《Barron's Second Chance》Now - Better Than You
Eden smoothed out the edges of the blue comforter she had just placed on the bed in the guest bedroom. She knew that it was too hot for such a heavy blanket and that Josh would most likely kick it off the bed, choosing to sleep beneath the cool sheet instead. But it was aesteically pleasing and she wanted everything to look just perfect for when he arrived.
She pulled her phone from the back pocket of her shorts to check the time. He had texted her when he had left Philadelphia Airport in the transfer car she had organized for him. So taking into account the traffic, which she had looked up on the traffic app on her phone, she guessed that he would be arriving within the next forty minutes or so.
Eden sank down on the bed, giving her body a moment to rest. The past few weeks had passed by in a frenzied blur. She had distracted herself by keeping busy, hoping that the restless energy she had been feeling would expel itself if she didn't stop to wallow.
She filled her days helping Mike move a few of his personal belongings from his bachelor pad to the new home he would be occupying with her Mom. Even though he wasn't officially moving in until after Eden left, he had gotten the ball rolling by putting his apartment on the market and was currently waiting on offers.
She also decided to do a spring clean on the house - well, summer clean. She went through her room, clearing out her drawers and wardrobe of old clothes and knickknacks.
She had faltered for a moment when she'd come across the old shoebox where she kept personal memento's of her relationship with Barron. She hadn't opened that box in years, choosing to stuff it into the dark corners of her wardrobe.
She hesitated for a moment, conflicted on whether she should just throw the whole box away or succumb to temptation and take a peak down memory lane.
In the end, she lost her nerve and shoved the box back into the dark recesses of her wardrobe, her heart twisting at either option.
She knew why she was so unsettled. Why she had so much restless energy that she was forcing herself to stay busy. If she stopped for even a minute to reflect back on the last couple of weeks, she would find herself replaying the last time Barron was here.
Her fingers would trace her mouth, recalling the soft yet firm way he had kissed her. The way his long fingers had buried themselves in her hair, how they traced the curve of neck and brushed against the hard peaks of her nipples.
But, although his physical touch did stir up long concealed emotions, what had affected her the most were the words he had spoken to her.
His declaration of love was overwhelming. It has sent a shot of adrenaline and, she admitted, a tiny bit of thrill down her spine. She had suspected that he had wanted to try and renter her life in a romantic capacity, but to discover that he was still in love with her? It was staggering to think about.
It had been so long since they had been a couple and given the nature of how their relationship ended, she couldn't be blamed in believing that his feelings for her had dwindled a bit - until she was just a memory; a past childhood love gone awry.
Did she still love Barron after he had cheated? Of course. His betrayal didn't lesson the love she had felt for him. Her respect and trust in him had taken a nose dive, however. But never her love.
She couldn't pinpoint exactly when that love had started to wane. Was it when she had moved to New York and busied herself with her new career? Was it when she had thrown herself into the spoils that came with the industry she had found herself in?
When had that love faded?
Because of course it had faded. It had been seven years, after all. She'd had other sexual partners, including one she could deem a relationship. Just because she hadn't allowed herself to properly address her feelings after the fact didn't mean that they were lurking away somewhere, waiting for a trigger to set it off.
His last appeal to her had also conflicted Eden. She still hadn't given him a firm answer, taking his statement that she take her time, that he would still be here waiting, to heart.
She was acutely aware, however, that she only had a week left in New Haven.
While Barron didn't physically crowd her, he did do little things to remind her that he was in the wings, patiently waiting for her.
Everyday he texted her without fail. Sometimes it was a simple good morning or good night message. Other times it was just to tell her about his day, that he was thinking of her and reiterating again that he would wait for her as long as she needed.
He had also sent her reminders, little anecdotes, of their past relationship. Before it all blew up.
Barron: Do you remember the first time we got drunk?
A bubble of laughter had floated up at that old memory. They had been fifteen years old. His parents had gone out for an anniversary dinner, leaving two mischievous - and horny - teenagers home alone. After a steamy make out session on his bed, Barron had the bright idea to heighten their senses by cracking open one of his Mom's fancy red wines, assuring her that she had a lot of bottles stored for entertaining so wouldn't notice if one was missing. The expensive bottle definitely correlated with the taste as it went down their hatches silky smooth. A little two smooth, though, because before they knew it, Eden had thrown up all over the patio; leaving behind a red stain that had taken months to fade.
Barron: Do you remember our class trip to the museum?
