《Battle Scars|✔️》The Couch


I woke up in my bedroom the next morning feeling drowsy and sore. My brain must have been too tired to have any nightmares last night because I slept soundly all night long.

My head was pounding from all that crying yesterday so I stood up and went to find my painkillers in the bathroom.

I scoured all the cabinets and all the drawers but much to my frustration, I couldn't find them. I open my door and head down the stairs towards the voices in the kitchen.

At first they didn't notice me but then Greyson saw me and lit up beckoning me over. I sat at the counter beside him. "Feeling better today Thea?" He was smiling but I could see the concern and sadness in his eyes"Yeah I'm better." I reply with a fake smile to try to reassure him.

Dad was at the stove cooking and he turned around when he heard my voice."Morning little one!" He says cheerfully.My fake smile turns to a real one seeing how happy Dad was that he saw me. "Morning Dad." I say with my usual quiet voice.

My head is still pounding which reminds me why I had come down in the first place."Um did someone take my painkillers from my room?" I ask. Dad turns back around and looks at me sadly. "Baby, I told you. You're too young to be taking medicine on your own. If you need painkillers you can come to me or Alex or Hayden."

I nod and look down at my lap. "Sorry." I mutter feeling embarrassed."No need to apologize Thee. Just remember that you can come to any of your brothers or me if you need anything at all." He says kindly. "Where are the rest of the boys?" I asked.


"Beau and Drew are asleep like always, Hayden went for a run and Alex is in the living room." Greyson tells me. I nod before Dad sets a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me."You didn't make me breakfast." Greyson pouts. Dads turns to him with a smirk on his face "You're not my baby girl." he states

"Yes but I'm your favorite son." Greyson retorts. Dad rolls his eyes and grabs a plate of food for himself. He sits on the other side of me at the counter and we begin to eat.Greyson reaches over cautiously and attempts to take a piece of bacon from my plate but before he can eat his stolen treasure Dad sees him

"Ay! Stop she needs to eat!" He scolds.Greyson drops the bacon and throws his hands up in surrender. Dad rolls his eyes again and I giggle at my brother who looks like a hurt puppy. I ate until I was full but I had a piece of bacon and some eggs left. I pushed the plate towards Greyson and he gasps dramatically. "You are the best little sister ever."

I giggle at his enthusiasm over bacon and eggs. "So Thea here's the deal. You need to rest per the doctors orders, so you're gonna go into the living room and watch TV today. Alex is in there now and I'm sure he'll watch a show with you and so will Hayden when he gets back. I have to go into work for a little while so Alex will be in charge. You are not to get up or do anything but rest and watch TV." Dad tells me.

I nod in understanding"I'll watch something with you too if you want." Greyson tells me. smile at him "I'd like that."


Dad gets up and takes my plate and his to the sink"I can help wash the dishes." I said feeling bad that I hadn't helped at all since I'd been here"No, you go into the living room and lay down little girl." Dad commands. I scrunch my face up in confusion. "Don't I have to earn my keep at all?"

Dad turns off the water and bends down to my level"Thea you are a kid and I am the parent. It's my job to take care of you." He pulls me into a gentle hug which I gladly return. Then he kisses the top of my head and playfully pushes me away

"Now go lay down."I smile and do as he says. Alex was sitting on the couch lazily when I came in but sat up when he saw me. "Hey babe. Come lay down." I sat next to him"What do you wanna watch?" I give him a blank look. "I don't know any shows." I admit sheepishly.

He sighs and smooths down my hair which I only slightly flinch away from

"Let's look for something to watch yeah?" I nod and we start scrolling through movies.

We end up deciding on Trolls:World Tour. It was filled with happy songs and bright colors that could lift anyone's mood.

Half way through the, Dad kisses me good bye and Alex fell asleep not finding the movie nearly as entertaining as I did.

When it was over I went into the kitchen and saw Hayden standing at the counter. I went over to him and he immediately pulled me into a hug"Are you okay baby?"I shrug"Can I have some pain killers. My head really hurts." He hesitates but nods and gives me 2 pills and a glass of water.

I happily took the medicine thanking Hayden. He scooped me up and carried me back into the living room where Alex was slowly semi waking up. "Wanna watch a movie babe?" Hayden asks me.

I grumble."I just watched a movie. I wanna do something." I whine to my brother.He sits on the couch setting me on his lap and shakes his head. "Sorry bumble bee you gotta rest. doctors orders" I grumble some more to show my disapproval. "Stop grumbling little girl. You have to ice your ribs anyway." Alex intervenes groggily.

I sigh in defeat and lay my head on Hayden's shoulder.For the rest of the day, anytime I would get up from the couch, one boy or another would tell me to go lay down and guide my back to my couch jail. Me, Greyson, Beau, and Hayden watched Meet the Robinsons at the end of the night and that's where I fell asleep.


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