《What A Clown...》37] Hello Joker
I was use to the harsh desperate kisses Joker gave me. So I didnt know what I was doing when I felt his soft slow ones. When I did I uncrossed my arms and Pulled my knife out as I slowly started backing up.
I finally put my blade to his skin and he stopped. I pushed the blade against his skin making the red sprout out and pushed him away from me. "Nice talking with you BatMan." I said and disappeared into the shadows as I left him to recover.
I was in a mindless state as I walked to my car carefully. Isnt this what Joker wanted? For Batman to like me? It was a stupid Idea I thought would never work but look at that?
I drove back home and pulled into the drive way. I went behind the house and saw Joker loading up a truck that said Electrician. "Where were ya Doll?" He said loading a gun and throwing it in the back.
Should I tell him? Would he freak out? Maybe I shouldn't. No what if he gets mad that you didn't tell him? I know...
Don't tell him.
"Batman called me to go see him."
Way to go V...
He looked up from the truck and leaned on to it and raised his eyebrow at me. "What he say?" He asked and I gulped walking closer but keeping eye contact with him.
"He was kind of mad that I was telling the cops that he was crazy...then he told me that I should drop the deal with you and help him beat you...since I was probably so like you." I said and he crossed his arms.
"That idiot probably thought he was going to convince me...But I wont I love being a villain...you get to choose your own hours and salary." I said and made Joker laugh.
"Speaking of salary we gotta go get our paychecks." He said and I smiled. You didn't tell him! What the hell?
Ill tell him later.
"Put your hands up now!"
I look threw the glass doors yards away and put the last of the cash inside. I straighten up as we slam the vault closed and I turned to Joker.
"We always get caught when we don't have a plan!" I yelled at him as he shrugged at me. "Do I really look like a guy with a plan?" He said and I ran my hand threw my hair.
"Things would be much easier if you listened to me about setting a bomb on the other side of the city." I said and he smiled. "But this isn't about the money doll...its about sending a message." He said and pressed a button.
A huge rumble noise was heard that shook the whole building. The police cars burst and I looked straight at him as he broke the control under his shoe. "I thought you didn't plan?" I said to him and he shrugged.
"But I come prepared...after you my good lady." He said showing his hand threw the door. "Im not good at all..." I muttered as I went threw the door throwing the last sacks of money over my shoulder.
"I know doll and I love it." He said following me out. We started walking towards the truck and thats when I heard a familiar noise. Joker saw me and stopped. "Ya hear something?" He said and I took out my gun shaking my head slowly.
He took out his knife as I heard a pair of feet land behind me. I threw the bags and ran my leg under the ones standing behind me. The big shadow fell on his back as I grabbed the bags and backed up into Joker.
I saw him stand up as I got my gun and joker took out his matching one. He dropped the bags behind us and started chuckling as the figure stood up.
"Why what a pleasant surprise..." Joker said as He walked up to Batman. Batman's eyes flicked to me as he swung at Joker. They fought for a bit as Joker just kept on dodging the punches and receiving a few as I loaded the bags in the truck.
I found the little tube of white powder in the truck and got it. I pour it into my hand and gripped it tightly.
After I was done I heard Joker tell batman. "Go ahead just end the misery Gotham is in and kill me. Your right here come on just do it, kill me!" He said as I quietly walked behind batman.
I saw joker saw me from the corner of his eye as I lifted the gun and rested it on my shoulder. "Deep inside ya know that we are the same and you don't kill me because that would be like killing your other half. We have like a love-hate thing here and you cant bare to kill me." He said and I smiled.
"I don't kill any of the villains." Batman growled at Joker and he scoffed. "Because deep inside you are just as crazy as we are...broken." He said and I aimed the gun at batman's head and cocked it.
"Let him go...I know that not all of your suit is bullet proof." I said to him aiming at the neck part of the suit now.
"Better listen to the pretty lady Batsy...wouldn't want to make her mad." Joker said.
Batman slowly let go of Joker and stepped back as Joker straightened his suit up. "Thanks DollFace" He said as Batman turned to me his eyes glaring holes into Joker.
"Anytime..." I said backing up as Batman switched his eyes to me as I looked at the slight black smudge on his lip. "This is what you do when your not Mayor...you steal from your own city. You wont get away with it." He said and I smiled.
