《BadBoy Tutor》Chapter Four
I jogged down the corridor to my chemistry class as I was once again late for first period. This morning, I nearly cried in frustration when I ran out the front door to see the bus already leaving. What made this lesson worse was that it had Adam in it. He would always try and talk to me and it was hard to get away when he would purposely sit beside me so I couldn't move away. I pushed the door open and breathed a sigh of relief when our teacher wasn't here yet. In fact, hardly any students were here so I took a seat at the back and waited for them to all pile in. A couple moments later, about a dozen students burst in and a scowl appeared on my face as I watched Adam stalk over to the spare seat next to me.
My mouth parted in shock when a mop of blonde hair pushed past him and winked at me, taking the empty seat in front of me. Reece, who was behind him, reluctantly took the seat next to me and to say I was shocked would be an understatement. Reece glared at my ex-boyfriend as I watched him roll his eyes as he continued to approach us. He raised a light brown eyebrow at me, purposely not acknowledging the two guys around me. "Seriously Sam? You're deciding to slut it up with these two dickheads?" The comment made me clench my fists and before Reece could say anything as his mouth was just about to open, I spoke.
"Fuck off Adam. I'm not slutting it up with anyone, but if I was it would be none of your fucking business so just do us all a favour and back off!" He looked taken back and if I wasn't so angry, I would've smirked in his face. Adam hesitated for a moment, thinking of the right thing to say before opening his fat mouth.
He chuckled bitterly. "I always knew you were a whore but today you've actually surprised me." He then turned to Reece, and I can fairly say that I've never seen so much hatred in anyone's eyes before than what I saw in Adam's.
"Don't get your hopes up, bro." He drawled and I noticed how Reece's jaw clenched so tightly when he said the word bro. "She's as frigid as a girl like her can get." I could feel my face paling as my shoulders shook with anger. How dare he say that about me.
I laughed coldly and all three heads snapped to me. "You know Adam; I was only frigid with you because news flash: You fucking suck in bed." I said loud enough so that the whole class could hear. A malicious smirk then overtook my face as I pointed to his groin. "It's not exactly anything special now is it?"
His cheeks instantly grew pink as Reece and Jake both burst out with laughter, along with many snickers from the class. Before I knew it, he was storming out the class and slammed the door shut behind him. I laughed along with Jake as I saw him wheezing onto his table, smacking it with his hand. Reece chuckled beside me I smiled softly at him. Surprisingly, he gave me a small smile back before his face hardened. Rolling my eyes at his change in attitude, I grabbed my chemistry textbook and my notepad from my bag and dropped both of them onto our shared desk. When our teacher, Mrs Foley stalked in, the class grew silent. I had to stifle my laughter when I noticed the blue paint that covered her entire shoulder length brown hair. When Reece's and Jake's shoulders shook violently around to me, I instantly knew it was them. "What did you do?" I whispered as I watched her brown eyes scan the room quickly and narrow with hatred when they landed on the two boys around me.
"YOU!" She growled and I had to put a hand over my mouth to muffle my laughter as she staggered over. She was a rather large woman, and I had to admit she was pretty scary. But, we couldn't take her seriously when she looked like a damn smurf0. I understand why they would have done it, Mrs Foley was a wicked woman that hated all her students. Even the other teachers despised her. As she appeared in front of Jake, slamming her hands down on the table, he looked up at her with a smirk. My eyes widened at his bravery as her head shook violently with rage and her face turned into a tomato. However, Reece snickering beside me made me laugh even more as her head snapped to mine. I gulped underneath her gaze as her eyes narrowed into paper thin slits at me.
She then cocked her head to the side and scanned me like I was a fucking book. "Do you know anything about this?" She asked as I shook my head, biting my lip to stop the laughter from escaping. She then turned back to Jake. "I know it was you!" She yelled but Jake's smirk only grew wider.
He raised a blond eyebrow. "Any proof miss?" If the short woman couldn't get any angrier, she did and instantly chucked Jake out of the class. She turned to me and Reece with a malicious look.
"If I find out you two had anything to do with this. You'll be sent straight to the principal and he will deal with you from there." When she turned, our laughter turned into chuckles.
I turned to Reece with a questioning look. "How did you get away with it? Isn't there security cameras?" I asked with curiosity.
He chuckled. "Of course there is. I paid some smart junior to disable them." I rolled my eyes but continued to laugh anyway.
The lesson was passing by agonizingly slowly. Seeing as Mrs Foley was so mad, she made us all sit in silence and anyone who spoke had an instant detention. I watched as she sat at her desk, typing profusely on her computer, probably emailing somebody trying to find proof that Jake did it. Everybody knew that Jake was behind this but nobody in their right mind would snitch on him. Jake was like an innocent little puppy until someone wrongs him. Once in junior year, Jake had pulled a legendary prank on the principal by tp-ing his entire office and he would've easily gotten away with it until some kid in our year snitched on him. For some reason, the boy absolutely hated Jake for and even followed him around with a camera without Jake knowing, waiting for him to do a prank. He had caught Jake on film entering the office with bags full of toilet roll and leaving empty handed. The video nearly resulted in Jake being expelled, but his parents are rich as fuck and paid for their son to be kept in school. Guess that's how the principal and staff room ended up with new furniture and a fancy ass coffee machine. I can't remember exactly what Jake did in retaliation to him snitching but I know it was deserved.
