《BadBoy Tutor》Chapter Twenty


"Help me, all of this kissing is driving me insane!" Jake yelled as he frantically ran out of Cole's house waving his arms around like a mad man and met me and Reece.

Me and Reece laughed loudly and then shot a grin to each other and back at Jake. Jake then pointed a stern finger at me. "This is your fault!" he growled and my laughter just grew even louder and so did Reece's.

Jake was dressed in a dark blue knitted jumper with a Santa on the front. "Don't you dare laugh!" He narrowed his eyes at us. "My nana forced me into this stupid, itchy sweater." He wiggled, a grimace on his face as he squirmed in the very uncomfortable looking jumper.

Much to Jake's dismay, Me and Reece laughed even louder at this. Jake turned to his best friend with a threatening look. "Keep on laughing and Sam knows all about Christmas of 2013."

Reece's mouth instantly snapped shut and I looked between them two with a curious look. "Why? What happened in 2013?"

Jake was smirking whilst Reece was glaring at him. "Don't you dare."

Jake sighed dramatically. "Fine." He then grabbed my hand and pulled me inside, leaving Reece behind us. He then whispered in my ear. "I'll tell you later." He grinned widely and I couldn't help but copy his smile. I rolled my eyes at Reece's scoff behind us.

"Honey I'm home!" I called out as we entered Cole's house.

Jodie appeared out of nowhere with her lipstick smudged. Mine and Reece's face were full of amusement and we quickly caught each other's eye before turning back to her. She grinned. "Hey Sam." She replied and then grabbed my arm and yanked me into the bathroom.

What is it with people yanking me around today?

I staggered in the bathroom and nearly fell onto the toilet. I turned up to glare at Jodie who was closing the door but the look of happiness on her face made me instantly drop it and I smiled back at her. "What is it?" I asked.

"I want to thank you."

This took me by surprise and my mouth opened and closed like a fish, not sure what to say. "Why?"

She chuckled softly. "If it wasn't for you we would have never admitted our feelings for each other. We're both too stubborn."

I shrugged. "You don't need to thank me."

Jodie shook her head and her frizzy black hair wacked her in the cheeks as she did so. She was dressed in a white Christmas jumper and blue ripped skinny jeans. "But I do. Cole told me about you hiding him liking me and no friend could be able to do that apart from you. Some people wouldn't want their best friends together but you've been nothing but supportive." A tear then dropped from her eye. "I love you so much."

Oh crap, now I'm crying.

I wiped a tear with my sleeve and jumped into her arms.

Boys say girls are dramatic, why exactly?

After a couple minutes of hugging and giggling, we left the bathroom and walked into the living room where the boys were. As Cole's house was so fucking massive, it took a while to get there. Jodie turned to me with a taunting grin and we stopped. "So what's going on with your love life?"

I rolled my eyes and huffed. "Nothing. I'm perfectly fine being single."

She raised her eyebrows. "So there's absolutely no one in the picture?"


I shook my head. "Nope."

She chuckled. "Right." She drawled and began walking away.

I grabbed her arm and spun her back around to face me. "I mean it."

She rolled her eyes but still flashed a teasing smile. "Whatever you say Sammy." She laughed loudly and then walked away. I knew exactly what she meant by that so I sighed and walked towards them. I could hear them all laughing about something and Jodie's comment had completely disappeared as I gravitated towards the booming laughter.

I threw open the door and my eyes widened as I saw Jake on the floor being crushed by Reece's large frame. Jake looked like he was going to die due to his dramatic facial expression but he was still laughing. Reece sat on his chest with a triumphal smirk on his face.

"What the fuck is going on?" I laughed as I walked into the room. All heads snapped to mine as I took a seat next to Cole on the couch. Jodie was laughing at the two boys on the floor while standing next to Reece, probably getting a better look at Jake's dying expression.

Cole turned to me. "Jake was trying to tell us some story from 2013 but Reece is attempting to stop him." He replied, a face full of amusement.

I shook my head but there was a fat grin on my face. These people never failed to amuse me.

"Who said ice skating on Christmas eve was a good idea?" Cole complained as we waited in line for our skates. We had been waiting for nearly an hour but were finally near the front.

