《Barron's Second Chance》Now - Rocker Boy
"And you're sure that she said it was okay?"
Barron held back a frustrated sigh as his hands tightened on the steering wheel. This was the fourth time his Mom had asked him whether he was "absoloutely sure Eden invited you" and "you didn't misunderstand?"
"I can show you the text messages if you like?"
Please don't ask, please don't ask.
To say that the invitation to attend Eden's dinner was willingly extended would be an exaggeration. Technically he had begged her for an invite. But his Mom didn't need to know that.
"No, I believe you, son."
She still didn't sound convinced but Barron didn't care. He was finally on his way to see his girl and nothing could sour his mood.
Well, except for seeing rocker boy tonight.
He glowered, flexing his hands on the wheel as carnal images of Eden and rocker boy started floating through his mind.
"Your Dad told me that you two were starting to converse again." His Mom's hopeful tone made Barron feel a little guilty.
He pretended to wipe his face as his mouth twisted in a grimace. Again, converse was a strong word and a bit of a stretch. To converse meant that somebody was actively participating in the conversation.
To be fair, Eden did sometimes reciprocate his good morning or good night texts. Probably because she felt sorry for him and was throwing him a bone.
But she was frustratingly radio silent whenever he prodded at her memory with little snippets of their past relationship. He didn't need to dig deep to remember them. They played like a slideshow in his mind most nights. Every night, really, since she'd been back.
All he wanted to do was to make her smile as he reminded her of their good times; how it had felt to be in his arms again. In love.
What he didn't want, however, was her thoughts straying into exactly why those good times had ended.
"Son?" Barron's Mom touched his arm when he hadn't responded.
He gave a grunt of acknowledgement. "Yeah."
"Well, I think it's lovely that you two are reconnecting."
He indicated to turn into Susan and Eden's street, relieved when he pulled up to their house. The drive wasn't long enough for him to get a proper grilling from his Mom, thank God.
As he pulled off his belt and went to climb out of the car, his Mom placed a hand on his arm, stopping him.
Her gaze was steely and determined.
"Don't fuck it up, son." Was all she said before she hopped out and joined his dad outside.
"Yes, ma'am." He murmured.
The buzz that he felt knowing that his parents approved of his renewed courtship of Eden, outweighed the mounting anxiety and pressure of possibly disappointing them if he failed in his quest to win Eden back.
He blew out a breath as he made his way towards Susan and Eden's front door. He had promised Eden that he would be on his best behavior - and he would be.
But that didn't stop the dark jealousy he felt bubbling away in his stomach at the thought of Eden staying here alone with rocker boy.
What if they rekindled their sexual relationship? Things were rocky right now with Eden. Better than what he had at the start but still not where he was hoping to be by the end of Summer. He didn't know where they stood, so having rocker boy here essentially cock blocking him from wooing Eden properly was making him frustrated and possessive.
That was why he had begged to come to dinner tonight. Sure, he wanted to meet rocker boy - about as much as he wanted to meet a black bear in the woods - but he also needed to be in Eden's orbit so that she knew how much he wanted to be in her life.
If that also meant that rocker boy got a dose of his proverbial piss scattered around her, then so be it.
Behave, behave, behave, he chanted to himself as he took a few more calming breaths. Maybe he should take Ian up on his offer to teach him transcendental meditation. The stress of seeing Eden and rocker boy together couldn't be good for his heart.
As they approached the front door, it suddenly swung open before his Mom could knock.
And there she was.
His Eden.
Lust replaced jealousy as he observed her beautiful, smiling face; beaming widely as she ushered them inside. Her bare legs were encased in minuscule jean shorts and a simple white tee.
Barron suddenly frowned when he thought of rocker boy in there getting to see her half naked anytime he wanted.
Jealousy simmered away in his stomach again.
"Kell, Gav," Eden greeted warmly, hugging his parents. As she chatted a bit with them, Barron's eyes roamed hungrily across her features; taking in her make up free face, which made her look seventeen again, and her long brown hair pulled up carelessly in a ponytail. She was so achingly gorgeous it hurt to look at her.
