《What A Clown...》31] Are Ya In Or No?
"Happy 4th of July..." He said giggling as we looked at the colorful fire burst up from the building. I was to amazed at the rainbow flames to look away.
"How the hell did you manage to make pink fire?" I asked in awe and curiosity as I stared at the burning building crack and collapse. "I have my ways..."
I looked at it with a smile as the fire department came and started hosing it down. As soon as the water hit the building it sizzled and exploded.
I let out a laugh and my smile grew as They scrambled around in panic. This is priceless. "Best 4th Of July...even though we're in November." I said smiling and turning to him.
"Your the first one to not cry or try to hit me or run away...." He said leaning on the light pole.
"How many girls have you taken before and in what condition?" I asked a bit amused.
"Well I kidnapped them all for some Ideas to get Batman and uh, Id show them this and ya know the rest." He said smiling at me. "Why on earth would one want to run away from you with your good nature and friendly ways?" I asked him as he crossed his arms and glaring at me.
"You offend me, doll." He said and I grinned and looked back at the building. "You offend me by calling me doll..." I said and smirked as I saw the building explode and throw the people away.
"This is amazing..." I muttered as I saw the firemen start to throw foam at the fire. "You know some of those fire men are hot..." I said looking at Joker as He glared at the fire.
He chewed on his cheek and back at me as I laughed again. "Literally...you can see they are fire men and are in a smoking situation because of you." I said as I looked at the fire that started to go down.
"Okay V lets get outta here." He said looking at the fire. I turned around and followed him as we pulled up our collars and walked towards the car.
"You have exactly 1 minute and 10 seconds to tell me what is wrong!" I yelled at one of my guys called Tim. "I-i-i....I lost the product-I was Walking around and then they came a-and jumped me-" he said with fear haunting his eyes.
"17 seconds- Are you lying to me? I showed all of you guys how to fight off seven people at once and they jumped you stealing three biology books full of Drugs? Do you think I am Stupid? I have these drugs well hidden!"
"Now you have 53 seconds to tell me what happened to my stuff and why I don't have the money." I said backing him up into the wall.
He hit the wall with his back and looked at the 3 feet of air separating us. "46 seconds" I rasped out as he made the mistake to look me in the eye.
"I-i used it-But I wont do it again I will pay you back I-" He said as I took a step lessening the space between us. He stopped talking. He couldn't look away from my gaze even though I could see he desperately wanted to.
"10 seconds" I said lowly as I took out my blade and slipped it open. He saw it from the corner of his eyes but couldn't look away from me. "5-4" I started saying lessening the space more and more as he started panicking."3"
I placed my hand on his throat and his hands shot up to my wrist and tried to pry them off as the blade went to his waist. "2" I said holding him against the wall as he started turning red then purple.
I dragged the blade up and down at his waist doing my signature death wound as I flipped the blade out along with a organ.He gasped still not taking away his eyes from me.
"Take this as a warning...to listen to me next time." I said as stabbed the blade in his throat then out. I took my hand away from his throat as his eyes lost light and he slipped down the wall to my feet.
I watched as the blood gushed out and slow down as his heart stopped. I had a smile hanging on my lips and it fell off as I turned around.
"Don't use the product if you cant pay me...I wont be as easy to you like I was to tim...You will have a Free Ticket to my chamber." I said turning around to look at the frozen still men.
Their eyes glued to the guy as they nodded and I walked towards them wiping my bloody gloves.
"Get rid of him and I trust all of you did your chores? If not then It wont be pretty. You Boys Understand?" I said looking at all of them. They never looked straight at me...they looked at the floor and nodded.
"Yes Sir" They chanted and filled out. They dragged the body away and left. I sighed rubbing my eyes as I started hearing clapping.
I heard chuckling as the clapping continued.I looked up confused and searched the room.
I saw him sprawled across a couch clapping as I shook my head and walked over to him. I towered over him and placed my hands on my hips pushing my jacket back.
He leaned back looking up at me with a blood red smile on his face. "What are you doing here?" I asked him as he put his hands behind his head.
