《My Boyfriend's Best Friend》Chapter 21
* Hey guys! Sorry for the sloow update! Also, I apologize if my last two chapters only have one page! I hope to make this chappie longer!! Xx, kisses only, no hugs;) love, me.
~Alexis Reed~
Eve finished telling me everything.
Every single detail.
"Uh huh. So you expect me to believe that Carson is a psycho who'd rather have me dead than see me with Darren?" I asked in disbelief.
Eve analyzes what I just said then nods her head.
"You expect me to believe you?"
"You should, Alexis. It's the truth." Eve says.
"Oh for crying out loud, you guys lied to me and you're dissing me about truth?" I spat.
Eve fell silent and Cathy excused herself from the awkward atmosphere.
"I'm going to get some drinks." She says.
"Listen, Alexis. I know.. we lied but it's not like we wanted to..." Eve reasoned out.
"You don't? Then why do it?" I sighed in frustration.
"Darren doesn't want you to have any complications..." Eve says.
"So you decided on hiding the truth to me? You do know it's going to come out soon." I replied, raising one brow.
"Yeah but for the time being---"
"Listen. I know Carson tried to rape me but he's been very kind to me! He brought me in when I was homeless--"
"Correction! You just started staying at Carson's after your operation. You were under Darren's care and custody before that." Eve interrupted.
I was?
"It doesn't matter now! Carson's been supporting my tuition fees, my living expenses--"
"Currently, Darren's been paying half of your living expenses as well." Eve cut off.
Did I just hear right?
Darren's been paying half of my living expenses?
That's impossible....
I glanced at Darren, who was silent all the time.
"I don't care who pays what! The issue here is that my best friend and someone I trust, lied to me. I don't know what to believe in anymore!" I cried, tears streaming down my cheeks.
"We're sorry, Alexis. We didn't mean to..."
"What's done is done. I don't even know what to believe in anymore! I thought... I thought... you guys can be trusted." I sobbed loudly.
"You can trust us, Alexis." Eve comforted.
"How can I? You lied to me! All of you lied to me!!!"
I saw Eve at a loss of words.
"Darren... say something." She says, jerking Darren's arm.
He gazed at me, his eyes piercing through my soul.
"Alexis.. you do understand, right? The reasons why you felt so attracted to Darren.. It's not because of his physical features-- It's because deep down there, you still love him--"
"EVE!!" I cut her off, blushing crimson. That's top secret! I can't let him know I was attracted to him-- His head will grow bigger than the last time.
I saw him smirk and I rolled my eyes.
"You get my point, Alexis? Darren loves you, I love you.. That's why we lied." Eve calmly explained.
"Do you think you can prove to me you guys love me if you lie to me? That sounds exactly the opposite thing you would do." I hissed.
"Alexis." Darren interrupted.
"Do you remember the locket you saw with your picture in it when you were cleaning my room?" He asked so suddenly.
"I do. You said it was Carson's." I answered, remembering that time.
"It was mine." He shrugged.
"OH GOD, what more lies should I know about?!" I gasped.
Eve bit her lip, while Darren's face is... neutral.
Cathy came back in holding a silver tray with four glasses filled with yellow liquid, which I assume is pineapple juice.
"Calm down, Alexis.." Cathy says.
"Cathy, do you know anything about this?" I asked, hopefully.
"My mother doesn't have anything to do with this." Eve defended.
"I don't know the whole story. Although I remember you and Darren always coming here to fetch Eve and Danny to play." Cathy says, her eyes full of honesty.
"You gotta believe us, Alexis." Eve cooed.
"How can I believe you, guys?? It's like telling me I was living my life in a whole lie!"
Eve fell silent and I saw Darren's face, well.... neutral.
"I have to go." Darren says, checking his watch and taking his jacket.
"But Darren--"
"It's fine. Let him go." I interrupted.
I watched Darren's retreating figure until the sound of the doors closing can be heard.
