《Cinched Darkness》Chapter 9
Right before last period, Taryn returns with rubbing alcohol and spends most of the next ten minutes helping scrub the locker clean. Then we both hustle to get to our last classes. Taryn probably makes it on time to her calculus class, but I have gym last.
I struggle out of my knee brace, and change into school gym clothes. The stupid uniform is ratty and the shirt has holes in it. Then I have to fix my brace into place again. I've already missed most of the class by the time I get to the gym.
The girls' volleyball coach, Coach Parker, raises her eyebrows and makes a note on the clipboard. Everyone is running laps around the gym, so I start doing my walk around. It's not like I can even pretend to jog, but I can still get in some laps.
As if sensing a presence, my eyes flick around the gym. Cassie is running with Mallory, and they're deep in conversation. She is smiling and enjoying her day. Mallory looks a little triggered, but keeps smiling anyway. I never really think much about Cassie's friends, but there's something about Mallory's behavior that tells me she only plays along to survive like the rest of us. At the top of the food chain, that has to be a lot of pressure.
"It's nice to know you exist," Coach Parker falls into step with me when we have ten minutes left in class.
"I'm sorry Coach Parker," I decide to be cordial, "I can't promise I'll be here every day, but I'm going to try to do better."
"I hope that's true. I hear you were in detention all day trying to clean up your locker."
"Yes, ma'am. My friend got some rubbing alcohol, so it would actually come off."
"Did you write that crap on your own locker?"
"No," I grumble.
"I really didn't think so. Look, kid. It sounds like you could use a break and perhaps some help. So here is my offer, I can help you stay out of trouble if you promise you'll actually show up to your classes and do the work."
I frown, "you what? How can you help me?"
"I'm a teacher after all, Max. Let me worry about that."
"It doesn't matter what you think you can do. If they want to attack me or bully me, they'll find a way."
"Let's make that a harder task than it's worth, shall we?" Coach Parker actually laughs before moving out of the way and watches the other students.
I can't imagine there is really much that Coach Parker can do to help. Attending classes and doing my homework, is only a small price to pay to have an adult who wants to assist me. It will be safer in classes than hiding out in the library loft anyway. It's worth a shot.
The final bell rings and Coach Parker releases us with a nod. I'm the last to get into the locker rooms where most of the girls are already changed, and fixing makeup or scampering out of the room. I sit on the bench and start removing the knee brace. Cassie is in the far corner, giggling with Mallory and texting.
"It's nice to know where you're supposed to be at the end of the day," Cassie doesn't even look at me, "I like that I have at least one class with you, Maxi Pad."
I bite my tongue to keep from retorting. I don't want to egg her on. I want to change, get out to my car, and go over to Taryn's. I hope that's part of the plan again since she returned to me today.
Once the brace is off, I swivel around to my locker and open it. I retrieve my clothes and set them next to me. It's easier if I shed all my gym clothes first and then pull on my own. Cassie snickers at her locker. She's already changed and busies fixing makeup. Mallory casts me a nervous sideways glance, but doesn't say anything. I don't know what is going on, but Coach Parker stomps into the locker room. She goes right to her office after flicking a warning glare in Cassie's direction. Cassie and Mallory pack up and leave as I'm fixing the brace again.
"Don't let her harass you, Max," Coach Parker walks over and sits down on the bench, "I know she runs this school. Even some of the teachers are afraid of her because of her family, but she can't touch me. I'm on your side, Max."
"We'll see about that."
"I'll prove it to you," Coach Parker helps me up, "you have lots of homework to catch up on. If you need help, tutoring or any of that... I can get some resources."
"Taryn can tutor me," I declare, "but honestly, I can do the work. I just don't care to."
"Put in the effort, Max. You want to get out of this place. Not just this school, but this town. The only way to do that is to go to college," Coach Parker gives me a lingering stare down before retreating to the office again.
At my locker, I dig out everything I have for classes. I am still missing supplies for geometry and history. I have everything I need for English, which is my best subject, economics, and chemistry. I don't know how I am going to pass chemistry and geometry. I'm not terrible with math, but it's definitely stuff I have to attend class to grasp.
"Hey, are you actually getting your homework?" Taryn pops up, sounding beyond surprised.
"Perhaps," I shrug, closing the locker, "I need to get my geometry book and stuff for history. My teachers are all going to hate me, but I need to get the assignments."
"Are you actually going to try this year?" Taryn's jaw hangs open, following to the math-science hall.
"I said just do it!" Cassie stamps a foot, glaring up at Bailey.
Bailey's jaw feathers, and his eyes skim me so briefly I don't think anyone else notices. He shakes his head, running fingers through glossy black hair. Whatever she wants, he's caved and will comply. Even the big lacrosse star can't tell Cassie no.