"You remind me of someone...I just dont know who." He said squinting his eyes at me.
"You are really something. Usually female villains have men but the guys mess around with them or something. Your boys fear you as much as mines fear me...and thats something." He said eyeing me up and down.
"I don't let the fact that I am Woman make me any less terrorizing than a Male." I said looking at him. Victory get back in there. I looked at him bitting my lip shut.
"Can I ask You something?" I asked as he raised a curious eyebrow at me.
"Only if you play with me..." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Sure" I said and he nodded. I hesitated to ask him but asked anyways.
"Are the stories that you tell the people about your scars true?" I asked and I saw the amusement in his eyes fade.
"Because I hear you say like so many different ones when your drunk...one with a job another with a wife and another with your da-" I said and he cleared his throat.
"Thats kinda a touchy subject for me Toots." He said running his hand threw his greasy hair. "Its fine if you don't tell me. I don't remember how I got mines very well." I said as he looked up at me again with interest.
"All I remember is when I was about twelve or so...they had taken me from New York to get some drugs for my dad. It was expensive crap and had to be hidden well so they cut me open and used me to transfer drugs. Thats how I got the scar right here." I said lifting my shirt showing the messy V on my waist.
"All I remember was that the guy that took the drugs out of me had taken them out of a boy a few years older than me. He cut him to much along with a few organs. I got really mad at that and went at him kicking and stabbing him when he pushed me down and dragged a blade down my face to my chest. Thats when I had it and cut him up to little pieces." I said smiling at the blurry image.
I looked down at him as he had empathy in his eyes with a lot of anger but he had a amused smile. "How old was the man that uh, cut you?" He said cautiously.
"He was in his mid thirties I think...after that A few dealers brought me in after they saw what I did to the guy. They made a deal with me taught me how to fight and everything. I dealt and sold drugs then steal stuff...since I was young enough to not looked like a huge dealer but still big and strong enough to be one." I said
I stood there for a bit remembering how I ended up like this. So much just summed up in a few minutes. How funny. "How come ya never uh...went back home?" He asked and I laughed.
"I did actually. With the money I had I would pay half the rent and buy stuff for my mom and my friend. My dad cut my moms throat open I think. He was a sick bastard that never did anything. After I got the scars I was forced back with him for my moms sake. But one day I got locked up in my room heard screams and never saw her again. I was going to stay with him only till I finished school but I killed him a month before prom. And since at school I was a freak after I got the scars I hated it there."
I saw him nodd and look down at his hands. I had a feeling he knew what I felt. I mean...something had to happen to him so he ended up like this. I know it happened to me. "People were mean to me all the time and thats when my bloodlust started. Killing everyone that I hated." I said and he looked up with a smile.
"Well except this kid that I knew. We would talk for hours at the bleachers. I told him what I did to my dad and that I was going to leave. We were friends because I guess we both had problems. I knew he had scars and bruises too...but we never actually saw each others face. And if we did I don't remember." I said.
His eyes widened a bit as he looked at me then down again. He ran his hand threw his hair as I tilted my head. "What happened?" I asked and he just chuckled and cleared his throat. "What school did you go to?" He asked and I searched threw my mind.
"After I started working with the drugs I came back to finish school. Its the one here Gotham High...thats why I do funding there." I said and he nodded looking at the floor.
"One day we decided to sign up for the army and we never saw each other again after we graduated. By then I had stopped stealing and had started BloodSyn...I went to ops with my security business behind and thats how I got my weapons and training from. I never saw him before though, i thought I heard about him at ops that he killed a few people. but I wasn't sure." I said.
"Do ya remember that kids name?"
"I cant actually remember...at Ops something happened to me in a Mission I had been in and I lost my memory and I went a bit coo coo..I just remember little bits of my past." I said as realization crossed his face.
I stood there for a long time and then he sat up straight.
"Well uh, I got the scars when I was twelve too from my dad...after I left him and went to the army too." He started rubbing his neck.
