《BadBoy Tutor》Chapter Sixteen


"Last day!" I sang as I threw an arm over Cole's shoulders. He rolled his eyes at me but didn't throw off my arm as we walked from my car and through the parking lot. I was due to pick up Jodie too but she ditched last minute, confusingly right after I told her I would pick up Cole first. For the last week, I'd barely been with them both at the same time.

Monday was the last day we all ate lunch together and the rest of the days one of them had ditched. On Tuesday, they both ditched and I was stuck on my own. Luckily, Reece and Jake saw me alone and came and gave me company. They had been sitting with us ever since. It was now Friday and the last day until winter break and I was fucking hyped. Teenagers scattered the parking lot as we weaved our way through the excited bodies.

Cole cringed. "You are way too fucking loud for 8am." He muttered, rubbing his red eyes. Cole looked a lot better than he did at the beginning of the week but he still looked rough.

I stopped walking, pushing his chest so he stopped. He stared down at me with a questioning look. "What is going on with you and Jod?" I asked and his eyes widened before quickly going blank.

"Nothing." He lied, looking everywhere else but my eyes.

"Cole." I pushed his chest again.

He sighed. "Nothing's going on, can you just drop it?" Cole snapped but then his face softened and he looked apologetic.

"Look I'm sorry for snapping Sam, its just-" Before he could finish his sentence, I felt my back being pushed forward and I went flying to the ground. My knees scraped the concrete and I could already feel the burn. I snapped my head around and glared up at the three girls who stood there. Cole quickly held his hand out to me and helped me up, scowling at them.

I jumped to my feet and spun around. "What the fuck was that for?" I yelled, stepping forward, only to be pushed back by Cole. He kept a muscular arm in front of my chest so I couldn't get closer to them. Amber stood in the middle, with Chloe and Mona either side of her. Mona was just standing there staring at her phone, typing away while the other two were both smiling at me.

Sickly, may I add.

Amber chuckled. "Oh nothing." She replied, holding up her hand and eyeing her manicured paws. Her eyes then snapped to mine. "Just that you may want to head inside, there's something you should see." She smirked and then strutted away, Chloe following right behind her. Mona took a second to realise they had even left and quickly scurried after them. I turned to Cole with a quizzical expression but he only mirrored mine. We both walked side by side rather quickly through the parking lot until we reached the front doors to our school. Cole pushed the door open and I gave him a small smile as he held it open for me. A swarm of students were surrounding one of the locker blocks and I glanced at Cole and then back at them.

One by one heads snapped to mine from the crowd. Some were smirking, some looked horrified, and others looked guilty.


And they were all looking at me.

I pushed my way through the bodies and I could feel Cole right behind me as I did so. What I saw on the other end made my stomach drop. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the hundreds of papers that were stuck to the lockers.

A photo of me only in my underwear.

I was fast asleep in the photo and I was laying on my side with only a dark purple bra and knickers on. I felt a pit in my stomach at the thought of all these students seeing it before I snapped out of my trance by Cole beginning to rip the photos down. I felt a tear brimming in my eye but I didn't allow it to come through, instead I started joining Cole in taking them down. I could hear him saying something to me but I could only hear the comments surrounded me as I did so.

"Oh my god I feel so bad to her."

"Lol maybe Reece took it."

"That underwear is not sexy."

"You're wrong, that photo is very fucking hot."

"There not the only ones." I heard a voice from behind me and I threw my head over my shoulder. Jackson stood there with a knowing smirk on his ugly face. Ok, admittedly he wasn't ugly but his personality was.

I pointed my finger at him. "You!" I growled, which brought the attention of the surrounding students.

He raised a brown eyebrow and made an innocent expression, holding his hands up in surrender. "Woah. Where the hell would I get that photo from?"


Ignoring him, I pushed him out of my way and charged down the hall. I ignored all of the comments around me and throughout the school I saw more and more of the same photo.

What a waste of fucking paper.

I continued to storm through the halls, snapping my head left and right looking for one face in particular. I was so fucking angry and I didn't know what I was going to do but I know he wasn't getting away with this. After searching the entire school, I was just about to give up until I saw his familiar light brown hair. He was having a rather heated discussion with Amber and he actually looked angry.

"Hey!" I yelled, striding over to him. He snapped his head up and his face looked guilt stricken and angry. Amber stood next to him with a knowing smirk on her face.

Adam turned to her. "Amber, leave now." He demanded and she looked a little shocked at his tone of voice before nodding, not before sending me a quick smirk and then all I could hear was the clicking of her shoes as she walked away.

He turned back to me and his light brown eyes searched my face. "Sam I-"

I closed the distance between us and raised my hand, slapping him straight in the left cheek. His eyes widened as I stepped back, my hand slightly shaking from the impact. "Don't ever talk to me again you fucking pig." I spat and turned on my heels.

Tears brimmed at my eyes as I walked through the halls. The corridors were filled to the brim with the same picture and it wasn't until I saw a familiar face at the end of the hall that I instantly felt calm. I stopped in my tracks as I watched the curly haired boy ordering everyone to take them down.


