《BadBoy Tutor》Chapter Five
I ran through the woods, as fast as my legs would take me as I ran for my life. I screamed as I heard footsteps behind me and I forced my legs further. Growling and moaning surrounded me as I dodged a flesh eating monster, kicking it down with my boots as I continued to weave in and out of trees. "Get away from me!" I yelled, running away from the zombies that wanted to eat my brain. I searched aimlessly for a weapon to defend myself with but I was met with nothing. Refusing to get eaten alive by 3 zombies, I continued to run and finally found a discarded baseball bat on the ground. Grinning like a maniac on crack, I picked it up and practised swinging like I was just to take a swing in a baseball game. As the first zombie approach me, I swung and wacked it head first and hooted like the badass I am.
"Yes!" I beamed, only to scream when another one lunged for my throat. I held it away from me and narrowed my eyes at the stupid bat I had just dropped on the ground. With all my force, I flung the zombie away from me and as it fell, the stupid thing hit a massive rock on the way down and I grimaced at the way its head splattered against it. Grabbing my bat, I turned around and smirked at the final zombie coming towards me.
"Come get me motherfucker!" I yelled, swinging the bat around my wrist effortlessly. As it staggered towards me, my eyes widened at the face the zombie once was. It was Amber fucking Taylor. Her once light blonde hair was now pretty much red from all the blood and I had to fight back a smile when I swung my bat at her.
Geez, was I sick or what?
"Sammy?" I turned around, holding my bat out at arm's length, wondering where the fuck that voice was coming from. It felt distant, almost like it was in the back of my mind trying to reach me. It was only when my shoulders shook violently my eyes shot open.
My eyes widened when they met Reece's very amused ones. I looked around frantically, sighing with relief when no one was looking at me. He raised an eyebrow. Shoot, I hadn't even realised I fell asleep in math class. If Mr Harvey found out, he would murder me in my sleep.
Reece smirked and pointed to my chin. "You got a bit of drool there."
I instantly wiped my mouth and glared at him when there was nothing there. "What the fuck were you dreaming about?"
I furrowed my brows at him. "How did you know?"
He chuckled and his green eyes danced with amusement. "You murmured in your sleep 'come get me motherfucker' so I guess it was interesting?"
I felt my cheeks heat up at the fact that Reece had heard me sleep talking. The last thing I remember is Mr Harvey boring the absolute shit out of me before my eyes fluttered close. I looked at the clock and gasped. Holy fuck, I slept for 45 minutes.
I smiled sheepishly at him. "It may or may not have been a zombie dream."
Reece threw his head back with laughter and I huffed, rubbing my still tired eyes and smiling when realising we only had ten minutes left. I still couldn't believe I managed to get away with sleeping that long. I let out a monstrous yawn and quickly covered my mouth. Ten slow minutes later, the final bell rang, signalling the end of school and I quickly approached my friends. The second they saw me, Cole burst out laughing and Jodie's eyes widened, before laughing with him.
"What?" I exclaimed as everyone around me laughed at me.
When they ignored me, I snapped my fingers in front of their faces. "Y-your face!" Cole cried, pointing at me as my hands roamed my face but there was nothing there. Jodie fished out a mirror from her bag and thrusted it in my face. My eyes widened when I saw that there was black pen all over my face, scribbled on my chin and upper lip making it look like I had a beard and a moustache.
I turned around, looking frantically for the culprit as he smirked at me and I ran towards him. His eyes widened as he slid out into the corridor. "I'm gonna kill you!" I hollowed, making the entire corridor turn around and even more people laughed at me.
He smirked at me and before he ran off me winked. "Told ya I'd get you back."
