《Best Friends With The Bad Boy ✓》23 - Queen Bee (PART I)
I stared at the foggy mirror in the girl's toilet, observing my reflection. Hazel eyes started coldly back at me, on a heart shaped face with soft features. My thin, shapely eyebrows were slightly furrowed. My glossy pink lips were turned downwards. My button nose wrinkled. I relaxed my facial muscles to hide the agitation I felt, observing the rest of me. Dark caramel hair in glossy curls flowed down my back. I pushed a stray hair behind my ear, my studded earlobe catching the light.
My volleyball uniform, consisting of a pale blue and white stripped tank top and the school's logo boldly printed and short skort hugged my body perfectly, my skort drawing attention to my toned legs, with plain white sneakers finishing off the outfit.
All this beauty, yet Brock never gave me a second glance.
A toilet flushing interrupted my thoughts, and I turned to see one of my teammates and closest friends coming out off a stall dressed in the same uniform as me. Alyssa Reed. She was one of the only people I could tolerate.
Alyssa was stunning, with her golden brown skin and delicate features, her kinky hair always slicked into a perfect top knot bun. She gave me a weird look as she went to wash her hands, briefly glancing into the mirror.
"What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" Alyssa asked, applying a layer of lip-gloss. I shook my head.
"Don't worry." I replied shortly, copying her and applying pink lip-gloss, even though my lips were shiny enough. She shot me a look.
"Thinking about Brock again?" She asked knowingly. I didn't reply. We both knew the answer.
Instead, I asked about Tobi's whereabouts as we left the toilet and started walking down the empty hallway. At first I was suspicious when Tobi suddenly decided to befriend me at the beginning of the year, as we hadn't been exactly best friends previously. However, she was nice enough company and helped tutor me in Maths, so I didn't mind. I guessed she had enough hanging around the likes of Maisie and Chloe Woods.
Ugh, Chloe Woods. That girl bothered me the way no one else could, and she didn't even do anything! With her classic blonde hair and blue eyes paired with pretty features and a funny personality that attracted guys like flies, she was my main competition when it came to Brock. I was aware of how close they were, with them going back as far as middle school, and it bothered me a great deal. I couldn't decipher her feelings towards him, but I was well aware of her dislike towards me.
It wasn't unwarranted, I could admit I wasn't the nicest to her in the past or present, but her not being fond of me could affect Brock and I's progressing relationship. Well, to me it was a progression relationship, to him... I had no clue.
Sometimes he acted like he couldn't get enough of my presence, but other times it was like he was allergic to being around me. This hot and cold act was exhausting to keep up with, and I didn't know how to make things move forward.
"Tobi said she'll meet us at the library," Alyssa's soft voice brought me back to the present. "Said she didn't want to be late to class."
I frowned. "Late? We have a free period."
Alyssa chuckled. "I know. She can be such a nerd sometimes." I nodded in agreement with a small smirk, but Brock invaded my thought again and I couldn't help but frown.
"Hey," Alyssa demanded my attention. "Stop frowning over that guy. Firstly, you'll get wrinkles. Secondly, he definitely likes you back so I'm not sure why you're stressing."
I shot her an unimpressed look. "And how would you know how he feels towards me?"
She shot me a wide smile, showcasing two dimples. "I see the way he looks at you, girl."
"And how is that?"
"Hm, a mix between wanting to strangle you and kiss you silly." I couldn't help but blush at her words, shoving her when she snorted at my expression.
"You really do like him, huh." Alyssa observed as we turned a corner. "I've never seen you blush over a guy. I distinctly remember you saying in middle school blushing is something you would never allow yourself to do as it's a form of weakness which others can prey on."
I laughed slightly. "Yes, and I'm still correct. I wasn't blushing though, it's just my allergies. Don't be silly." Alyssa nodded sarcastically.
"Anyway, I'm a professional when it comes to love, so take my word for it and stop sulking." I laughed scathingly at that.
"How are you qualified?" I humoured her. She shot me a deadpan look.
"I've been in a relationship with the best guy ever for over half a year, Taylor. I know what I'm talking about."
I hummed. "Oh yeah, Wyatt Daniels right?" She nodded, a genuine smile overtaking her face.