As he rubbed at his chest, attempting to soothe the twinge he felt there, Eden turned to greet him next. Her smile wasn't as wide but it was still genuine.
"Hi, Barron." Her clear blue eyes shyly regarded him before she took him by surprise and leaned up, wrapping her arms around his neck in a warm embrace.
Closing his eyes, emotion tugged at his throat as he wrapped his arms, a little too tightly, around her slim waist; breathing in her essence.
He inhaled her floral shampoo, fragrant sunscreen, clean soapy scent and just.... Eden.
She gave him a final squeeze before pulling back, causing him to reluctantly let her go. She regarded him with guarded eyes for a brief moment before her mouth opened to speak.
"Oh, Barron!" Susan came towards him, smiling from ear to ear. Eden closed her mouth, giving him a rueful look before stepping away.
He forced himself not to give a disappointed groan as he turned towards Susan. If anyone else had interrupted his moment with Eden he would've bitten their head off.
As it was, seeing Susan enthusiastically greet him stunned but pleased him immensely. He quickly bent to return her hug, blinking back tears as he was once again assailed by warm, familiar memories.
Susan was to him what his Mom had been to Eden. A second Mom.
After he fucked things up with Eden, he had felt Susan's absence big time.
She had been reserved with him, giving him a small smile of acknowledgment whenever she saw him, which was always tinged with a little disappointment.
He had desperately tried to suck up to her. Partly because he couldn't stand to lose the love and respect of someone he admired so greatly - but mostly because he was hoping to win Susan over so that she would put a good word in for him with Eden.
So everytime she came round he would be charming and entertaining - praying that she would feel sorry enough for him to break through her steely demeanor.
Unfortunately he underestimated the loyalty and protectiveness a mama bear has towards her cub.
And he got it now, he did. If he had a daughter whose heart had been obliterated by some fucker, he'd be polishing his shotgun at the asshole any chance he got.
Once Eden moved to New York, though, he had abandoned all attempts at reconciling his relationship with Susan. Especially when he had stupidly started dating Lissa.
He had felt embarrassed and guilty; not only for betraying the trust of so many people, but a part of him was worried that Susan would blame him for Eden moving away.
Now, having Susan welcome him with a genuine and heartfelt smile and hug touched him deeply.
"So happy to see you." Susan whispered in his ear, giving him a tight squeeze before pulling back. She cupped his face in her hands, tears glistening in her eyes before nodding and patting his cheek affectionately.
"Go say hi to everyone."
As he followed Susan and Eden through to the living area, he couldn't help checking out Eden's spectacular ass in those shorts. His thoughts drifted to a certain lingerie fashion show where she had strutted down the catwalk in a diamond encrusted thong. He couldn't remember how many times he had jerked off to that image.
As he came through to the open plan dining and living area, his senses were hit with the delectable scent of some sort of roast chicken and fresh bread. The smell was so delicious that his mouth watered in anticipation for dinner.
Ryan and Sofia were sitting at the dining table where his parents had joined them.
He felt a jolt of apprehension, as he always did, at seeing his old friends. While he had fixed most of his friendships from highschool, Sofia and Ryan remained immune. They were loyal to his girl and he couldn't fault them for that.
Ryan had always been polite to him, yet distant. A stark contrast to his usual effervescent personality.
Sofia, on the other hand, had no qualms about letting him know how displeased she was with him. She kind of scared him a little.
But now, seeing Ryan give him a smile and a wave while Sofia flicked him the peace sign - her version of playing nice - he couldn't help the feeling of elation at the small step towards a new friendship of sorts with them.
It bolstered him to know that he was on the right track with Eden. It meant that she had spoken about him with them in what he hoped was a positive light. They would've followed her lead in their treatment of him.
He felt his back tingle as Eden's hand brushed his back.
"C'mon and meet Josh."
And just like that, the heat that he felt at her casual touch turned heated at the mention of rocker boy.
He schooled his features into a placid smile, hoping it didn't resemble a shark greeting it's prey.
"Great." He weakly replied, following her.
