《BadBoy Tutor》Chapter Twenty-Three


"I don't fucking understand!" I groaned to myself as I attempted to complete my maths homework. According to Reece 'algebra is the easiest part' but it's really not. Why the fuck do they have to add letters to maths? Maths is about numbers not stupid letters.

Giving up, I dropped the sheets on the table and walked over to the sofa to watch tv. I would just copy Reece's in lesson if he had actually done it. I let out a fat yawn as I flicked through the channels on the tv. Just as I felt my eyes close, I heard a bang on the door.

"Ugh." I groaned as I rolled off the couch and lazily walked over to the door. Flinging It open, my eyes widened when I saw Adam standing there. Before I could even speak, he barged past me into the house.

He hasn't bothered me like this in months...

"Adam what do you want?" I asked, irritated that he just barged in like that.

He looked at me slowly. "I need to talk to you."

I sighed, nodding as I pulled out a chair and sat down. He sat down in Reece's space which kind of annoyed me for a second.

Fuck knows why.

"Talk then." I demanded.

He looked slightly taken back before quickly recovering. "I heard about what happened."

I narrowed my eyes at him but he quickly spoke. "I had nothing to do with that, I would never wish something like that upon you."

He looked down ashamed. "If I knew what they were planning, I would've stopped them Sam. I promise."


He raised a brow. "Ok?"

I sighed. "Ok Adam, I believe you. You can leave now." I replied bluntly.

He looked slightly distressed. "Wait Sam, you don't understand. I had nothing to do with the pictures either. They..." He trailed and sighed. "Amber, she went on my phone and sent the picture to herself." He looked at me with a soft expression as he lifted his hand over mine. "I would never do that to you."

I instantly snatched my hand away from his and a hurt look flashed his face but he quickly recovered it. "Why can't you just forgive me? I made a mistake. A fucking bad mistake that I will regret for the rest of my life." He ranted. "I won't be friends with them anymore if that's what you want. Please Sam, I still love you." A tear ran down his cheek. "I just want you back."

"Is it true?"

He gave me a confused look. "Is what true?"

I sighed, here goes nothing. "Was it true you were sleeping with her the whole time we were together?"

Not that it mattered, I would never take him back but I just wanted to know the truth.

Adam looked taken back from my question as his mouth opened and closed like a fish and he looked down in shame. "It wasn't the whole time. Before we started dating me and Amber had a fling but that's all it was. Just a meaningless fling. And then I met you and I found myself falling for you but Amber-" He shook his head. "She always found a way back in and I stupidly let her. I'm so sorry Sam, I just want you to forgive me and we can start again."


I closed my eyes for a second before reopening them and sighed. "I do forgive you." His eyes widened at this and I could see a cloud of hope forming before I carried on. "But us." I flicked my fingers between the two of us. "Is never going to happen. I've moved on and I don't love you anymore, you need to understand that." I told him truthfully.

He was silent for a few moments and that's when I realised that I did forgive him. I would never forget what he did but it didn't bother me anymore. What's done was done. He looked down at the table in shame. "Thankyou."

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "Thank you for forgiving me. Even if you can't give me what I want I'm glad you don't hate me anymore."

I chuckled. "I didn't say that."

He rolled his eyes and a small smile formed on his face which I returned. This conversation made me realise that I didn't hate Adam anymore, I hated what he did but I didn't hate him. I was well over him and I can't help think there was a specific person as to why I was.

"Are you dating Reece?" He randomly blurted out of nowhere and my head shot up to meet his.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "No, why would you ask that?"

Adam sighed. "I'm not stupid Sam, it's clear that somethings going on."

This pissed me off. "That's none of your business!" I snapped.

He huffed. "You do know that guy is the biggest player in this fucking town, not to mention his criminal record. It's so obvious he's just going to hurt you like he does everyone else. Why can't you see this?"

My fists clenched. "You don't even know him and its none of your fucking business." I yelled.

"I know him much more than you think." He muttered.

I threw my hands in the air out of frustration. "Then fucking tell me why I shouldn't be friends with him because that's all we are. Friends!" I exclaimed.

He scoffed. "Yeah right. Like that dickhead would be just friends with you. How many times has he got in your pants?"

I glared at him. "Get out."

Adam's eyes widened. "Wait I'm sorry- "

"Get out." I repeated.

So much for forgiving this douchebag...

"Fine." He spoke quietly as he stood up from his seat and walked over to the front door. He opened the door and threw his head over his shoulder.