I laid in bed, pondering up a plan that I could use to get Reece back for the stunt he pulled on me today. After begging Cole to drop me home after refusing to get the bus looking like that, may I mention he cackled the entire journey home, I had been thinking of revenge on that asshole. I spent a whole hour scrubbing my face since he hadn't just drawn, he used fucking marker pen! There was still reminiscent of the pen on my face but it got so saw and red from scrubbing that I stopped. To be honest, I wasn't even that mad. If he wanted a prank war, he's got one. After lying in bed for hours, I finally came up with something. I cackled quietly to myself as I text Jodie, hoping she was willing to help. I beamed when she replied with 'of course' and I text her the idea. She sent back 5 laughing emoji's and 2 claps. I guess she was more than happy to help.
When I got up for school the next day, I was up early as I couldn't keep the grin off my face. I couldn't contain my excitement. I got dressed into blue ripped jeans, a cream coloured top and threw on a black jacket over the top. It was November so it was pretty cold out today as I quickly brushed through my hair and put on a little makeup. Since I was up early, I had time to make myself some cereal as I waited for Jodie to pick me up. Thankfully, Harry wasn't driving her today so she had offered me a lift. She only lives a couple minutes away whereas Cole lives about a ten-minute drive away. I scrolled through twitter as I waited and the second I saw her car, I was rushing out the front door. I quickly locked it behind me and climbed into the passenger seat.
She stared at me warily through her sunglasses as she started her car. "Who are you and what have you done with Sam's moody ass?"
I rolled my eyes but agreed with her. I was never, ever this happy in the morning. I was not a morning person unless they were extreme circumstances. For example, if I was going to a Cadbury's chocolate factory I would be happy but apart from that, I was as moody as person could get. But today however, I was extremely excited for my revenge prank. You may be thinking I was being way too dramatic over this, but when someone messes with me, I go big and beyond. And Reece was fucking annoying so the thought of embarrassing him made my heart tingle with excitement.
She spared me a glance. "Are you sure this will work?"
I nodded eagerly. When we entered the school, I wished Jodie good luck for her part of the plan as I hid behind a locker. I spotted Reece, leaning against his locker, talking to Jake. I watched Jodie strut towards him, sliding a finger down his toned muscles as he smirked down at her. Jake rolled his eyes, walking away as I watched my best friend flirt with Reece. His eyes darkened at what I imagined something seductive Jodie said as she slid him a piece of paper. He smirked and nodded, thrusting the paper into his pocket as she walked away. I grinned to myself when the crucial part of the prank had in fact worked. All it took was for Reece to recognise Jodie as my best friend as this whole plan would have failed. A couple moments later, I emerged from behind the lockers and walked to my first class like normal. My first two periods passed and it was now show time. After our first two lessons, we had a 20-minute break and I was now hiding in the back of the janitor's closet.
Jodie had flirted with Reece and told him to wait for her in here at exactly 11 o'clock. It was 10.59 as I nervously crouched at the back, making sure Reece wouldn't be able to see me when he opened the door. I had written the note that she handed to him saying to wait for her in here.
Stark naked.
2 minutes later, the door opened and Reece entered. I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing when he began to strip. I fought back a gag when I saw his bare ass in front of me and I waited for the door to open. My stomach was in twists as my plan failing and doing this all for nothing but I grinned when I heard the door open. The second it did, I jumped up from my space on the ground and pushed Reece out into the corridor. He staggered forward and I grinned even more when I saw how many students were in the corridor. Boys squirmed and covered their eyes whereas girls jaw's dropped to the ground. Laughter surrounded us and my laugh was louder than the rest from behind him. His hands dropped to cover his dick, which I made sure to avert my eyes from and his eyes widened as his head snapped to mine. I smirked at him, blowing a kiss.
"Now we're even."
Throughout the entire day, girls gossiped about how sexy Reece was naked and how big he was. Girls glared at me throughout the day whereas boys high fived me for my epic prank. Wow, no wonder I prefer guys to girls. No offense to Jodie. Jodie was different to most girls and that's why I got along with her the way I did. She got my humour and I got hers. I spent the whole day avoiding, more like hiding from Reece and I had been successful until now. He charged towards me as I waited outside my gym class and Jodie's eyes widened next to mine.
"Oh shit Sam, he's coming!" She turned to me, eyes frantic as I watched Reece, his eyes murderous as he glared down at me.
