the picture I snapped before we decided to send it out. You made a comment about her. What was it again?" Cassie's eyes rage with such intensity that a shiver courses through me.

"Oh, right," Bailey smirks, and rubs his chin thoughtfully, "how can someone as fat and grotesque as that imagine she has a chance with someone like me?"

"That's right..." Cassie sneers, narrowing her eyes on me, "do you hear that, Maxi Pad? He never liked you. He was fucking with you just because it's fun. You were too easy to break, but it was a fun game while it lasted."

With that, Cassie turns into Bailey and smashes her lips into his. His hands roam to her back, eyes open and locked on me.

Ew, why?

I don't get it.

Cassie groans and hikes up one leg, hooking it behind his knee. It's almost like he's just going through the motions. He's probably tired of her and ready to move onto some other slut.

"That's a really great show and all," Taryn dips down to collect my stuff, "but we have places to be."

She snatches my hand and hauls me away. I'm practically yelping in pain, but relieved for the removal. Zane and Riette are silent behind us, taking off to get to class. Delia swishes past, thumping me on the back of the head with a book and laughing hysterically. I rub my head as I make my way into homeroom.

"You're late," the teacher snaps at me.

"Sorry," I mutter and move to my seat.

Bailey comes in several moments later, and even though the teacher notices, she doesn't comment. I roll my eyes and adjust myself in my seat, so I can't see him out of the corner of my eye. I take notes on the class discussion, and only get distracted a few times, doodling in the margins.

The bell rings and I jump to my feet, scurrying out before Bailey can make a stupid comment. I slip into my seat in the next class as the bell rings again. I don't recognize any of the elites, and Taryn isn't here. We don't have a single class together. It's a freaking shame because she can be fun to work with when we have the chance for partners.


It's weird to be committed to school again. I haven't been this focused since freshman year. My C grade average for three years doesn't look good on my GPA, but one year of straight A's should bump it up a bit. Maybe not as much as I would like, but it can't hurt. It's better than dropping out and being stuck in this town for life. At least that much of Coach Parker's speech makes sense.


"All classes?" Asher is surprised gaping at me over a slice of pizza during lunch.

Taryn sits on his other side beaming, "Dude, I told you. He didn't believe me, Max."

I shrug and continue working on my lasagna. It's half burnt and the other half is undercooked. I don't know how a school cafeteria manages to burn a casserole and not cook it all the way through at the same time. They always manage it with the damn lasagna.

Asher slips a hand from the table and I watch it fall on Taryn's lap. She blushes and her hand reaches for him. Their fingers interlock and I suddenly realize why she looks happy. Whatever they were fighting about before, it's over, and now... Taryn actually seems to be on good terms with Asher. I don't know when this happened, but a lot has changed since yesterday. I must have missed a lot while I was scrubbing my locker.

"When did this happen?"

Asher clears his throat, "just yesterday in last period."


Taryn squeaks, "can you give us a minute to talk?"

Asher kisses her cheek and takes his pizza with him. He wanders around the cafeteria and settles with the drama geeks. He really can fit in anywhere. He's just one of those guys.

"I don't understand," I whisper.

"He has been mad at me for... Stuff."

"Stuff about Connor?"

"Yes," and then she plows on, "but we talked during classes yesterday. We worked it out. And next thing I know, he pulls me aside and asks me if he can call me his girlfriend. Like... What? I don't even know..."

"Wow," I mouth it more than say it.

"I thought he hated me, but he was worried about me. And now he knows I wasn't hanging out with Connor because I wanted to."

"You told him what's going on, but you won't tell me?"

"Oh no..." Taryn shakes her head, "he really doesn't know anything. I told him basically nothing, but now that it's all over he's happy. And well... You know the rest."

"I didn't even know anything was happening."

"You're always hiding and dealing with your own boring life," Taryn teases.

"Are you girls done yet?" Asher returns, sliding into his spot, and takes her hand again.

"All done," Taryn returns to the salad with her free hand, "thanks for letting us talk."

"Whatever," he shrugs and kisses her cheek again, "can we hang out after school?"

She squeaks and they start whispering about plans for later. That means I have to go home after school today. I really hoped I could squeeze one more night at Taryn's place, but that's out of the question now. I'll have to suck it up and just go home. Maybe if I make a really good dinner, Dad will be calmer. It doesn't matter how well I make it. He is going to say it's horrible, but it will be better than making chili from a can.


After gym, I wait for Cassie to leave before going into the locker room to change. Mallory finishes up, sniffling. There is a red mark on her face from where someone must have slapped her. Most likely her friend, Cassie. I wonder what the two fought about.