"Hehe...I was called scarface by one of the guys there and I went full blown joker on a lot of them so I left. When I came back I had a wife and was gonna have a kid and needed money." He said. I didn't know he had been...
"Thats when I had to lead these guys threw a place I use to work at but she died before that hehehe...I was forced to do the job and we almost got caught." He said as I slowly sat next to him.
"They god mad...so they sliced the side of my mouth." He said and smiled a bit laughing lightly. He held his hair and shook his head as he laughed again.
"They told me to go as she did and smile. They cut one side of my face and left. I didn't want them to see me go down so I did the other side tracing over the old ones. I went back to them laughing and smiling." He said chuckling.
"I saw the funny side of things. They didn't want to go smiling...but they sure did. Thats when I first met Bats...and the rest is on the news." He said.
I nodded as we both smiled to our pasts. Those sick tragedies that made us what we are today. If only we could re live it...I doubt we would change it.
"Were did you get the idea to dress like a clown?" I asked a bit amused. He smiled again and sat up.
"When I was in high school before I left I had a uh, friend. She drew a mask like the one I have. She made the suit my favorite colors. I told her to make a few things to the suit to make it a clown affect." He said looking to me as I nodded.
"I use to call her My Young Beauty...since she was always saying she was fat and ugly but she wasn't." He sighed and I smiled as I remembered the kid at my school. "Its funny she saw the Willy Wonka thing just like ya."
"Thats funny..." I said smiling as I laid across the arm of the chair. "Wanna hear a joke?" He said and I nodded. I guess to lighten up the mood.
"There were 2 guys trying to escape from a asylum. There on the top of the roof and were going to jump from the Asylums roof to the next building." He said looking down at his hands and clenching them up.
"The First guy jumps across with no problem right? Then he tells the next one to jump over but the guy refuses." He said sitting up straight and looking down with a smile.
"So then the first one tells the other one. 'I know...Ill get my flashlight and shine it across the building, then you walk over the beam." He said and I sat up straight pulling my knees up to my chest.
"Thats stupid-" I started and he put his gloved hand up to my face to shut me up. "So the guy then says-'What do you think I am crazy?" He said and giggled to him self taking his hand away from my face.
"You would turn it off when Im half way there!" He said and burst out laughing and I rolled my eyes and laughed too. When he calmed down I grabbed his arm to get his attention. "My turn" I said and he glanced at me."okay go ahead..."
"One day a father come home from work and his oldest daughter walks up to him.
-Dad I have to tell you something...Im lesbian
The dad of corse is sad at this but lets it go. The day passes by when he is at home watching T.V and his second oldest daughter comes up and tells him.
-Dad I am Lesbian too."
By this I am facing him and he is leaning his head on his hand and looking at me as I continue.
"Later that day he sits at his Dinner table and his youngest daughter tells him too something. -Dad I am too Lesbian
The dad by now is furious and stands up slamming his hands on the table and looks at his three daughters." I said smiling slightly.
"-Isn't there anybody in this house that likes men?
-I do dad I like Men" I said with enthusiasm
"-Shut it Michael you're not part of this!"
We burst out laughing at the Joke and he threw himself back laughing. After a few minutes the laughter calmed down and he stared at the ceiling.
"Never Heard that one before...I thought he was going to be gay and his husband was going to come out and ask what was wrong." He said and I laughed again.
"You're funny V...Harley's Jokes were terrible and stupid..." He said and I looked at him. "They were like fucking 'why did the chicken cross the road?' 'To get to the other side'" he said and I laughed.
"How did the baby cross the road?" I asked and he looked at me and shrugged. "It was stapled to the chicken." I snickered and he burst out laughing. "See? Harley was a horrible jester." He grimaced.
"Why do you keep comparing to people?" I said crossing my arms. "Because your better And I need you to know it." He said
"Now what do you want?" I yelled at my door. "Open up!" He yelled and I threw my door open and stormed down. I saw him looking at some henchmen holding chains. "What do you want J-"
I saw a henchmen yell shut up and barking. A Rottweiler jumped at him and started attacking his face. Joker yelled at the dogs and they stopped. "Give me the chains you Idiots." He said taking the 3 chains.