"The same person who thinks that it's not weird for a fat man to come down a chimney in the middle of the night with presents." Jake replied, glancing between me, Reece and Cole. "Don't you think its fucking creepy?"

Reece shook his head with a faint smile on his face from beside me. "It's not creepy, it's a children's tale." Jodie scolded him and therefore present their heated debate. It wasn't an uncommon occurrence for them two to argue over things. You could literally put a hair band in-front of them and I guarantee they'll find something to argue about.

"Not as creepy as a women coming into your room at night and taking your tooth." Cole joined in and Jake agreed whereas Jodie shook her head. I tuned out their arguments and turned to Reece but he was already looking at me.

He raised a brow. "Something to say buttercup?"

Rolling my eyes, I playfully swatted his shoulder. "You were looking at me first!"

He deadpanned. "I was looking at the bit of green in your teeth."

"What?" I gasped, grabbing my phone from my pocket and thrusting it in my face. My fingers scanned my teeth but there was nothing there. When I turned back to Reece he was laughing.

"You idiot!" I yelled but started laughing myself.

He had the tendency to do that to me. With Reece, I could be mad one minute and laughing with him the next. I guess I just couldn't stay mad when it came to him. We stepped forward in the line. The others were slightly ahead and were already getting their shoes as we waited behind them for our turn. I gave him a questioning look. "Ever been ice skating before?"

He nodded. "My grandma and older cousins used to take me whenever I saw them when I was little."


"Well you can help me then because I suck at it."

He chuckled and smirked. "There's no surprise. You can't even walk in the ice, let alone skate."

I narrowed my eyes at him and was about to retort but someone yelled; "Next!" We walked up to the counter and a man roughly in his 30's stood there. "Sizes?" He asked with an extremely bored tone.

Reece whispered in my ear. "Large."

I pushed him away with a disgusted look but he just laughed at my reaction. "11." He told the man and he nodded, staring at me impatiently to tell him. "5." I quickly said and he handed them over. We grabbed the skates and walked over to where the others had walked off to.

The place was pretty large and had many benches scattered around to change into the skates. The bench that our friends were sitting on was full so I grabbed Reece's arm and walked over to an empty one. He smirked. "Eager to have me alone?"

I rolled my eyes, something I seem to do a lot around him. "Get over yourself Parker."

"I'd rather have you under me, Walker." He said gleefully.

I deadpanned. "Where do you even come up with this stuff?" I asked as we sat down.

He shrugged. "Just comes to me."

Shaking my head, I quickly put on the skates but the second I stood up I had to grab onto his shoulders for support. He looked down at me with amusement but I just scowled. "For once don't make fun of me and help me!"

He didn't stop chuckling the whole time he had to literally walk me over to the ice rink. I stared ahead at the huge ice rink and I started to cower away. "Yeah I um might-" Before I could finish Reece enveloped my hand in his and pulled us onto the ice.

I yelped as I skidded but he wrapped a strong arm around my waist, holding me straight. He smiled lightly down at me. "You weren't exaggerating were you?"

I shook my head. "Nope."

He stood in front of me rather close with his hand in mine. There were a couple girls around us giving envious stares but I just shrugged them off. They had nothing to be envious of. Normally I would smirk at them but I didn't feel like that was the best idea while ice skating,

Especially when I couldn't even move without Reece.

I leaned a little closer to him. "I think those girls are ogling you." I whispered.

His green eyes moved slowly to the right where I was pointing at and then they returned to me. He shrugged and then smirked. "I couldn't leave you now could I? You'd probably be on the floor within seconds." He snickered.

"It's not my fault!" I complained.

I had only been skating two times in my life. First was when I went with my parents when I was 6 and I remember clinging onto both of them. When they finally convinced me to have a go on my own, I fell flat on my face. The second time was in sophomore year with a boy for a first date and let's just say there wasn't a second.

I really don't know why I agreed to come today.

I didn't even know where Jake, Cole and Jodie were because this ice rink was so massive and I couldn't exactly skate around and find them. If Reece left me I would be totally fucked.

He smiled smugly. "Guess I can't leave you then."