"Are you okay?" I mutter, slipping on Taryn's jeans, and stand to pull them over my hips.

Mallory yelps, "oh..." She wipes her face, "fine, thanks."

"Okay," I shrug and sit down to fix the brace.


Mallory glances over like she is considering something, but walks out a moment later. Whatever is going on, I shouldn't care.

I don't care.

Once I'm done changing, I head to my locker and grab everything. I already explained to my teachers that I will catch up by next Monday. They all agree that's sufficient time and are just happy to see me trying. I really don't want to keep trying, but what choice do I have? I need to get out of this fricking town.

As I slam my locker shut and move to put on my backpack, someone grips my hair and yanks me backward. My knees buckle and I slam hard on my ass. Delia leans over me, sneering and slams her shoe into my bad knee. I cry out and she strikes a hand across my face to shut me up. She doesn't say anything, but continues to ram her foot into my sides and assault my knee.

"Knock it off!" Mallory crashes into Delia and she topples over me.

I shove her away and crawl across the floor to get away. Mallory stomps over to Delia and plummets a fist into her friend's face. Delia screeches and hops to her feet, racing down the hallway. Mallory spins around to face me and I stare at her with tears blurring my vision. She is on a warpath and now her gaze is fixed on me.

"W-what...?" I don't know what to say.

She softens and kneels down, "are you okay, Max?"


"Are you okay?" She offers her hand, "she really went after you."

"Uh..." I let her draw me up as my legs tremble with the excruciating pain, "y-yeah."

"Here you go," Mallory passes over my bag, "I-I... I'm not afraid of Delia, and you shouldn't be either. She's just a coward doing as she's told. Cassie is the one we have to worry about."


"Well, I mean you and me... Can I help you to your car?" She holds out her elbow.

I'm too stunned. I slip my straps over my shoulders and take her elbow. She walks with me slowly and stops when I need a break. My knee throbs with heat pulsating through it. I took an extra dose of my pills for gym class, but it's not doing much to help me lately.

"I'm really sorry about what happened," Mallory waits for me to dig out my keys, "everything... I was just another coward."

"Are you not anymore?" I sling my bag to the passenger seat.

"I-I'm trying to be better," she is quiet and scans the parking lot, "looks like the Ghost Riders are really targeting you and your friends."

"My friends?"

"Taryn was mixed up with Connor, but I think he's backed off. Then you and Bailey for a second. I think Cassie felt threatened. He told her about you running into him and he wasn't even mad. She was pissed that he didn't rip into you or something. She made him and the Ghost Riders back her up in the cafeteria on the first day of school to prove that he wasn't like into you or something..." Mallory goes quiet and glances around us nervously.

"You don't have to explain anything to me," I am already reeling from any of this, "you can go. You look like you're afraid to get caught out here with me."

"No, it's not that. I don't want to run into Cassie, but I don't give a shit if she sees me with you. She can think whatever the hell she wants. Anyway, Cassie is the reason Bailey even did anything to you. If you thought there was more going on or something, I can't say I know either way. But he would have gone on ignoring you if she hadn't made him do it. She challenged his superiority or ego or whatever. She's a cunt like that."

"He's still to blame," I mutter.

"I can't disagree with you, but... I think he would have rather left you alone than let things get this far," Mallory shrugs nonchalantly, "he's a real dick to everyone else, but I never thought I'd see him go after you. He's usually only there for muscle with Cassie's shit. And he never has to do anything because everyone is scared that he is present at all."

"You don't have to defend him," I hiss angrily, "I just want off their radar. I'm tired... Of all of it."

"I don't want off her radar. I'm right where I want to be. It may look like I'm falling apart... But..."

"Where do you want to be?"

"She dumped my ass and I'm out for revenge."

"Revenge. Really?"

"The bitch has been queen for too long. She always talks about putting the peasants in their place, but it's time someone puts her in place," Mallory hisses, clenching hands into fists, "I can't wait to slash into her, but I'm in it to win. I'll have to play the long game."

"Shouldn't you be the man behind enemy lines then?"

Mallory smirks, "you're right... I'll have to earn my place again." Then she scowls, "fuck that. I'll let her know I'm her enemy, and then I'll beat her at her own God damn game. "

"Wow, Mallory..."

"I'm sick of this bullshit, aren't you!" She bristles, staring at me like I might be her new best friend.

"Uh... I just want to get through graduation."

