《My Muse // Life Swap AU // A Kagaminette Story》~🌸 Chapter Five 🌸~



"Miraculous? Kwami? What does that even mean??"

"It seems I have a bit of explaining to do. You, Marinette, have been entrusted with the dragon miraculous. This special necklace grants you the power to transform into a fearsome dragon hero, who will protect Parisians from harm. Each miraculous has a special ability associated with it; Your partners' powers are a little more vital than yours, but you'll make a great addition to the team nonetheless."

Marinette was dizzy from taking all this in. 'How could I be a hero? I can barely sneak off to the park to help my friends, how can I ditch mother for long enough to save Paris?!'

"Ok, so normally I'd think this was a joke, and that you're lying to me, but you're literally a magical ball of scales so I think you qualify as an expert on this."

Longg smiled at this. At the very least she was willing to listen and learn, which was better than the reactions of some of his previous charges. She lifted the necklace from it's box, and fastened it around her neck, admiring the slight sparkle it had in the light.

"Do you want to try it out? Transforming, I mean." He queried, hopeful that she'd agree.

"S-sure, why not. I have nothing to lose if you're pulling my leg, I guess."

"Great! To transform, call out 'Longg, let's rumble'. I won't be here physically while you're transformed, however I can see everything you're doing, and communicate with you mentally when it's safe to."

[ yes, I know that's not the phrase in the show. The phrases will be different for every character who holds a different miraculous to the one they have in canon ]

"Uhhh, okay. Let's do this! Longg, let's rumble!"

[ bla bla bla, transformation scene, etcetera etcetera. You know how this goes by now ]

Marinette nearly fell over when she saw herself in the mirror, clad in a black, red, and gold suit. She ran her gloved fingers over her mask, messing around with her hair to get the full view of it. She lifted a newly spiked up pigtail, and spotted the hilt of some kind of sword, protruding from a sheath strapped to her back. 'Ohhhh, so that's what these straps are for!' She drew the blade from behind her, laying it in her hands to inspect it. It was a rapier, similar in build to the ones she used to fence. But this one was special; the detailing was so intricate, it felt like the dragon on the hilt was alive, glaring into your soul. And it was lighter than any sword she'd wielded, but still weighted enough to suit her style. After ogling its polished surface for a minute longer, she put it back in its hold.


She realised she had no idea what to do from that point forwards, so she decided to try and contact Longg.

[ 'abc' are the holder's internal thoughts, "abc" are the holder's worded thoughts, and "abc" are the kwamis ]

"Hey bud, you in there?"

"Yes! I see you were successful in transforming. How does it feel?"

"Strange... but in a comforting way. This thing feels like a second skin to me, like it belongs here, and nobody else would be quite right for it."

She gestured to the suit while talking, turning and inspecting herself more.

"That's spot on, Marinette! It feels like it's a perfect fit for yoou and only you, because it chose you. You are the only one who can wield this miraculous to it's fullest extent!"

"Speaking of wielding the miraculous, what am I supposed to do now? I'm sure the city's just crawling with crime at the ripe old hour of 7:30 pm."

"Why don't you take it for a test run? Go get in some parkour practice. Trust me, you'll need it. Maybe you can learn a little bit about the powers that come with the necklace!"

"Ok! Lets go, time to see Paris from a dragon's eye view!"

She opened up her window, spotted the closest building, and made the leap.


"The what now?"

"The ladybug miraculous! It's a powerful charm of good luck, and very few have the honour of being granted access to it. You, Kagami, have proven yourself to be pure of heart, and an overall do-gooder!"

"Huh. Alright. A talking bug blob just told me I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread. This is fine."

It was not fine.

Of course, Kagami wasn't one to let people know that their opinions of her inconvenienced her. Not often, anyway.

"That's the spirit! Now, I want you to try transforming. It's something you'll need to know how to do if you're going to be a hero of Paris! Put on the earrings, and call out "Tikki, time to change chance!" You'll then go through a sparkly metamorphosis, and emerge in a ladybug-themed costume! I'll be able to speak to you telepathically while your miraculous is active."

"Right. Ok. Um... Tikki, time to change chance?"