"Sammy?" Reece whispered from beside me and I rolled my eyes at the nickname, but turned to face him anyway.
"What the fuck are we supposed to be doing?"
I narrowed my eyes at him. "I don't know. You're the smart one, remember?"
He rolled his eyes. "I may be smart but that doesn't mean that I listen."
I huffed, attempting to explain the task we were set while whispering, which was getting increasingly hard when Reece had the attention span of a fish. Frustrated at his lack of concentration as he flirted with Daisy Martin across the room with his eyes. She was a pretty girl with fiery red hair and cute freckles. I smirked as an idea popped into my head to wind him up. I flung off all of his belongings off the table. When it made a loud crash on the ground, I quickly turned my head to my book as I pretended like I hadn't done anything as our teacher yelled at him. I snickered as I watched him from the corner of my eye picking up his bag and the rest of his crap. He narrowed his eyes at me the entire time as I smirked in reply.
"You'll regret that Sammy."
My smirk only increased. "Oh will I." I paused. "Reecey?"
His jaw clenched. "Don't call me that."
I chuckled quietly as he glared at me for using that name but it only made my grin grow wider. He shook his head, rolling his eyes and ran a hand through his dark brown curls. "How am I supposed to deal with tutoring you for months?"
I narrowed my eyes at him. "Hey! I'm awesome. More like how am I supposed to deal with being tutored by you?"
He smirked. "Many girls would die to be in your position."
I smirked back. "Well they have some major issues then don't they."
I knew that the majority of girls at this school pawned over Reece like he was some Greek god roaming around the school. To be honest, i wasn't blind to his good looks but I didn't understand was how some girls were so obsessed over him. He was only a guy. I had seen girls throw themselves at him or purposely do things just for his attention. He most likely enjoyed the way they fawned over him like he was an adorable puppy that shall not be harmed.
He was more like an annoying little poodle.
He raised a brow in my direction and leaned closer to me. I tried not to back away but it was hard when he was in my personal space, smirking at me. "Do I make you uncomfortable Sammy?" I scoffed, keeping my position when in reality I wanted to squirm away.
"Nope." I lied, lifting my chin up and feeling proud of myself that I kept my cool until my breath hitched when he leaned even closer, fanning his hot breath down my neck and I had to fight back a shudder.
His hot breath fanned my neck. "Are you sure?"
I peered down at him and with one hand pushed his shoulder away from me, giving him a victorious smile. "Yep."
He hummed, leaning back and searching my face for any sign of me feeling bothered by his presence. One of my best qualities was always being able to stay in character unless I felt extremely bothered or uncomfortable by someone. He rolled his eyes at my lack of care and leaned back into his seat.
He then frowned. "How did someone like you end up with that asshole?" He questioned, green eyes boring into my brown ones. What did he mean by 'someone like me'? I didn't know what on earth to reply to that so I just furrowed my eyes at him.
"What do you mean?"
He hummed. "Never mind."
I raised my brows at him to carry on but he didn't, instead he just turned around and began flirting with Daisy again. I rolled my eyes and glanced at the clock, groaning when I realised we still had 30 minutes left.
The second I met my friends at lunch, they bombarded me with questions over my encounter with Adam. I wondered how the fuck a little splatter like that ended up travelling around that damn fast. Jodie grinned from her usual seat across from me as Cole smiled softly at her happiness. My heart squeezed with how adorable my best friend is. I could tell just from that look alone how in love with her he was. "Is it true you took the piss out of his size?"
She asked and I laughed as Cole's eyes widened. "You what?!" He spluttered as I rolled my eyes at the two of them and proceeded to tell them what happened, minus the conversation with Reece afterward. Cole cackled like a witch as Jodie giggled, gripping onto her best friend and squeezing his arm as they laughed together. Cole's famous laugh was one of those that was funnier than the actual joke so I ended up laughing with them. If Cole was laughing, there was no doubt that the whole class would be laughing too. Cole fist bumbed me as Jodie continued to laugh, laying her head on his shoulder. I could see his body tense from their position but Jodie was oblivious to it. However, I was glad to see that Cole wasn't acting weird around Jodie like she had told me.
"Enough about me. What's going on in your life?" I asked both of them as I took a bite out of my sandwich.
Cole groaned. "Apart from that asshole Brad trying to pick a fight with me, fine." Jodie shot off his shoulder as we both gave him curious looks.
"What, why?" Jodie beat me do it as we both stared at him to explain.
Cole shrugged. "Mona sat next to me in class and was trying to seduce me into going to the janitors closet with her." He answered casually, taking a bite out of his own lunch.
Jodie frowned. "Why the hell would he try fight you if she was the one trying to seduce you?"