"Yeah, he's great, and so hot." Alyssa gushed. I rolled my eyes.
"He has nothing on Brock." I joked, partly serious.
"Anyway, you know he's best friends with someone who goes Garret Academy, right?" I reminded her. She made a face.
"And why does that matter?" She asked her voice dropping to a whisper as we entered the school library. I didn't answer immediately, looking around for Tobi. I spotted her in the far corner at a desk with books spread all over it.
I lead the way with Alyssa following me. "Because they're our rival school Alyssa, our biggest competition, duh."
"Well, it's not like he actually goes there, or else I wouldn't date him." Alyssa defended, gracefully sitting at the desk and dropping her back next to her. "Have some respect for me."
I shrugged, sitting opposite her and next to Tobi. "Just making sure you're aware. What's his best friends name again?"
Tobi looked up, as if just realising we were there. "Who?" She asked, pushing braids out of her face.
"Wyatt Daniels, his best friend." I answered impatiently. I hated when I forgot stuff.
"Oh," Tobi sat up straighter. "Aiden Carter."
"That's it!" I exclaimed, snapping my fingers and gaining a dirty look from the librarian. Unfazed, I turned to Alyssa.
"You know apparently Elijah's good friends with him." I informed her, disgust evident in my tone. She made a face.
"What? I don't know how he can stand to hang around them; most of them are a bunch of snobby rich kids to be honest." Alyssa tutted. Tobi rolled her eyes.
"If you guys are just going to gossip this whole period, then move tables." Tobi told us sternly. I raised my hands in surrender, bringing out a random book and opening it. Alyssa did the same. It was quiet for at least five minutes, before Alyssa broke the silence like I predicted she would. That girl could never shut up.
"How are you feeling about today's match?" She asked me, her brown eyes watching me closely. Tobi shot her a deathly glare, which didn't seem to have much effect on Alyssa.
"Just wear your earphones if me asking a valid question to our volleyball co-captain bothers you that much." Alyssa dismissed. I bit back a smirk as Tobi rolled her eyes but brought out her earphones. She really needed more of a backbone.
"I feel ready to annihilate them." I answered Alyssa's question with a smug smile. Her expression mirrored mine.
"Right! Now Abisade and Sianto have stopped playing we can beat them easier." She responded and I nodded in agreement. They were seriously good players.
"Apparently Sianto and Aiden Carter have a thing." Alyssa told me conspiratorially. My eyebrows raised in surprise.
"How do you know?"
"Wyatt mentioned it when we were hanging out the other day," She shrugged, glancing at her nails. They needed to get done. "They seem cute together."
I pictured the blonde haired jock and pretty green-eyed mixed race girl together in my mind and shrugged in agreement. They would make a nice pair.
Alyssa making an irritated noise caught my attention. She nodded towards the entrance when she saw me looking at her. "Guess who just came in."
I looked behind me, rolling my eyes when I saw Chloe with Elijah and others. I was happy to see Brock wasn't with them; I wasn't ready to face him yet without a game plan.
"Tobi, do you think Chloe likes Brock romantically?" I asked Tobi quietly. She glanced up at me, taking an ear bud out and shrugged.
"No clue."
"Surely you should have an idea though; you were close friends for years." Alyssa pressed. Tobi's blank expression didn't change.
"I honestly don't know, guys. But if she did, what would you do?" Tobi asked. I smirked slightly.
"Eliminate the competition of course." I responded with a hair flip, high-fiving an agreeing Alyssa. Tobi just went back to reading, seemingly unimpressed.
"Anyway, I have English next period with Brock. Since we'll be working on our English projects I'll be with him for the whole double period." I sighed happily at the thought, but composed myself quickly when Alyssa gave me a funny look.
"Anyway, I need a plan to get him to start liking me romantically. This hot and cold game has been going on for too long and is starting to wear me out." I informed Alyssa. She thought for a moment.
"Just manipulate him into liking you, of course." She responded. I nodded, thinking about it when Tobi shot both of us an incredulous look.
"Um, no. That's sociopathic, Alyssa." She exclaimed and Alyssa waved her off.
"Is that what you did with Wyatt?" I asked, intrigued. She shot me a cheeky grin.