"Josh," Eden called out to him as Barron drew a deep breath and braced himself.
And there he was.
Fucking rocker boy.
Kicked back casually on the couch - the same couch that he and Eden had a steamy make out session on recently.
Rocker boy had one foot up leaning against his other thigh with an arm stretched out on the back of the sofa.
He was turned towards Mike, who was seated next to him, gesturing as they were having an animated conversation.
He ignored the brief star struck feeling he got and instead focused on observing him through critical eyes.
A man bun, seriously? Weren't those cool back in 2018?
Okay, he knew that he was being a dick. But god damnit, this guy had been in a relationship with his Eden. He knew how she kissed, what she tasted like, what she looked like when she was coming; the sounds she made.
He also clearly hadn't been dumb enough to cheat on her, considering Eden kept him in her life as a close friend. The guy was leaps and bounds ahead of him.
Rocker boy glanced up as they approached. His eyes immediately fell to Eden, a small smile kicking up the corner of his mouth.
Barron froze in apprehension, a dawning realization forming. He recognized that look.
Besotted. Adoring.
He knew it because he saw it in the mirror everyday.
This asshole was still hung up on Eden.
He should've felt sorry for him, should've commiserated with him on their shared feelings. But all he felt was panic and rage.
"Barron?" Eden's soft voice penetrated his dark thoughts.
When he came to he saw that both Eden and rocker boy were staring at him. Eden had a look of concern while rocker boy observed him with a knowing smirk.
Shit, he had been staring daggers at rocker boy while Eden had been trying to introduce him.
Recovering quickly, he reached out his hand and smiled widely.
It was the same smile he used whenever he was stopped by patrons at The Good Home for small talk when he just wanted to get to his office.
"Nice to meet you. Big fan." He added begrudgingly.
Rocker boy's neck, arms, hands and fingers were covered in tattoos. Is that the kind of guy Eden was into now? He never considered getting a tat but he knew that if Eden showed the slightest indication that she was into it, he would've sought out the nearest parlour.
Oh God, what if it was the whole musician thing that Eden was into now? He didn't have a musical bone in his body and he sounded like a cat getting strangled when he sang.
Maybe she would be impressed to know that he could still do a bicycle kick when he played soccer. She used to love it when he did that.
Rocker boy grinned, taking his hand in his but instead of shaking it, he brought him in for a manly hug and back slap.
Again, for a short minute he had a "I can't believe I'm meeting Joshua Gates and hugging him" moment. He had always been a fan of The Living English and he used to have most of their songs downloaded onto his playlists.
He had never understood the term "star quality" but looking at rocker boy in his ripped jeans, Alice In Chains T-shirt, piercings in his eyebrow and lip; he understood the concept for the first time.
Joshua Gates emitted a 'cool boy' vibe. Even if he hadn't been famous, he would have turned heads on the street because he just had that something. That extra 'it' factor that had people doing a double take.
"Thanks, mate." He gestured to the couch. "Come sit. It's nice to meet so many of E's friends."
He tried not to feel petulant about the fact that this rocker boy had made himself at home and was inviting him to sit.
"So are you two close friends? I haven't heard E mention you before?"
Don't hit him, don't hit him, don't hit him.
Instead he bared his teeth, glancing at Eden who had taken space on the armchair opposite. She gave him a small hesitant smile which told him nothing except that she was a little uncomfortable on the line of questioning.
He was a tad offended that she hadn't mentioned him considering that they had been such a huge part of each other's lives. But at the same time what would she have said?
"Oh by the way, my ex boyfriend who publicly cheated on me will be at dinner tonight. Please be nice."
"We were close but I stupidly lost touch with her. But I'm back in her life now." He firmly said as he stared hard at rocker boy, letting him know his words had a purposeful intent behind it.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw Eden shift uncomfortably in her seat. Wanting to keep his promise to her to behave, he forced another smile at rocker boy. His face was gonna ache by the time he left here tonight.
"So how did you two meet anyway?" He queried. Barron had only read in tabloids that they had been long time friends before they became....lovers.
"We ran in the same circles." Eden inputted quickly, her gaze shooting to rocker boy.
