《The Ex Best Friend》Chapter 1


Hey guys, here's the new part! I was going to upload it tmr but then I changed my mind :).

I really hope you guys like how it's going to turn out! I was scared to upload it because like what if it wasn't what you thought it'd be :(.

Anyways, k I'm gonna stop talking now :).

Chapter One

7 years later...

Beep! Beep! Beep!

My alarm clock rang restlessly on the nightstand beside my bed.

"Ugh," I groaned. "Shut up."

Lifting up my arm to hit the snooze button, I glanced at the digital time which said 8:45.

Wait. 8:45...I'm late!

I quickly jumped out of bed, almost tripping over my blanket that fell to the ground. I ran to my closet and pulled out a flowery pink blouse. Under that, I slipped on a black pencil skirt and jumped to my bathroom. I didn't have time to shower so I just brushed my teeth and ran my comb through my light brown hair a few times. Looking myself over in the mirror, I felt content with my appearance so I grabbed my coat, put on the nearest pair of heels and dashed out the door.

Practically sprinting down the hall, I decided taking the stairs would be faster than waiting for the elevator so I opened the door to the staircase and jumped down the steps 2 by two-bad idea for my heels. By the time I got from the fifth floor to the ground floor, my feet were burning from soreness and I had to speed-limp to my car. When I reached my plain Honda Civics, I pulled open the door and hopped inside, jamming the key into the ignition. I think I almost ran over a cat on my way out of the parking lot but that's okay. I made it out in record time: 10 minutes and 46 seconds.

Thankfully, there was not traffic today and I got to my office building in just a few minutes. Checking the clock one more time, I turned off the car and jumped out. Taking a sip of my coffee, I swung my purse over my shoulder and walked to the building, the click clack of my high heels going at an incredibly fast speed. When I reached the tall building, practically covered with glass, I pulled the door open.


"Good morning Bill," I said hurriedly to the doorman.

"It's 9:17, you're late," he scolded playfully.

Walking through the huge lobby, I smiled at a few other people then dashed into the elevator, pressing the 35 button. I stared at the little screen on top of the door as it went higher and higher. With each floor, I grew more and more restless. Couldn't this stupid elevator go any faster?

Finally, the door opened and I stepped out. I made my way around all the cubicles, careful not to spill my coffee. As I rounded some corners, I glanced curiously around. The office seemed really empty today; there were at least 7 people missing. Were they all sick or something?

I ran down a few my aisles, saying hi to the people who were there. When I reached my cubicle, I put my bag on my chair and hung my jacket over the cubicle wall. It wasn't anything special, larger than anyone else's I guess, but that's what I get for being a junior executive's receptionist or secretary, whatever you want to call it. Impulsively, I looked over at the room across the walkway. The sign on the door wasn't there, leaving a pale wooden colour against the darker colour surrounding it.

I was wondering where Jamie, the junior executive-or, my boss in plainer terms-was when I realized that she had been sacked yesterday and replaced with someone else. Then realization hit me like a bag of potatoes to the stomach.

"Oh no," I muttered, quickly grabbing my coffee and clipboard that was lying on the desk.

I can't believe that I forgot today was the big meeting with the new boss and to make matters worse, I was late already! Fumbling to carry my stuff, I ran towards the meeting room. It was a long way and I regretted wearing such high heels. Just as I got to the door, it opened, hitting me and causing me to fall over. The papers on my clipboard flew everywhere and my coffee landed on the floor but thankfully none got on me.

"Jessica! Where have you been?" Stacy Thomson, my best friend, hissed at me.

"I totally forgot! Did they start without me?" I asked nervously.


"No! Everyone's been waiting for you. How can the new guy start without his secretary?" she scolded. "But don't worry. He's totally nice. And hot," she quickly added after seeing the worried expression on my face.

"Gee, that just makes it better," I muttered sarcastically.

Stacy laughed. "Well you should go in before you're even more late."

"Alright," I said, standing up.

With my clipboard in one hand, empty coffee cup in the other, I braced myself as I walked into the meeting room. The chattering stopped immediately when I entered the room.

"Sorry I'm late guys," I said sheepishly, shuffling towards me seat. People waved and nodded to me and I put my stuff down on my big table.

"Hi Jessica," Tyler Winston winked at me. He nudged another guy, who I realized was Johnson Walkman-funny name, I know-sitting beside him and they both smirked at me.

Tyler was this really creepy guy who worked in the office. Don't get me wrong, he's totally gorgeous. I dated him a few months ago and it was okay at first, but then he got really clingy. He kept talking about settling down and the future and whatnot. I wasn't ready for that at all, I mean hey! I'm only 22, fresh out of school, and I haven't even had my fun in life. So after a few weeks, I dumped him, but he started becoming attached to me even more-some might say obsessed.

"Hello Tyler," I said blankly, lowering my head to avoid eye contact.

I was so busy worrying about being late that I didn't even see the guy standing at the front of the table until he turned to smile at me.

"Hi, you must be my receptionist. I'm Jacob," he said sweetly.

Flustered, I fumbled to spring myself upright so I could stand but I knocked my now empty coffee cup and clipboard off my desk. I bent down to pick them up quickly and was about to say sorry when I noticed who it was. The clipboard and cup fell right out of my hand again and I made no move to pick it up. Apparently, he noticed me too and the smile wiped right off his face.

Standing in front of me was Jake. Jake, who used to be my best friend since the 4th grade. Jake, who I used to tell everything to. Jake, who used to know everything about me. Jake, who broke my heart when he stopped calling. And he was here. Standing in front of me in flesh and bone. After 7 years, he was here.

A few painfully quiet seconds passed and he cleared his throat. "I'm - I'm Jacob," he repeated, sticking out his, which was wavering a bit, for me to shake.

Only then I realized that my mouth was hanging open like a barbaric person and I snapped it shut.

"I'm Jessica," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

I reached out my hand and shook his. A few awkward moments passed and we finally let go of each other, me sitting right back in my seat and him turning around the second I let go.

Tyler and Johnson gave me a weird look but I ignored them, pretending to clear up my papers.

"Well then," Jake said, his voice cracking. "Since today is our first meeting together, let's take it lightly, hm?"

Everyone in the meeting room nodded in agreement while I struggled to keep my composure.

"I think today we'll just go over the main events for next month's Fashion Week, and then that'll be that. I read over all your reports last night and I have to say I'm quite impressed. Last year, La Ballerine made an impressive debut on the runway and I hope that..."

After a few sentences, I tuned out, staring out the large window across from me. Actually seeing Jake, after all these years, I didn't know how I could deal with seeing him everyday. What's worse was that he'll be my new boss. Which meant late nights and early mornings in the office with him, and if my luck truly does hate me, it also meant long business trips too.

I didn't know whether to laugh and dance or cry about this situation.


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Really hope you liked chapter one

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