"What are you doing, Maxi Pad?" Cassie is gleeful.
I offer a shrug before scurrying between them to get into the geometry class. Mr. Salazar isn't nice even after I apologize, but passes over a book and list of assignments. I promise to catch up by next Monday, which gives me the weekend to do homework for this week. I don't know what I am thinking. I do not care this much, yet here I am pretending to freaking care.
Next, I have to face down my history teacher. He doesn't seem convinced that anything will change, but passes over a book. The assignments are easy, a chapter a day. That will be easy to track and I can work ahead to keep myself from falling behind in everything else.
"My house?" Taryn asks as she walks at my pace to my car.
"Do you need a ride?"
"I have my bike, and I don't think your BMW can compensate for it in the back," she giggles, "I'll meet you there."
It doesn't take me very long to get to her house since I don't drive around aimlessly. It will take her twice as long on a bike, so I play on my phone. There isn't much for me to do on it. It's kind of lame that I'm just scrolling through contacts and keep pausing at Bailey's name. He just added this and only used it the one time to contact me.
As much as I know I should delete his number or even block it, I just sit there staring at it. I am such a masochist. That's the only explanation that can define what the hell I am doing leaving his number in my phone. It makes way too much sense, and I really hate that.
A knock on my window makes me jump and laugh when I see Taryn grinning at me. She's already parked her bike up next to the house and left her backpack inside. I snag my stuff and we head into the house.
"Would your parents be okay with me staying the night?" I know she'll say no, but still hope for a yes.
"Why?" Taryn leads the way upstairs with organic, fizzy drinks and a bowl of pretzels.
"Dad and I are fighting," is all I offer up.
I never tell her what's going on at home. She knows about my mom and how she died. Anyone who read the newspaper freshman year knows what happened to my mom and best friend.
"I'll ask my mom," Taryn decides, "she might consider it if it sounds like you two just need a break from each other. I'll make it sound really bad or something, but not so bad that she worries."
"You don't have to do that," I am relieved she will give it a shot.
Usually, she shuts me down before considering allowing me to stay over on a school night.
"Can I ask what is going on with you and Connor?"
"Alright," I sigh and we settle on the bed, diving into homework.
For the next couple of hours, we work diligently. I get through everything I need for economics and history from last week and for today. It's a relief to have at least two classes done. English will be easy for me, but reading a book is tedious. I'm a fast enough reader, but when I have to read a book for class, it's a struggle to get through it.
As I finish up the second day of geometry homework, Taryn's mom arrives home. She disappears to have a conversation with her. My phone vibrates annoyingly, but I ignore it as I start in on the third day of homework for geometry.
At this rate, I might just catch up by the end of the week. Maybe, I'll be able to relax this weekend and Taryn and I can go to the mall. I really needed that last weekend, but she was occupied then.
Taryn returns after I complete another day's worth of geometry homework and am in the middle of chapter three of My Sister's Keeper for English. Her expression doesn't look good and I sigh heavily, realizing I will have to go home tonight. At least I can hide out here for dinner and have some real food.
"Thanks for trying," I say to Taryn as she resumes her place, "I appreciate it."
"Oh no," Taryn shakes her head vigorously, "my mom said that will be fine. She said anytime you and your dad need some space, you are welcome here. Isn't that weird? Anyway... No..." She fishes out her phone, "did you get the text that Cassie sent out to everyone?"
"What text?" I don't even bother to reach for my phone.
Taryn leans forward to show me, "it's... Umm... It's obvious how she got this picture, but..." She trails off as I gape at the picture of me in the girls' locker room, "I'm so sorry, Max."
"What the hell?" I take the phone and gape at the picture.
It has obviously been fixed. I am sitting on a bench in the girls' locker room in nothing but undergarments. It makes me look twenty pounds overweight and extremely gross. I have pimples and blemishes all over my skin like I am diseased. She even managed to make it look like I bled through my blue panties.
What the hell?
My face burns as I pass the phone to Taryn.
"I know that's not what you look like... And so will mostly everyone, but they'll still... Dude, this will give them more to talk about," Taryn deletes the message and picture.
"I can't believe her," I dig through my bag and find my phone, "holy crap! She did send it to me... And there's all these other... Everyone is texting me. How did anyone get my fucking number?"
"Did you give it to someone recently?"
Oh no.
I blanche and Taryn puts the pieces together.
"I'm so sorry, Max. He really had me fooled, too. I thought he seemed honestly interested in you."
"This is ridiculous..." I huff and flop back on the bed.