I was tired.
Tired of everything.
"I'm sorry if it took us so long to tell you the truth." Eve apologized, her eyes tearing up.
I smiled, pulling her in a quick hug.
"I'm really sorry, Alexis!"
"It's alright. We couldn't do anything about it anyway. If I keep on being angry, then nothing's going to change." I sighed.
"I'm really sorry!!" Eve sobs.
"What's done is done. Right now, I just want to recollect everything. I can't say I am giving you my full trust again after what has happened.."
"I know. I just want you to forgive me! I can't live normally knowing my best friend hates me!" She bawled.
"Eve, I forgive you... but I don't think I can forgive Darren."
"Why?? Both of us were in the wrong here!" She defended.
"Yes but he gave up easily. Knowing Carson is a psychotic loon, he still gave me away. He toyed with my feelings. I'm not a toy for him to pass around to other people."
"Darren is a keeper. You know that. He values the friendship he has with Carson. He's just... being a friend." Eve explained.
"I know that. However, it pains me to know that he gave up so easily. Rather than letting me go, he could've made me fall for him again... There are a lot of possibilities but he chose to let me go. He gave up."
"He didn't give up, Alexis. He fought! He fought until he couldn't bear the pain anymore--"
"He had a choice. He chose to hurt himself, Eve." I smiled weakly.
"That's... I can't say what you said was wrong... but you do understand, right? He did it for you."
"I do understand." I smiled.
"Any chance of old feelings returning?" She perked up.
"I don't know. Right now, all I want is for my memories to return." I sighed.
"Why don't you go ask Darren? Talk to him."
"Oh, that's a very nice suggestion, Eve. I don't think so." I hissed.
"But he knows a lot about you. Things only both of you know. You should get to know him again. He really loves you. Besides, who's better in educating you with your relationship with him? Shouldn't that be him? The party involved himself?"
"You got a point..." I sighed, "But how should I talk to him?"
"Send him a message.. Call him... There are many ways, you know. You're just making excuses." Eve huffed, crossing her arms on her chest.
"Should I?" I asked in doubt.
She nods her head and I sighed.
"I'll be up in our room first. I'm tired."
"Sure. I'm going to help my mom in the kitchen."
I nodded my head and went upstairs.
I slammed the door shut to our room and sat on our pink, Aeron chair.
I checked my phone, flicking it open and close a couple of times.
Should I call him or not?
What if he doesn't answer? What if he's mad at me?
Heck! He has no reason to be mad at me but-- what if he's already asleep?
After minutes of battling with myself, I decided on calling him.
My thumb hesitated to press the green telephone button but it pressed itself so there's no turning back now.
His phone is ringing but there's no answer.
What if he really is mad at me? What if his feelings changed after I reacted earlier?
My heart is hammering inside my chest, I don't even know why.
He picked up!!
It's Darren....
"Hello? Are you there?"
The seconds are ticking but I can't seem to answer back.
I opened my mouth but my throat was dry.
"I'm hanging up now--"
"WAIT!" I finally managed to say.
"What's up? Aren't you mad at me?" He says, I can imagine him already cocking his head to the side thinking I called him because I want to hear his sexy voice.
"Oh, really?" He says cockily once more. I imagined him smirking.
"It's true, idiot. I want to remember my memories.."
"You just want to remember how good of a kisser I am!" He cockily responded.
"SHUT IT, YOU ARROGANT BEAST." I shouted back, hoping my voice sounded angry enough because I was already smiling and chuckling in the inside.
"You forgot something-- Sexy, arrogant beast."
"Oh god, are you winking flirtatiously right now?" I teasingly gasped.
"You could say that." He laughs.
I don't know why but I was somehow... relieved and.. happy that he's not mad at me..
"A lot of girls tell me I look a bit like Zac Efron." He suddenly says, out of nowhere.
"You're really an arrogant beast."
Although, he kind of resembles a bit of Zac Efron.
