《BadBoy Tutor》Chapter One
"I'm here, I'm here." I yelled as I swung open the door and smiled sheepishly, scanning the room at all the familiar faces staring back at me. I groaned quietly when I saw that there were no seats left next to my two best friends, who just smirked at me. I rolled my eyes at them and searched for a spare seat, sighing internally when the only seat left was at the back, next to someone who hates my guts. I flipped off my friends when Mr Harvey, our math teacher, wasn't looking and quickly made my to the back, ignoring the curious stares from the students around me.
I was once again late this morning after missing the bus because my cars in the shop, it had been in there for a week and I had only made the bus once out of the five days. I barely made it on time to school when I drove so it was hard to actually make it on time and as you can tell, today I once again failed to be on time. I slumped down in my seat and threw my bag on top of the table, leaning on it as a pillow. I refused to look at the guy next to me as I felt his cold glare. I wanted to turn and yell at him to stop scowling at me but I was too damn tired to have an argument. I had an exhausting row with my ex-boyfriend last night as he turned up at my house and refused to leave until I took him back. He finally left at 4am when I called my best friend Cole to come get rid of him. Annoyingly, my dad was away on a business trip otherwise he would've chucked him out instantly.
Within seconds I found my eyes burning and watering from staying open so I reluctantly gave in and closed them. It couldn't have been minutes before I heard Mr Harvey yelling my name. "Samantha!" I heard as I groggily lifted my head from the comfort of my bag. I looked up to see a glaring man with his eyes bulging out of the sockets. I rolled my eyes when I saw the entire class staring at me, some were laughing and the nerds were glaring at me with disbelief. If the teacher wasn't directly in front of me, I would've already flipped them off.
He glared down at me with hatred before yelling. "First you were late, now sleeping in my class." He shook his head with disappointment. "Detention!" Students around me snickered and Jodie, my other best friend, gave me an apologetic smile from her seat as Cole chuckled next to her. I rolled my eyes and found myself getting angry at the certain snicker next to me. My head snapped to his smirk and if we didn't dislike each other, I would most likely find myself drooling over his appearance. You would have to be blind and pretty damn stupid to deny his attractiveness. He had dark brown, curly hair with agonizingly gorgeous dark green eyes. It baffled me how someone in high school could look that good.
It was a real shame about his personality.
He had a small smirk on his face due to the fact that I had just received a detention. "Piss off Parker!" I hissed as his smirk only grew wider at my annoyance. He leaned back on his chair, leaning on his bulging muscles and it was hard not to stare.
He rolled his eyes, muttering something about me a being a bitch before turning the other way.
My fists clenched at his comment as I turned to him, a scowl on my face. "Leave me alone Reece." I demanded quietly, trying not to draw the attention of any nosy students listening to our conversation. Our math teacher droned on and on and I had to pinch myself to not fall asleep again. One detention was boring enough, let alone two. I only began to pay attention when I saw Melissa handing out the tests that we took last week. My breath hitched as the girl approached me, I awed her perfect bun until her annoying voice caught me off guard. She chuckled bitterly down at me as she slammed my paper onto my desk and I laughed when Reece tried to flirt with her.
She glared at him with disgust before throwing his paper down at his face. His mouth parted in shock as it smacked him square in the face. I burst out laughing at his expense as he glared down at me but this only made my laugher grow louder. Melissa was an extremely pretty girl, but it was shame for the stick she had up her ass. She was a complete teacher's pet and hated anyone that wasn't a perfect student. Hence, her hatred for me and Reece. I suddenly remembered about the test in front of me as I glanced down in fear. Maths was my worst subject and Mr Harvey told me that if I got less than 60% percent I would need a tutor. Squeezing one eye shut, I anxiously glanced down at my test and groaned loudly when I saw a big 58 marked in red. What made me angrier was the fact that I was only 2 percent off not having to have a tutor. I knew that the only people who tutored in this class were Melissa and Ryan.
They both hated my guts.
"For fuck sake." I muttered angrily as I slammed my fist down on the table. I peered over at Reece's test and clenched my fists even tighter when I saw his mark. 98. How the fuck is that even possible? My best friends, Jodie and Cole were smart but they never got above 80. No one in this class did except for Melissa and Ryan, which is why they are the class tutors. My jaw was wide open as I stared at Reece in disbelief.
He rolled his eyes angrily at my facial expression and then chuckled humourlessly. "Have fun being tutored by those stuck up asses." He motioned with his eyes at the two who were sat at the front, eagerly awaiting the teacher to start talking again. I mentally punched Mr Harvey for stating out loud to the entire class that if I didn't get above 60 I would need a tutor.
What an asshole.
I sighed, knowing there was no way of getting out of this and laid my head back down on the table, taking the risk of another detention.