"Im not the mayor...Im Mr.V...and one thing that I always have...is Victory." I said and blew the white powder in his face. I saw as he inhaled it and blinked mindlessly.
I turned to Joker as he looked at me confused. "Is that the uh..." He said and I nodded. He put on a smile like a kid on christmas as he walked next to me and looked at batman. "Jump" he said and Batman jumped up.
"Will he do whatever?" He said with a evil happy glimmer in his eyes. "Merry Christmas" I said to him even if it was a few weeks away. "I know...Batman...go back to the cops and lead them away from us. After I want you to go drive them around the city and then crash into one of the cops and not die." He said and My eyes widened.
Batman got his grapple hook and aimed it up. Next thing I know he is gone and I waited as the sirens faded. "I thought you were going to make him do the chicken dance or something." I said and he cursed under his breath.
"I should have done that..." He said and turned to me. "Come on lets go." I said as we jumped into the truck and drove away. He turned it on and drove away to a alley.
"Did ya see that black smudge on his lip?" He said and I tensed up. "He said he got it when he was talking with you..." He said and I sighed.
"Yeah he kissed me...Sorry." I said and I saw him clench the steering wheel.
"Well uh, Don't let him do that again." He said as I fiddled with my gloved hands. "And don't cut him...punch him so he gets away. You only use the knife with me got it V?" He said and chuckled to himself.
"How did you know that I-"
"He had a cut on his jaw incase you were wondering...I have the same one and I don't want him to have the rest." He said and I laughed. "I wont...he is to soft for me." I said as he laughed and made a harsh turn on the road.
"Yeah he has Cat Woman anyways...speaking of her were the hell has she been?" He said and I shrugged.
"Thank you for coming and have a Merry Christmas." I said to the Microphone and stepped back. People clapped as I slowly descended the stage and stood next to it.
It had been two weeks since we robbed the bank. I haven't seen Bruce since then. And the weirdest part a haven't seen Joker in a week. I think maybe I was starting to get worried...MAYBE!
Reporters went up to me as the guards looked at me and I nodded at them. "Miss Mayor Can you tell us your opinion on-" They started and I held my hand up.
"Its Miss V and I am sorry but you should have asked your questions while I was up there." I said and started walking away as I nodded to the guards.
My phone rang and I tapped it into my bluetooth as I walked to my car.
"Miss V I just got some news you would want to hear." Sarah said as I got in my car. I started the car and drove away. "You got 3 minutes." I said as I sped down the lane.
"Gordon Just received Joker from Batman. He is at the GCPD right know."
"You wanna kill me real bad I can see it in your eyes." I mocked him as He pinned me to the wall. "Shut Up!" He growled at me as I smirked.
"Your mad aren't ya? Not like the other times though...a different mad." I hummed as he punched me in the stomach and let me fall. I started laughing holding my sides. I sat up straight and rested my arms on my knees.
"Is it V? Are ya mad because she wont go with ya?" I said and snickered as he glared at me. I saw him clench his fists as I smiled.
"Ya cant always get what you want ya know...I see you get all your toys with money but ya cant buy her...like I say...it not about the money. Its about sending a message...And the thing is she is the only one that actually listens to me." I said as I saw him storm up to me and pick me up by the collar. "Where did you set the bombs?" He growled at me as I looked up in thought.
"She is a criminal...you might not be as lucky with her like ya were with CatWoman. And she is basically me in a female body. That means if we were gay we would secretly date hehehe....She is so like me isn't she? Just as broken and sick...ya just don't see it." I said as he slammed me against the wall.
"Shut Up!" He said slamming me against the wall again then on the floor. I grunted again laughing between breaths as I saw him pace around the room.
"She kinda likes ya though...its just your to uh...good for her." I said and he turned to me as I rested my hands on my stomach and I chuckled again wincing slightly.
"But its kinda obvious who she will choose between you and me. You lost the last girl because of me...are ya gonna loose this one too." I said laughing again.
Last thing I saw was him charging at me and then everything went dark. Darkness...how funny. Why? I don't know...I find everything funny...because its easier.
"What do you mean he wont wake up?" I asked Gordon as calmly as could be. I could tell he was feeling the fury I had within because he shifted under my gaze.
"Batman got him alone in the asylum...I think Joker got to him because he beat him up real bad." He said getting trapped in my glare. "Why was Batman sent in?" I asked. "Because Joker placed 5 bombs around the city and we want to find out where they were."