*** (Author's Note: Zac Efron plays as Darren Christopher, fyi. :P)
"But it's them who kept saying it!" He laughs.
"Right. So.. I was thinking if we could go somewhere we usually go to or where we first met... You know--"
"If I'm not mistaken, I'm pretty sure guys are the one who ask out on a date and not the girls--"
"IT'S FOR MY MEMORIES. Don't get too cocky."
"Whatever you say." He chuckles.
"I was thinking... this weekend--"
I'm not sure though if going to places would help juggle my memory.
I don't even have a clue if my memories are going to return.
Somehow, it scares me, the fact that I might.. not remember anything about our past in the end.
Is this what Eve is afraid of?
Certainly, I'm scared now. I wanted to remember those missing memories of mine.
"Saturday or Sunday?" He asks.
"Saturday's fine."
"This saturday then?"
"Sure. In Eve's house?"
"I'll pick you up at 9am then."
"Nine's cool." I answered, trying to sound not too excited.
"Okay." He laughs.
Then it was dead silence.
My heart is still hammering inside my chest and in a minute now, I swear I might get a heart attack.
"So... I'm tired... Goodnight." I said, wanting to sound *bored* and *tired* of him.
"Okay. Sweet dreams."
I hung up the phone, plopping on the bed, smiling sheepishly.
Him telling me 'Sweet Dreams' couldn't get out of my head. His voice... It was alluring and deep...
I smiled sheepishly, wondering how he asked me to go out with him before. It's kind of depressing that I don't remember anything about him..
The way he makes me feel is really different than what I've felt with Carson.
What does it mean then?
Then what Eve said earlier could be true?
Is it because I was attracted to his physical features that I feel this way? Or is it because I was attached to him that's why even if I can't seem to remember us having a past, I still feel these strange butterflies and other things?
"The second one." Eve says, surprising me.
What the hell? It's like she's reading my thoughts.
Is this some sort of coincidence ?
I furrowed my brows at her and she laughed, as she closed the door, switching off the lights, plopping to her side of the bed.
"What? Huh?"
"Just a hunch." She winks then pulls her blankets, opening the night light.
Really now?
I'm tired so I didn't mind her already.
But seriously, was that just a good guess or maybe it's fate?
Eve's POV
Alexis is so naïve.
I know that when she starts thinking about a dilemma in her head, it's always the second one. ;)
That's because the second question she asks herself is the one she always think about, not the first one.
Alexis Reed
What should I wear?!
I've been searching all my closets for an hour but-- I can't find anything decent!
Guess what?!? My hair's wet, toothbrush hanging on my mouth and I'm still wrapped in a towel.
It's already quarter to nine and I've got nothing to wear.
I don't even know why I'm fussing so much!
Somehow, the feeling kind of excites me! I feel as if, I'm going on a first date, can't decide on what to wear, stomach full of butterflies.
"What the hell...?" Eve gasped, seeing all my clothes scattered on the floor.
She just woke up from her deep slumber.
She scratched the back of her head and then smirking.
"Are you going on a date with Mr. First Love?" She winked.
I couldn't respond because of the toothbrush in my mouth.
"Perhaps, you're looking for something to wear?" She teased.
No shit.
Why don't you just help look with me!!?
Of course, I couldn't say that with the toothbrush inside my mouth.
She scrambled across the floor, picking up something.
"How's this?" She says, standing up from the pile, waving my yellow Summer dress,
"And this...." She picks up my wedged sandals,
"Topping it all off with this--" She raised my beige, hobo bag,
"And this." She says, picking up my blue, denim vest.
(Author's Note; *See Alexis' complete outfit on the side) >>> ;)
I pulled a two-thumbs up and rushed to the bathroom, spitting the toothpaste and rinsing.
Then rushing back into the room hugging Eve.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank youuuu! You're a lifesaver!"
"That's good to know." She laughs, "Now go and change! It's already 9."