"Oh and by the way you may want to ask your 'friend'" He put the word 'friend' in quotations. "The reason why my father is in jail."

"Do you think he's gonna kill us?" I asked, turning to Reece as we walked towards our maths lesson. We both hadn't seen Mr Harvey since we left yesterday and I wasn't sure how he would react.


Reece shrugged, looking pretty unbothered. "Who gives a fuck."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "So you wouldn't give a fuck if he came at you with a knife?"

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah because I'm sure he's gonna try stab us Sammy." He replied dryly.

"You never know."

We entered the class room and went to our usual seat at the back. Mr Harvey stared at us but didn't say a word, instead he just started his lesson normally with only about 2 people listening. It was the last lesson of the day after lunch and half the class was fighting sleep.

Reece turned to me with a sly grin. "Wanna play a game?" He whispered.

I raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "What kind of game?"

His eyes shone with mischief. "Truth or dare?"

I chuckled. "What are we 12?"

"Nope. But I'm bored as fuck and have a few ideas in mind." He smirked.

I smirked back. "Ok then. You go first."

"Truth or dare Sammy?"

"Dare." I replied and I could already see his little mind calculating something to get me to do.

A huge grin formed on his face and I felt a little nervous. Shit, maybe I should've chose truth. "I dare you to throw this at someone in this class." He smirked, handing me huge eraser that was as big as my hand, with a dick drawn on it.

I muffled a laugh when I saw it and scanned the room for someone to throw it at. Landing on the back of Cole's head, which I could see constantly dropping and then perking back up again.

I quickly scanned the room to make sure the teacher wasn't looking before aiming at the back of Cole's head and then threw it.

I watched it fly across the room before hitting the back of his head. Me and Reece burst out laughing and ducked our heads whilst Cole's head snapped around the room trying to find the culprit. He narrowed his eyes at me as I was pretty much bright red from laughing. He flipped me off before turning back and most likely drifting off to sleep again.

I turned to Reece. "Your turn."

His eyes were wide as if he was challenging me. "Truth."

My eyes widened. "Really?"

He shrugged, his teasing smirk never disappearing. I smirked. "Have you ever been in love?"

He looked slightly shocked from my question and took a few seconds before answering me. "No. I haven't."

I nodded, not really shocked from his answer. After all, I knew he was a big player but that didn't change my opinion on him. He was still an amazing friend and I loved his company but he wasn't a relationship type of person.

The worst part is, why did his answer make me feel relieved?

Ugh stupid Jodie and Cole always getting in my head.

"What about you?" He asked with a strange look in his eyes.

I grinned. "That'll have to be in your turn Reecey." I replied, tapping him on the head.

Rolling his eyes, he smiled lightly. "Truth or dare?"

Deciding to be boring like him, I chose truth. "How many people have you kissed?" He questioned with a mysterious glint in his eyes.


His eyes widened. "3? Is that it?" But I could see a small smile fighting to come through.

"Yep. One in kindergarten, some douche that I met at a party freshman year and then Adam."

The mention of Adam made his teeth clench and that reminded me of what Adam had said last night. It was like Reece was able to instantly switch and plastered a smirk on his face like it was his mechanism to stop feeling emotions.

"Dare." He quickly said and I pondered something I could get him to do.

"Hmm." I thought, glancing around the room. A fat grin then appeared on my face as I turned back to him.

"I dare you to steal Mr Harvey's bag."

He challenged me with his eyes before calculating his move. The man was standing, writing some crap on the white board with his bag sat down on his desk chair. The second Mr Harvey turned his back to us, Reece was on his feet and was sat back down with the bag in his hand without him noticing. A few students noticed and laughed quietly.

"Wow. You're like a ninja."

He smirked and I threw my finger at his lips before he could say anything. My heart began racing and I don't know what came over me but my finger didn't move. Reece's breath hitched as his eyes bored into mine. None of us making a move.

The sound of his phone dinging snapped us back into reality and I vastly moved my hand back into my lap. Clearing my throat, I then spoke. There were a few more rounds of pointless dares before it was back at Reece's turn.


I debated what to ask. This was the only time I had the opportunity to ask him anything I wanted and there was only one thing that came to my mind. I debated it for a few seconds before settling on a question.

Fuck it.

"What did Adam mean when he said you're the reason his dad's in jail?"

Reece looked extremely shocked and I could tell the mood instantly shifted from playful to serious. I fiddled with my thumbs under the table as I awaited a reply. Seconds went by as he glared at the table before the bell rang.

Reece shot up and didn't say a word before leaving the room.

Oh fuck.

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