Of course she did. But not for the educational aspect of it. What she remembered the most was that while everyone was drowsy on the bus after a long day of walking, Barron had discreetly slipped his fingers up her skirt, giving her one hell of a fingering at the back of the bus.
Then it was sweet things like their first Valentines, first time she had stayed over - remembering their over the top plan to sneak her in once his parents went to bed. The unforgettable night that they had lost their virginites to each other. How he had taken a warm cloth to her sore pussy afterwards, cleaning up the blood. He had confessed that he had looked up online how to care for a girl after her first time.
With her head a mess, she had approached Sofia and Ryan for advice. Or at the very least, their blunt opinion. She knew that she could rely on them to give it to her straight.
"It's up to you. It's your life." Ryan had told her. "Whatever you decide, I'll support you."
"Do you want to give him a chance?" Sofia had asked. Eden had searched her friend's face and found no judgement there.
She shook her head, frustrated at herself for not having a clear answer. "I am still attracted to him."
She had left out the part where they had practically mauled each other on her Mom's couch. "But I still don't know if I can trust him one hundred percent. If I can forgive him."
"Well, you need to figure out if you can."
Eden had made a face. While she expected support from her friends, she expected a little more than 'it's up to you.'
Sofia, seeing that Eden needed more of a kick up the ass than a gentle tap, groaned before telling her, "Look, seven years ago, five years ago... hell, three months ago, I would've told you that no way on God's green earth should you entertain this idiot.
But," she sighed, "I've warmed up to him a bit after seeing how desperate he's been lately. So when I say that you need to figure it out, I don't mean that maliciously. I genuinely will support whatever decision you make because I believe Barron has matured and grown as a person. So if you do decide to pursue something, I feel okay that Barron won't be a dumbass a second time. But if you feel like you can't forgive and trust; that it's too much, I can get behind that, too, and I'll continue to be a polite stranger to him."
Eden rubbed her face in annoyance at her jumbled thoughts before jumping up from the bed and making her way to the kitchen.
She didn't have time to flounder around, she needed to get her ass into gear before Josh got here.
He most likely would want to relax tonight after a long day of travelling and missing a few hours due to the time difference. He was staying with her for the week given the fact that his performance was kept secret to avoid a crowd of tourists converging into their small town.
Tonight, they'd have some down time together to relax and catch up. Tomorrow - Kelly, Gavin, Sofia, Ryan, her Mom and Mike were coming over for dinner.
And Barron.
He was a last minute addition. She would've invited him initially if she hadn't remembered his reaction to Josh coming to town in the first place. She wasn't trying to exclude him to be vindictive, but had genuinely wanted to keep the peace.
However, yesterday Barron had reached out to her, asking if he could join them for dinner. He wanted to meet Josh, someone he acknowledged was important to her.
Eden: Is that a good idea? Josh is here as a favor to me and your Mom.
She wanted to reiterate that she wouldn't tolerate any macho jealous tantrums from him. Joshua didn't need or deserve that, especially when it was unwarranted. There was absolutely zero romantic feelings left between herself and Josh but that didn't mean she wasn't protective of him. He was currently on a mini break from a nationwide tour, so when she stressed that he was doing this as a favor, she meant that in the strictest way.
Barron: I know. I promise you, E, I'm not gonna cause trouble.
Barron: I just want to see you. Spend time with you and our family and meet Josh. No funny business, I promise.
So she had agreed. Not because she believed him - because she did - but because deep down, she wanted to see him, too. Perhaps spending time again in his company will settle her inner turmoil.
Putting aside her trepidation for tomorrow night, Eden went about checking the stock she had bought for Josh's arrival.
She smiled as she thought of her longtime friend. They first met when Eden was in the throes of her partying phase, when she had first moved to New York.
They had both moved in the same circles and frequently ended up at the same parties or events.
At first, they were friendly acquaintances, only communicating when they found themselves at the same location. But after they had found themselves being the only conscious two at a party hosted at some high rise penthouse, they found themselves talking until six in the morning.
From there, they exchanged numbers and became genuine friends. If they happened to be in the same city they would meet up for dinner or just to hang. She'd stayed at his London flat a few times and he at her New York apartment.
Even after she had turned her back at the hard partying lifestyle, they still remained close.
But it was nothing more then. Nothing romantic or sexual.
It wasn't until a few years back when Joshua had suddenly kissed her out of the blue, confessing that it was something he had been wanting to do for a while.