Cole grinned at me like a maniac as I violently stabbed my folk into the pasta pot in front of me. I rolled my eyes at him as he continued to tease me about having to sit next to Reece in math for the rest of the year. Apparently, due to me, him and Jodie being too disruptive in his class, Mr Harvey is forcing me to stay there.
"Shut up Cole." I muttered, shoving a forkful of pasta in my mouth. Jodie continued to laugh as he made hand job gestured under the table at me. I glared at the attractive, although id never tell him that, boy in front of me. All the girls in our school fancied Cole and always gave me and Jodie envious glares whenever we were with him.
Cole had light brown hair and light brown eyes that had girls swooning at him. I couldn't deny he was gorgeous and if It wasn't for us being friends since kindergarten, I would probably fancy him too. Jodie sat opposite me and next to Cole, running a hand through her frizzy black hair. I thought back to the day we all met and chuckled to myself. Me and Jodie met on the first day of school when Brad Willis, the school bully, pushed us both over and Cole came over and pushed him down into a puddle. We had all been best friends ever since.
"How's Harry?" I asked Jodie and I could see the tense in Cole's jaw as I brought up her boyfriend. I knew that Cole had liked Jodie for the past year but never said anything due to not wanting to ruin their friendship. So instead, he stupidly slept around with anything with a vagina to attempt to get over her, but I knew it wasn't working. I felt for him but they were both my best friends, so I had to be supportive of Jodie's relationship. He was actually a decent guy, but I wish it didn't bother Cole the way it did whenever he was brought up. But, seeing as he made it his wish to piss me off the entire lunch period, I wanted revenge.
He glared at me and I just gave him a sly smile, which he flipped me off for, purposely when Jodie wasn't looking. Her grin faltered at the mention of her 4-month old boyfriend which I raised my eyebrows at. She sighed. "He's fine. I'm just not sure if he's right for me." I noticed the small glance she spared Cole before she continued. "He's so interested in soccer and hardly listens to my problems. "She paused, sighing. "I don't know Sam, am I being stupid?"
She asked and before I got the chance to reply, Cole butt in." If a guy isn't interested in his own girlfriend, then he shouldn't be with her." He replied, rather harshly. Hurt flashed Jodie's face as her green eyes slightly widened at the harshness of his tone. I booted his shin under the table and he winced, before turning to her with an apologetic expression." Sorry Jod, I didn't mean for it to come out that way."
She chuckled and playfully pushed his shoulder. "What would you know? You've never had a girlfriend in your life." He rolled his eyes at this as they continued to argue, playfully. My breath hitched as I watched my ex-boyfriend walk past me, a now black eye formed on his left eye that he had received from Cole last night when he swung at him when Cole attempted to push him out of my house. Cole noticed my sour expression and glanced at where I was staring, glaring at the guy who caught my attention. Adam glared back but eventually decided to ignore him, darting off to the popular table. I should've known never to get with someone that was friends with Amber and her posy. I glanced at the massive table in the middle of the cafeteria and watched him sit down next to her.
The girl who I saw naked on top of my boyfriend, grinding him like there was no tomorrow. Amber Taylor had always hated mine and Jodie's guts, especially when she tried so hard to get Cole in their friendship group but he outright refused. She then convinced the rest of her group to hate us too. Their group consisted of: Amber, her best friend Chloe Ellis, Mona Florist, Brad Willis, Jackson Clark and Adam Griffith.
I hated every single one of them.
My face shrivelled up at the star couple, Mona and Brad, snogging each other's faces off as she sat on his lap, grinding him. I shook my head with disgust and turned around to meet my friend's curious gazes. Jodie gave me a soft smile. "What exactly happened last night?" She asked after I briefly explained to her this morning that he turned up and I had to ring Cole at 4am to get rid of him. Guilt swarmed me as I took in his tired expression.
I sighed, stirring my fork around my food. I was literally the biggest pig you could meet but today my appetite just wasn't there. "He turned up at 12am and when I opened the door he barged in to my house. I instantly yelled at him to leave but he blatantly refused and kept apologising over and over claiming that he loves me. I put off calling Cole because I didn't want to disturb him. " I turned around to once again apologise to him but he shook his head, glaring at me. I had apologised so much last night and today he was sick of it. He told me that he was my best friend and I could call him at any time and he would come and help me, no matter what.
"I tried everything to get rid of him but he just wouldn't fuck off. We argued for hours and It eventually got to the point where I couldn't take it anymore, so I called Cole." I told Jodie and she shook her head with disbelief. Adam had cheated on me a month ago and had constantly been bothering me at school. But he had never turned up to my house like he did last night and refuse to leave until I took him back. She went to reply but the loud shrill of the bell caught us off guard as we said goodbye to her and me and Cole walked to our final class. The three of us didn't have many classes together, apart from math and biology. Me and Cole had a few classes together, including English and physics and me and Jodie had gym class together. My other classes sucked balls because I didn't have either of them in it. Luckily, I only had to survive French and chemistry without them. Me and Cole walked to our English class and took our normal seats at the back.