The dogs kept going at the henchmen that winced every time they barked. "What are these?" I asked walking up to him and he turned around. "These are my dogs...these guys found them and they need a yard. Don't get too close they hate everyone except me." He said as the dogs looked at me.
The dogs stopped barking and looked at me. I walked up to the dogs and looked at them. They looked between me and Joker then sniffed my shoes. Then they looked back up at me and started jumping.
"They look nice..." I said getting closer as one liked my hand. "Well they aren't suppose to be." He said as the dogs pulled on the chain and freed them selves from Jokers Grasp.
"Ah!" I yelled as the dogs jumped me and started licking my face. "Stop it!" I yelled and the licking stopped. I opened my eyes and saw them sitting in a straight line at me like guard dogs.
He gave me a hand an lift me up as we looked down at the dogs. "They probably see you as my equal..." He said as the dogs looked up at me. "Do you think they will listen to me?" I asked as a guy that worked for me came.
"Mr.V I-" The guy started walking towards me and the dogs snapped there heads at him. They showed their teeth and started growling at him. He had a paper in his hand and stretched it out.
"Don't touch her..." Joker said to him as the guy handed me the paper with his eyes on the dog. The dogs looked at his hand as soon as his hand slipped by mine they went at him.
We saw him run away as the dogs tackled him down and started shredding him to pieces. "I love these dogs...they can stay as long as they want. I don't want them chained up...no dog should have a chain." I said
"They wouldn't have done that if he wouldn't have touched you." He said putting his arm around my shoulder. We looked down at the paper fax and read threw it.
"Voting starts tomorrow...How can I win some people over?" I said looking at him as he was only a inch away from my face. "You can win me over then I can tell all my men to go vote for you. That would win you about 200 or so." He said and I smiled.
He looked at me smirking as I rolled my eyes at him. "Now how on earth can I win you over?" I said kissing his scars and he closed his eyes a bit. "I don't know but it is really hard to do so." He said as I grabbed his face and kissed his lips savoring the taste as much as I could.
I rubbed my thumbs against his scars as he started taking steps back with his hands at my waist. He hit against the wall as i trailed down his neck and let out a groan.
I grabbed his wrist and pinned them against his head kissing his lips again and the. Backing away. "Im not a slut I'm not doing this for votes." I said to him with a smirk on my face.
"No but its for the good of my jesters, I took a cold shower in the morning when I left I don't want another." He said flipping us over so he pinned me to the wall. He crash his lips on mine with desperation and I let him.
Then I heard a ring echo threw the house. I opened my eyes and looked at the blurry glass with a shadow next to it. "Jack there is someone at the door." I muttered threw the kiss.
"The doors closed and lock its fine." He said grabbing my legs and pulling me up on him. I let out a yelp and he slammed me against the wall again and I grabbed his neck.
"I need to open the door-" I said letting a small moan as he opened the room to the door and slammed it shut. He carried me to the bed and threw me down on it and looked at me. "Why don't you open something else for someone else?"
"Hello?" I croaked answering the phone throwing myself on the couch lying on top of Jack. "Hey V...I came by your house last night to see if you wanted to go to a last minute party but I guess you weren't home." Bruce said as I winced and looked up at Jack.
"Yeah I was busy-" I said and Jack laughed looking down at me. "Yeah with me doin-" He said and I slammed my hand over his mouth.
"Who was that?" Bruce asked his voice stone cold. I glared at jack as he snickered and looked down with a sigh.
"That was J...we went to one of his big fights last night." I said looking up at Jack as he smiled at me. I felt his scars move under my hand and I smiled.
"The trophy came home too me. Sure was a big fight has me all warn out." Jack said and I pressed my hand over his again. I made a gesture for to him to shut it and he shook his head no.
I started tracing his scars again to see if that would tame him and shut him up. I smiled as I saw him calm down as I heard Bruce clear his throat.
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