《My Muse // Life Swap AU // A Kagaminette Story》~🌸 Chapter Seven 🌸~


This is the *actual* chapter seven. Read this one first, and my apologies for the mishap!


Kagami spent a few minutes talking to her parents about the days events, and how art class went, before rushing upstairs to transform. Since she had her miraculous a little earlier in the day, she decided to get an early start on patrolling the city. She was flying around with her whip, scouting out the backstreets and important buildings, when she saw a flash of yellow and black drop down into an alleyway.

"Yo Tikki, got any clue what that was?"

"Maybe it was the third miraculous holder! The black is very typical of the black cat miraculous, I'd recommend checking it out!"

"For real? I guess I better introduce myself, then!"

She peered over the edge of the roof, before jumping down into the shadows. She looked around a bit, spotting a pair of bright golden eyes in the darkness. The owner of said eyes stepped forwards, revealing a shiny leather suit, a tail, and blonde hair.

"Hey! Are you a miraculous holder too? I'm Lady Luck, it's nice to meet you!" She said, stepping forwards and holding out her hand.

"Oh, you guys already have hero names? It's a shame I'll have to hide my truly wonderful self from the world, but I suppose I'll need one aswell." The other replied, striking a dramatic pose. She took LL's hand and shook it when she was done.

"Might I suggest Chatte Noir? It's got a nice ring to it."

"Sounds good, but there's something missing..."

"We can work something out later. Wyvaer's good with names, she'll give you a hand. We should find her so that you two can get to know eachother."


"The other holder. We met yesterday, she's really nice."


They hopped up from the alley, and the cat frowned a bit.

"I'm not exactly fantastic at the jumping yet, but my weapon is no good for getting around. Care to lend a hand?"

"Your weapon?"

"They're these weird clawed brass-knuckle type thingos." She said, pulling them from their holsters on her thighs, and giving them a little twirl to show them off.


"As you can see, they're gorgeous, but I can't go swinging around like Tarzan with these bad boys. Now, about that hand?"

"Yeah, alright, I'll give you a ride. But for this to work, you're going to have to hold on pretty tight."

LL gestured for the cat to come closer, and she wrapped her arms around the bug. The cat giggled a little bit at the other's slight blush, and then they took off.


Marinette spent the whole rest of the day absorbed in her thoughts.

I barely know Kagami, I definitely don't have a crush on her. She might be shy and sweet, but tough and strong, and exactly my type, but there's no way... right?

The ride home was dead silent, as per usual. She was alone in the car, since her mother had some elitist event on tonight that she didn't want Mari to embarrass her at. Lucky for her, there was no training tonight.

Longg flew out of her bag, settling down on her shoulder.

"Y'know, I had this one charge a very long time ago in a situation like yours. She was the daughter of a very powerful man, who found herself in love with the daughter of her father's key advisor. Of course, in that time their relationship was forbidden. The dragon fought hard to protect her love, and eventually the two escaped. The dragon then relinquished her miraculous, knowing she could not protect the valley any longer."

"That's sweet, I guess... But I can't just whisk Kagami away like this other dragon. It's a little more complicated than that these days."

"When did lesbianism get so complicated? What happened to simply desiring a cottage in the wood and a high quality bread oven?"

Marinette laughed at this, feeling calmer than before.

"You're right, Longg, I am making this too complicated. I'm gonna get closer to her, and we'll see where it goes from there!"

The car pulled up at the base of the hotel, and the kwami hid inside her jacket. She grabbed her bag, slinging it over her shoulder as she entered the building. Mother usually made her climb the stairs to their home, but that day, Mari decided she was gonna make use of the elevator. She got out at her floor, greeted by a shrill shriek from behind the first door on the floor. Such an excruciatingly bratty cry could only belong to one Chloe Bourgeois.


'Another temper tantrum, most likely' she thought, brushing it off and moving on to find her door. She made it in, dumped her stuff in her room, and pulled out her phone. Since she was the go-to tour guide, she was usually given every new student's number, Kagami being no exception. She hit her contact, a little disturbed by the lack of profile pic, and called her.


Lady Luck's whip started making this strange beeping noise, similar to a ringtone but somehow way more annoying. She set the cat down, fiddling with the handle on the weapon, before a little screen slid up.

[ something like Chat Noir's baton ]

"Hey, why is Marinette calling you?" The cat spoke up, sounding rather annoyed.

"I'm not sure. Do you know her?"

"Yeah, I know her alright. She acts like she's too good for everyone, and she's got everyone fooled into thinking she's some kind of angel."

LL was taken aback by the outburst, but remembered that Mari knew Kagami, not Lady Luck. She regained composure, and answered the call, giving cat a look that said 'Give me some privacy while I take this.'

"Hey Kagami! What're you up to?"

"Homework. What's up?" She lied with ease, not dwelling on it for too long.

"I was wondering if you'd want to hang out later? I could take you to my favourite café, it's in a less crowded part of town, so we shouldn't have any trouble getting there."

"Sure, I should be free in about half an hour. Send me the address and I'll meet you there!"

"It's a date, then! See you there!"

You could practically hear Marinette's smile through the phone when she said that, and for the first time in awhile, Kagami was genuinely grinning.

"Did you hear that, Tikki? She said it was a date!"

"Yes, I heard all of it! I didn't know you thought of her that, though."

"I don't think I do, I just kinda like the idea of going on a date. It can be as friends, right? Like, where we get closer and spend time together, with the end goal of being closer, but platonically."

"Yeah, I guess. But be prepared, in case she thinks it an actual, romantic, lovey-dovey date thing."

"Marinette wouldn't do anything I'm not comfortable with, I'm sure of it."

"Okidokie. We should probably go get ready!"

"Yeah, gimme a sec and I'll show our new kitty friend back to her area."

She turned around to face her cat companion, moving back to the middle of the roof. The cat smiled when she noticed LL moving towards her, standing up from her perch on the edge of the building.

"I've gotta split, I can help you find Wyvaer tomorrow. Meet me here at 7pm!"

"Sure thing, bug. Care to spot me a ride home?"

"Of course, kitty. Where to?"

"The Grande Paris hotel, of course. Nowhere else can quite contain my fabulous energy."

The giggled, and set off to drop the cat home.


Marinette was freaking out a little, dashing around her room to assemble a nice outfit.

"I can't believe I called it a date, Longg! What if she thinks I meant that in a weird romantic way? I don't want her to think I'm some kind of creep!"

The dragon rolled his eyes, flying in front of her face to halt her frantic movements.

"You called it a date, because that's what it is. Two people getting to know eachother over a nice meal sounds like a date to me. And would it be so bad if she thought it was romantic? Isn't that what you want, eventually?"

"Yeah, eventually! Not TODAY!" She fell face first on her bed, blankets and pillows muffling her distressed squeaking and whining. Longg took it upon himself to assemble what he thought was a cute outfit, throwing in a nice jacket and some sunglasses, just in case.

[ outfit coming soon ]

She sat up, rubbing her eyes clear of any distressed tears. She wordlessly thanked the kwami, and went to the bathroom to get changed. She snuck out of her room, despite her mother not being home for her to avoid. Old habits, I guess. She laughed a little at the idea of her sneaking out; no matter how many time she did it, it was still just as fun.

'I've got a good feeling about this afternoon!'


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