On paper, they suited well. Both in the entertainment industry, both good looking, both having jet setting lifestyles. So she had agreed to one date.
They had such a good time that she had mistaken it for sexual chemistry when really it was two friends who were so comfortable with each other that everything flowed easily.
So she agreed to another date. And another. And another. Until finally they agreed to casually see each other.
Sex with Josh was fine. Good, even. But there were times when she lay there, staring up at the ceiling as he moved over her, forcing herself to feel just a sliver of the fiery sexual chemistry she had experienced in a previous life, so long ago.
By the time the general public caught wind of their relationship, it was already the beginning of the end for them. They rarely saw each other as it was, their schedules more often than not conflicting with each other.
Yet, when they were together, it felt like she was reconnecting with a best friend. They clicked as people, just unfortunately only as friends; not lovers.
Eden opened the fridge, her eyes running over the two gallons of milk she had bought, the full block of cheese and Mountain Dew that Josh loved. Her cupboards were stocked with his favorite chips, chocolate covered raisins and ramen noodles. She always teased him that he had the food palate of a five year old.
"Fuck, teabags!" She groaned aloud, just now remembering that she had forgotten to pick some up for him. As an Englishman, Josh was very precious about his cup of tea and knew that he had one in the evening after dinner and again before bed. And then two in the morning.
Annoyed at herself at such a rookie error, she grabbed her keys. She would have to run to the store quickly to pick some up as she didn't want to go out later once he arrived.
She hopped in the car that her Mom had left for her to borrow while Josh was in town and made the short drive to their local grocery store.
Usually she would walk but she was very conscious of the time running away from her. The last thing she wanted was for Josh to arrive at her house while she was out.
As Eden stood in the air conditioned beverage aisle at the store, she tapped her fingers against her chin as she surveyed the tea options. Josh was usually a Yorkshire Tea man but she hadn't seen that brand at their local store before. She knew he could do Tetley which she had seen stocked here somewhere.
Out of the corner of her eye she saw another shopper ambling down the aisle towards her. They suddenly stopped a few feet away before continuing their path straight towards her.
She groaned inwardly, praying that it wasn't someone she knew who wanted to chat. She was in a time pressure situation here.
She felt their shopping cart come a bit closer than necessary to her. Ignoring them, since they hadn't spoken to her, she assumed that she was standing in front of a product they were after and shifted a step to the side.
"You know, I can't seem to understand why Barron's still hung up on you."
Surprised and a bit shocked, Eden turned towards the sound of Lissa's nasally voice.
The other woman glared at her, her still pretty features screwed up with open hostility.
As Eden quietly studied her, she noticed the same look she had seen on her face ever since they had been teenagers - pure, unadulterated hatred and jealousy.
For the first time, the heartbreak and jealousy she had previously experienced whenever she thought or saw Lissa had dulled significantly at the sight of her.
She wouldn't go so far as to say she felt sorry for Lissa, but to be carrying around such contempt for another woman - for no reason considering it should be Eden ramming her cart into Lissa - it was a sad sight to see.
Exhausted by the other woman's immaturity and drama, Eden ignored her; turning back to inspect the box of tea bags in her hand.
Outraged at being dismissed, Lissa let out a snort of derision.
"You think you're so much better than us." She sneered.
Eden sighed, tucking a box of Tetley's under her arm.
"No, I don't. But ask me if you think I'm better than someone who's still caught up in highschool drama then yes, I do think I'm better than them."
It pained her to reduce the anguish of Barron's betrayal as "highschool drama" but she didn't want to give Lissa the satisfaction in knowing just how much her part in Barron's cheating had affected her.
"Please!" Lissa scoffed, rolling her eyes. "You should've seen how devastated you looked after Barron fucked me in his office."
Eden stiffened at her explicit words, breathing slowly in and out through her nose to calm down. "Really? I heard that you threw yourself on him and he turned you down."
She watched Lissa closely for her reaction. Yes, it was a test. While she did believe Barron when he promised that nothing had happened between the two of them that time, a part of her - the part that was still wounded - needed that reassurance that Barron hadn't been lying to her.
A number of emotions crossed Lissa's face. Embarrassment. Shame. Apprehension. Annoyance. Hesitation. Before a shield came down and her features defaulted back to smug bitch.
But that moment of pause, where she had allowed her true feelings to infiltrate for just a second, told Eden all she needed to know.
Barron had been telling the truth.
"Is that what he told you? And you believed him after he cheated on you? What's that saying? Once a cheater, always a cheater."