"Yeah," rocker boy laughed, "back in mine and E's mad party days."
Party days? He glanced at her and frowned as she averted her gaze from his.
Eden and partying were words that he would never have associated together. Social gatherings around a group of people she didn't know hadn't been the norm for Eden. And, the incident with his Mom's good red wine aside, Eden hadn't been a drinker.
Before he could press for more, Sofia suddenly plopped down next to him, slapping him hard on the stomach.
"Move over, doofus." He would've apologized and given her space, except that Sofia had said it with a gleam in her eye, letting him know that she had said it purely in jest.
Once again, he felt confident that he was on the right path with Eden if Sofia's insults were compliments.
"How's the tour going, Josh? I just love your new album!" Sofia gushed.
He stifled the laughter he could feel brewing at Sofia's obvious fan-girling. He had never seen her so flustered in his life.
His amused eyes met Eden's and he saw the same mirth in them. His heart leaped as they smiled stupidly at each other, sharing in the private joke.
"Can I get you a beer?" She softly asked him, a soft blush lightening her smooth cheeks.
"I can get it." He offered, wanting her to stay right where she was.
She shook her head as she stood. "I have to check on dinner anyway."
He almost slumped in disappointment. There went his chance to talk to her.
"Josh, you want another?"
Aaaaand there went his good mood again. It was silly, but he wanted Eden to only offer him a beer. It stupidly made Barron feel special.
"Yeah, go on. Cheers, babe."
Babe?! Oh, hell, naw. He needed to shut that shit down.
As rocker boy went back to regaling Sofia of his times on tour, Barron's gaze was laser focused on Eden as she flitted about the kitchen. When she came out with two ice cold beers for himself and rocker boy, he made sure to stand. He was very aware that he was being petty in his head, but he wanted Eden to give him his beer first.
When she passed him his beverage he made sure to brush his fingers against hers.
"Thanks, sweetheart."
Eden frowned at him and he was sure he could see Ryan snorting in silent laughter at the dining table, but he didn't care.
He sat there quietly, his mind stormy, as he watched Eden move around her kitchen with ease. He watched her cutting cucumber, stirring something on the stove, dipping her spoon into a bowl for a taste test; all the while chatting merrily away to his parents, her Mom and Mike.
He tuned out the sound of the TV, the soft blare of music, rocker boy's stupid British accent and Sofia's flirty giggles. All he cared about, all he wanted to hear and see was his Eden.
"Josh, can you check your pie?" The object of his obsession suddenly called out as she opened the door of the oven carefully.
"Oh! Sure, babes."
His mood darkened again at the nickname. Babes, now?
"You cook, too?" Sofia asked dreamily.
"Oh you just wait until you try Josh's chicken pot pie." Eden answered. "I always demand that he makes it for me whenever I see him."
"Ah, you flatter me." He got up behind her and squeezed Eden's shoulders.
Meanwhile, Barron squeezed his bottle, wishing it was rocker boy's neck instead.
"Cheer up, Charlie."
He had been so sunken into his gloomy thoughts that he hadn't seen that Ryan had sat down in the seat Eden had just occupied.
"Don't count your votes before the mail-in ballot." He winked.
Before he could ask what that ambiguous comment meant, Susan sang out.
"Dinner's ready!"
Dinner was a raucous affair. He forgot how much fun it was to be together again. No awkwardness or quiet turbulent tempers. For the first time since he was seventeen, he felt relaxed and guilt free. And a little emotional. If it hadn't been for his fuck up, he would've enjoyed more dinners like this.
His friends, his parents, his second Mom and Eden. Except instead of his ex, Eden would've definitely been upgraded to wife by now.
But there was no point in dwelling in the past. It was his future with Eden that he was gunning for and in order to move forward he had to forgive himself and work on getting Eden to do the same. And possibly, hopefully more.
They all made sure to include Josh in their conversation, filling him in on what Eden was like as a kid, a teenager. All the antics she had gotten up to - which, compared to what Josh had gotten up to as a kid - was the equivalent of something Pollyanna would do.
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