"Isn't Batman suppose to be good? Joker is classified crazy...he is sick. If a autism child implanted bombs everywhere would you send batman in to beat the answers out of them?
They have mental issues I don't care if it is the Joker or not! That is no reason to beat the living asylum-lights out of him! I mean Batman has no right to beat anybody.
Especially the joker we know he wont say anything but mess with your heads." I said calmly but I swear if I stared at gordon for a second longer he would explode.
"I am sorry Miss V-" he started and got trapped in my glare again.
"No...Batman isn't a classified cop or specialist in interrogation. He can not be left in to beat the joker knowing that he is probably unstable himself. For anything Joker might know him better than you do and thats not good."
I said as Gordon tried to look away but couldn't. "What happens if The Joker sets 5 bombs around the city...and Batman tries to beat the answers out of him. What if Joker gets into a coma looses his memory or dies. Not only will it lead us to a dead end but we will loose many many lives not just because of joker but because of him. Make sure Batman gets threw the training like all the other cops and shows who he is or He becomes a classified villain." I said and I saw him straighten up.
"Miss V, Batman has helped us many times and-" He started and I raised my Hand. "I am so sorry commissioner but so did Harvey Dent. It just took him a tragedy and alone time with joker for him to become dangerous and nearly kill your family." I said and I saw him slump down in defeat.
"Batman I can tell he already has that tragedy...I don't want him to have alone time with joker. He can become a villain that knows to much of the GCPD and its ways. He can help as long as he isn't as violent. He has the same rules as the rest." I said and He nodded now giving up on trying to get away from my eye contact.
"Yes Miss V" He said as I sighed and pressed my lips into a firm line. "Id like to see the condition of The Joker...I know It isn't my department but According to my companies history I am very good in Psychology and in self defense incase he wakes up." I said resting my hands on my hips.
"I am sure I could take something out of him." I sighed wanting to see Joker desperately. "Yes Miss V..." He said and started walking away but I stopped him.
"And if you see Batman...tell him that I shall speak with you two at once." I said and he nodded.
I talked with Dr.Sams a bit convincing him of my knowledge in Psychology so he would let me in.
"That is very true I always told The Commissioner to not let Batman do that but he never listened." He said and I crossed my arms. "Yes indeed. Do you have any news on The Joker?" I asked and he nodded.
"Actually Batman demanded that he speak to him once he woke up but now that I see your concern is as mines I shall not let him. Joker woke up a hour ago. He just stares at the camera but hasn't moved a inch. The only thing that does is his eyes." He said and I nodded.
"Do you think I could get him in a room...I will try as much as I can to get something." I said and he nodded. "Yes I will have his nurse get you ready." He said and I nodded.
"I can go alone...Ive been alone with him before."
I said not giving to many details to the guards. "Miss V he is very dangerous and there are no cameras or recorders in there to let us know if something happens." He said with concern.
"Jimmy is it? Yes I trained you remember? 7 of you guys tackled me down or at least tried...if I can handle 7 of you I can handle a joker...I have before." I said as concern went threw his face as I took my hand off his shoulder.
"Just knock on the door twice if you need help." He said and I nodded as they opened the door for me and a chuckle was heard. "Well well well...if it isnt Gotham City's Mayor...come to visit little ol' me?" I heard and took a breath in and smiled at the guard.
I didn't know why I was nervous...I just was. The guard smiled back at me as I closed the door and looked at Joker stand on the other room facing away from me. I heard all the electric locks seal the door.
I took a few steps leaving my sack by the door.
"Hello Joker" I said calmly as he turned around limping softly. "Why hello beautiful..." He said eyeing me up and down. I made a confused/amused face at him as I walked closer to him.
"Last time I checked the mayor was a old scared sack." He said and Chuckled. "I just have to say I like the new one already." He said smiling at me stretching out his scars. Whats up with him?
"You are beautiful... Way better than that old sack of gray hairs." He started and my mind started to panic. "What made you dare step before me?" He sang as a sudden thought came to my mind.
"Takes a lot of guts for a pretty lady like you to stand before a monster like me huh? Well, lets just say that they end up regretting it. Lets see how you end up." He taunted and my throat started getting dry.
"Well Joker...Uhm...I am sure our past deals answer that question." I said and he chewed his scars and chuckled.