Cole rolled his eyes. "Because the second I said I would rather eat a wasp then get with her, she acted like I was the one desperately trying to get into her pants. Then she told Brad and that prick Jackson held him back before he could lay one on me." He paused, smirking at both of us. "Not like he could anyway."
I rolled my eyes at his cockiness but Jodie continued to pry answers off him as to why Mona would try and seduce him. I cocked my head to the side, examining my friends as Jodie threatened to beat, according to her, that bitch's ass. I laughed quietly to myself at her threat. I loved Jodie with all my heart but she was barely 5 foot but if it meant protecting one of her friends, she would probably still win. She was vicious when she wanted to be and I know I would never want to be in a fight with her. Why did Jodie care so much? In the back of my mind I knew exactly why, but I had to let my friends sort out whatever it was between them themselves. I could never forgive myself if I said something and ruined their friendship. What the three of us had was amazing and the thought of my two favourite people in the world not being friends anymore broke my heart.
I could never imagine not having them in my life.
But at the same time, I desperately wanted them to be happy. Even though Cole put on a happy face, I knew it was killing him inside to have the girl he's loved for years have no idea he even likes her more than a friend. I also know that he's wanted to tell her so many times but just never could. I just wished that Jodie feels the same way and that they can finally just get together. I shuddered at the thought of them being a couple and making out in front of me. But if they were happy, I would be too.
"Well I have to go." Jodie brought me out of my thoughts. "I have a dance meeting." She told us and within seconds she disappeared into the lunch crowd. Jodie was on the school's dance team and she was an amazing dancer. She had never been interested in cheerleading but when the dance club started she was ecstatic.
I smiled as Cole watched her with big puppy dog eyes retreat from our table and when he turned back to me, he rolled his light brown eyes. "What?"
My smile grew wider. "Nothing."
His eyes narrowed in my direction. "Sam."
I narrowed my eyes back at him. "Cole." I mocked.
He glared at me. "Walker. Why are you smiling like a creepy old lady who's just murdered her cat?"
I scoffed, the things that come out of this boy's mouth are so dumb. I glared back. "Hammond. Am I not allowed to smile at my bestie?"
He rolled his eyes and cringed at 'bestie'. That word had always made Cole cringe since we were little so I always used it to wind him up. When his glare continued, I huffed and crossed my arms across my chest. "Stop glaring at me Cole!"
"Tell me why you're smiling like a murderer then."
I scoffed again. "My smile does not resemble a murderer's smile you asshole!"
He gave me a deadpan look. "Yes it does." He replied casually. "Now tell me!"
I sighed. "Fine. But you're not gonna like it."
"Try me."
His light brown eyes bored into my dark ones as he anticipated my reply. "I was smiling because you're so in love with her, ok?"
His eyes widened as he staggered back in his chair. "W-what? No I'm not!"
I chuckled and cocked a brow. "Oh you're not?"
I leaned forward on my chair. "So you're not insanely jealous of Harry dating Jodie?"
Cole sighed. "Look Sam. We've been over this. I got over my feelings for her."
I rolled my eyes at his obvious lie and smiled softly at him. "Cole. I'm your best friend. You don't have to lie to me."
"I'm not!"
I smirked. "Ive known you my entire life. I can read you like an open book and I know exactly when you're lying to someone."
He groaned, running a hand through his hair. "Fine, maybe I still like her?" He paused, frowning. "But it doesn't matter, Sam. She doesn't feel the same way and never will. I'm not going to risk our friendship for a 1 percent chance that she does."
I smiled to myself. "I think it's more than 1." I murmured.
His head snapped up at this and questioned me further but I just shrugged. "Look Cole. I'm not saying anything so don't you dare do anything over what ive said. I'm just saying maybe don't crush your feelings completely. You never know what can happen." He nodded, taking in my shit advice before we both finished our lunch, completely dropping the pervious conversation and just laughed at random things like best friends do.
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Declan was but a teenager when he was invited to Gaia. It wasn't some popular VRMMO like the ones his friend keeps recommending, nor was it a 'game' in the traditional sense. Gaia was the stopgap to Indiri, a living breathing world, the final creation of a dead genius. Invited to this world by Eve, the overseer and an AI light-years greater than any that came before her, Declan was given a choice. To join or not to join? Well, why the hell not? Hello, this is a pretty basic VR story which I started writing out of boredom, don't expect anything too great here, it's a somewhat unique setting but with mostly slice of life comedy shenanigans with no real 'plot' since I can't reliably include stakes in a world where respawning is a thing. I'll try to upload at least once every other week but real life stuff may get in the way occasionally. **WARNING** Protagonist comes with an inbuilt wizard hat. Also, any mentions of chapter titles shall be met with falling rocks TPK. **ACTUAL WARNING** Story may or may not read like the fever dream of an eclectic sasquatch with internet connection. Do be warned, that this story has extremely slow pacing by design. Join the Discord!! https://discord.gg/p2gxqs4 Laugh at my empty Patreon!!
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