《This Isn't Mongolia》Chapter Twenty Eight


Caleb had had a word with the Barrel Racer he knew and she said that if she rode the horse and won she wanted a third of the winnings, of course Caleb told her it would be fine and she went to get on the horse.

" Caleb, I thought we were partners in this, and you say okay to a third of the winnings which is what Amy said, she was also willing to pay a third of the cost of the horse as a partner".

"Well she knows how to Barrel Race unlike Amy".

Ty stayed quite and Caleb got his stopwatch out. She came out the gate like a rocket and just like Amy said it was to fast to take the first barrel and she fell off Charger.

"Amy warned you Caleb".

"She'll get it".

"Find someone else Caleb, that horse is like a Racing car stuck on full throttle".

She walked away, Caleb just looked wondering what to do.

"I know someone else who may ride her".

"What is your problem with Amy being a partner and riding Charger Caleb, I thought you liked Amy".

"I did till you left and disappeared, then she came round asking what nonsense I'd filled your head with, afterwards she slapped me real hard round the face and walked off".

"Well think yourself lucky Caleb, if Bob had come back alive she'd of probably decked him".

Ty just walked away saying he needed to get back to work.

The following day Caleb turned up at Bragg Creek with Charger, he agreed to let Amy be a partner and work with Charger and Ride her in the Futurity Race so Amy paid Ty and Caleb $1,660 each as her share in the horse.

She spent the rest of the week trying different ways to slow her down as she came out of the gate, nothing worked so resigned herself to having to come out backwards though rather unorthodox from the gate so she couldn't see the Barrels.


Lyndy and Jackson Jnr were thriving, Ty was really enjoying his Job and Amy had loads of work, the Nanny they hired was brilliant allowing Amy to get on with her work and catch up on a backlog of clients. The Horses she acquired with the Ranch were producing some beautiful Foals and helping with her income once they were old enough and trained by the Miracle Girl.

The day of the Furtility Race was here and the family were there Jack, Lisa and Georgie, Lou hadn't been back since she left for New York and sometimes Georgie wondered why Lou had bothered to adopt her, Peter on the other hand always came to see her and she went to his place during holidays, Katie was there as well during the breaks although dates were sometimes different by a week but at least she got to see her dad and sister.

Just before things were about to start Amy's nanny turned up with Lyndy and Jackson Jnr, just behind her Georgie saw Peter, her dad had turned up unknown to her but Jack and Lisa knew and kept it as a surprise for her. She threw her arms around him, she was so pleased to see him.

The first rider came out, there were twenty entered and as more riders came out the times were getting faster. Calebs friend who didn't want to ride Charger had the fastest time so far.

Eventually it was Amy's turn, she was the Last. Ty could see the other girl watching thinking she had the fastest time. They introduced Amy and there was a big roar through the arena as everyone knew who she was, they were all surprised when Amy didn't come rushing out of the gate, instead she was walking Charger out backwards until she got near the timer then swung him round and off she went fast, but not as fast as before.


She went round the first Barrel, then the second and finally the third then Charger took off for home, the audience were amazed at the speed she got up and went past the timer two seconds faster than the fastest time. Ty and Caleb were Jumping up and down like mad men.

Amy Joined them for the official presentation of the Cheque and Trophy

Over the next Ten years they bred Charger, funny name for a Mare but bred with a Barrel Racer Stallion she produced some winning Racers and made the three of them a lot of money.

As did the thoroughbreds Amy had.

Ty and Amy had two more children, a girl and another boy then Ty took over the Clinic as his partner retired due to ill health.

Ty was sat on the Porch with Amy and watching the children play, he thought himself a very Lucky man.

The End.

Hope you enjoyed this new version of what was 'The loss of a soul mate".

I didn't like the original either, and I wrote it, what was I thinking. 😄😄

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