My jaw dropped as they all listened to him the second he said it. Jake was next to him, threatening anyone who didn't comply and soon the whole corridor of students were helping to take them down. Cole had Jackson up against the locker, threatening to beat the shit out of him and Jodie was in Chloe's face, by the looks of it threatening to rip out her hair.

I smiled softly, I was so lucky to call these people my friends.

Dark green eyes met mine from across the hall and his angry expression softened the second he laid eyes on me. I gave him a small smile and began to walk towards them and my eyes widened as I watched Reece get punched right in the nose.

It was all in slow motion. Reece retaliated faster than lightning, turning around and swinging straight back at Brad who threw the first punch. Brad went flying to the ground and that's when all hell broke loose. Jackson managed to fling Cole off him due to his distraction and tackled Reece to the ground. To say it was 2 v 1, Reece put up a fucking good flight.

It was kinda hot.

Cole sprung to his feet and took on Brad who was attempting to deliver punches to Reece but failed miserably as he was nothing on Reece. I turned my head to see Jake holding Amber and Chloe back from pouncing on Jodie.

Ok, that's it, nobody hurts my friends.

I ran over there and Jake stared at me wide eyed as I tackled Amber straight to the ground. She yelped from the shock as I delivered a punch straight to her face. She sneered, clawing at my face like a fucking banshee but I couldn't even feel the pain. The adrenaline was so overpowering that half the time I didn't even know what my body was doing.

I just knew it was hurting her.

From the ground I could also see Chloe and Jodie rolling around like pigs in a muddy puddle. I would have found It funny if I didn't feel a soaring pain to my stomach. I growled as I watched Amber with a smug smile and I shook my head, forgetting about the pain as I ran to her again. Just as I grabbed a fist full of her fake hair, a booming voice echoed through the halls.


Everyone sprung to their feet and turned to see the principal charging down the hall. He was quite a large man, with short brown hair. I guess you could say he was intimidating but I was so riled up I couldn't even be scared. He closed the distance between the group of us and the rest of the students, more like audience, scattered faster than I could say the word poo.

Soon it was just me, Jodie, Cole, Reece, Jake, Amber, Chloe, Jackson and Brad left. Adam was nowhere to be seen in this fight and neither was Mona. I felt an arm being thrown around my shoulder and the familiar scent wafted into my nose. I looked up at Reece as he stared down at me with a slight smirk.

"Don't worry buttercup, I got this."

There could be worse ways to spend the last day of the school term than what me and my friends did today. I was exhausted by the time we left the school and walked together to our cars in the parking lot. Luckily, none of us got off badly as we weren't the ones who started the fight. Also, the principal took it extremely fucking seriously over the pictures plastered about the school and according to him when he found out who did it they would be expelled immediately. We tried telling him who did it but as there was no proof, he couldn't do anything about it. Some students did however tell the truth that it was Brad who threw the first punch. I'm not sure if they did it to be honest or that they were just scared of Reece.

Or maybe the girls just wanted to get in his pants.

I chuckled to myself as I remembered Brad's face as he was told he was being suspended. Unfortunately, only for a week but that week's better than nothing. Poor mummy dearest was going to kill him by how pale his face went and the way she dragged him by the ear out of the school.

He looked fucking humiliated.

"So gang, what's the plan?" Jake said from behind me and I stopped to turn around. Jodie was stood next to me with her arm linked with mine as we stared at the three boys behind us. Jake was stood in the middle of Cole and Reece. My eyes locked with Reece's and I couldn't help but notice the slight black eye that was forming on his right eye.

Is it bad that I was even more attracted to him?

Not that I was attracted to him or anything...

I had apologised countless times when the five of us sat in the waiting room of the principal's office for about 3 hours. They all told me to shut the fuck up and stop saying sorry. I averted my eyes from him and back to Jake who was looking between me and Reece and Cole and Jodie. Then, a sly smirk appeared on his face.

"Wow, I'm really 5thwheeling here aren't i?"

Cole choked on the water he was drinking and if Jodie didn't move, he would have spat it all over her. I muffled a laughter at her shocked expression before both pairs of eyes were glaring at him. Reece just shook his head and I chuckled.

"Shut up Jake!" Cole and Jodie snapped at the same time and I bit my lip from laughing as me and Reece made eye contact. He quirked his head at me and I just winked in reply, letting go of Jodie and grabbing Jake's arm, pulling him with me.

"Lets' get something to eat, I'm fucking starving!"

"Aren't you always?" A mutter came from the other side of me and I glared up at the boy who smelled too handsome for his own good. His green eyes sparkled with amusement as I narrowed my brown ones at him.

"Says the boy who eats all my food!"

A low chuckle emerged from the other side of me. "That's not the only thing he'll be eating." Jake muttered and my jaw dropped. Reece burst out laughing along with Cole and Jodie and all I could do was glare at the blonde haired boy.

And then I punched him in the arm.

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