《The Ex Best Friend》Prologue



I stood at the doorstep, my arms crossed against my chest – a gesture I do when I’m frustrated. “What do you mean you’re busy?” I demanded to the flustered boy standing in front of me.

The boy ran a hand through his messy hair. “C’mon Jess, today’s the only day Scarlet can hang out and you know I haven’t seen her for we –”

“You guys go to the same school! You have homeroom with her!” I cried, throwing my hands up in exasperation. “You haven’t seen me in weeks, Jake. I don’t go to the same school as you, and I obviously don’t have homeroom with you.”

Jake sighed. “She’s my girlfriend, Jess.”

I narrowed my eyes. “I’m your best friend.”

“I love her.”

“Oh, give me a break! You guys have broken up 4 times in the last month. If you say you love her, then you just might as well love everyone else in the world.”

“I’m sorry, Jessie. We’ll hang out for sure next week, okay?”

“You said that last week. It’s now, or never Jacob,” I said through clenched teeth.

Jake laughed half-heartedly. “Don’t be so serious. Next week for sure.”

“Jacob, I’m serious. I’m sick and tired of you following that Scarlet around like a little puppy. I’ve always been there for you…when she broke your heart, remember? That night your dad died, I was there for you. She wasn’t. Remember? I’m your best friend.” I said loudly. I watched as Jake’s smile fall off his face, replaced by a cold glare.

“I’m not putting my girlfriend before you. I think this time it might actually work,” he snapped.

“Might actually work? You’re 15! This is not the future you’re talking about. She’s not the one for you and you know it,” I snapped back,


“You know how much I love her!”

With a defeated sigh, I closed my eyes, not allowing the tears to come out.

Jake’s face softened a bit. “You’re my bestest friend in the whole world Jessie. Just let me have this day, okay?”

I shook my head furiously and glared at Jake through misty eyes. “No. I can’t let you. You think you can just push me aside whenever that sl-t wants something. I’m supposed to be your best friend. Best friends don’t push each other away for someone else—especially not when they’ve cancelled their plans for the past 3 weeks.”

“Jake, are you coming?” a high girl voice interrupted from upstairs.

“Yeah, in a minute!” Jake shouted. Turning back to me, he lowered his eyes. “Look, I gotta go.”

“Just like that?” I said slowly, my heart sinking to the pit of my stomach.

Jake gave a weak nod and sighed.

I stared at him blankly. “Okay,” I whispered and turned around.

“Next week! I promise!” Jake called after me.

Ignoring him, I strode down the driveway and onto the sidewalk. I didn’t dare look back, in fear that I might change my mind. I walked all the way home, determined not to change my mind—I didn’t.

The next few days, I ignored all Jake’s calls, pretended to be sick when he knocked on my door, avoided him whenever I saw him. Within a few months, he stopped trying to contact me. It hurt me that he gave up so easily, but I pushed all thoughts of him aside. I quickly made new best friends, ones that had their priorities straight. Soon, to me, Jake was just a memory, a foolish choice in my past—just an ex best-friend that I didn’t need anymore, and one that I certainly didn’t care about anymore either.



omg this is like the 3rd story i've uploaded! i just keep getting so many ideas. it's kinda based on some part of what's happening to me right now, but just a tiny bit.


please please please tell me what you think and if i should continue it because im already juggling Camp Not so Fun and What Happens in L.A., Stays in L.A.

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