I have zero motivation to keep working on homework. Taryn senses the change and turns on the TV, packing up her stuff. I shove all my stuff off the bed and stare at the reruns of Party of Five. Sofia talks about this show when she sits with us at lunch, but I've never really paid attention. I can't even focus on it now.
"Dinner!" Taryn's mom calls around seven.
Taryn and I spend the rest of the evening watching Golden Girls. She showers and picks out clothes for me to borrow in the morning. She's out like a light by eleven, but I'm still lying in the dark.
The ceiling is that irritating bumpy texture that tape doesn't stick to, but luckily the walls aren't the same. Taryn has her room covered in posters and homemade collages. There are a few different calendars for different purposes around her desk and some lists stuck by the door. She even has inspirational quotes plastered in random places.
Light flitters through the curtains for a moment and then disappears. It must be Bailey getting home and moving around his room. Curiosity wins out and I crawl out of bed to peek through the slit in the curtains. He strips out of school clothes and tugs on a pair of jersey shorts. He ruffles damp hair and flops on the bed with arms cradling his head. He stares up at the ceiling and just lies there. I can tell he isn't sleeping because his foot bobs incessantly in the air.
Eventually he rolls over and smacks the pillow before picking it up and chucking it across the room. His chest rises and falls with heavy breaths and he stands up, grabbing some clothes from the floor and flinging them around the room. He starts digging out drawers and destroying the organized mess that is his room. He even jumbles up the stuff from his backpack.
At some point he freezes in the middle of the room, breathing rapidly. I can't quite see his expression from here, but he looks distraught. Whatever is going on with him, he was able to let it out. The anger he displayed is what's trapped inside me. I almost wish I could be so violent and feel that satisfying relief. I should be afraid of how vicious he is over whatever is plaguing him, but all I can do is wish that I could be just as destructive.
Finally, I slip back into the covers and stare up at the ceiling. I want to know what's got Bailey so pissed. He may have simply fought with Cassie or it has something to do with the Ghost Riders. I don't even know what the fight in the cafeteria was really about. I wonder if they even know why they fought. Boys are just dumb most of the time.
I don't fall asleep. I'm going to pay for it tomorrow.
The next morning, Taryn is feeling particularly helpful and decides to curl my hair. I make her pull it back in a pony when she is done at least. I'm not one to have curls in my freaking hair on purpose. Then I slip into the jeans and basic gray T-shirt she picked out for me. With my black booties and curled hair, it makes it look more dressed up than I would think.
In the BMW, Taryn belts out to some song on the radio. She is so happy and cheerful, but it almost feels forced. It's not like she isn't a happy person, but there is something different about her and I can't quite put my finger on it. She also hasn't been gossiping much like she usually does, which is odd. She loves to talk about what is going on at school.
"Let's just lay low today," Taryn decides as I lock up my car.
"Like I've been trying to do," I groan, trailing her into the school.
"Fatty," a girl I don't know spits on my arm.
"Gross," I wipe it off and glare at her back.
"Bleeder," a brave sophomore boy snickers and runs off to rejoin his group of skater friends.
"That fucking picture has started a frenzy for you," Taryn hooks an arm with me to show support, "today is going to be rough. Hold your head high, dude, and don't let them see you bothered by this."
"Maxi Pad! Maxi Pad! Maxi Pad!" A crowd of freshman girls chants as we walk down the hall to Taryn's locker.
She unloads her things and grabs what she needs for her first classes. Then it's time to brave the walk to my locker. I'm glad I have her back at my side for this. I probably would already be in the library loft, reading and avoiding all of this crap. I don't know how I made it through last week without her.
"Bleeder!" A senior boy chuckles in my face and high-fives one of his friends, who turns and shouts, "Maxi Pad!"
"And no teachers around to say shit," Taryn grimaces.
At my locker, I throw my things inside and dig out what I need for homeroom, otherwise known as English, and then economics. I never finished chapter three of Jodi Picoult's My Sister's Keeper, but I can get caught up this weekend. I haven't made my teacher any promises yet, anyway.
"Well, well," Cassie's voice strikes my ears like nails on a chalkboard, "honestly wasn't sure you'd be bold enough to show up."
I tug on my ear as I swivel around to face her. Much to my dismay, she is accompanied by Delia, Zane, Riette, and Bailey. Bailey has an arm draped around her. Connor isn't here. That's not all that weird except that Taryn is here and he seems to be wherever she is.
"How is the bleeder?" Delia sneers.
Where is Mallory?
"What makes you so courageous to show up today?" Cassie snaps pink bubblegum.
"Classes," I hold up my things.
Bailey's hand slams down and everything topples to the floor. I stare down at the mess and swallow back a whimper. He hasn't done anything particularly bad since he threw me in the pool at the party, but now he's being petty.
This is all a steaming pile of bullshit!
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