《My Dads Best Friend》Chapter 14


"Are you sure I look fine?" I asked. Alexandria pick a yellow sundress with matching yellow sandals. She curled my hair. My lips were soft pink. The only make up I wear is lipstick. I prefer the natural look.

"Yes. When was the last time your cared how you looked?" She had her eyebrows raised at me.

"Is it bad that I care for once?" I asked her while picking up my iPhone and sliding it into a pocket that was on the dress.

"Ally. You look cute." She said bouncing my curls with her hand.


"Now go get in there." She said pointing at Starbucks.

"I'll wait until I see Alex."

"Call him. Maybe he forgot he's a boy after all."

"That doesn't mean he's forgetful." I narrowed my eyes at her.

"I'll call." She grabbed my phone and dialed his number.

"Hello?" Asked a girly voice. Alexandria looked at me with panicked eyes. Then she smiled.

"Hello. I would like to speak with Mr.Kobra."

"Who's this?"

"Just tell him it's about the latest project we've been working on." I gave her thumbs up. She was faking a British accent perfectly.

"Hold on please." We waited for a little while. She handed me the phone when Alex spoke. It was on speaker.

"Ally?" Alex whispered.

"Why aren't you at Starbucks? I told you we needed to discuss things."

"When did you tell me this Mrs.Clenfield?." Interesting name he came up with. Natasha must be near,listening to him.

"I texted you after the elevator."

"I don't remember getting a text."

'I told you boys are forgetful' Alexandria mouthed. I stuck out my tongue at her silly Alexandria.

"That's weird." I frowned. How did he not remember? Didn't Alex say someone had his phone..?

"Well. Do you still want me to meet you there?"

"Yes." I said a bit to quickly. Maybe he was mad at me.

"I'll you there."

"Whats wrong?" Alexandria asked me.

"Alex. Is being weird." I stated sighing at my phone.

"Its obvious why. He told you that he loved you and you did what? Nothing."

"Well. It's not my fault the elevator started working." I argued back.

"Maybe my faith doesn't want me to tell him. I love him also."

"Don't be ridiculous." Alexandria groaned giving me a disgusted look.

"Haha. Wow he got here quick."

"Your dad rescheduled the dinner of today for tomorrow." I nodded as she talked. I haven't seen my dad since I went to unpack in my room. Weird, or maybe he was with his second wife.

"Okay. So you and Alex go in there have a nice starbucks. Then go to the beach and well look at the stars." I laughed at her. Look at the stars? Thats something my dear cousin would say.


"Yeah. Well look at the stars. Classic romance." I said shaking my head. I just wanted to talk to him,really.

"Byee girly." She waving at me. I laughed and walked in to order a coffee before walking towards Alex.

"Why did you tell me last minute to come?" He asked me while he looked me up an down.

"I didn't tell you last minute I texted you after I got to my room." I said frowning. Then I felt stupid. I totally forgot when Alex mentioned Natasha had his phone.

"Remember when you said Natasha had your phone?" I asked slowly. Alex looked at me with a frown.

Then he started glaring at me." You texted me precisely when we got of the elevator?"

"Not precisely. Like maybe 5 minutes." I squeaked.

"You're so stupid sometimes." He said running a hand through his short brown hair.

"I know." I huffed taking a big sip of my coffee. My eyes followed a lady that just entered the store. She caught my attention. With a bright green scarf and she kept glancing over at us.

"Do you think she knows we're here?" I asked quietly for she had taken a seat next to us.

Alex glanced beside us he raised an eyebrow and I nodded.

"Meet me at the dock where all the boats are." I whispered.

"Well thanks Alex. I will take a look into that matter. It will be great for college." I said getting up and waving goodbye. I'm pretty sure the lady heard me. Maybe she was Natasha maybe she wasn't. You never can be to sure.

I made my way towards Alexis. She was still there sipping her own coffee. I don't remember her going in.

"Where did you get the coffee?"

"Drive through. This Starbucks has one great right? So how did it go?" She asked nudging me.

"Drive towards the east docks."

Alexandria gave me a confused look but she did as I said.

"Well we couldn't talk since Natasha was there. Well I think she was there." I frowned. Unless a random stranger was just eyeing us.

"Natasha? Ugh, what's here problem stalker much?"

"Well her fiancé is meeting another girl, she kinda has the right." I said guilt nagging me. I shouldn't be meeting Alex. Well we weren't doing anything bad.

"Ally don't feel bad. They aren't married yet." I hated what I was doing. It was technally cheating. Something someone did to my mom. Also know as my dad.

"Why the docks though?" She asked me.