"Aren't you tired of being a bitter shrew?" She asked. "I feel sorry for you. You're still stuck in the past over shit that doesn't matter anymore. Some of us have moved on."
Lissa gave a harsh laugh, agitation marring her features. "I don't fucking need your pity."
"Well, you have it regardless. It's so sad to see that you haven't moved on." She shook her head in fake sympathy. "It's turned you even more bitter and desperate than you were in highschool."
Outrage washed over Lissa, causing her to rear back; offended at Eden's insinuation.
"I don't still want that asshole!"
"Okay," she replied slowly and condescendingly. "It just doesn't appear that way. I mean, I haven't spoken to you in seven years yet you've cornered me in the grocery store to berate me for something that occurred when we were seventeen."
Lissa flushed in embarrassment, her eyes darting to the side to make sure that no one overheard them.
"I'm sorry that you didn't get what you were after with Barron," the words tasted like ash in her mouth, "but that's not my fault or my problem."
"You think I still want that dickhead?" She screeched. "I can get any man I want. I mean I did get your man after all." Her brow lifted in smug viciousness.
Her words stung more than she liked to admit. But Eden kept her head up, bravely meeting Lissa's calculated stare head on.
She knew the other woman was looking for a more heated response from her. Instead of lowering herself to her level, Eden gave a nonchalant shrug.
"If you say so."
Bored with her antics, Eden went to move past her; keeping her face stoic and her head held high.
"I wouldn't go back with someone who's still clearly hung up on his ex." Lissa called after her, causing Eden to pause.
"Talk about someone still stuck in the past! I caught him still pining after you like a sad little puppy. If you really don't care about him then let him off your leash and tell him to move on!"
Eden's brow came down at that confusing and heated statement but before she could turn to respond her phone sounded.
J: I'm about 10 mins away x
She didn't have time left to dwindle and exchange barbs at a clearly delusional woman. She hurried away down the aisle, leaving Lissa and her puzzling words far behind.
- In Serial20 Chapters
My heart was shattered that day. It was on that day that I realized that life had an end, and that mine was coming. It was on that day that I realized that I was going to die. Leukemia, they told me. It's almost over. I didn't know what to do after that. I thought that maybe it would be best to die right then, get it over with. I thought that I could push myself away from all my friends, all my family, stop them from missing me after I was gone. I thought that I could handle it on my own, that perhaps the world was better off without me. I was wrong. So please help me, I'm dying. Save me, I'm falling. They tell me I won't survive. Please catch me, because if you don't, I'll shatter. I can't grab on anymore, I can't keep fighting. It's going to swallow me up. My name is Alyssa Gray, and by the time you finish reading this, I'll be dead. ________________________________ A few warnings and things to note: -I've put up the tramatising content tag due to a lot of mentions on death, dying, illness, and a mother who tends to be rather cruel. I know that I take a perspective that many will strongly disagree with, and I'm okay with that. Just be warned that this isn't lighthearted stuff. This is real, and death is real, and this part streaches beyond the fiction into reality. -I'm going to say a minor spoiler, but I don't want it to take you unaware because it is something to be aware of. At one point, my MC attempts suicide and fails. It's a very violent scene and I will put up the gore tag after writing this, and it's also just really depressing. If this will be triggering, you need to be aware of this before you read it. -This is a christian book. It may go against some of your beliefs. I hope that you can read and comment anyway even if some of it does not sit well with you. Credits for the cover go to the user 'Media in Sanity'. Your help and assitance has meant so much to me, God bless you in your writing and your endevours. A proud member of WriTE. I've promised to finish this fiction and update it at least once a month. My schedule is very irregular, and I'm working on that, but I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that this book stays out there. I'm not ending it until it's done.
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"Isn't it beautiful?Two people who didn't even Know each other once,Now pray for each other's happiness Even before their own."......."What did you say?" Ayaan growls with his dangerously low voice scaring the shit out of the poor girl whose heart is trembling in fear but also excitement at the thought of annoying her husband."You heard it but still if you want to hear it again then I repeat" she holds her pyjamas up "You are a jerk!! A freaking jerk!!" She yells and quickly takes a u-turn to run for her dear life while holding her pyjamas up so she does not trip and fall as she is laughing out loudly feeling amused and happy after annoying his arrogant yet sweet Husband who is shooting dagger through her soul but he couldn't hide the fact that his heart is smiling looking at his wife who is being all scared yet is a brat.@the_vampgal Thanks for the lovely cover.
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