"Fine," Mallory sighs, "but if you ever change your mind..." She pulls out her phone and passes it to me, "give me your number and I'll text you mine. If you ever decide you want in, you can reach me."

I put in my information, though secretly hope I never get to the point that Mallory is at. I've daydreamed about it for sure, but to go against Cassie would be suicide. I might want to get back at Bailey for making a fool out of me, yet all I really want is off Cassie's radar.

Malloy takes her phone back and heads toward her newish, red Subaru Impreza. I watch her leave before getting into my car and regretfully head home. Dad isn't there when I park my car, so I head straight up to my room and drop off my bag.

Downstairs, I find the fridge is unlocked and dig around for anything I can throw together that will be good for dinner. We have all the stuff for fancy mac and cheese, except we don't have chicken out. The freezer is locked, so it's out of the question. There is some ground sausage and bacon, so that will have to do. It's still not late enough to start dinner, though, so I grab a soda and go to my room.

Halfway through the rest of my homework from last week, I hear the front door open. I leave everything on my bed and get to my feet. I am already in comfy shorts and an over-sized shirt. I head downstairs to find Dad leaning into the fridge and pulling out a beer. He pops off the top and spins around, chugging. His eyebrows automatically rise and he lowers the beer, stunned to see I am home.

"Where the fuck have you been?"

"I am planning to make fancy mac and cheese with some bacon. I couldn't get chicken out to thaw, though. Does that sound okay?" I lean against the counter and hold his gaze audaciously.

He furrows his brows and just stares at me. I lick my lips nervously observing some thought battle through his mind. He finishes off the rest of the beer and tosses the bottle into the trash. Then digs out another one and pops it open, returning to look at me again.

"Alright then," he takes a quick sip, "do you have the cheese your mom always used?"

"Yes, sir."

He smirks, but doesn't make a comment. I move around him and dig out everything I need. I start the pan to fry the bacon and fish out a pot for the cheeses. Dad disappears to the den to watch some game and it booms around the house.

Once the casserole is in the oven, I let Dad know it will be a half hour and that I am going to shower. He only grunts in response. I have to rush if I am going to get back down here before the timer goes off. I slip out of the brace in my room and get through a shower as quickly as possible. I tug my pajamas back on, brushing out my wet hair and get downstairs just as the timer beeps obnoxiously.

"Turn that damn thing off!"

"Sorry, Dad!" I call back, hitting the button.

I slip my hands into oven mitts and pull out the fancy mac and cheese. I let it cool on the stovetop while I set the table for us two and pour two glasses of milk. I take the dish to the table and move to the den.

"Hey Dad, dinner is ready. I set the table."

"I'll eat in here," he barks.

"One or two scoops?"


I make quick work to scoop his food, grabbing a glass of milk. I set the cup down and wait for him to sit up from the reclining position. He takes the bowl and breathes it in. His eyes flutter shut as if he actually likes the strong aroma. The corners of his mouth twitch and he sets it on the side table with the milk.

"Is everything okay?"

He snatches my wrist and wrenches me into his lap. Jesus! I don't know what he wants. He's never done this to me before. This is new. I swallow back any words that might come out, but he just sits there with his hand on my wrist and the other wrapped firmly around my waist.

"I-I..." I don't know what to say, but it's like he wants me to say something.

"It smells great, but you were gone last night."

"I know," I dramatize my shame the best I can, "that's why I wanted to make a special meal. I wanted to make it just right. I wish I could do better for you. I-I'm trying, Dad."

"I shouldn't let you eat, but I can't starve you," he releases my wrist and shoves me off.

Collapsing on the floor, I grunt and crawl back to get out of his way. He seizes the bowl and takes a tentative bite, humming. He's pleased and isn't hiding it either. He thrusts his foot into my hip, sending a message that he doesn't want me here.

It takes me too long to get to my knees and he's standing up, hauling and thrusting me toward the stairs. I glance over my shoulder at the rest of the casserole. He's going to save it and stash it in the fridge, all locked up. My stomach grumbles as I make my way to my room.

I lock my bedroom door and sit on the edge of my bed. A few tears leak out from hunger and exasperation. I pack up all my homework and crawl under the blankets. I send Taryn a text, but she never responds. I sit up most of the night waiting to hear from her.

It's times like these that I consider horrible ways to end everything. Sometimes I fantasize about an accident that kills my dad, but usually I consider more awful things. Like how life would be pleased if I wasn't around anymore. I'm too much in my head and need a friend to dissuade these detrimental thoughts.

I wish I had someone else to turn to when Taryn's incognito.

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