[ once again, y'all know what happens ]

The sparkles subsided, leaving a very confused Kagami in a red and black suit. She turned and twisted, taking in her new look. Her hair was pulled back into a short, low ponytail, but her bangs still hung low over her eyes. She lifted them a bit to see her mask, noticing the odd hexagonal detailing that covered the 'fabric'. She then chose to inspect the rope-like stuff that wrapped around her waist. Upon removal, she realised it was some kind of whip. She cautiously gave it a little crack, and in a short flash of light, it extended. Kagami cracked it again, and it shortened back down to its previous length. 'Wicked!'


She thought about contacting Tikki to learn more about her powers, but decided that could wait until trouble actually reared its head. For now, she was gonna explore the city a bit, maybe find a cool hiding place or something.

She jumped up through the trapdoor that lead to the roof, cracked her magical whip, and latched it onto the chimney of a house nearby. And then, she was off!


Marinette was being just a tad too careful when jumping from building to building. She had a 5 minute buffer between each jump, where she soaked in the accomplishment, and stressed at how deadly this stunt is. She was preparing for the next jump, when she heard a loud crack nearby. She turned towards the source to see someone with a whip, who was dressed similarly to her. She shouted a hello, waving at the stranger, who got distracted and promptly crashed into a wall. Mari cringed a bit, before dashing over to help.

"I'm so sorry for that! Are you ok? Do you need any help?" She asked question after question as she yanked up the hero by the arm, dusting them off and checking over them, looking for signs of harm. She grabbed their chin, gently turning their head to face her, and searched for any scratches. Their eyes widened a bit, and they pushed Mari back a bit, fixing their hair as they spoke.

"Who're you?"

"I'm one of your partners! There should be a third one coming soon, didn't your kwami tell you?"


"No, I don't think she said anything about partners. Which miraculous have you been saddled with?"

"The dragon one! I don't know what powers I get, though."

"Nice! Dragons are really cool. I've got the ladybug miraculous, and the power of luck. I'm not sure what that means, though."

"Glad to know we've got lady luck on our side! Now, we should probably find our third partner and introduce ourselves."

"Speaking of introductions, you never gave me a name?"

"Oh! Right, names... Hmmm..." You could practically see the cogs whirring in Marinette's brain as she dug for something cool.

"What about Wyvaer? It's got a cool flair to it." Kagami suggested.

"Oooh, that sounds awesome! Wyvaer it is! Now we need to sort out your hero name."

"I like what you said about Lady Luck earlier, I reckon I'll stick with that."

The two newly named heroes smiled, and set off to find the mystery third wielder. They were mostly silent as they ran, scouring the rooftops for any sign of someone else like them. The sun had finally set, but they continued the search, side by side. Wyvaer was getting bored, and Lady Luck was tiring out. The latter held up her arms and signed for a time out, laying flat on her back where she just stood.

"You ok, bug?"

"Yeah, I'm just a little worn out. I don't think the third is out yet, and if they are, they clearly don't want to be found."

"I agree, whoever it is sure knows how to sneak around. I wonder what it'd be like to play hide and seek with someone like that!"

"You're very childish, y'know. How are you so energetic and happy?"

Wyvaer pondered for a bit, before shrugging and letting off a charming little giggle.

"I think it comes from my dad. I can't be sure, since I've never met him, but there's no way all this-" She struck a pose gesturing to herself "-came from my mother." Lady Luck laughed at the other's antics, feeling a little more rested and relaxed.

"I wish I had a friend like you in my civilian life, you're so sweet! Hell, if I took you home, my parents would never complain about me not making friends again."

"Maybe you should! Bring me home with you, I mean. We could get to know eachother better!"

A beeping noise sounded from Lady Luck's earrings, and Tikki's voice popped up in her head.

"Ok I know you're having fun, but that beeping means you're about to change back! Wyvaer isn't allowed to know your identity, so you need to get home before you detransform!"

"Alright Tikki, I'll get going."

"What's with the beeping?" Wy's head was tilted to the side. 'Cute!' thought LL, before responding.

[ writing out the full names over and over again is getting repetitive, so I'll be shortening them to Wy and LL in some spots ]

"My kwami just told me that I'm a few minutes away from changing back, and you aren't allowed to know who's under the mask. I need to go."

"Aww, leaving so soon? Well, I had a blast! We should do this again some time." Wy smiled, wrapping LL up in a big hug, and waving goodbye before jumping away.

Lady Luck stood there in a stunned silence for a bit. 'Are all of the girls in Paris this nice?'


Yeehaw, part 5! Hope you're all doing swell, ciao~

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