I raised an eyebrow at her. "Should we run?"
Reece knew that Jodie was part of this plan, obviously because I couldn't have gotten him to strip naked in the janitor's closet without her. It was last period and luckily I hadn't had any classes with Reece yet today as the only class we share is math and chemistry. I had however had French with Jake who laughed the entire lesson at how his best friend got tricked. He high fived me as he said and I quote 'we would make a great team'. I chuckled to myself, realising that having Jake on my team to prank Reece would be amazing. It was only when I heard whispers of the girls around me that I noticed how close he was to us.
Jodie gulped. "I think you should run Sam. He's only glaring at you like he wants to murder you and all of your future grandchildren."
I nodded, giving her a sheepish smile before retreating away. I staggered backwards as Jodie grinned at me, sending me a thumbs up as I turned on my heels and ran as fast as I could through the hallways. People around me gave me weird yet curious glances as their eyes widened when they saw who was chasing me. Boys smirked at the reason as to why I was running away from him, whereas girls glared. I sent them a smirk as I pushed towards the exit doors and just as I was about to open it, a pair of hands snaked around my waist, pulling me back into his chest. His scent was intoxicating and I tried not to inhale it, before remembering who it was. He spun me around and placed a hand either side of me, trapping me between him and the doors. My eyes slowly wandered from his chest that was positioned in front of me, up to his gaze. His dark green eyes darkened as I gave him a sheepish smile. "Told ya I'd get you back." I copied what he had said to me the previous day after drawing all over my face.
His eyes flashed with irritation. "This is hardly the same thing." He growled, trapping me even further as he stepped closer. I tried to wiggle out of his grip but it was too strong.
I gave him a deadpan look. "It was marker pen Reece. Marker pen."
He bit his lip and ran a frustrated hand through his curly hair. What I didn't expect however was a slow smirk to appear. I gulped, I would rather him be mad that smirking at me like a predator and I was his prey. Suddenly I was picked up and thrown over his shoulder as he turned from the doors and began stalking through the corridor. My head was level on his ass as he held my waist firmly. I wasn't scared that he would drop me I was scared as to what he was planning. "Reece let me go!" I yelled, banging my fists against his back but he didn't even flinch.
Luckily, class had started so there was nobody in the corridor to witness this but that also meant there was no one to help me. He chuckled against me at my protests to let me down before he took a sharp right and I smacked my head against his butt. "Oww. What the hell is your ass made out of?" I hissed, rubbing the sore spot on my head. Even I had to admit that this boy had one fine ass. He continued to ignore me as I thrusted about in his arms before my eyes widened at where we were headed. He kicked open the door to the PE block and I screamed against him, knowing exactly what he was planning. "Don't you dare Reece! I'm serious. Ok. I'm sorry for doing that, I really am." I lied, I wasn't sorry at all.
"No you're not." This was the first time he spoke since picking me up and his voice was laced with amusement. When we entered the swimming locker rooms to get to the pool, I tried everything to get him to let me go. I punched his back with all the force I had and I even tried pinching his butt. It tensed when I pinched it and I could feel him wince.
"You can touch my ass all you want Sammy but it won't get you out of this one." I let out a loud groan of frustration as I continued to wiggle out of his grip but his hold around my waist was too strong. I was getting dizzy from being upside down and my eyes widened even further when we entered the pool room. What made the situation worse that the swim team was currently there, watching with wide eyes. The swim coach was nowhere to be seen and I couldn't get out of this. Damn, I really should've ran faster. Or maybe I shouldn't have eaten the two cupcakes Cole gave to me at lunch.
"Reece just slow down for a sec. I'll um, do your homework for a week or um you don't have to tutor me anymore ill find someone else. Just don't do this!" I begged and even I could realise how pathetic it sounded.