I smiled tightly. "Guess not."

At that moment, I watched Cole and Jodie skate past with their hands in each other's. They both smirked at us and I rolled my eyes, remembering my hand was still in Reece's but did I move it?

Absolutely not.

"And then she skidded past and fell right at my feet." Cole reminisced, making the rest of them laugh and me scowl at him.

Jake laughed. "I've never seen anyone so bad at anything and you've never tried my aunties cooking."

Reece grimaced. "I have." He then shuddered. "Fucking disgusting."

I angrily bit in to my pizza. "I knew it was a bad idea taking Sam skating. She's she clumsiest person I've ever met." Jodie cackled and then looked at me. "No offence."

"None taken." I replied sarcastically.

Now normally I wouldn't care about being wound up but my entire body ached from falling over so much.

Especially my ass.

"Oh come on." Jodie grinned. "Even you have to admit it was funny."

I ignored her and bit into my pizza again. Reece sat next to me and the rest sat opposite us. We had already had a fight over the last chicken wing and I pinched his leg to win it. I don't feel guilty. We got back from skating just under an hour ago and instantly ordered pizza the second we sat down.

I loved how much my friends were like me.

We still hadn't exchanged presents and even though they were bugging the shit out of me, I was buzzing to give them gifts. One thing I had realised is that once you get older you get more excited over giving presents than receiving them.

"Aww is Sammy offended?" Reece whispered into my ear.

"Shut up." I murmured, nudging his foot with mine.

This resulted in a full out foot fight of us booting each other under the table. It wasn't anything harmful as they were only gentle kicks until I accidently got carried away and booted him too hard on the shin.

"Ow!" He yelped, retracting his foot. The other's heads snapped up at this with amusement all over their faces.

"Are you playing footsie?" Jake teased.

"They totally are!" Jodie beamed.

"Leave them alone." Cole interrupted and then he smirked. "To do god knows what."

"I'll be playing footsie with you in a minute!" I threatened, glaring at him.

Cole held his hands up in surrender but didn't wipe the goofy smile off his face. I narrowed my eyes at him but he just ignored me and then did our code word for speaking privately. The two of us first invented this when we went into middle school. It was scratching the back of the ear whilst holding up a middle finger.

Classy I know.

I nodded and got up from my seat. "I'm just going to the toilet." I announced and walked into the living room and Cole quickly followed after.

He closed the door silently behind him. I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "What's wrong?"

He smiled softly. "Nothing."

I tiled my head. "Nothing?"

He shook his head. "I wanted to thank you. I came by your house the other day but your dad said you were with Reece and I haven't got a chance since. I didn't want to do it over the phone."

I thought back to what he was talking about and chuckled to myself. The other day I was bored and texting Reece in the evening saying I was craving ice cream and ten minutes later he was outside with a smirk. We went for ice cream and ended up trying every single flavour in the parlour and then still scoffing a burger afterward.

Aren't we classy?

"Jodie may be my girlfriend who I love but you're my best friend." He smiled softly. "You know that right?"

I returned his smile. "Of course I do."

"Thank you for everything you did. Really, if it wasn't for you we wouldn't be here."

I shook my head with a chuckle. "You know Jodie said the exact same thing to me this morning right?"

He looked surprised. "She did?"

I nodded. "You two don't need to thank me. I just pushed you together because you both were too oblivious and stubborn to realise the other liked you back."

"I know." He breathed. "But you still deserve a thank you." He walked over to me and wrapped his muscular arms over my shoulders. I rested my head on his chest and my lips twitched when I felt a kiss on my forehead.

"I feel like such a girl." He grumbled.

I looked up at him and smirked. "You've got a girlfriend now. You'll be feeling more like one soon."

Cole rolled his eyes. "Ive had two girl best friends for the majority of my life. I already am one." He laughed and I laughed softly with him.

"Come on, we've still got presents to give." I told him and he nodded, grabbing my hand and pulling me back into the dining room.

When I got back to my seat, the first thing I noticed was my slice of pizza missing on my plate and no more in the boxes. I looked at Reece and flashed me a smug smile.

I wanted to kill him.

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