"Along the lines," She started. "But manipulation would be a strong word for it." She corrected when Tobi stared at her, appalled. Tobi turned to me.
"Look, he's already attracted to you," She started and I shook my head, cutting her off.
"I disagree; he would have made some type of advancement on me then. Like touch me up or something." I informed her and Tobi shook her head.
"You're only saying that because the perverts you've dated in the past did that. That isn't normal behaviour, Taylor. It's all in the eyes and body language. Whenever you talk, Brock gives you his full attention. He can barely take his eyes off you when you enter a room he's in. Even though he acts like he hates you, whenever you come close to him he doesn't back away immediately, because he likes being in close proximity with you. Trust me, the attraction is there." Tobi finished.
I was shocked at her observations and when I looked at Alyssa, she seemed to feel the same.
"I knew there was a reason I kept you around," I told Tobi fondly. "So, if the attraction is there how do I build on it?"
She raised an eyebrow, as if surprised I didn't know. "Simple. Develop an actual friendship with him first. Lust can make a relationship, but not a substantial one. You need to be friends first and then take it from there."
I nodded slowly, processing the information. She was right. The only advantage Chloe had over me with Brock was their close friendship. If we gained that closeness he would definitely like me back.
Satisfied, I shot Tobi a small smile. "Cool, gracias Tobi." She nodded, returning back to her work. I then turned to Alyssa, who was scrolling through her phone.
"Lyssa, I need to you find out information about him, anything you can. His likes, dislikes, any ex girlfriends, how he likes his eggs, everything." I told her seriously. She matched my seriousness.
"On it, I'll have info by tomorrow, Tay." As she said that, the bell rang, signalling the end of the period. I hurriedly packed the one book I'd brought out, eager to get to English and see Brock.
I brought out the large circular mirror I always had with me, checking for anything on my face. When I was satisfied I applied my lip gloss again, the shine making me smile. I quickly ran a brush through my curls, smoothing down the top of my head and lastly spritzed myself with my Victoria Secret perfume. Once I was done I packed my things and turned to Alyssa who was waiting patiently.
"How do I look?" I asked, doing a little twirl.
"Like you're about to get yourself a man." She teased, causing me to crack a smile. I shouldered my handbag and we exited the library together.
"Text me when you leave fourth period." I told her as we parted ways. She nodded, waving goodbye before going to her own class. Due to the match we could leave school early, so English was the last subject I had for the day.
I was aware that I was a couple of minutes late to class but I couldn't bring myself to care as I walked down the empty corridor at a leisurely pace. When I reached the classroom I took a deep breath to prepare myself before entering. Immediately I felt twenty one pairs of eyes on me, which I ignored as I turned to Mrs Valencia.
"Sorry I'm late Miss." I apologised sweetly, not bothering to offer an explanation.
She shot me a smile. "No worries, Taylor, just please be on time for the next lesson." I nodded and walked towards my seat, ignoring Marissa's groan of displeasure.
"Hey cuz." I greeted as I sat down next to her. She rolled her eyes but didn't give me a response. I couldn't help but smirk slightly.
"Damn and they call me the rude one." I mumbled to myself, and the dirty glare she sent my way indicated she heard me, causing me to giggle softly.
"Do you enjoy causing me immense irritation?" Melissa hissed quietly to me as Mrs Valencia started teaching.
"Yes." I replied seriously. Melissa simply glared at me and turned away. I wasn't lying though, I loved pushing her buttons. It was so amusing that any little thing I did could tip her over the edge.
"Alright guys, please get into your pairs so you can start working on your project." Mrs Valencia announced after a couple minutes. Melissa, being the drama queen she was, nosily packed her things and practically sprinted away from me to the other side of the classroom. I couldn't help but laugh loudly, blowing her a kiss when she glared at me from her new seat and turned to her partner, most likely to insult me. Not that I cared.
I could feel Brock's gaze on me from the other side of the classroom as I inspected my nails, but I made no move to look at him. I wanted him to come to me, which I knew ticked him off.
Suddenly, Tobi's voice sounded in my head. Develop an actual friendship with him first. I sighed; annoying him wouldn't be the best way to do so, would it?