He laughed against me. "Begging aint gonna save you this time buttercup." Before I could even process what was happening, my bag was dropped to the ground as I was turned around in his arms. He smirked down at me as he swung me straight into the pool. I went crashing down and all air was removed from my lungs at the sudden bash. The swim team had scattered away from me as I hit the bottom and instantly swam to the top. I reached the service with a scowl on my face and noticed the swim team also had the same look but it was directed at me. My head snapped to see Reece standing there with a childish grin and an idea popped into my head.
Revenge is a bitch.
"H-help me!" I yelled, thrashing about in the pool and letting my head sink down every couple seconds. When I appeared, I pulled a distraught face. "I can't swim!" Reece's face turned from amusement to shock and then panic.
I took a deep breath and sunk down, pretending to thrash about in panic and I heard a crash into the water. Hands snaked around my waist and pulled me up so he was holding me above the water with panic all over his handsome face. "Shit, Shit. I'm sorry Sam, I didn't realise you couldn't swim." A slow grin appeared on my face when he had indeed jumped into the pool fully clothed. The swim team was glaring and scowling at the both of us but I shrugged it off.
His hair was soaked and his t-shirt was clinging to his muscled torso. Realisation hit him and his eyes widened but his grip around me never loosened. I burst out laughing at his completely backfired plan of revenge and he glared at me and raised a wet eyebrow. "You can swim perfectly fine can't you" He asked slowly. My smirk only grew wider and he shook his head with disbelief but I couldn't help but notice the way his lips twitched.
"What the hell is going on here?!" A booming voice bellowed and it echoed throughout the whole room. Reece's grip on me instantly loosened as our eyes widened together and slowly turned to look at the voice. The swim couch stood in front of us, anger all over her face as she glared down at us.
Reece winked at me and turned to her. "Sorry coach. You see, Sammy here can't swim so when she tripped into the pool I dived into help her." His voice was filled with amusement and I tried to keep my smile from appearing. "And your, so called perfect swim team didn't make an effort to help her. So I did."
I bit my lip to stop the laughter from coming out as her head snapped to the swim team and started yelling at them. Before they had a chance to protest and deny Reece's lie, we quickly swam to the edge and Reece helped me up to reach the ladder. I ran up the ladder like spider man as we vastly made our way to the locker room. As soon as the door slammed behind us, we both burst out into laughter, all previous anger at each other disappeared. It was strange how we went from hating each other's guts to laughing in a matter of days. I glanced down at my now completely soaked outfit and laughed as Reece shook his arm and water came piling out.
"Ugh I have to get on the bus like this." I groaned, quietly to myself as I shook my body like a mad woman to get rid of the excess water.
Reece raised an eyebrow. "You don't drive?"
I sighed, taking a seat on the small bench in the middle of the room as I peeled my wet jacket from my arms. "My cars in the shop at the moment and it might take up to a month until I get it back." I complained but I didn't really know why I was telling him this.
Reece took a seat next to me before sparing me a glance. "Can't your friends give you a ride?"
"Cole lives near you and Jodie normally gets picked up by her boyfriend."
Reece smirked. "You know where I live?"
I scoffed. "Cole told me you lived near him."
He wiggled his eyebrows. "Yeah, I believe that." He drawled and I rolled my eyes.
After sitting in the locker room for 20 minutes, attempting to dry off, it wasn't working. My clothes still stuck to me like second skin and my wet hair was now thrown up into a bun. I scowled, I had only washed it last night. Noticing that the swim team was going to be entering the locker room any moment, we quickly exited it and walked out of the school. The cold air hit me and I shivered violently, rubbing my arms as we walked towards the car park. Reece stalked over to his car and I almost gasped at how beautiful it was. It was a black Porsche and I was stunned at how someone our age could even drive a car that nice.
"Are you coming over tonight?" I asked him as he grabbed the keys from his bag.
He gave me a teasing look as a cheeky smirk appeared on his face. "For what exactly?"
I scowled at him, shivering violently under the November weather. He rolled his eyes. "Yeah I guess. I'll be around at 8." He told me before unlocking his car. I nodded, turning away towards the exit before he called out my name. I turned around and raised an eyebrow at him, who was leaning against his car with a smirk.
"Need a ride?"
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