We spent the whole lesson chatting about random crap until it was finally over. I groaned when Cole reminded me of my detention as we said goodbye and I sluggishly made my way over to the detention room. I swung open the door and took a seat at the back, ignoring the glares of the other teenagers in the room. I wanted to cry when I spotted Adam and I quickly made my to the opposite corner that he was in. I sat down and I could spot him getting up to sit next to me until someone I would never expect took the seat to me.
The blonde grinned down at me and threw an arm around my shoulder, glaring at Adam as he retreated back to his original space. I was thankful but then I tensed when I remembered who had their arm around me. Jake Sanders. He rolled his eyes at my shocked expression as he removed his arm from me.
"I fucking hate that asshole." He smiled softly and I chuckled in response.
"You and me both."
After Adam cheated on me, the entire school found out after Chloe Ellis told everyone. I smiled fondly at the memory of when Jodie went ape shit on her ass. Cole had to hold her back as she clawed at her face with her sharp nails. Chloe screamed like a bitch and then cried, attention seeking to the principal. Luckily, Cole came up with a lie to protect her from getting in trouble. The good thing about Jake and Reece is that they hated the group as much as we did, maybe even more. Jake was the best friend of Reece, but he was much nicer than he was. The reason Reece and I hated each other was because Adam and Reece were enemies for a reason nobody knew. Therefore, being his girlfriend automatically made Reece despise me. Jake was known for his hilarious pranks around the school and got along with pretty much anyone. Anyone apart from the group that me and my friends despised. I had never really spoken to Jake before and that's why I was a little shocked he sat next to me.
You may be wondering why we hate them so much. Amber's group were bullies to everyone, apart from Adam. If he was a bully like the rest, I never would have even spoke to him. Last year, we had been paired up in chemistry for a project and got on like a house on fire. At first, I was reluctant to date him due to who he was friends with but after weeks of convincing me he wasn't like them, I gave in. It was the worst mistake of my life. Realising I'd been thinking too much I looked up at Jake and smiled softly. "Thanks for that. I probably would have punched him if he sat next to me. " He chuckled bitterly before turning to Adam and glaring. He then turned back to me and raised a blonde eyebrow.
"No problem. Also I would've liked to see that."
I rolled my eyes and shook my head, a smile playing at my lips.
"So what did you do?" He asked, playfully tutting his tounge at the fact I was in detention. I repeated the reason I was here and laughed loudly, ignoring the scowl of Mr Harvey. He was head of detention and gave them out like sweets at Halloween.
"No surprise. He is one boring fucker." Jake replied as I burst out laughing. I could feel Adam's stare on us but at that moment I couldn't care less, his company was surprisingly fun. I spent the next hour listening to his hilarious pranks and the most recent one that got him this detention.
He grinned as he told me "Me and Reece tied a water balloon at the top of Mrs Ivy's door that was filled with slime so when she walked into our English class it fell on her. Her whole body was drenched in it." I laughed loudly at the image of the most hated teacher at our school, drenched in slime. Imagining the look on her face sent me into a fit of giggles. Jake joined in with my laughter and when I sobered up I furrowed my eyebrows at him.
"Wait. How did Reece get away with it then?" I asked, realising that he wasn't here but was involved with the prank.
Jake chuckled. "Oh he didn't. It was his final straw so apparently Mr Harvey is forcing him tutor a failing student or he'll get suspended."
My eyes widened and I cackled at the thought of Reece having to tutor them. I felt bad to whoever was on the other end of that deal. The booming voice of Mr Harvey yelling that detention was over caught me off guard as me and Jake darted to the door, only for him to call my name. Jake grinned and waggled his eyebrows, waving at me before he ran out of the door. I rolled my eyes but chuckled under my breath at him. I turned my attention to my teacher as he waited for everyone to leave until speaking with me.
He shut the door behind the last student as I leant against the wall, folding my arms across my chest and awaiting what he has to bore me about. My Harvey sighed before taking a seat at his desk and looking up at me. "As you know you didn't score above 60 in your recent test like we agreed, so I have to assign you a tutor." He told me, adjusting the classes that sat on his nose.
I nodded, wanting him to hurry up so I could go home. I had already missed the bus and Cole and Jodie went home an hour ago, so I would have to walk home. He grimaced at me. "Well unfortunately the tutors we have already have too many students so they are unavailable." My breath hitched and it suddenly dawned on me.
Oh no. Please no.
"So ive assigned you another outstanding student in your class. I'm sure you already know him as you now sit next to him but in case you're unaware of where I'm going with this." He paused as the colour drained out of my face.
I knew where he was fucking going with this, I wasn't a total dumbass.
"Reece Parker is going to be your tutor."
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это маленькая история меня и моего краша. не судите строго тут всё на эмоциях, нет ни смысла, ни грамотности.
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