"I don't uh...remember any." He said and my stomach dropped and my heart stopped. I laughed a bit walking towards him as he stepped back from my lack of fear.
"Don't you remember me Joker?" I asked, my voice a bit desperate.
The Desolate Era
Fate had never been kind to Ji Ning. Wracked by illnesses and infirm his entire life on Earth, Ji Ning knew early on that he would die as a teenager. What he didn’t know was that there really was such a thing as life after death and that the multiverse was a far larger place than he thought.A lucky twist of fate meant that Ji Ning was reborn into a world of Immortals and monsters, of Ki Refiners and powerful Fiendgods, a world where Dynasties lasted for millions of years. A world which is both greater… and yet also smaller… than he ever could imagine. He would have the opportunity to join them, and in this life, Ji Ning swore to himself, he would never let himself be weak again! The Era he was born into was a Desolate one, but Ji Ning would make it his era.
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CerberuS Awakening [Hiatus]
I am someone who started living his life at the age of twenty-four. Before that I was just a walking corpse, moving on instinct, living without a purpose. Fortunately, I met them and my life changed forever. From black and white, new colors started filling my world like mushrooms after rain. But, you see, destiny is a mysterious force. Soon my life changed again, and this is a change that no one under the heaven could have anticipated. Still, I am not afraid. I am not alone anymore. So, go ahead Destiny! Give me your best shot!......................... Hey, guys... This fiction is a reinterpretation of all those "transported to a different world" fictions out there. I really hope you are going to enjoy it! Just to mention a few things right now : - 2-3 chapter a week although there might be more if I have time - No harem - The story is kinda slow and the characters are not OP in the slightest, at least in the beginning Without further ado, please enjoy!
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I am succubus' favorite food
Arseny's father is considered a monster by all who know him, but no one knows that his greatest achievement was to impregnate a succubus that caused Arseny to have a genetic inheritance that will lead him to be persecuted by everyone in the demon world "Arseny make a contract with us. We will give you the greatest pleasure of all, as well as the protection and guidance of all succubus"
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Goblin's Evolution
Daichi is a goblin, and he was chosen as a hunter with a cute female goblin named Emiko. Daichi will have to fight for his life in a world filled with magic and monsters.
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Nine Circles
Bringing us to Now, in the Fifth Circle, land of Game and Lumber under the Sign of the plentiful Tree, two brothers find themselves embroiled in the games of Birds and Men. They have come to celebrate the Red Harvest, the Last Day before the Winter, when the sky burns red and the night grows longest. Tolan and Vir, Woodsmen from the Wolf Hair Mountains, have come to gather with friends and family upon this night. However, a strange and powerful storm keeps them in town for days, as spirits grow restless and Talk of evil things comes to pass. Later, when the storm subsides, the two brothers venture forth to find their way home and discover something else. There the woods, by the path they travel, they find a pale beautiful woman, in a strange dress, cast down in a ditch. This is Althea, Granddaughter to Malic of the Demons House of Fire, promised bride the current Head of the Demons House of Salmon, Red Fish. And trouble for the Nine. Her abduction has set forth into motion, a feud between the Demonic Houses, which even now threatens to spill into the Nine Circles proper and bring about a new age of darkness. Tolan and Vir must set out to return Althea to her people to prevent war, but not all are so simple. For there are those who stand to profit from such ill fortunes, Both Below the Earth and Above it. And they will tolerate no disruption of their plans, even to the extent of death.
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Kingdom's And Armies
Summon into a different world. Declared as a hero to rescue the fate of the world from destruction.The hero finally defeats a violent, powerful enemy. Who dare to endanger the world. A boy who did his best to overcome any situation. To bring Safety and Peace for everyone. Now, finally returning back to give the news to a Ruler of the kingdom. Expecting a handsome reward. And to be with the girl that he deeply loves. But things turn unexpectedly and for the worse. When the ruler of the Kingdom and his friends and the girl he loves betray him. Declared as a threat to society. After the betrayal and being eliminated by the Rulers Knights. He wakes up in an unknown and a different fantasy world. And notice that he isn't a hero anymore. But a General now. That is, able to Spawn an Army and build a powerful military according to his rank. The more he levels up. The more soldiers increases. And the more he ranks up. He unlocks more soldiers from a different Era. From his own world. How would he use his new founded abilities for? For Good or for bad?
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