I hurriedly changed my clothes, and combed my hair.
I let it all down simply and blow dried it.
"Well, you look nice." Eve commented.
"I guess, I look... okay." I said, flashing a smile in the full-length mirror.
Eve rolled her eyes and slung one arm around my shoulder.
"Honey, he'll be blown away. Top it all off with a paor of Rayban shades." She winks, giving me a pair of my favorite, Elvis-inspired shades.
I laughed and both of us went downstairs.
Cathy is in the kitchen, making something scrumptious.
"How's your sleep, girls?" She asks.
"It's okay." Eve smiles, taking a piece of toast from the table.
"I had a dream." I laughed.
"Really?" She asked.
"Yeah. The three of us went to an amusement park and fought a dinasour!!"
Both of them fell silent, gawking at me like I'm some sort of alien to them.
"What?! The dinasour is destroying the park." I replied, making them laugh.
"So Alexis' dressed up today, isn't she?" Cathy winks.
I blushed a bit, and took a bite of toast.
"She's going on a date, mom." Eve laughed.
"With who?" Cathy asks.
"With Darren...." Eve teased, wiggling her eyebrows.
"Shut up!" I punched her playfully, but can't help but to smile.
"Oh? Isn't he the guy you.. got mad at the other day?" Cathy asked.
"Yeah... I'm sorry for my sudden outburst the other day, Mrs. Cadillac." I apologized.
"It's okay. I would also freak if I knew my best friend and the guy I'm crushing on lied to me." She winks.
"I am not having a crush on him!" I defensively replied.
"Here's Miss Deny-All-I-Want." Eve laughs.
"But I really don't have a crush on him!" I retorted.
Both Eve and her mother coughed, they coughed on purpose.
They wanted to make fun of me.
"Well, whatever. I'm telling you I don't." I sighed, stabbing my bacon with a fork.
*Ding Dong!*
"Ooooh! It's Mr. Right! Go get her, tiger!" Eve winks.
I gulped down my toast and hurriedly slung my hobo bag.
"Bye now! I won't be back late." I said, fixing my dress and smoothening the creases.
"Oh, you should have fun." Cathy replies.
"Yeah, you could return late or.... not return anymore and stay at his place--"
"Eve!" I interrupted, blushing furiously.
"I'm kidding! Bye, kiddo!" Eve waved.
I smiled, running towards the door.
I sighed once more, inhaleeeee, exhaleeeeeee.
I clutched the door knob, twisting it open and saw him.
He's wearing a checkered red and black polo folded up his elbows, black skinny jeans and sneakers. His hair is gelled and fixed upwards.
He looks......
Daym, he's smokin'.
"You could stop checking me out already." He teasingly smirked.
"I wasn't checking you out, you birdbrain." I scoffed, sticking my tongue out.
"Oh? Whatever you say. I don't have time for games. Shall we?" He winks, signaling me out of the door.
I stepped out, and there stood before me, a pearl white porsche.
"Wow." I managed to say.
"My baby's real pretty, ain't she?" He winks, opening the car door for me.
I stepped in, watching him slam my side of the door shut and running towards the driver's seat.
This is definitely one, sweet ride.
"Where do you want to go? The amusement park? The arcade? Or the movies?" He asked.
My face fell.
"We're not here to play, remember? This is for my memories.." I replied.
Gosh, I hated what I just said.
If only I could say, Yeah! Let's go eat ice cream or stroll in the park... but I don't want to lose my purpose.
"Right." Darren smiled faintly.
He started the car and drove.
"So... where are we going?" I asked curiously.
"To the place where we first met." He smiled.
Omg, I'm so sorrryyyyy=))
But then again, don't hit me with your tomatoesss!!!
While you're waiting for the next update, you could read my other books! (:
So.. where are they going?
Any wild guesses?;)
I'm pretty excited but then--
Where's Carson?
Hmmmmmmmmmmm, :))
See you in the next chappie,
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