After coming to a decision, I leisurely packed my things and started walking towards him, maintaining eye-contact the whole time. I dropped into the seat next to him, and gave him the sweetest smile I could muster.
"This seat taken?" I asked lightly, digging through my bag for my English notebook.
"Well, by you." He replied dryly. I smiled slightly at that but quickly schooled my expression.
"So, how are you today?" I asked pleasantly, shifting in my seat to give him my full attention. He looked a bit taken aback; I couldn't tell if it was by my question or proximity.
"Um, alright, thanks." Brock responded unsurely. I couldn't hide my smile this time.
"Why do you look as if I asked for your PIN number?" I asked and titled my head slightly, amused. A small smile broke out on his gorgeous face as he shook his head slightly.
"I'm just a bit surprised; I didn't think you were the one for pleasantries." He replied amicably. I shrugged, turning in my seat so I faced forward.
"You learn something new every day, then." I stated, opening my pencil case and grabbing my favourite pen. It was bright pink with a couple feathers attached at the end. I opened my notebook and was about to write the date when Brock grabbed my pen.
"What's this meant to be?" He asked mockingly waving it around. I blinked at him slowly.
"So, it's called a pen. It was invented in the early 1800s, and it produces ink which we can use to write words. Do you know what words are?" I told him slowly and patiently. He shoved my shoulder slightly, with an irritated look on his face but I could see the amusement in his eyes.
"I know what a pen and words are, thanks smartass." He retorted and I smiled slightly. "I meant why is it so... fluffy?" Brock wrinkled his nose adorably.
I gently snatched the pen back. "Because it is, and that's a pretty offensive question, just so you know." I informed him, totally chatting through my ass.
Brock leaned forward slightly, with an amused and intrigued expression. "Is that so? Offensive to whom?" He humoured me. I shot him a bewildered look.
"The pens of course. And the pen owner." I said matter-of-factly, surprised when he let out a loud laugh that produced butterflies in my stomach.
"So pens have feelings?"
I glanced at him. "Of course not, don't be silly Brock."
Brock gaped at me. "But you just said-"
I bit back my laugh. "I know what I said," I interrupted. "It is offensive so ask about the fluffiness of a pen; it's like asking why circles are round or why paper is thin. Absolutely degrading and not okay in any situation."
Brock just stared at me for a good moment or two and I stared back evenly. My weird side was coming out which meant I really was interested in him.
"You're strange." Brock concluded, turning back to his notebook. My eyebrows furrowed.
"So having different opinions compared to the norm automatically classes you as strange?" I challenged and he turned to me, sighing in exasperation.
"Is there a reason you're being so... talkative today?" Brock asked. I shot him an innocent smile.
"Just means I'm getting more comfortable around you. You should be glad." I told him, which he smiled slightly at before returning to his notebook.
All the pairs had been assigned a text they had to read and then write an essay on, answering a specific question. We'd been assigned Jane Eyre, which I'd read before and thoroughly enjoyed. Over the weekend Brock and I had agreed to at least get halfway through the hefty novel.
"So, did you manage to finish the novel?" I asked Brock, resting my chin on my hands and turning toward him. I decided my position was starting to get uncomfortable, so moved my chair so it was on the opposite side of the desk and opposite him. Brock watched me do so with an inquisitive look, so I answered his unvoiced question.
"I moved so I could get a better view of your face." I told him, grinning when he rolled his eyes and ducked his head to hide his shy expression. I knew if he was a few shades lighter his face would be red.
"Stop playing, Taylor." Brock told me when he composed himself, running a hand over his waves. I shot him an innocent smile, leaning back in my seat.
"You didn't answer my question." I said. He frowned for a moment before nodding.
"Yeah, I actually finished it. I had nothing better to do." Brock responded, licking his lips. My attention was drawn to them immediately, but I snapped my gaze back to his eyes before he noticed.
"I finished it as well, so I guess that's our work for this lesson done." I shrugged, grinning slightly when he shook his head.
"No, we could identify the prominent themes-"
"Religion, family, gothic elements, social class and gender inequality." I interrupted, taking joy in his stunned expression. Brock quickly schooled himself.
"Okay, how about the type of novel it is?" He asked.
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8 248