"My dad has a boat there." I told her. Me and Alex can talk peacefully there.

Alexandria started randomly giggling then she started laughing really loud.

"Well the other day at the mall. I went to Victoria secret and got you something." She said. It's behind your seat she told me. I reached behind me and felt a bag and pulled on it. I gave Alexandria a weird look before gasping as I pulled out the lingerie inside.


"WHAT'S THIS FOR?" I asked her holding up pink and black matching lace underwear with a black bra that was showy and attractive. There was a hot pink silk bathrobe type thing.

"Oh. Well maybe you can seduce Alex when you tell him you love him. It'll be sexy and romantic." She said fake moaning. I slapped her across the head.

"Your dirty little." I said I wasn't cut off when a car parked next to us. A black range rover.

"Alex's here!" I said happily.

"Well if you need me call me." She said waving goodbye before she pulled out. I waved goodbye. Before going to meet Alex.

"Hey." He said shoving his hands in his pocket. I instally melted inside. Why was Alex so perfect?

"Hey." I replied. I was swinging my bag around. Alexandria shoved the undergarments inside before I left.

"Lets go." I said grabbing his hand and tugging him towards my boat. My dad gave it to me.

I got my keys that I always keep with me and opened the door up. I went and untied the boat from the dock. I smiled at my boat. It was white with blue stripes.

"Are you coming or not?" Alex asked me poking his head out of the door.

I nodded yes and went running I inside.

"So what's this all about?" He asked taking a seat on the sofa . He stretched his arms on the armrest.

"You can stop drooling now." He said smirking at me. I rolled my eyes at him before marching to the bathroom.

"We'll see who's drooling." I said winking at him before locking myself in the bathroom.

I grabbed the stuff out of the bag debating weather or not to wear it. I took a deep breath and decided I would. I'll show him.

I slipped my sundress of my body kicking my sandals off. I took off my jewelry and stuffed into the bag. I slipped on the silky bathrobe over the undergarment Alexandria picked out. I turned to face the mirror and messed up my hair a bit. I replied lipstick.

I was debating weather or not. To go like this to Alex. I took a deep breathe and opened the bathroom door. It squeaked a little not have been used in a while.

"Alex?" I called. When he wasn't in the ships living room anymore.

"I'm in the pilots room." He called. I slowly made my way to the engine room.

I saw Alex looking over the ships systems controls.

I slowly walked to him and draped my arms around his neck.

I made him press a button without either of us noticing.

"Ally?" He asked. When I closed his eyes with my fingers.

"Shh. Just follow me. Don't open your eyes." I told him. I lead him into the biggest room. My room.

"Here just sit here." I made him sit down on a wooden oak chair. I opened a drawer out and grabbed and package of matches. I had a couple of candles scattered around. I quickly lit them. I smiled as I saw them light up. I flipped the bedroom lights off.

I went and sat on Alex's lap.

"Open your eyes." I whisper against his ear. I watched him as he slowly opened his eyes. I let a soft chuckle escape my pink lips when I saw his eyes widen.

"Ally." Alex whispered. You could hear the desire in his voice.

Alex gently picked me up and moved me onto the bed. He laid me down and started roaming his eyes.

I sat up and grabbed the collar of Alex's shirt and pulled him near me.

"Alex." I whispered before I pulled him for a kiss. Alex kissed me back. His hands were on my back pressing me closer. I grabbed his hair and ran my hands through it.

He laid me down and tugged the robe off of me. While he did this I unbuttoned his shirt.

I ran my finger down his abs.

"Like what you see." He teased.

"I do. How about you?" I asked him.

"I love it." He said before he pulled me in for a kiss. We had a heated make out section.

"We should get going. It's already pitch black outside." Alex said pulling away from me.

"No stay the night with me here." I slid into the covers pulling Alex with me.


"No buts." I said pulling him into the covers. He groaned but got in with me. I giggled and snuggled into him.

"So my kisses are better right." He asked me. I could hear the grin behind his words.

"Yes Alex you kisses are the best." I softly said. There was a peaceful silence.

"Alex. What you said int he elevator was it true?" I asked him feeling awkward.

He tense under my arms.

"What part." He murmured.

"You know what part I'm talking about." I whispered.


He yelled. I flinched against his words.


"Alex calm down." I said. He took deep breathes.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"There's something your wrong about." I whispered.


I looked up into his eyes. The candles letting me see his green eyes that's were piercing into mine.

"I- Alex I love you too."

*Chapter question*

1)Has anyone watches Merlin, Secret Circle, or Revoultion? Haha

2) Whats your favorite animal?

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